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This comprehensive article deals with the important field of control systems engineering education. Efforts have been made to present some historical perspectives, major concepts and thoughts on a practical curriculum when this field is... more
Whereas until recently, the topic of infrastructure was practically invisible, studies of the spaces, landscapes, and geographies of infrastructure now abound, and for many critical thinkers, infrastructure has become perhaps the... more
L'ocre peut-elle être un témoin •actif de la recherche préhistorique? Il n'existe aucune définition géologique, physique ou chimique de l'ocre. L'impossibilité de dresser une cartographie des ressources en ocre de la France, applicable à... more
Effective policy mixes are expected to accommodate uncertainties in the future policy context by being flexible and adapt over time in expectation of a range of anticipated and unanticipated conditions. In response to shifts in the future... more
Although researchers are often concerned with the presence of participant demand, few have directly examined effects of demand on participant behavior. Before beginning the present study, a confederate informed participants (N = 100) of... more
This paper considers one theme in the contemporary legacy of Potter and Wetherell's (1987) Discourse and Social Psychology. It overviews the context that led to that book and considers a series of critical responses from both experimental... more
Western archaeology really adopted S.A. Semenov’s use-wear analysis method (Semenov 1964), with the blind-test of M.H. Newcomer and L.H. Keeley in 1977 (Keeley et al. 1977). Today, functional analysis on grinding and abrading stone tools... more
Context: An experiment-driven approach to software product and service development is gaining increasing attention as a way to channel limited resources to the efficient creation of customer value. In this approach, software capabilities... more
The antiAtlas of Borders is an experimentation at the crossroads of research, art and practice. It was launched in 2011 at the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (Aix Marseille University), and has been co-produced by the Higher... more
Working across earth and social sciences, this article reevaluates resilience’s conceptual framework, drawing out alternative pathways for understanding and responding to the dislocations of the Anthropocene. Via a critical reading of the... more
In Southwest Asia, sickle blades first appear early in the sequence of the transition to agriculture. In the past, detailed qualitative research on silica bearing blade stone tools focus on the characterization of use-wear traces such as... more
Political science has long relied on explicit responses in order to understand what and how people think. New research in the cognitive sciences suggests that this reliance on conscious considerations provides but a partial picture of how... more
El presente artículo aborda el cine moderno latinoamericano a partir de la articulación del cortometraje y el documental en tanto agentes fundamentales en el asentamiento de este fenómeno en la región. Para ello hemos escogido tres países... more
Publié dans l'ouvrage "Science et religion", sous la direction de Claude Dargent, Yannick Fer et Raphaël Liogier, CNRS Éditions, 2017.
»Insbesondere die ersten beiden Beiträge (Liggieri, Romanacci) widmen sich im Rahmen ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit Kunst, Forschung und künstlerischer Forschung der Definition von Begriffen, v.a. des Forschungsbegriffs. Sie versuchen die... more