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A paper read at 􏰁the Mother's Centenary Year of Her Return to Pondicherry in Aurobindo Ashram, 2020
The paper covers reaction to American Zen Buddhism from Jewish, Christian, and Zen Buddhist perspectives. The positive reactions were Jews using Buddhism to come to grips with the Holocaust, Christians using satori via Zen to gain a... more
This essay seeks to reevaluate D.T. Suzuki’s understanding of non-dualism, under the assumption that his critique of such has become the defining aspect of his religious philosophy from the perspective of Western scholarship. The essay... more
In the twentieth century, few people have influenced perceptions of Zen in the West as much as Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. Thus far, studies of Suzuki have not addressed the literary forms he used to convey his construction of Zen, thereby... more
The method of quiet-sitting developed by Okada Torajirō (1872-1920), called the Okada Shiki seiza hō, was very influential from 1910 to 1920. Okada taught that inner spirituality grew from inside the individual through the practice... more
This paper explores how the concept of Absolute Nothingness as developed in the thought of three key Kyoto School thinkers Nishida Kitarō, Tanabe Hajime and Nishitani Keiji has influenced the practice of sound art. The paper examines the... more
"George Derfer, Zhihe Wang and Michel Weber (eds.), The Roar of Awakening. A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, 2009. (251 p. ; ISBN:... more
Podría decirse que nadie ha hecho más por transmitir el zen a Occidente que el autor japonés Daisetsu Teitarō Suzuki (1870-1966), mejor conocido como D.T. Suzuki. Al mismo tiempo, Suzuki no está exento de críticas. En una retahíla de... more
Satori Zen is of immense interest to anyone pursuing authentic metaphysical knowledge because it claims to offer an astonishingly straightforward path to full Spiritual Enlightenment. And in terms of outright simplicity and immediate... more
Abstract: Eckhart proposed that the ultimate of ultimates was not a perceptible God reachable through mystical experience, but an inconceivable and unfathomable ‘something’ beyond all human possibility. His proposition rests on an... more
For Thomas Merton, the need to reconcile the divide between Christianity and Buddhism is seen through his writings, which are a legitimate theological and philosophical attempt to bridge the gap between two very distinct and different... more
Chapter 6 in _Silence, Music, Silent Music_, ed. Nicky Losseff and Jenny Doctor (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2007), in (slightly corrected) proof form. Writings and compositions by John Cage and Charles Ives are examined from a... more
Sustainability has been a contemporary vanguard for necessitating ethical questions in design. For some time, I have been questioning what it means to be an ethical designer and becoming increasingly troubled by persistence for a common... more
Uncovering socio-religious amalgamations, it has been revealed that things such as meditation, ‘Zen art’ like the ensō, poems, and conveying certain moments of epiphany, were aesthetic additives to Zen developed though the Kamakura... more
Federica Sgarbi, Tsukuba University, 15 September 2019
EAJS (European Association for Japanese Studies), call for papers selected
Suzuki Daisetsu interprets the Noh play Yamamba to be about the Buddhist principles of compassion. However, the play, through its narrative and use of multiple identities does not represent these principles in an ‘artistic’ way but... more
Zen menyangkut segala hal tentang pikiran, dan karena di dalam pikiran kita bisa dijumpai banyak hal. Namun begitu, pikiran bukanlah hal yang harus dibagi-bagi menjadi banyak fakultas. Zen tidak meninggalkan apapun. Zen tidak mengajarkan... more
Pocas organizaciones japonesas han tenido un mayor impacto en la visibilidad del budismo zen post-Meiji en Occidente que la escuela zen Sanbōkyōdan. De este linaje surgen algunos de los maestros zen occidentales más influyentes como... more
excerpt from introduction to "Global Origins of the Modern Self, from Montaigne to Suzuki," from the SUNY Press website. The book shows how authors across five continents and four centuries conceived of selfhood in modernity through... more
Panel presentations at the 77th Annual Convention of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies 第77回学術大会パネル報告 Chair and commentator: Yoshinaga Shin'ichi 吉永進一 Presenters: Hioki Naoko 日沖直子, Suemura Masayo 末村正代, Okamoto Yoshiko 岡本佳子,... more
Lacan introduced Freud in his first seminar by depicting him as the Zen master, as one who does not preach from the pulpit, but requires the students to learn for themselves. In this paper, I examine the common basis of the pedagogical... more
Pode-se dizer sem hipérbole que ninguém fez mais para tornar o zen conhecido no Ocidente, e dar forma à compreensão ocidental dessa antiga tradição budista, do que o estudioso japonês Daisetsu Teitarō Suzuki (1870-1966), mais conhecido... more
"Please note, the version published by the Journal of Black Mountain College Studies was edited by that journal and the version that appears in there is thus different to the version that appears on this page. My original longer version... more
I was hurt and heart broken when a very big problem occurred in my marriage seven months ago, between me and my husband . so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again, and... more
Arguably, no one has done more to bring Zen Buddhism to the West than the Japanese author Daisetsu Teitarō Suzuki (1870-1966), better known as D.T. Suzuki. At the same time, Suzuki is not without critics. In a string of books and... more
This article explores the assumptions Suzuki Daisetsu had about translating from Japanese into English. These assumptions are explored through semiological references and are discussed in the context of Daisetsu’s ideological background.... more
In the first half of the 20th century, John Cage became a fervid reader of Meister Eckhart’s fascinating sermons: this work aims to highlight several philosophical connections between the American musician and the German mystic. The... more
La communication traitera de l'influence d'Aline Mayrisch sur Henri Michaux pour illustrer les représentations du vide dans la création littéraire et artistique de ce dernier. Épouse du patron d'une grande entreprise sidérurgique, Aline... more
BOOK REVIEW: ZEN WISDOM FOR CHRISTIANS. By Christopher Collingwood. Foreword by Father Patrick Kundo Eastman Roshi. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2019. Pp. 264. Reviewed by Daniel Millet Gil for Christian-Buddhist... more
For a full PDF, please go to: <> This is based on my paper at the panel on “Local Buddhisms and Transnational Contacts, 1868–1945” (IAHR, 30 March 2005), as “Japanese Zen on the State: A Comparative... more
We contemplate paths between form and formlessness as a middle way between digital technology for mindfulness, and mindfulness without digital technology, thereby inviting alternative departure points with interactive systems. In doing... more
Detrás de toda creación artística existe un proceso a través del cual el autor lleva a cabo la construcción de su obra. Esta parte, que permanece invisible a ojos del espectador, resulta imprescindible a la hora de poder comprender... more
Traducción al español de la reseña de ZEN WISDOM FOR CHRISTIANS de Christopher Collingwood. Londres and Filadelfia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2019. 264 pp. Prólogo del padre Patrick Kundo Eastman Roshi. Por Daniel Millet Gil, Ph.D.... more