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For 25 centuries the Parthenon has been shot at, set on fire, rocked by earthquakes, looted for its sculptures, and disfigured by catastrophic renovations. To save it from collapse, the modern restoration team must uncover the secrets of... more
We would like to present a brief history of the Brazilian Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures (Comitê Brasileiro para Reunificação das Esculturas do Partenon); in addition, we wish to propose some philosophical... more
The aim of this study is the creation of a multimedia totem with the use of video mapping techniques, representing a particular form of augmented reality, in order to provide new means - different from the existing ones- for museum... more
From the four lion heads of the Parthenon only these of the north side are in situ, while from those of the south side only fragments have been preserved. In the south-western corner the lion head had fallen before the mid 18th c., but... more
Literature review on the Parthenon Frieze. Term paper for Dr. Hector Williams' CLST 501: Topography and Monuments of Ancient Athens, a graduate seminar held in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies (CNERS) at... more
The building project of the Parthenon started in 447/6 BC and it was completed within a short span of fifteen years, its „scale, complexity, and refinement“, both in terms of the organisational aspects and technicality, have been... more
A Short reflection on Parthenon Sculptures, my opinion on whether the Parthenon Sculptures should be returned to Greece or retained in the British Museum, London.

Subject: History and Philosophy of Museums
Ένα εντυπωσιακό βιβλίο. Ανοίγει μπροστά στα μάτια μας έναν άγνωστο κόσμο. Φέρνει μεθοδικά στην επιφάνεια στοιχεία που επίμονα αγνοήθηκαν και αφορούν την Παναγία την «Αθηνιώτισσα». Τον Παρθενώνα, δηλαδή, που είχε αφιερωθεί πιθανά ήδη τον 6... more
El 21 de junio de 2009, con una espectacular ceremonia de inauguración, abrió sus puertas al público el Nuevo Museo de la Acrópolis, el gran sueño de la recordada Melina Mercuri, materializado por su viudo y presidente de la Fundación... more
This was the final assignment for the course CLSS 305: Greek Civilization at Siena College in Loudonville, New York, Spring Semester 2020.
This paper argues that the display of the iconic Caryatids in the New Acropolis Museum has been seriously compromised by the overriding desire amongst Greek politicians and heritage professionals to use the museum to reinforce their... more
In: T. Ganschow, M. Steinhart (eds.), Otium. Festschrift für Volker Michael Strocka (Remshalden 2005) 193-200
Giovanni Battista Lusieri, an Italian painter born in Rome in 1755, followed the 7th Lord Elgin to Greece and remained in Athens until his death on 1 March 1821. During his 20-year stay in the city of Athens, he organized and completed... more
მოცემული თემის მიზანია მაღალი, ძველი კლასიკისა და ელინისტური ეპოქების პართენონის - კენტავრომახია, ჰალიკარნასოსის მავზოლეუმის - ამაზონომახია და პერგამონის საკურთხევლის - გიგანტომახიის შედარება. ეს თემა ერთ-ერთი უმნიშვნელოვანესია ძველი... more
We further develop the connexion between the July 18, 2020 prediction and the Mayan calendar. This is seen in an expansion of the 777 chiasm and the connexion to may false predictions. The question is, can we predict the future?
Composed two centuries ago, Lord Byron’s poem condemning the removal of the Parthenon Marbles initiated a dispute that has rumbled on into the present.
Egyptian blue was extensively used throughout the areas surrounding the Mediterranean from early dynastic Egypt until after the Roman Empire ended. A new, easily applied, technique to detect and map this pigment has been developed that... more
The aim of this study is the creation of a multimedia totem with the use of video mapping techniques, representing a particular form of augmented reality, in order to provide new means-different from the existing ones-for museum... more
With empirical touchstones from Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, the authors argue that heritage and property represent different approaches to subject formation, produce distinct bodies of expertise, and belong to... more
Since transcending architecture is fundamentally an action or event (not some esoteric, idealist construct deduced from dogma or philosophy), understanding what it really means to ‘transcend architecture’ demands a serious and detailed... more
Form and function of light in architecture between Antiquity and the Fifteenth Century, through the analysis of the texts of Pausanias, Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder, Julian of Ascalon, Isidore of Seville, Pius II Piccolomini, Leon Battista... more
Το αρχαίο Ελληνικό πνεύμα, ακτινοβολώντας την υπεροχή της καλοκαγαθίας, δίδαξε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο ο ανθρώπινος νους μετατρέπει τη σύλληψη της ιδέας σε έργο απαράμιλλου κάλλους και τη διαδικασία κατά την οποία τα πάντα κατασκευάζονται... more
Prior to the advent of modern structural engineering, architects and builders used proportional systems to imbue their works with a general condition of order that was integral to notions of beauty and structural stability. These mostly... more
The Elgin Marbles, nowadays known as the Parthenon Sculptures, are arguably the most controversial art collection in the world. It was exactly 200 years ago, in 1816, that the British Museum acquired the Elgin Marbles from lord Elgin,... more
An Ottoman Armenian dragoman (interpreter) active in Constantinople, Mouradgea d’Ohsson (1740–1807) traveled to Paris in 1784 to publish a historical overview of the Ottoman Empire. Writing in a fraught political context following the... more
In this paper I will discuss recent observations on the structure of the Parthenon's Ionic frieze. As it will be shown, the study of the bonding system can shed light on the original form of the inner side of the cella walls and give us a... more
Hellenomania, the second volume in the MANIA series, presents a wideranging, multidisciplinary exploration of the modern reception of ancient Greek material culture in cultural practices ranging from literature to architecture, stage and... more
This volume gathers together selected contributions which were originally presented at the conference 'Greek Art in Context' at the University of Edinburgh in 2014. Its aim is to introduce the reader to the broad and multifaceted notion... more
This article analyzes one of the most famous — and notorious — examples of iconoclasm in the classical world, the Persian sack of the Athenian Acropolis in 480 B.C. It demonstrates that while the destruction of an enemy’s sanctuaries was... more