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This paper analyses EU and member-state responses to the Belt and Road Initiative and addresses norm contestation in Sino-European discourse regarding the primary institutions of Sovereignty, International Law, and Market Economy. The... more
Burchill, S., ..., True, J. 2005. Theories Of International Relations "Third Edition". Bab 4: "The English School", Andrew Linklater. Bab tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana eksistensi Mazhab Inggris muncul kepermukaan sebagai via media antara... more
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the English School concept of world society and how it helps to illustrate the role of non-state actors and the promotion of cosmopolitan values. Yet, less attention has been paid to... more
The Middle East is commonly perceived as a zone of cultural and political differences within the global international society. Imagining the Middle East as a ‘unique’ region is not a new idea, but relocating this conception within the... more
In 1999 NATO launched an air campaign against Serbia in order to force the withdrawal of Serbian forces and stop the onslaught against Kosovo-Albanians in the Serbian province Kosovo. The United Nations Security Council did not mandate... more
Francisco de Vitoria is regularly included in the genealogy of humani- tarian intervention. He is invoked as both historical precedent and legitimizing author- ity, which raises the question of his trans-historical relevance in... more
This is the table of contents of my forthcoming book, Political Theology of International Order, Oxford University Press, 2020. It investigates presuppositions of international order that originate in medieval theology. The main argument... more
In this final chapter of Part Two, the author addresses arguably the central stumbling block for those who would enlarge international society to incorporate elements of world society, alternative levels of analysis, and subject... more
The Automated School Management Architecture (asmae) strategy is designed to create value by leveraging the Companys much strength. These include its global leadership in the field of Government and Private Sector Schools and Colleges, a... more
El concepto de Sociedad Internacional está asociado a los debates generados en el marco del estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales y a las discusiones teóricas y metodológicas de la disciplina. Fundamentalmente, fueron los... more
The 'English School' of international relation theory, also known as Harold Mackinder, the International Society School or the British institutional which is have a same meaning to maintains relationship as a 'society of states' at the... more
En un periodo de profundos cambios en el sistema internacional, es aún más necesario contar con los marcos de análisis e interpretación adecuados para la comprensión correcta de su alcance y significado. Esta obra pretende ofrecer una... more
Recent scholarship on John Stuart Mill has illuminated his arguments about the normative legitimacy of imperial rule. However, it has tended to ignore or downplay his extensive writings on settler colonialism: the attempt to create... more
The Catholic Church is the oldest and largest trans-governmental organization in the world and particular Pope Francis’ reign reveal some interesting puzzles for International Relations. Nevertheless, in social sciences it remains an... more
Humanitarian intervention has been defined as a state’s use of “military force against another state to prevent or stop a gross violation of human rights in a state, where such state is whether incapable or unenthusiastic to ptotect its... more
The Amarna diplomacy (ca. 1365-1330 BCE) has been of interest for specialists ever since the discovery of the Amarna letter collection in the late 19 th century. While it can be considered as one of the great archaeological discoveries of... more
Targeted killing by drones is a systemic driven instrumental practice that overrides societal non-instrumental practices that are essential for international society. Doing so, targeted killing by drones is not simply another form of... more
To a great extent, ancient Near Eastern international relations operated within covenantal frameworks. In light of renewed interest in world history and the Near East in the discipline of International Relations, this article provides a... more
Uncorrected Page Proofs; introduction to 'Medieval Foundations of International Relations', William Bain, ed., (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017)
UNESCO's ‘Memory of the World’ Programme promotes the preservation, universal access and public awareness of the world's significant documents as the common heritage of all humankind. The inscription of the ‘Documents of Nanjing Massacre’... more
This paper looks at institutional patterns of hierarchical arrangements between suzerain kings and vassal kings in the diplomacy of the ancient Near East (ANE). The focus falls on the 2nd and (to a lesser extent) the 1st millennia BC,... more
Uluslararası ilişkiler disiplinin altında özerk bir teori olması ve temsilcilerinin düşüncelerini anlatması bakımından İngiliz okulu teorisi hakkında kısa bilgiler içermektedir. Bu çalışma, Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Metinler dersi... more
Iran’s foreign policy is consistent and is fundamentally realist with a revolutionist vision while the means are rationalist is the central argument of this dissertation. I make use of the English Schools three traditions of realism,... more
This paper will assess, investigate and explore the idea of the alleged relevance of realist thinking in International Relations theory vindicated by the notion of “timeless wisdom to Realism’. Examination of some core theoretical... more
The aim of this thesis is to analyse current American foreign policy through International Relations Theory. The idea is to develop a theoretical and practical foundation that offers suggested ways in which the United States of America... more
After dismissing the Sino-Russian partnership for the past decade, scholars now scramble to assess its significance, particularly with US foreign policy in disarray under the Trump administration. I examine how China and Russia manage... more
Ever since the end of the Cold War, regionalism is on the rise. However, the regional organizations formed in various parts of the world look markedly different. Existing Comparative Regionalism literature largely neglects the way in... more
Critical theory is a school of thought connected with the Institute for Social Research called the Frankfurt school (Institute fur Sozialforschung). The Institute was founded in Frankfurt, Germany in the year 1923, as the first Marxist... more
Aula-resumo sobre os principais autores, conceitos, características e limites da Escola Inglesa, Marxismo e construtivismo. Ministrada a alunos do curso de Relações Internacionais do Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte como parte do... more
A key debate within the English School centres on the concepts of pluralism and solidarism. Pluralism describes international societies with a relatively low degree of shared norms, rules, and institutions. Solidarism describes... more
I examine transformations of “world orders,” of the basic norms governing relations between powers and between powers and peoples. I present three historical transformations of the world order: First, the transformation at the end of... more
The paper discusses Hugo Grotius’ international political thoughts and their influence on the formation of constructivist thinking in international relations from the perspective of modern constructivism. In relation to Grotius’ thought... more
The Amarna diplomacy (ca. 1365-1330 BCE) has been of interest for specialists ever since the discovery of the Amarna letter collection in the late 19 th century. While it can be considered as one of the great archaeological discoveries of... more
Russian Federation has been recognized with the strategy called as “Putin Doctrine” at the beginning of the 21st century. Accordingly, the West is no longer a reliable partner of Russia. The sovereignty of the post-Soviet countries is... more
Since its publication three decades ago, Hedley Bull and Adam Watson’s The Expansion of International Society has served as the main point of departure for historically informed discussion of how today’s states system emerged and then... more