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This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
Artículo sobre la serie de relojes monumentales de péndulo cónico ideada por el relojero francés Eugène Farcot. Se estudia en detalle la unidad conservada en el Museo Cerralbo (Madrid, España). Article in Spanish about the monumental... more
in the proceedings from the congress "Picasso. Sculptures," Musée national Picasso, Paris, 24-26 March 2016
"Reframing Bertoldo and His Legacy" served as the main essay in the exhibition catalogue "Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence," accompanying the corresponding show on view at The Frick Collection... more
In the mid-1400s, the Medici family displayed two bronze sculptures by Donatello in their courtyard: his David, and his Judith and Holofernes. This paper focuses on ways of seeing in Renaissance Florence, in particular how Donatello's... more
Il saggio, scritto a quattro mani da due studiose che hanno entrambe approfondito l'éntourage di Antonio Canova, studiando approfonditamente l'una Bartolomeo Ferrari e la sua stirpe di scultori, l'altra Cincinnato Baruzzi, che alla morte... more
A devotional crucifix, whose model is believed to be the work of Michelangelo, is known preserved by a minority of casts in silver and bronze, the finest of which, is examined here. The crucifix is here suggested as made for... more
Jacques Jonghelinck (1530-1606) was one of many Netherlandish artists of his generation that traveled to Italy. Originating from Antwerp, he worked in the Leoni workshop in 1552 and settled in Brussels on his return north, where he became... more
Why did a 19th-century Jewish American artist sculpt Eve without her bellybutton?
This documentary appendix appeared in the exhibition catalogue "Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence," accompanying the corresponding show at The Frick Collection (September 2019 - January 2020). Nearly... more
artoloni, G., La Lupa capitolina nuove prospettive di studio; IL PUNTO DI VISTA DELLE SCIENZE: ANALISI RADIOMETRICHE E TECNICHE: Formigli, E., La tecnologia; Giardino, C., Aspetti archeometallurgici; Lombardi, G., Lo studio dei residui di... more
Indagini condotte nei depositi del Museo Civico di Castello Ursino di Catania hanno permesso l’individuazione di una cospicua raccolta di frammenti di statuaria bronzea di età romana. Pertinenti a statue di dimensioni naturali e superiori... more
Although discovered over fifty years ago near Amelia (Italy), a bronze cuirassed statue of Germanicus has gained relatively little attention. Represented on its elaborate breastplate is the death of Trojan Troilus at the hands of... more
Giovan Francesco Susini, Galata Morente, Firenze, Museo Nazionale del Bargello; Pietro Tacca, Luigi XIII di Francia a cavallo, Firenze, Museo Nazionale del Bargello; Giuseppe Broccetti, Medaglia di Faustina Bordoni, Figline Valdarno,... more
This paper deals with the term ‘patina’ and the difficulty in defining a priori those materials that should be preserved on a metal surface. Dogmatic and restrictive ideas exist that only patinas, understood as visually pleasant... more
The presented edition shows us a completely new era of collecting in Russia. If in 1991-2015 there was an accumulation of collections, when Russian collectors be-came buyers at Russian sales in 90% cases of the largest antique auctions in... more
Upon his death in 1491, Bertoldo di Giovanni was praised by a Florentine official as “a most worthy sculptor and an excellent maker of medals, who always made fine things with Lorenzo il Magnifico . . . who is now very troubled for there... more
Trois campagnes de fouilles conduites par l’École suisse d’archéologie en Grèce (ESAG) entre 2015 et 2017 dans le gymnase d’Érétrie ont été nécessaires pour achever la fouille d’un puits creusé dans le rocher de l’acropole sur plus de 13... more
Während der Restaurierung einer Bronzekopie des sitzenden Hermes aus Herculaneum wurden auch die Hinweise auf den Fertigungsprozess dokumentiert. Die Gießermarke „Fonderia Artistica Sommer, Napoli“ informiert über den Herstellungsort und... more
The Low Countries once contained many sculptures from the late Gothic and Renaissance period in a variety of materials, sizes, and qualities, and for both indoor and outdoor purposes. During outrages of iconoclasm and other phenomena,... more
Cet article se propose d'examiner la production et la fortune à la Renaissance des lampes de bronze à l'antique et de s'interroger sur les circonstances de cette fascination et des multiples falsifications qui en résultèrent.
Entre les pontificats de Sixte Quint (1585-1590) et d’Urbain VIII (1623-1644), l’art du bronze connaît un véritable épanouissement à Rome, sous la forme de statues colossales et de décors monumentaux, dont le baldaquin de Saint-Pierre par... more
This essay appeared in the exhibition catalogue "Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence," accompanying the corresponding show at The Frick Collection (September 2019 - January 2020). Bertoldo's two Shield... more