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The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. VI. IN RUSSIAN. Четвертый век до нашей эры: в 2 полутомах / Под ред. Д.-М.Льюиса и др.; перевод с англ., подготов. текста, предисловие, примечания А.В.Зайкова. – М.: Ладомир, 2017. – Первый полутом. –... more
The paper reflects on the relationship between the respective oligarchies of Corinth and Argos and proposes a theory to explain the events that connected the two cities between 392 and 386 BC. The analysis, including the lead up to and... more
In this article we defend that, during the Corinthian War, this polis did not undergo any constitutional change that ended two centuries of moderate oligarchy, nor existed an agreement of isopoliteia with Argos, nor stopped existing like... more
Este trabajo analiza un capítulo relevante aunque escasamente considerado de la guerra de Corinto: la práctica sistemática de la piratería (leisteía) contra intereses atenienses por parte de sus vecinos y enemigos eginetas. Esta actividad... more
The military successes of the Athenian Iphicrates to the command of a highly professional and qualified body of mercenary peltasts during the Corinthian War constitutes one of the factors that opened the way to a new understanding of the... more
The anaylisis of the public and personal economic factors, joined to that prosopographical of the political leaders at the time and that of the citizenship rights, undertaken before, betray a complex but coherent scene of the Athenian... more
The control of the Athenian demos over military commanders: the case of Thrasybulus’ strategia (390–389 BC.) Thrasybulus was an important Athenian military commander between the late 5th and the beginning of the 4th century BC. The paper... more
Après les grandes batailles hoplitiques de Némée et de Coronée dans l´été 394 av. J.-C., victoires non décisives des Lacédémoniens, la guerre de Corinthe entre dans une phase de relatif enlisement, mais aussi d'usure et de pillage, qui... more
The island of Rhodes was a naval base of a huge strategic interest for the Greek states fighting for the hegemony, specially Athens and Sparta in the classical period. This hegemonic conflict influence on the Rhodian civic community,... more