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The gold jewellery collection exhibited in the Treasure Room of the National Archaeology Museum in Lisbon, Portugal, developed a severe surface corrosion. In order to approach the corrosion mechanisms, the state of conservation of the... more
Přednáškový sál, Dietrichsteinský palác, Zelný trh 8, Brno 5. září 2019 od 17:30 hod.
Art Nouveau jewellery created by René Lalique is presently corroded. To identify the corrosion processes, Au-Ag-Cu alloys with compositions comparable to those used in René Lalique's jewellery were fabricated to be exposed to... more
In bibliografia l'attività di microscavo raramente viene affrontata dal punto di vista metodologico, ma diviene spesso funzionale, solo come mezzo, alla messa in luce di un manufatto di particolare rilievo o complessità. L'intervento qui... more
Analysis of the effectiveness of conservation methods of iron archaeological artefacts: examples from the Przeworsk culture in Kamieńczyk, Nadkole and Oblin After analysing conservation documentation created during the last thirty years,... more
The presented work primarily focuses on both the damascene and patination technique which are archaeometallurgically treated within the framework of the Bronze Age north of the Alps. The aspect of patination is here perceived as a pure... more
A bronze sculpture of Mars, the Roman God of War, was found at Zeugma in the course of the 1999-2000 excavation campaign. It undoubtedly represents one of the most interesting and spectacular finds discovered so far in this city on the... more
Ce mémoire propose d’envisager une utilisation des carboxylates de sodium pour la stabilisation de la corrosion réactivée des alliages cuivreux. La démarche suivie consiste à en évaluer le potentiel à travers les données bibliographiques... more
Two methods for the stabilisation of excavated iron artefacts are storage in anoxic and in desiccated microclimates. A series of tests were run by the Conservation Department of the Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology (JIAA) in... more
This report was written in order to describe in detail the restoration processes involved in my end of year examination project. It contains theoretics and a detailed description of the practice processes used. The piece in analysis is... more
Con este trabajo se pretende realizar una revisión de los tratamientos y técnicas de conservación y restauración utilizados en los últimos años sobre objetos de cobre y sus aleaciones, así como las técnicas empleadas para el control de... more
Die 138 römischen Siegelkapseln aus Augusta Raurica bilden den bisher grössten publizierten Komplex eines einzelnen Fundortes dieser relativ seltenen Fundgattung. Siegelkapseln dienten meist zum Verschluss von Schreibtäfelchen und zur... more
Red surface colorations frequently found on ancient Egyptian gold objects have been examined by X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and other methods. The results indicate that these colorations are most often... more
A technical study of an ancient Egyptian hollow-cast bronze cat sarcophagus dating to the 1st millennium B.C. and of a "similar" work, shown to be a modern forgery.
The paraffin Ozokerite 1899 (Kahl & Co), by itself and mixed with microcrystalline wax 1847 (Kahl & Co), synthetic wax MP-22 (Micro Powders Inc.) and fumed silica cab-o-sil were applied in dissolution, either heated or at room... more
Early Bronze Age societies of northern Germany and Scandinavia are well-known for skilfully crafted and richly decorated metal objects. In this paper a Nordic bronze dagger from Schoolbek farm, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, dating from the... more
Decaying glass induces corrosion of adjacent brass in heritage objects containing both materials. Indoor air pollution by formaldehyde leads to the precipitation of formates. While copper corrosion products have been studied intensively,... more
In 2006, an opportunity arose for conservators and curators from the Royal Armouries to conserve and study important horse armour from India. The armour is one of the earliest acquisitions from the Indian subcontinent in the museum and is... more
This paper deals with the term ‘patina’ and the difficulty in defining a priori those materials that should be preserved on a metal surface. Dogmatic and restrictive ideas exist that only patinas, understood as visually pleasant... more
Many scientists have through time developed interests in undertaking researches related either directly or indirectly to corrosion, which could be attributed to increasing cases of material breakdown as a result of corrosion. There are... more
For decades, the conservation of archaeological iron has challenged conservators. A variety of techniques have been used in an attempt to mitigate the negative effects of chloride ions on the corrosion of iron artifacts and prevent... more
*Deadline: 17th of May 2022* | Call for Papers for the Virtual Special Issue "The Contribution of Metal Corrosion Products to Archaeological Research" in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports | In archaeology, the outer surface... more
A technical study was conducted on a group of copper alloy artifacts excavated from the burial tumulus of Lofkënd (fourteenth–ninth century BCE) to identify the alloy compositions and methods of manufacture. The surface corrosion was also... more
Gilded copper hollow spherical pendants known as gombiky (s. gombik) were examined to identify the technology of gilding and the material chosen as the substrate. The examined ornaments dating from the ninth and tenth centuries AD were... more
When restoring the metal artefacts which may be linked with a Langobard ethnic group, found in site 2 during excavations preceding construction of the M86 motorway, the greatest problem was the advanced state of corrosion, which... more
The presence or absence of use-wear marks on copper (Cu)-alloy weaponry has been used since the late 1990s to investigate the balance between functional (combat) and symbolic (value, status, religious) use of these objects, and thus... more
A group of bronze artifacts produced and traded by Urartians(900-700 BCE), one of the most advanced stage of mining and industry of the ancient world, exhibited in the Rezan Has Museum are investigated in 2011-2014 under the sponsorship... more
Sterling silver samples, prepared to simulate cultural heritage surfaces, were subjected to accelerated ageing tests through exposure to sulphide containing environments. Data obtained by X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible... more
""The metalworking, metal import, and use of metal in medieval Iceland is still little understood. When the Scandinavian settlers colonized Iceland in the 9th c. AD, the island was found to contain no useful metal deposits save for bog... more