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This presentation examines the relationship between adventure sports, masculinity, and nature. My research focuses on how cultural assumptions of masculinity pertain to how male adventure athletes’ nature relationship is represented in... more
Print version of PhD Thesis. This practice-based project investigates modalities of performing eco-aesthetic assemblages across the modern nature―culture divide. Assemblages are here understood as non-hierarchical associations between... more
Brenda Hillman’s 2018 collection, ​Extra Hidden Life Among the Days​, is rich with many lives—bacterial, human, arboreal, fungal. A multi-media, mycelial entanglement of elegies, personal photographs, and journal meditations, Hillman’s... more
Review of Sheherazade’s Daughters: The Power of Storytelling in Ecofeminist Change by Barbara Bennett; Peter Lang (publisher), 2012.
This essay examines the visual and written cultures of grizzly eradication and settler violence in U.S. California. In addition to unpacking the ways that settlers transformed the California Grizzly into a gendered symbol of imperial... more
      The interview was mainly conducted at Tallinn University in January 2019, when Stacy Alaimo visited the Graduate Winter School “The Humanities and Posthumanities: New Ways of Being Human” and gave a plenary lecture titled... more
Call for Papers: American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, April 8-11 2021
Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2020
Angela Carter (1940-1992) and Lorna Crozier (1948) are two examples of contemporary writers who dedicate part of their work to problematizing historically established constructs that undermine the agency of both nature and women. Carter’s... more
A new volume of collected essays from UNM Press. My essay "Knocking Our Heads to Pieces against the Night: Going Cosmic with Robinson Jeffers" appears within.
This paper is a study of the Indigenous literatures of Australia and Canada. As Indigenous writings reflect the symbiosis of nature and culture, an important aspect of Indigenous people is that they try to return to nature to receive... more
How do cinematic portrayals of the weather reflect and affect our experience of the world? While weatherly predictability and surprise can impact our daily experience, the history of cinema attests to the stylistic and narrative... more
In an era when many businesses have come under scrutiny for their environmental impact, the film industry has for the most part escaped criticism and regulation. Its practices are more diffuse; its final product, less tangible; and... more
Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art Routledge, 2020 Editors: Lisa Blackmore and Liliana Gómez With contributions from Lisa Blackmore, Liliana Gómez, Adriana Johnson, Rory O’Bryen, Gina McDaniel Tarver, Giuliana Borea &... more
Mother earth tied to the train tracks: The scriptive implications of melodrama in climate change discourse abSTracT This article examines the way climate change narratives have mobilized melodramatic frameworks, by examining An... more
The chapter focuses on the ways in which Hollywood films have represented the material and emotional dimensions of nuclear risk and on how these representations engage viewers. James Bridges’s The China Syndrome and Mike Nichols’s... more
Yuk King Tan’s video Limits of Visibility (2012) transports the viewer to the bay of Hong Kong and the cargo area where a tonnage of paper (the perpetual waste, even in the digital age) is compacted into modular cubes, stacked and waiting... more
ISBN : 978-953-188-489-1; Durieux, Zagreb 2020.
Zbornik Ekofeminizam: između zelenih i ženskih studija pod uredništvom Gorana Đurđevića i Suzane Marjanić sastoji se od 40 tekstova iz područja humanističkih i društvenih znanosti
Ecopoetry is a type of poetry that uses a powerful ecological stress or message. If we examine ecopoetry included in ecocriticism subject, we can see the difference between nature poetry and ecological poetry in many ways when we consider... more
Historians have noted that male bureaucrats and natural resource experts tended to dominate early twentieth-century national and hemispheric conservationist movements in Latin America, but a constellation of female activists, notably... more
This book examines literary representations of human and non-human animality in British Romanticism, a period in which scientific, political, and industrial revolutions radically transformed the status of the human and redefined the... more
In this paper, I posit a theoretical intersection that may seem counterintuitive on the surface, but through my analysis and interrogations, I hope to illuminate how each school of theory seems made to fit into the other. I will disclose... more
Con lenguaje claro e ilustraciones evocadoras, este libro nos ofrece las claves de un pensamiento contemporáneo emergente. ¿Qué es el ecofeminismo? ¿Cómo ha surgido y evolucionado? ¿Qué nos dice con respecto a nuestros cuerpos y nuestra... more
Hispanic Ecocriticism finds a rich soil in the main topics of environmental concern in the literature of Latin America and Spain, not only as a source for renewing critical analysis and hermeneutics, but also for the benefit of global... more
In her novel Through the Arc of the Rainforest (1990) Karen Tei Yamashita deploys magical realist narrative technique to offer a globally-embracing ecocritical criticism that unfolds global connectivity of peoples, places, and their... more
This paper sheds light on a squat biography of Virginia Woolf the indefatigable ecofeminist introduces the core subject. Woolf influenced by the green fuse and ecofeminism perception. Her novels are not only providing us great pleasure in... more
Global capitalism and its ongoing demand for ever more oil render life in the Niger Delta precarious. Exploitative conditions and ecological devastation are repeatedly resisted by activists in the Niger Delta, as well as by writers of... more
Bessie Head's first novel, When Rain Clouds Gather, is perhaps one of her most ethico-political narratives to examine the introduction of modern capitalism and patriarchal science against the haunting spectral of traditional tribal... more
Monografia w języku polskim, która ukazała się w Wydawnictwie Naukowym "Śląsk" w 2016 roku. Spis treści: Wstęp do ekokrytyki 17 Zagadnienia i problemy badawcze ekokrytyki 19 Przegląd polskich stanowisk wobec problematyki ekologicznej... more
Ecofeminism - at its simplest - is the combination of ecological and feminist principles with a strong grounding in social movements. As in the case of most philosophical paradigms and socio-political agendas, it has also been the subject... more
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
نظرية ادبي بوم‌نقد بر مطالعة (بينارشته‌اي) ادبيات و ‌زيست‌بوم در ارتباط با يكديگر تأكيد دارد. اين مقاله درآمدي است بر پيشينه، فرايند پيدايش و شكل‌گيري، مباني و روش‌شناسي بوم‌نقد. در آغاز، پس از بیان پيشينه‌اي كوتاه، روند و علل ظهور اين... more
This paper investigates the extent to which Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh, and Indian literature as a whole, addresses the challenge of ecocriticism’s attempt to preserve India’s dying ecological crisis. The novel nostalgically discusses... more
A Sensory and Eco-feminist perspective on Nature Therapy Through ecofeminism this thesis seeks to evoke both the body, and nature, in new relationships with both - through shift in perceptions and thinking. The material world, and the... more