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Romanian constitution-making since 1989 has been of an uneven and recently evermore conflictive kind. In the 1990s, no significant changes to the 1991 Constitution were made, and the role of the Romanian Constitution could be said to be... more
The first volume analyzing the 2009 elections for the European Parliament in Romania. The volume includes chapters by Cristina Stănuș, Florin Feșnic, Adrian Sebastian Popa and Paul Thomas Weith, Paul E.Sum, and the three editors.
Romanian constitutional democracy is once again experiencing a period of great turmoil. In the early 2000s, Romanian democracy seemed to get closer to the idea of a Rechtsstaat and the rule of law, and what in general could be called a... more
Rezumat: O bună parte a confruntărilor care definesc epoca modernă pornesc de la principiul conform căruia ființa umană are, prin însăși natura ei, vocația libertății. Oricât ar fi de seducătoare această formulare, ea nu este acceptabilă... more
The volume analyzes topics related to political participation among Romanian teenagers, using survey data collected from more than 5800 high-school students. It includes studies by Gabriel Bădescu, Mircea Comșa, Andrei Gheorghiță,... more
Capitolul analizează justificările sprijinului public pentru cultură și arte in Romania postcomunista, pornind de la câteva asumpții de bază: că politica culturală este inseparabilă de valori și că ideile și ideologiile contează, la fel... more
The question of foreign oppression and its nefarious effects on subdued cultures is usually discussed by postcolonial critics belonging to the dominating West or the formerly colonized Third World. I am troubled by my situation as a... more
This study explores the literary-cultural relation of Eastern Europe – particularly its communist legacy and post-communist trajectory – to postcolonial studies, interrogating the extent to which postcolonialism can function as an... more
"Le tracé de la frontière qui sépare actuellement Roumanie et Ukraine remonte à la décision par les soviétiques d’annexer en 1940 Bucovine du Nord et Bessarabie. Aux lendemains de l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique les dirigeants... more
After three decades since the 1989 revolution, is postcommunism still a relevant concept for understanding Romania's profound transformations after the fall of Ceaușescu's national-communist regime? For a number of reasons detailed in the... more
This volume analyzes the 2009 presidential elections in Romania. The volume includes chapters by Traian Rotariu, Florin Feșnic, Oana Armeanu, Bogdan Voicu, Cristina Stănuș, and the editors.
Welcome to the ninth issue of EU-27 Watch. Due to the new treaty provisions of the Lisbon Treaty and the economic crises the enlarged EU of 27 member states is on the search for a new modus operandi while also continuing membership talks... more
In this paper I problematise some influences on Romanian journalism in the interwar period, in the light of Anglo-Saxon normative models that have become common points of reference in the post-communist period. Thus, I discuss about... more
Volumul de față explorează atât problematici actuale ale politicii culturale și artelor cât și precedentele lor istorice, propunând o abordare comparativă multidisciplinară și trans-națională, care articulează nivelurile local, național... more
The chapter on Romania in a volume of Eastern European politics, on contract with Cambridge University Press.
N. Steinhardt (1912-1989) was a literary critic and writer who is now best remembered as the author of Jurnalul fericirii (The Diary of Happiness). First published in 1991, it may be considered as one of the most original and uplifting... more
The article provides a critical look at some of the recent academic literature (in English) on the New Romanian Cinema (NRC). It mainly engages with three texts: a book-length appreciative introduction (by Monica Filimon) to the work of... more
This paper is dealing with the basic concepts of Romanian geopolitics.  The paper was written in cooperation with Nagy Egon and Antal Kristóf.
During the first two decades following the collapse of the communist regime, Romania has reckoned with the human rights infringements perpetrated from 1945 to 1989 with the help of a range of official and unofficial, judiciary and... more
The purpose of this article is to challenge Ştefan Zeletin’s classical sociological thesis (regarding the economic and politic extinction of the great Wallachian boyar-class) which is not historically sustainable neither on economic, nor... more
Reflecting on European colonialism in 1950 - at a time when discussions about what we now know as the European Union emerged in western Europe, Aimé Césaire wrote, . . . Europe is morally, spiritually indefensible. This idea is fairly... more
The present study is an analysis of the political regrouping of the former Romanian communist elite during the 1989 Revolution. The purpose of the research is to show that, although the revolutionary events appeared to be a break-up of... more
The local contours of populism have significantly shifted in the last two decades, and recent evolutions point to a pervasive presence of populist rhetoric in both media and cross-spectrum political contexts. While various populist... more
La novela representa una sutil reflexión sobre la liberación de los tabúes del cuerpo femenino, y de todo el proceso con el cual una mujer intenta superar su trauma a través de la escritura.
The 30th anniversary of the 1989 Romanian Revolution was an occasion for a study trip with students and colleagues from the University of Jena to Romania in September 2019. What impressed us most was a visit to the Institute of the... more
Full Table of Contents & Abstract: The collected volume presents an overview of the most significant dialogues between Romanian literature and European as well as... more
The idea of compiling this dictionary sprang from the team’s shared conviction that it would be a great gain to explore the possibility of extending the terminology developed by Postcolonial Studies to the area of Postcommunist Studies,... more
This article analyses Romania’s foreign policy during the transition from communism to democracy, between 1990 and 1996, through the lens of its relations with Hungary. These were conditioned by the historical background, antagonistic... more