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Initiatives to change or sidestep presidential term limits are often presented as a response to popular demand, yet tend to be deeply polarizing and may even lead to violence. Opinion on the legality of changing term limits tends to be... more
This paper uses secondary and primary data to examine up to which point the electoral success obtained by VOX during 2018-19 might have been due to unfavorable immigration attitudes. Results suggest that indeed, VOX voters hold more... more
Survey data collected from multiethnic samples of geographically dispersed college students and a national probability sample of US adults were utilized to examine the correlates of support for multiculturalism and assimilation—two... more
Esta investigación cuestiona el saber convencional de la disciplina acerca de las causas del voto y de la abstención en varios aspectos cruciales. El estudio demuestra que el consenso acerca de la supuesta irrelevancia de las variables... more
... Additional Information. How to Cite. LEWIS, GB, ROGERS, MA and SHERRILL, K. (2011), Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Voters in the 2000 US Presidential Election. Politics & Policy, 39: 655–677. doi:... more
Article aimed to analyses about construction of voting behavior in Indonesia election implementation. It urge and significant to elaborate and scrutinize political preferential which became base foundation to elect and submit their vote.... more
Right-wing populism has been gaining traction over the past two decades. Once relatively minor players in democratic politics, populist parties today mobilize millions of voters and garner unprecedented electoral support with their... more
Este artículo reexamina la idea de Lijphart (1997) de que el voto obligatorio sea un instrumento efectivo para reducir la desigualdad del ingreso con un diseño de investigación cuasi experimental basado en la técnica de matching. Los... more
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa que buscou verificar se o afastamento dos jovens do processo eleitoral, no contexto do voto, configura a despolitização dessa nova geração ou uma nova forma de... more
How does the number of candidates competing in an election aect voting behavior? In theory, as the number of candidates running for oce increase, citizens' utility from voting also increases. With more candidates, voters are more likely... more
Français Le refus des élections politiques est devenu avec le temps un principe fondamental du mouvement anarchiste, au point de constituer aujourd’hui un élément important de son identité. C’est le cas à la Fédération anarchiste, où... more
Various academic authors have analyzed the implementation and the impact of the permanent campaign strategy by political executives in presidential and parliamentary systems, notably the United States and United Kingdom. This article... more
High school students participated in a field experiment that tested the effects of exposure to early election returns in a nonpartisan referendum. On a pretest of attitudes, students stated their preferences on the issue of the school's... more
The goal of this article is to identify the factors that led the voters of Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) in 2008 to abandon electorally this political party in the 2011 general elections and opt for other alternative. In 2011,... more
Jorge Muñoz se convirtió en alcalde de Lima de manera inesperada en las elecciones subnacionales de octubre de 2018. Asimismo, su partido, Acción Popular, obtuvo 14 alcaldías distritales. El objetivo de este artículo es describir los... more
The paper focuses on party preferences of Turkish voters within the spatial model of voting that proved to be a successful explanatory framework in various other countries. The analysis is based on spatial theory of electoral competition... more
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
The purpose of this research is to highlight the relationship between the Digital Age (1950-) and Black identity, and how they play a role in African American political participation in the United States. For the purpose of this study,... more
Condorcet’s jury theorem provides a theoretical foundation for why we should put our faith in the decisions of collectives. However, it assumes that individuals vote truthfully regardless of whether they are voting in isolation or in a... more
This study investigates the application of consumer behaviour theory to young Australian adults’ voting decision-making. Previous decision-making studies identified constructs of subjective knowledge, involvement, information seeking,... more
The 2018 Fiji elections were finally concluded with the official results announced on November 18. FijiFirst will form Government with 27 seats in the 51-seat parliament, and the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) and the National... more
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.02 «Конституційне право; муніципальне право». – Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Міністерство освіти і науки України,... more
In explaining the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum in the United Kingdom, can theories emphasizing the importance of economic factors be reconciled with the fact that many people appeared to vote against their economic self-interest?... more
Les investisseurs institutionnels détiennent la majorité des actifs financiers dans les économies industrialisées, ce qui leur confère un rôle essentiel dans les sociétés cotées en bourse, pour les individus, pour l’environnement et pour... more
Ce cours se propose d’analyser les principaux enjeux de l'entrée en démocratie, une question ici mise en relation constante avec la forme de l'Etat et les dynamiques sociales qui traversent chaque société. Approches théoriques, critères... more
“An Insider's View of the Last Campaign” is presented as a personal narrative in order to provide a closer, "insider’s," view of how one of America's most powerful local political clubs - The Madison Club of Brooklyn fell apart. The... more
The first volume analyzing the 2009 elections for the European Parliament in Romania. The volume includes chapters by Cristina Stănuș, Florin Feșnic, Adrian Sebastian Popa and Paul Thomas Weith, Paul E.Sum, and the three editors.
The article provides an assessment of the most recent literature on political leadership by focusing on its effects on voters’ cognition and behavior, in the light of the ongoing personalization of politics. The changing role of political... more
¿Qué efectos recíprocos produce la interdependencia asimétrica entre China y dos pequeños Estados latinoamericanos, Ecuador y Costa Rica, en el periodo 2001-2015? Para contestar la pregunta central y las preguntas subsidiarias del libro,... more
This is the pre-print working paper version, see the full printed version: The protests that began in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv on 21 Novem- ber 2013 and became... more
Sinopsis: Los sistemas económicos en sus diferentes escalas: regional, nacional y mundial son ejemplos paradigmáticos de sistemas complejos. El conjunto de interacciones, con frecuencia no lineales, que se establecen entre los diferentes... more