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Working across earth and social sciences, this article reevaluates resilience’s conceptual framework, drawing out alternative pathways for understanding and responding to the dislocations of the Anthropocene. Via a critical reading of the... more
This study reports on the evaluation of four meeting techniques for decision-making by small groups. Two face-to-face and two computer conferencing techniques were evaluated by small groups solving business cases. Particular groups varied... more
Efficient processing of top- k queries is a crucial requirement in many interactive environments that involve massive amounts of data. In particular, efficient top- k processing in domains such as the Web, multimedia search, and... more
Bespace is a synchronous web3D lecture hall and performance system that seeks to tap the educational and entertainment potential of virtual space. Its underlying interactive methodology is focused on the efficient delivery of information... more
Abstract Although there are many archaeological and ethnographic evidences for the use of slate and similar rocks for flaking purpose, they raised little interest among specialists, leading to a general ignorance of specific problems... more
In this paper, a combined use of dimensional analysis (DA) and modern statistical design of experiment (DOE) methodologies is proposed for a hydrodynamics experiment where there are a large number of variables. While DA is well-known, DOE... more
Documental sobre la evolución de las técnicas de fabricación de los útiles más representativos del Paleolítico y para qué se empleaban.
El artículo presenta la experiencia de la asignatura Física Introductoria en la modalidad semipresencial en la PUCMM/RSTA. La implementación del proyecto piloto tuvo varias fases incluyendo desde la preparación de materiales hasta el... more
Within the scope of ANSWER, an EC-supported research project, a new artistic notation system, called DirectorNotation, is being developed for describing media content, much like notes are used to document a music composition. Our current... more
In the context of an aging population, it is important today to take into account the needs of our seniors to help them better live their aging. The design of color and lighting ambiance contributes in the practice of their daily... more
Page 1. Deterministic Algorithms for 3-D Diameter and some 2-D Lower Envelopes * Edgar A. Ramos t Abstract We present a deterministic algorithm for computing the diameter of a set of n points in R3; its run-ning time O(n log n) is... more
En estos últimos años, el concepto de smart city se ha impuesto en los discursos y prácticas urbanas, transformándose en un sello cada vez más anhelado por las me-trópolis de todo el mundo. El denominado smart urbanism surge de la premisa... more
This paper examines the potential integration of Living Labs concepts of open and user driven innovation with Future Internet experimentally driven research approaches, in order to accelerate the user-driven development of Future Internet... more
There is a growing interest in empirical study in software engineering, both for validating mature technologies and for guiding improvements of less-mature technologies. This paper introduces an empirical methodology, based on experiences... more
Is it possible to reduce the expected response time of every request at a web server, simply by changing the order in which we schedule the requests? That is the question we ask in this paper.This paper proposes a method for improving the... more
The question of when and how international orders change remains a pertinent issue of International Relations theory. This article develops the model of pragmatic ordering to conceptualise change. The model of pragmatic ordering... more
Paper accepted for #aagDC American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2019 in Washington DC. To cite this paper: Calzada, I. (2018), Accepted paper ‘Is Barcelona establishing a sustainable paradigm in Europe by grassroots-led... more
Systematic reviews are generally regarded by professionals in the field of evidence-based medicine as the highest level of medical evidence, and they are already standard practice for clinical studies. However, they are not yet widely... more
The contribution presents a multi-agent technology in the domain of the air-traffic control of several autonomous aerial vehicles (manned as well as unmanned). The system has been validated mainly by the collision avoidance (CA) tasks.... more