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Nel 2005 nasce l’agenzia europea Frontex, cui è stato affidato il difficile compito di coordinare l’attività di controllo delle frontiere comuni svolta dalle diverse forze di sicurezza nazionali. Frontex rappresenta uno straordinario... more
The European Union Counter-terrorism policies have often been viewed through the prism of the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Yet although macro-strategic decision making is mainly located within the Council’s Secretariat and... more
Regulation (EC) Nr. 343/2003 (the "Dublin II Regulation") aims at distributing asylum applications - and asylum seekers - among the Member States of the EU. Even though it comprises a set of rules aiming at preserving family unity, its... more
In recent months, the migration crisis and the terrorist threat have caused a number of countries of the Schengen area to reintroduce internal border controls. The Union reacted by reforming key aspects of the border regime. On the one... more
Brexit is an unprecedented challenge for EU law. In relation to the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, and as regards cooperation in civil matters, the exit from the UK will mean that it will considered a third State for all... more
The paper examines the impact of the principle of proportionality for the European Arrest Warrant (EAW). The only function of proportionality discussed here is the one concerning the mutual recognition context. The argument is enunciated... more
The development of the EU qua AFSJ has always been characterised by differentiation and since the Lisbon treaty the AFSJ is characterised by two main models of ‘variable geometry’. While the model chosen by the U.K. and Ireland differs... more
The aim of the Dublin system is to prevent positive and (most commonly) negative conflicts of competence regarding the determination of a peculiar prsonal status, by rapidly identifying a single responsible Member State (MS). This... more
"In the past number of years, the EU and its member states have experienced a number of changes, as well as challenges, in the areas of politics, economics, security and law. As these areas are interconnected, changes and challenges to or... more
"Most of the academic research on the developments of EU Justice and Home Affairs tends to overlook the role played by technologies in their relations with classical “human” and institutional actors. This is particularly problematic... more
"On 21 January 2011, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered its judgment in the case of MSS v. Belgium and Greece. This judgment puts into question the practices followed by many national authorities in the... more
This article applies a historical institutionalist perspective to an empirical analysis of the sources and characteristics of the institutionalisation of European Union counter-terrorism. Drawing upon the work of Stone Sweet, Sandholtz... more
This article examines whether the empowerment of the European Union’s (EU) supranational institutions has had an impact on the development of EU asylum. By systematically investigating EU asylum law before and after communitarisation, it... more
This article develops a research framework for the analysis of the politics of migration policy instruments. Policy instruments are seen as living instruments; they evolve and develop similar to moving targets. A scholar interested in... more
Ex-post investigations of major terrorist attacks in Europe have highlighted the contradiction between the seemingly free movement of terrorists across Europe and the lack of Eu-wide intelligence sharing. in response, Eu policymakers have... more
This article proposes an explanation as to why institutional change – understood as more competences for the EU’s supranational institutions – has rarely led to policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ). It draws... more
The comparative chapter takes a closer look at what has changed in the AFSJ and how these changes can be explained. Institutional change – in particular the communitarisation of the AFSJ – has not automatically triggered policy change.... more
The malfunctioning of the Common European Asylum System can be traced back to the principle of responsibility established by the Dublin regime. To attenuate its problems, the EU has delegated regulatory competences to Frontex and the... more
In the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) is affected by multiple asymmetries arising from the need for lexibility in the integration strategy with respect to those matters connected with the hard core of State... more
This article investigates the emergence and transformation of a debate on " welcome culture ". This concept has developed as part of a wider effort by the German government since 2005 to improve perceptions of immigration. In autumn 2015,... more
"This article offers an analysis of the European Union’s (EU) efforts in the fight against terrorist finances. Following the 9=11 attacks, the EU has adopted the relevant United Nations counterterrorism resolutions as well as the special... more
This article aims to provide an assessment of the evolution and contribution since 2001 of the European Union infrastructure and transport protection policies to the European fight against terrorism. Using the avowed goals of the Protect... more
The study assesses firstly the evaluation process of the first generation of asylum instruments while underlining the possibilities to improve it. It analyses secondly the asylum "acquis" regarding distribution of refugees between Member... more
Nel presente contributo, dopo aver esaminato i motivi che hanno indotto l'Unione europea a predisporre una gestione integrata delle frontiere esterne degli Stati, si è proceduto, in primo luogo, ad analizzare le disposizioni previste nei... more
This article examines the formal and informal practices of two champions of opting out, the United Kingdom and Denmark, in the area of Justice and Home Affairs. On the surface, both countries have chosen to avoid further integration... more
La constitution d'un espace sans frontières intérieures constitue l'un des objectifs majeurs de l'Union européenne. La présente contribution a pour objet d'analyser les moyens qui permettent de décloisonner les ordres juridiques nationaux... more
EU-US relations in internal security demonstrated a tendency to be turbulent. As a result, EU-US cooperation has not evolved into a partnership but into an asymmetrical relationship within which the EU has become a 'norm taker' - a... more
This article focuses on the Schengen Information System (SIS II)-the largest data infrastructure supporting police cooperation and border controls in the European Union. Through the SIS II, national authorities exchange information about... more