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Prayers from the Ancient Celtic Church is a collection of prayers from the time of Patrick (d. ca. 460-493) to the Synod of Whitby (664), and also from the Celtic Christian tradition that remained after Whitby. A few of the prayers in... more
The Celtic cemetery of Szob is a key site dating to the Iron Age La Tène period in the Carpathian Basin. The site was investigated shortly before World War II and the results published in a preliminary report in 1944. Szob gained... more
Die Kelten – sie sind edle Barbaren und mutige Krieger, zugleich aber auch Trunkenbolde, Frauenschänder und Menschenfresser. So wird es zumindest in antiken Geschichtsbüchern und Erdbeschreibungen dargestellt und auf einer Reihe... more
In 1314, the Battle of Bannockburn gave Scotland its independence. On 6 April 1320, the Scottish ruler, Robert Bruce, and fifty signatories sent a declaration of independence to Pope John XXII. This is the Declaration of Arbroath, written... more
Throughout history, the Druids have always been seen as sorcerers who had a strong bond with nature. Ancestral knowledge holders within Celtic society, directed all religious activity as the highest authority linked to the gods, practiced... more
The case for female Druids; evidence from ancient and modern times.
The subject of this study is a stater found in Masłów (Lower Silesia) in 1704: the oldest documented find of a Celtic coin from the area of the present-day Poland. The coin, which has been regarded as missing until recently, was... more
Abstract: This article explores the battle scene on a small bronze plaque recovered during the excavation of the Great Altar of Pergamon, initially published in 1913 and subsequently lost. It argues that the most likely identification of... more
This article attempts to provide a realistic, securely contextualised estimate regarding the formation and extent of Posidonius of Apamea's (c. 135-51 BCE) contribution to the Greco-Roman tradition of ethnographic writing about the... more
For know the controversial history of the Druids in the Celtic world, will investigate the sources of its origin, through stories of classic texts and medieval legends of Gaul, Britain and Ireland. His role in Celtic society surpassed the... more
Im Oppidum von Manching wurden bislang mehr als 1.000 Glasartefakte gefunden, die einst zur Tracht keltischer Frauen gehörten. Für die Glasarmringe konnte Rupert Gebhard eine detaillierte Typologie erstellen. Die Perlen und größeren... more
The subject of the present analysis are bronze rings (bracelets/armlets?) decorated with a cord ornament, known in archaeological literature as type Șimleul Silvaniei and Rustoiu 3. The paper starts out with an overview of past research... more
This paper analyses how the ‘Celtic’ cavalry practice known as trimarkisia gives us insight into the evolution from chariotry to cavalry in Iron Age temperate Europe. A close look at the etymology and symbolism of the word trimarkisia... more
In recent years the number of archaeological finds associated with the Celtic presence in the area north of the Carpathians and the Sudety has grown perceptibly. This evidence is helping to validate the claim that the role played by the... more
On the occasion of the Pan-European corridor IV railway modernization, in October–December 2014 the Dacian and Roman Civilization Museum in Deva carried out several rescue excavations on the middle course of the Mureş River. This paper... more
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes). Odysseus' wanderings after his... more
Au cours des années 170 et 169, la Rome républicaine a recouru par deux fois à l’envoi d’une identique triade de cadeaux diplomatiques envers des princes celtes : la première fut expédiée à l’attention du roitelet gaulois Cincibilos,... more
Der Artikel gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die Sonderausstellung »Die Bilderwelt der Kelten«, die vom 5. Juli 2018 bis zum 27. Januar 2019 im kelten römer museum manching zu sehen war. Die Besucher erwarteten über 100 Highlight-Objekte... more
This article discusses the presence of Celtic mercenaries in the army of the King of Judea – Herod the Great. Representatives of this people are present in the army of this ruler from 30 BC. In the same year Octavian Augustus, in return... more
The paper describes one of the episodes of Julius Cesar’s Belgian campaign. The battle at the river Sabis in which Romans clashed with Nervii tribe and its allies could end with disastrous defeat due to mistakes of Roman commander. Only... more
This work presents Riothamus, mysterious Briton who arrived to Gallia from Britain as emperor’s ally. He actively participated in Roman struggle against Visigoths but was defeated and quite quickly disappeared from pages of history.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the study of the contacts between Massalia and celtic chieftains from the West Hallstatt zone. lt impugns the approach of core and periphery by making an analysis of the economy of prestige goods as a way... more
Maijastina Kahlos: Roomalaiset ja barbaarit. Otava: Helsinki 2020. ISBN 978-951-1-33504-7. 245 sivua. 32,95 €. Suunnilleen viimeisten kymmenen vuoden kuluessa on julkisessa keskustelussa Suomessa ja muualla tavan takaa käytetty Rooman... more
This article uncovers the origins of the famous Welsh literary motif Blodeuwedd locating them in Mesopotamia. Thereafter, it displays diverging trends in the use of this motif in the literatures of Wales and England on the one hand and in... more
The article above one of Gaius Julius Caesar's campaigns conducted during the conquest of Gaul, where faced with Gaulish maritime tribes. It has been discussed operations on both land and sea, which this Roman General conducted against... more
Josephus may be giving utterance to a widely shared stereotype about northern barbarians as he describes the unrest in the Rhenish border and Gaul in 69-70: the nature of the Germanoi, destitute as it is of reasoning, makes them always... more