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Brazil is one of the largest global producers of genetically modified crops and a center of origin and diversification of relevant species for agriculture and food. Transgenic monocultures occupy around 50 million hectares, whereas... more
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925-2003) is one of the outstanding Muslim thinkers in recent history who have re-conceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world on the one hand and critically reflected... more
Equine-Human Relations –a shift in perspectives • From a functional to an emotional/relational relationship/partnership • From object to subject • From un-equal to equal • From non-sentient to sentient • From species to individual • From... more
ਭਾਰਤੀ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਰਲ-ਮਿਲ ਜਾਣ (Assimilation) ਵਾਲੀ ਪਰੰਪਰਕ ਸੂਝ ਸਦੀਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਹੀ ਭਾਰਤੀ ਮਾਨਸਿਕਤਾ ਵਿਚ ਬਹੁਤ ਡੂੰਘੀ ਬੈਠੀ ਹੋਈ ਹੈ ਤੇ ਇਸੇ ਕਾਰਣ ਹਰ ਵਰਤਾਰੇ ਜਾਂ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਢਾਲ ਲੈਣ ਦੀ ਰੂਚੀ ਇਸ ਵਿਚੋਂ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਉਘੜਦੀ ਹੈ। ਇਥੇ ਵਾਦ-ਵਿਵਾਦ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਸੰਵਾਦ... more
परिवार का मूल उद्देष्य मानव परंपरा का बनाये रखना है। स्वायत्त मानव ही परिवार मानव के रूप में प्रमाणित होते हैं। मानवीय शिक्षा संस्कारपूर्वक ही हर विद्यार्थीे स्वायत्तता सम्पन्न होता है। मानवीय शिक्षा से परिवार में एक दूसरे के साथ संबंधांे... more
With the spectrum liberation obtained by the deployment of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and the analog TV switch-off, new bands are being assigned to IMT Long Term Evolution (LTE). In the first cellular deployments in the digital... more
Much post-Tolkienian fantasy has sought to recreate the realities of human experience in the Middle Age. One function of that recreation has been to immerse the reader in metaphysical belief structures that informed pre-modern societies.... more
Öz Bir arada yaşama aynı toplumda yaşayan bireylerin, sahip oldukları din, dil, ırk, kültür gibi farklı özellliklerini, ayrıştırma unsuru olmaktan çıkarıp toplumsal bir zenginlik haline dönüştürebilmeleridir. Birtakım hukuki, siyasi ve... more
Ce texte se saisit de la question de la coexistence (comme ensemble de dispositifs organisant une sortie du conflit autour des OGM) pour étudier la question de la gouvernance. Il montre comment le régime de gouvernance, s’appuyant sur la... more
La convivencia y el absentismo escolar han sido temas estudiados por separado y además, no con mucha profusión. El estudio cuenta con un marco teórico estructurado en tres capítulos. En el primero revisamos históricamente el sistema... more
Gray wolves are essential keystone species that regulate a biological ecosystem. (Estes, Terborgh, Brashares, Power, Berger, Bond and Wardle, 2011) There are many reasons why maintaining a healthy population of keystone species in the... more
The 45th edition of the Venice Biennale, titled Cardinal Points of Art (1993), is key to understanding the pro- drome of the exhibition’s exit from the Giardini and to identifying the first signs of urban biennials that would take entire... more
Highlighting the ecological concerns as projected in Disney Pictures is the prime objective of the paper. The two major ground breaking theoretical concepts Deep ecology and Ecofeminism though are against the institutionalized... more
Literature has been known to portray the lives of people of the period of genesis of the particular piece of literary work. At some times it can also foretell things as in the case with the speculative fiction. Speculative fiction are... more
Communal Peace and Harmony: Role of the Commentaries of Quran with Special Reference to Risala e Nur Communal peace and harmony is a fundamental part of any secular democratic country of the world especially in India which secures,... more
This paper analyzes cultural traditions in relation to world culture and the Filipino national culture. It discusses the role played by the person as an actor and an interpreter of texts and events. In particular, it talks about... more
One of the reasons for the political and economic instability of Muslims today is the religious and the ideological divisions. The disputes that started shortly after the death of the Prophet resulted in the emergence of different sects... more
Long Term Evolution (LTE) carrier aggregation with 5 GHz Unlicensed National Informational Infrastructure (UNII) band has been pointed out by the industry as a good solution to handle the rapidly increasing amounts of data traffic. To... more
A "teodiceia" ou "problema do mal" é algo discutido em vários meios há milênios. Mas, para o cristianismo, o problema também importa? Ele tem uma resposta? Afinal, pode o Deus Todo-Poderoso e totalmente bom coexistir com o mal?
Riadh BEN KHALIFA (Edited by), Coexistence in Libya and in other geographical Area, The proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Tunisian National Archives and White House Hotel, Tunisia, May 5 and 6, 2016, Tunis,... more
Rewilding is a novel approach to ecological restoration. Trophic rewilding in particular aims to reinstate ecological functions, especially trophic interactions, through the introduction of animals. We consider the potential for trophic... more
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and non-invasive technology for e-health monitoring. The performance of WBAN may be disturbed when coexisting with other wireless networks. Accordingly,... more
The contribution of deterministic and stochastic processes to species coexistence is widely debated. With the introduction of powerful statistical techniques, we can now better characterise different sources of uncertainty when... more
Overview of the development of minority rights, the political life and changing identities of the national minorities living in Montenegro (Bosniaks-Muslims, Albanians, Croats and Roma) since the break-up of Yugoslavia (1991) until 2003.
ערים ״מעורבות״, או ליתר דיוק ערים דו-לאומיות, הן בישראל זירת מאבק על מרחב וזהות הניטש כמעט מאז תחילת ההתיישבות היהודית החדשה בארץ. בין ערים אלה בולטת יפו בגלל מורכבות יחסיה עם תל אביב, "העיר שהולידה מדינה". מערך יחסים טעון זה מעלה שאלות... more
This essay presents and discusses The Platform of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina for Dialogue (2006), a programmatic document of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its first section sets out basic principles... more
Documenting Multiculturalism is a new research project (2017–2023) based at the University of Oxford and the Università degli Studi di Palermo and funded by an Advanced Grant of approximately €2.5 million from the European Research... more
Once a small Muslim town on the Asian shore of Bosporus, Üsküdar was a quasi-rural settlement known for its summer residences, beautiful vineyards, and gardens. From the second half of the sixteenth century onwards, Üsküdar became one of... more
Final Program. 5th International Conference in Balkan Studies "Balkan Express 2019: Living together - Tolerance, Coexistence, Reconciliation." Prague, November 8-9 2019
Historique des relations entre le Portugal et la religion musulmane, en explorant les thématiques de l'Islam tel que vécu par les musulmans au Portugal, des chrétiens sous contrôle musulman puis des musulmans sous contrôle chrétien, avant... more
This chapter describes the European framework which induced coexistence and traceability needs in the EU. After having rapidly reviewed the context of GMO development, production and trade, this chapter outlines the socio-economic issues... more
Se presentan los resultados de una intervención en un aula de sexto de primaria para favorecer los valores en los estudiantes con el objetivo de mejorar la convivencia grupal y el aprovechamiento académico, a través de diferentes acciones... more
No Brasil, entre 2008 e 2009, 16 tipos de sementes transgênicas foram liberados, o consumo de agrotóxicos passou a ser o mais elevado do mundo e a concentração fundiária aumentou. Esses dados revelam alguns dos impactos decorrentes do... more
Dans un contexte d’accroissement des mobilités, de montée de l’individualisme et de développement des réseaux sociaux numériques, les relations de voisinage semblent appartenir au passé. Comment comprendre alors que la Fête des voisins... more
RESUMO Esta pesquisa analisa o processo de marginalização dos mouros à época de Afonso X, rei de Castela e Leão (1252-1284), quando os movimentos de reconquista e repoblación marcavam fortemente esta sociedade, que consolidava uma... more
In this age of globalization, the coexistence of individuals, communities, and nations is a fundamental challenge in countries worldwide. Globalization means that people from different cultures and religions meet, that different... more
U članku se govori o povijesti Islamske zajednice Gunja od doseljenja prvih muslimana u Gunju do danas, o izgradnji najstarije džamije u Hrvatskoj, o djelovanju Idriza ef. Bešića, glavnoga gunjanskog imama, o multietničnosti Gunje kao... more
El barrio de Delicias, en la ciudad de Zaragoza, vive las dinámicas propias de los barrios populares europeos, afectados por la actual crisis económica y las políticas de austeridad. Por un lado, los movimientos vecinales, surgidos en el... more
Résumé Les organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) constituent une importante innovation en production agricole de ces 20 dernières années. Alors que les cultures s' étendent dans de nombreux pays tiers, celles-ci restent peu développées... more
The Southern Rockies have their first wolf pack since the 1940s: a group of six wolves in the northwest corner of Colorado-and probably crossing into Utah and Wyoming. The last wolves documented in Colorado were in 2015, one photographed... more
I was honored to share some lessons learned about ranching in large-carnivore country at the Durango Wolf Symposium late last year, which explored the potential return of the gray wolf to western Colorado. The event brought together a... more