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El breve trabajo aborda la caracterización metafísica del pensamiento latinoamericano. Lo señala como definido por la mutua pertenencia de logos y eros, de verdad y bien.
The argument presented here explores homosexuality within the context of applied Christian ethics. The argument works by asking students to grapple with and define the common characteristics of all eros relationships. Once the students... more
Mythos begets nomos. In myth begins the normative universe in which we live. Law emerges to maintain that universe, and to foreclose others. Law polices the normative reality through the official stories that it tells, for these are the... more
The felt sense of whoness is not a me-ness…me is self-fixation and in fact the sense of whoness can free us from objectified self-fixation. The sense of me often replaces the sense of who. When the experiential nonconceptual felt sense of... more
"The Tale of Salāmān and Absāl presented as a translation from Greek, attributed in the text’s opening lines to Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq is saturated with references from a wide-ranging variety of sources with an array of religious, cultural and... more
a hebrew version of an article in festschrift volume in honour of yehuda liebes. "love struck" (مضطرباً مجنوناً) -- traditions of popular love literature and other literary and textual traditions in the qissat salaman wa-absal attributed... more
AbstrAct: In questa nota si presenta uno spunto teorico sul tema della ψυχή. In partico-lare si cerca di realizzare una riproblematizzazione dell'argomento, che ha radici che si per-dono nel tempo. Animus e Anima sono presentati come... more
Draught version. A look at the statue in Renaissance literature, artistry, philosophy, and psychology through the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) as a symbol of the intertwining of the body and architecture, with special reference to the... more
Leitura da filosofia da educação proposta no Fedro de Platão a partir da presença nesse diálogo de uma crítica à escrita e do uso de estratégias didáticas da paideia arcaica tradicional. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, tais elementos – a... more
The appropriation of the term eros by Plato in the Symposium culminates in Socrates'/Diotima's speech. However there is a more specifi c sense of eros, which could be called philosophical eros. On the one hand, philosophical eros is the... more
""Solinas’ Studie untersucht den Einfluss von Platons Anschauungen von Traum, Wunsch und Wahn auf den jungen Freud. Anhand der Untersuchung einiger zeitgenössischer kulturwissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, die bereits in die ersten Ausgabe der... more
The notion of eros as it is developed in Diotima's speech in the Symposium is used to interpret Socrates' discussion of "taking a stand" in the Apology. Eros, as the arena of vulnerability and commitment, is then shown to define the... more
Three texts, an inscribed blue cameo, an iambic trimeter on a silver phylactery, and an inscribed  Eros ring, are offered up in memory of David R. Jordan.
Love and furious love has an important place in ancient Greek philosophy and Christianity. In this article, we will examine the meaning of the terms “agapi” and “furious love” in two characteristic texts of the ancient Greek literature... more
This paper was done for an undergraduate philosophy class at Indiana University Southeast. It focuses on proto-feminist philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft's critique of the eros- which was particularly based on Rousseau's ideas- and how she... more
En Los helechos arborescentes, la Historia de España pasa ante los ojos de Francesillo, un adolescente que vive en Valladolid. En esta ciudad coinciden personajes y hechos históricos de diferentes épocas que, sin embargo, se relacionan... more
Aproximación parcial al tema del amor y la muerte en la poesía de Rubén Darío a través del comentario de dos poemas suyos: «Alaba los ojos negros de Julia» (Prosas profanas, 1896) y «Thanatos» (Cantos de vida y esperanza, 1905).
The nature of the erotic (including the sexual) is subversive but not transgressive. The difference between these two positions is vast. Transgressive means to violate an appropriate value or boundary. Subversive implies the intentional... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN According to the centuries-long analysis of Homer by the idealist philosophers of Greece, the venerable bard’s recondite conclusion in the ‘Iliad’ is that Mankind is the... more
RESUMO Este artigo busca apresenta dois temas religiosos em Platão: a sua noção de deus e a ascese erótica do Simpósio. Em um primeiro momento, o artigo apresenta alguns aspectos da noção de deus em Platão, mais especificamente no Timeu... more
I interpret, defend and partially transform Freud’s notion of “the unconscious” as it is developed in Freud's work, "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality." In Section 1, I focus on the conceptions of childhood and of the body that are... more
This paper seeks to explore the folk aesthetics of the springtime Bihu festival of Assam. The concept of Rasa, a significant part of the classical aesthetics found in Bharatmuni’s Natyashastra, has been outlined and illustrated through... more
It is a widespread belief, today as much as in the day of archaic Greek poetry, that those who are in love are not free, but rather slaves, prisoners of the desire to become conjoined with their beloved. This is the love of Aphrodite,... more
In order to understand the Socrates of Plato’s Dialogues as someone moved by eros one must recognize two dimensions of this character: firstly, that he is a man who has experienced a conversion which has turned him into a lover of the... more
Baudelaire and Mallarmé had an impact on Rosa Chacel, who was an attentive reader and translator of classic and modern French literature. Both writers strengthen Chacel’s preference for traditional genres such as the sonnet, her favourite... more
The Culture of Victimhood The Hagar Complex In rejecting Hagar’s tears, biblical consciousness speaks with great power to the epidemic of victimhood that threatens to cripple much of what is great and good in Western society. Hagar is... more
The international conference "Framing Anacletus II, (Anti)Pope, 1130-1138" will take place April 10-12, 2013, at Sapienza-Università di Roma and John Cabot University in Rome. The conference examines the papal schism of 1130-1138 with... more