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The 2015 publication of Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman (2015) raised questions and concerns when it was read in the context of the author’s first novel, To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), a text with strong, direct statements related to civil... more
Türkçe kaynak sorununa çözüm olabilmesi için yapmış olduğum çalışmalar sonunda ilk meyvesini verdi. Her kısmı özelleştirilebilir olan Atom Editörünü kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim. Kitabımda her açıdan incelediğim Atom Editörü konusunda... more
¿Qué es la carta del editor o la carta editorial o editorial de una revista científica o académica? Es la presentación de la revista, es la bienvenida del editor al lector, es una invitación a entrar en el pequeño y nuevo territorio... more
Prostate cancer presents a global public health dilemma. While screening with prostate specific antigen (PSA) has led to more men diagnosed with prostate cancer than in previous years, the potential for negative effects from... more
Throughout the ages, the editor’s primary role has been to connect writers with readers by deciding what to publish. In modern scholarship, this is known as gatekeeping. The stories an editor allows through the metaphorical “gate” can... more
En el año 1997 la editorial IVREA publicó por primera vez el manga Ranma ½, estableciendo el primer manga de edición argentina. Esto, acompañado al bum del anime en varios canales televisivos volvió al nuevo género un éxito editorial que... more
Accès libre sur le site de la revue / Open access on the journal's website. In this paper, we study the reception of Marvel comic books in France according to the letters to the editor published by éditions Lug between 1969 and 1989 in... more
Prostate cancer presents a global public health dilemma. While screening with prostate specific antigen (PSA) has led to more men diagnosed with prostate cancer than in previous years, the potential for negative effects from... more
O objetivo deste texto é investigar o processo de transição de Frei Benevenuto de Santa Cruz, de editor dominicano a editor leigo da Livraria e Editora Duas Cidades, e os planos editoriais que ele criou e dirigiu nesse período. José... more
Este trabalho possui um caráter exploratório e busca compreender o papel do editor no processo de edição da versão específica dos livros didáticos destinada ao professor, conhecida como Manual do Professor. Neste sentido, os seus... more
O Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (SPHAN) foi o um dos primeiros órgãos a estabelecer uma narrativa oficial sobre o patrimônio cultural no Brasil. Criado em 1937, teve como primeiro diretor... more
Sucinta semblanza y temprana valoración de la vida y la obra de Gregorio Weinberg sobre su quehacer ligado a un vasto proyecto cultural para sentar las bases de un nuevo humanismo incluyente, que tiene en el libro su símbolo más alto. En... more
Książka została napisana w 1988 roku dla ambitnych posiadaczy mikrokomputerów domowych typu Atari. Te małe 8-bitowe komputery przez większość właścicieli wykorzystywane były głównie do gier, ale byli też tacy, którzy próbowali je... more
Editorial Dear Readers, We wish to announce the publication of Volume 5, Issue 2, November 2021. In this issue, papers are included from interdisciplinary areas such as economics, education, science, psychology, and political science. It... more
Methods were developed to allow quality assessment of academic research in linguistics in allsub-disciplines. Data were obtained from samples of respondents from Flanders, the Netherlands,as well as a world-wide sample, evaluated... more
Caring about Places: Cadence Measurement, i t may be argued, is a surrogate for intimacy. We measure things that we do n o t k n o w , that are n o t a part of o u r being. Measure gives structure to o u r observations, makes i t possible... more
Editorial introduction to an issue on the currencies of hospitality. Hospitality is usually considered a philosophical concept, an ethical concern with juridical implications, a sociopolitical practice… or an industry. This volume... more
Bir şeyler yazmak büyük bir bahtiyarlık; ama yayımlatabilmek? Bunun yarattığı duygunun tarifi yok. Ama ya yazdıklarınızı "hâzık" bir editör elden geçirmediyse?! Vay halinize...
Próspero Calderón (1862-1934) será el primer costarricense que se dedique a la profesión de editor; asimismo, será fotógrafo, docente, diseñador y precursor de las Artes gráficas en el país. Bajo sus ideales de promoción de la cultura se... more
Producing a book or article with co-authors is not an easy task. There are six potential issues one might consider before deciding to co-author a book or article. First, do you really want to be a co-author? Second, how many co-authors... more
Despite the wide recognition of the importance of research in the academic community, the existing hospitality and tourism literature contains no published articles on the academic leadership of editors, associate editors, and editorial... more
EDITORIAL É com grande alegria que apresentamos a segunda edição da Revista Linguagens nas Artes da Escola Guignard-UEMG. Estamos felizes, pois prosseguimos o nosso trabalho editorial vinculando o periódico em nova plataforma do OJS (Open... more
Resumo Quem são os editores mineiros? Quem produz livros em Minas Gerais? Por uma memória do ofício do editor, surgiu a ideia de fazer um documentário sobre a temática e, assim, analisar em uma perspectiva discursiva e autobiográfica os... more
As Editor-in-Chief at The Freelance Netizen™ online magazine, I edit, peer-review and supervise peer review services for all article and editorial submissions. The Freelance Netizen™ explores the interdisciplinary connections between... more
Peer review is the bedrock of modern academic research and its lasting contributions to science and society. And yet, reviewers can submit "poor" peer review reports, authors can blatantly ignore referee advice, and editors can contravene... more
Ontologies are the primary knowledge representation tool in the Semantic Web and are mainly used in defining common vocabularies, used in the exchange of information among Semantic Web applications. In the process of encoding ontologies,... more