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This article argues that Rousseau’s autobiographies outline an account of personal happiness as an Epicurean memorial practice. For Rousseau, happiness is secured by an attitude to pleasure cultivated by practices utilizing the powers of... more
This is a compact updating of Epicurean philosophy.
Epicurus was a Greek philosopher interested in pleasure or pursuit of it more than other ideals. He said, "No pleasure in itself is a bad thing, but the things that produce certain pleasures involve disturbances many times greater than... more
Pre-publication version of lemma "Apikoros" for Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur ed. Dan Diner. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, vol. 1 (2011).
Anàlisi i comentari de: "No hay una vida gozosa sin una sensata, bella y justa, ni tampoco una sensata, bella y justa, sin una gozosa. Todo aquel a quien no le asiste este último estado no vive sensata, bella y justamente, y todo aquél a... more
Interview sur la permaculture et l'écologie par la journaliste Pascale Tournier de La Vie, 2021
En su diálogo titulado De vero bono, Lorenzo Valla cuestiona la admiración de los principios morales paganos por parte de sus contemporáneos. Con este propósito presenta un orador epicúreo que defiende la voluptas en contraposición al... more
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
This present article argues against three comparisons of Epicurean thought and Buddhism: that Epicurean Atomism and the Buddha's teachings of physical reality are similar, that Epicurus' insistence that one should not fear consequence... more
Back Cover with endorsements of the forthcoming collection on Atomism. 508pp. In press, publication date: 12 November 2020
De rerum natura, Lucrèce insiste sur la permanence qui caractérise la summa summarum. Pourtant, il souligne également le changement perpétuel qui affecte toutes choses. Dans la Physique lucrétienne, la nouveauté est étroitement liée à la... more
The article aims to analyze the section of Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura concerning the problem of the color (II, 730-864) from a double perspective : firstly, it will confront the passage with other sources about the Epicurean doctrine of... more
Argues for the correct understanding of two fragments of Epicurean ethics.  Changes text of one fragment (change substantially accepted in Marcovich's 1999 edition).
ART OF LIVING: Pierre Hadot and Michel Foucault promoted the idea that ancient philosophy is essentially an art of living. In particular, this thesis is usually applied to the big philosophical schools deriving from the Hellenistic... more
Les épicuriens et les stoïciens sont connus pour avoir mis l'analyse du désir au coeur de leur éthique, mais également pour l'avoir ancrée dans deux physiques matérialistes différentes. Contrairement à leurs prédécesseurs, ainsi qu'à bon... more
Content: The first article on the notion of slavery in Epicureanism.
Volume of essays in honor of Daniel Devereux.  The volume explores the themes of love, friendship, and wisdom in Plato, Aristotle, and the Epicureans. 391 in the Series Beiträge zur Altertumskunde.
Epicurus declared it all starts with the "pleasure of the stomach", and yet twentieth-century rationalist philosophy found him dis-interested in epicureanism in the small-e sense. Wrong! Epicurus made a diner's sense of the world. This... more
This article examines three sections of the proem to Lucretius' De rerum natura: the so-called hymn to Venus (Lucr. 1.1-43), the praise of Epicurus (1.62-79), and the Iphigenia passage (1.80-101). The article's goal is to show that... more
This paper explores Hobbes's relationship to Lucretius. Building on scholarship dealing with Hobbes's knowledge and use of Lucretius, I show that Hobbes decisively rejected central features of Lucretius' argument in Leviathan. Hobbes's... more
The purpose of our collection of essays is to frame Shakespeare’s representation of human moral choice within the context of intellectual history. The contributors extend the Cambridge method of moderate contextualism from its origins,... more
A new Spanish translation of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura with a preliminary essay, notes, and commentary. Bilingual Edition. Traducción, notas y estudio introductorio: Liliana Pégolo y equipo, Estudio Preliminar: Facundo Bustos Fierro,... more
ABSTRACT In The Gay Science, Nietzsche develops his account of the role philosophy should play in the making of a human life. Nietzsche adopts the common Hellenistic position that the goal of philosophy is eudaimonia or human... more
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
The novel Bonjour tristesse was published in 1954, when its author Françoise Sagan was only 18 years old. The book can be considered a philosophical, Epicurean-leaning novel. The main character, Cécile, and her father Raymond live a dolce... more