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Приказ књиге Данијеле Петковић "Јунак и сиже епске песме", Београд: Институт за књижевност и уметност, 2019.
Kumaravyasa, the 15th century author of the epic, Karnata Bharata Kathamanjari (a retelling of the famed Mahabharata) is generally celebrated as one of the two greatest poets in the millennium-plus long tradition of Kannada literature.... more
La primera traducción del CMC al griego, basada en la edición de Alberto Montaner...
A cargo de Ioannis Kioridis, Stergios Dertsas, Alberto Montaner
Resenha de FRIEDLEIN, Roger; NUNES, Marcos Machado; ZILBERMAN, Regina (orgs.). A epopeia em questão: debates sobre a poesia épica no séc. XIX. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Makunaima, 2019. 316 p.
A pesar de su publicación hace muchos años, recupero para este análisis muy detallado del episodio del <<Poema de mio Cid>>, donde se cuenta la treta del Campeador, quien llena de arena dos arcas que, una vez recubiertas... more
Il breve frammento del testo epico conosciuto col titolo Gormund et Isembart è uno sguardo sul cantiere aperto delle primissime chansons de geste della Francia medievale. Il poema infatti, se non è la più antica canzone di gesta che... more
Paper presented at the Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison (WI), in the panel "Between topoi and the world: reading space in 16th-18th century India," organized by Talia Ariav. 10/13/2018.
The Ifugaos seem to be the only people in the world who have developed peacemaking ideology in a typically aggressive genre of oral literature. The rich literature on epic traditions worldwide portrays a highly male-centered genre of song... more
A new dream begins at the end of the Ancient Nubian Empire ruling over blue and white Nile lands of Kush. Can Taharka, the great builder and conqueror maintain his ancestral traditions, or will he be swept away in the tides of change?... more
This paper is an elementary introduction to the late antique Greek poet Kollouthos and his epyllion 'The Rape of Helen' (Ἁρπαγὴ Ἑλένης), with some fragments in a first Dutch hexameter translation. The article is part of a diptych with a... more
Resonances of Art and Poetry: A post-conflict reflection from a visit to Shusha, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan. Princess Khurshidbanu Natavan (1832-1897) entertained Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) in Baku. Dumas was a close friend of the... more
"Estoy desplegado en el tiempo. Fluyo en él como una criatura sin señales. Su inicio apenas lo vislumbro. Y su final es un vaho que percibo en el aire. Una estela de gemidos, no obstante, me contiene. Pasan las generaciones apoyadas en mi... more
In 'Weapons of Words: Intertextual Competition in Babylonian Poetry' Selena Wisnom offers an in-depth literary study of three poems central to Babylonian culture: Anzû, Enūma eliš, and Erra and Išum. Fundamentally interconnected, each... more
A review essay of Brian Castro, Blindness and Rage: A Phantasmagoria, A Novel in thirty-four cantos (Sydney: Giramondo, 2017), 232pp, $26.95 AU, ISBN 9781925336221.
Գիրքը հեղինակի՝ հայկական վիպական բանահյուսության վերաբերյալ մի շարք ուսումնասիրությունների ամբողջություն է, որը կարող է որոշակիորեն նոր պատկեր ստեղծել նյութի վերաբերյալ։ Քննվում են էպոսների հնագույն՝ առասպելաբանական շերտերը, նրանց հիման... more
Texto bilingüe comentado del canto 5 de Ilíada, con establecimiento del texto griego, traducción y numerosas notas y comentarios sobre el poema. Todo el material está disponible en forma online en Los invito a... more
Ormerod d’Édouard Glissant peut se lire comme une forme de réponse à Omeros de Derek Walcott, relation que nous analysons à travers un motif central aux deux œuvres, celui du voyage aux enfers. L’analyse de la réécriture et de la... more
En el Cantar de mio Cid, principal representante de la épica medieval hispánica, confluyen varias tradiciones. En la presente monografía se analizan las relaciones y la influencia que la épica francesa ejerció en el poema castellano en... more
SUZUKI Akira (鈴木彰), Rikkyō University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University

Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
En este artículo, se realiza un repaso de los constituyentes épicos en "Shadow of the Colossus", videojuego de Play Station 2 desarrollado por Team Ico y publicado en 2005. Se abordan sus constituyentes de producción y recepción según... more
Achilles is a complex hero. His brief, brilliant life is sacrificed to avenge the death of his beloved friend. He is a consummate warrior, yet he is childlike in his rage; and outside the Homeric Iliad we learn that he was dressed as a... more
Questo volume è dedicato al primo libro dell'Iliade, e riunisce insieme tre elementi: il testo dell’Iliade, una traduzione interlineare rigorosamente letterale ed un commentario. Non sono a conoscenza di un altro testo in cui tutti questi... more
The author continues a series of articles on the history of value analysis as implemented in Russian epic studies and analyses the period covering the second half of the 20th century. This time is characterized both by the class approach... more
O gênero épico tinha por objetivo mais nobre a preservação de histórias contadas por gerações e nessas histórias, narradas por versos cantados – elemento antigo para memorização –, preservavam os nomes de heróis, pais fundadores, espaços... more
Comics for a new translation by Gregory Nagy.
Mathioudakis, Ν. & Karasimos, A. (2014). Dialectic and Idiomatic Aspects in "Odyssey" by Nikos Kazantzakis. In G. Kotzoglou, K. Nikolou, E. Karantzola, K. Frantzi, I. Galantomos, M. Georgalidou, V. Kourti-Kazoullis, Ch. Papadopoulou & E.... more
Deliverance is not for me in Renunciation is a famous poem of enlightened poet Rabindranath Tagore with Summary
Introduction of my master's degree thesis, whose purpose is to investigate the possible anatolian origin of the Greek epic poetry represented by the Homeric poems. Inside the Introduction I also offer my vision upon the Homeric question.... more
Edición de Pedro M. Cátedra & Javier Burguillo, con la colaboración de Laura Mier, Salamanca: SEMYR, 2015, 532 págs. Reseñas: [1] Giuseppe Seche, en Archivio Storico Italiano, 174.4 (2016), págs. 803-804. [2] Martín Zulaica, en... more
Poemario existencialista, dedicado al tiempo y a la esencia del mismo visto desde la óptica mundana, empezando por la tesis de su inexistencia, y  su inutilidad con la muerte del hombre. es un poema épico, lúdico, a temporal.
The period known as the Italian Renaissance witnessed a rebirth of Greek learning and, along with it, a renewed impetus to translate the two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer in antiquity. During the course of one... more