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This paper was the lead cover story in Tikkun Magazine March/April 2003.
En 1989, à Tournai, la fouille d'un cimetière de la fin du Bas-Empire permit la découverte d'un sarcophage en plomb. La presse commenta largement cette trouvaille exceptionnelle et, assez rapidement, plusieurs publications scientifiques... more
The Culture of Victimhood The Hagar Complex In rejecting Hagar’s tears, biblical consciousness speaks with great power to the epidemic of victimhood that threatens to cripple much of what is great and good in Western society. Hagar is... more
Mitlere dayalı düşünce ve spekülatif düşünce arasında bir süreklilik olup olmadığı, şayet süreklilik değil de radikal denebilecek tarzda bir geçişten söz edecek olursak bu geçişi karakterize edenin ne ya da neler olduğu şeklindeki... more
Although the original legend preceded Lucius Apuleius’ work, the Latin writer and Platonic thinker re-elaborated the Hellenic story of Eros and Psyche in his novel “The Golden Ass”, as a philosophical apologue and a legacy of Classical... more
The Culture of Victimhood The Hagar Complex In rejecting Hagar’s tears, biblical consciousness speaks with great power to the epidemic of victimhood that threatens to cripple much of what is great and good in Western society. Hagar is... more
""Psiche istituisce un confronto ravvicinato tra la psicologia della "Repubblica" di Platone e la psicoanalisi di Freud. Convergenze e divergenze vengono discusse in relazione sia alla concezione platonica dell'emersione onirica dei... more
Masters Thesis, McGill University, History and Theory Program in Architecture, with Alberto Pérez-Gómez as Supervisor. George Hersey (Yale University) as External Reader. A preliminary look at the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice 1499).... more
At Symposium 203d Diotima claims that the daimōn Erös is a clever magician and wizard, who philosophizes throughout his life. It is a startling assertion, as Plato is usually highly critical of magicians, and the puzzle deepens when we... more
Love, conceived of as a metaphysical principle, is explored in the mystical philosophies of Ludwig Klages and Aurobindo Ghose (Sri Aurobindo). This principle appears for Klages as Cosmogonic Eros, a chthonic, pandaemonic ocean of... more
Zeno’s community is one whose members are known to one another and live in close proximity. He regards Eros as a god of friendship and freedom, and also as the provider of concord, arguing in his Republic that ‘Eros is a god who... more
Christian moral theology has long praised the moral excellence of agape and recently has recovered the importance of eros. This paper adds to the conversation, bridging the phenomenological treatment of eros by Jean-Luc Marion with the... more
By analyzing the variant conceptions and elements that are embedded in the concept of aesthetic experience and distinguishing the logics and aims that they display, this paper seeks a greater appreciation of this concept's multiplicity of... more
Bu makalede, Platon diyaloglarından da anlaşılacağı üzere alethiea, psuche itibariyle söz konusu bütünsel bir tecrübe olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu anlamda Platon tarafından belirlenen philosophia sadece bir bilgi değil aynı zamanda bir... more
In an attempt to interpret Plato’s conception of a philosophical ascent, this paper focuses on several interrelated problems that are all connected with Diotima’s speech from Plato’s Symposium. First, the context of this speech is... more
The present essay aims at analysing a work of fantastical prose fiction written by Ioan Petru Culianu in English (yet still unpublished in its original language) through the structures of the imaginary. The interpretation focuses on the... more
In this piece, the author shares data from a qualitative study of Black men elementary school teachers from the Hip-Hop generation. The data is represented as a composite counterstory, a tool used by critical race theory scholars to share... more
The present work aims to illustrate, through a mythocritical approach, how the product of Lucian Blaga’s lyrical mythopoiesis, specifically the moon named “zeul” ("god") in «Cântecul spicelor» («The Song of the Wheat Ears», published... more
Abstract There is not so many scientific research on grave typology and tradition of burial in Paphlagonia region. In addition to this, there is not sufficient data on the history and culture of the region, which can be explained with... more
"""The essay concerns the reconstruction of the repression of desires, with reference to the analysis of their oneiric emersions expounded in the Republic, in comparison with Freud’s conception. Plato’s concept of suppression according to... more
In this paper, Gafni compares Kabbalistic and other wisdom traditions with regard to sex and Eros. He concludes that contrary to classical religion and much of psychology, Hebrew tantra insists that sex is integrally related to love and... more
In the Kabbalah, the words Rosh Hashanah have deeper shades of meaning than the customary translation of “beginning of the year,” or “new year.” Rosh means “beginning,” but shanah derives etymologically from shinui, “change” or... more