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Reinhard Kleist' s graphic novel The Boxer tells the story of Holocaust survivor Harry Haft and his participation in forced boxing matches in Nazi concentration camps. Throughout the work, Kleist works against clear delineations of right... more
An article about Anders Nilsen's work, Don't Go Where I Can't Follow, in the context of grief theory and the literature of grief. The article can be found in the edited collection, Pathographics: Narrative, Aesthetics, Contention,... more
Through the theoretical framework of queer phenomenology and monster theory, this scholarly comic presents an analysis of the unauthorised, Turkish remake of E.T., titled Homoti (1987), featuring a gay alien as its main character. Being... more
This book chapter, published as part of the edited volume "Empirical Comics Research (Routledge, 2018), puts forward a quantitative approach to the study of comics by introducing a stylistic analysis of a corpus of around 240 graphic... more
Comic books have increasingly become a vehicle for serious social commentary and, specifically, for innovative religious thought. Practitioners of both traditional religions and new religious movements have begun to employ comics as a... more
If Barbara Postema’s Narrative Structure in Comics is any indication, RIT Press’s new “Comics Monograph Series” promises to offer first-rate scholarly work for both newcomers and veterans in the field. Postema offers a smart, lucid... more
In Narrative Structure in Comics: Making Sense of Fragments, Barbara Postema uses the notion of the gap to explain how comics create meaning. As texts that combine words and images, comics rely on the verbal register to communicate... more
People receiving treatment for cancer are under significant emotional stress (Andersen, Kiecolt-Glaser, & Glaser, 1994). Nearly half of women undergoing treatment for breast cancer show signs of depression or anxiety (Thyme, et al.,... more
PROGETTO PROMOSSO DA Fabio Muzi, Dirigente Liceo Artistico Dosso Dossi di Ferrara A CURA DI Stefania D’Arcangelo, Federica Zabarri Liceo Artistico Dosso Dossi GIURIA DEL CONCORSO Matteo Anderolini spazio Zuni - Ferrara Cinzia Calzolari... more
El conocido por algunos teóricos y editores como boom del cómic adulto, fue el último momento en que el cómic pensado para quiosco tuvo un carácter masivo en España, gracias a revistas como El Víbora, Cairo o 1984. Durante las décadas de... more
Reprenant partiellement mon mémoire de master II, ce dossier aborde l'histoire des éditions Lug, principal importateur des comics Marvel entre 1969 et 1989 en France, évoquant à la fois la biographie de ses membres fondateurs, la pression... more
In an article about Chris Marker's 1962 film, La Jetée, Jake Hinkson writes about the nature of memory that " the past is never as simple as we wish it to be. To return to it is to realize that we never understood it3 ". Seeing the past... more
Unnatural narratology has recently focused our attention on unnatural representations of time. It is usually assumed that the ‘typical sjuzhet’ must be linear, while the ‘variable sjuzhet’ is unnatural and belongs exclusively to... more
Der Comic hatte es lange Zeit schwer: Kritiker und Kritikerinnen verurteilten ihn als Schundliteratur und unterstellten ihm, die Jugend zu gefährden. Erst in den 1960er- und 70er-Jahren stieg die Akzeptanz für die Bildergeschichten.... more
Communication pour le colloque international "Traduire, un engagement politique" organisé par le CET à l'université Paris Diderot du 29 novembre au 1 décembre 2018. La traduction des comics Marvel par les éditions Lug: Un engagement dans... more
Super-héros : histoire d’un mythe américain UE libre pour le Bureau des enseignements transversaux de l’université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle Année universitaire 2020-2021 Du 27 janvier 2021 au 21 avril 2021 Descriptif : En plus de... more
Reviewed August 2014, updated October 2015 To commemorate his 75th year in 2013, this is the fascinating true story about the "birthplace" and "parents" of Superman. Not Krypton. Not Jor-el and Lara. Not even Jonathan and Martha. But the... more
Despite the growing sophistication of comics studies as a discipline, it has yet to fully embrace the cultural materialist approaches of book history and publishing studies, a fact that seems rather intriguing in the face of the form’s... more
Time traveling / time travel in comic strips (in Dutch) [ ‘Tijd, continuïteit en teletijd in strip - Het fenomeen tijdmachine’ ] Published in: Kees Ribbens & Rik Sanders, Getekende tijd. Wisselwerking tussen geschiedenis en strips... more
Winston Churchill once said, "History is written by the victors." Or maybe he didn't. The quote is often attributed to him, despite the fact that it appears in other print sources prior to World War II and Churchill's appointment to the... more
Sport annually mobilizes millions of people across Europe: as practitioners in a wide variety of competitive, educational, or recreational contexts, and as spectators, who are physically present or following events through the mass media.... more
Análise da relação entre a Banda Desenhada e a Arte Paleolítica, a partir da apresentação da obra de Banda Desenhada “La Légende de la Grotte de Niaux”, referindo-se outros exemplos que tratam do mesmo assunto. Conclui-se que,... more
En confrontant logiques de champs et de marchés, stratégies de légitimation et discours sociaux, culturels, politiques ou encore esthétiques, ce volume interroge l’apparition et les usages complexes de la notion de dissidence dans la... more
Although many disparage ‘spoilers’ as ruining reading experiences by revealing plot details prematurely, comics readers commonly experience texts in ways that reveal story information out of order: eager readers will flip through a comic... more
MA Dissertation

This document contain the page title, acknowledgements, introduction, bibliography and abstract.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you would like the whole document.
Having the chance to explore the architecture of the Rocinha favela and in the same time, to further my research with a new experiment, that can prove that the characteristics of the comic strip structure can be an alternative manner to... more
Konstruktivno kritična recenzija McCloudovega Kiparja.
Follow this and additional works at: Part of the American Literature Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Art Education Commons, Comparative Literature Commons, Creative Writing Commons, Curriculum... more
In his ongoing comic book series Sonambulo, versatile artist Rafael Navarro has been able to channel his Mexican American cultural heritage by creating a unique blend of narrative genres. In his work, Navarro exploits classic American... more
Neste artigo são abordadas características temáticas e formais presentes nas histórias em quadrinhos do período conhecido como Era de Ouro, bem como rupturas estéticas surgidas em consequência ao Comic Code Authority, que levou ao... more
Un año después de su aparición en Francia durante el 2016 -coincidiendo, apropiadamente, con el centenario de la mentada batalla-, ha llegado a nuestras librerías El último asalto de Jaques Tardi (Valence, 1946), la tercera parte de la... more
This seminar will introduce students to Muslim American histories and cultures through diverse visual representations of Muslim Americans. Selected pieces of photography and visual art as well as film scenes will raise awareness for... more
Jerusalem is the frontline and a microcosm of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In recent years, comic artists have turned their attention to the Middle East, including the ‘Holy City’. Scholars, however, have yet to study how comics... more
Effective doctor patient relationships are predicated on doctors' relational engagement and affective/holistic communication with the patients. On the contrary, the contemporary healthcare and patient-clinician communication are at odds... more