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Let $G$ be a group and $L(G)$ be the absolute center of $G$, that is, the set of all elements of $G$ fixed by all automorphisms of $G$. In this paper, we classify all finite groups $G$ whose absolute central factors are isomorphic to a... more
This paper discusses the definitions of Graphs, Groups and surfaces and some of their relations. The example for application of groups of graphs and surfaces in the form of change ringing are briefly discussed here.
Let G be a finite nilpotent group and Autc(G) be the group of all central automorphisms of G. Let C*(G) = C_Autc(G)(Z(G)) be the group of all central automorphisms of G fixing Z(G) elementwise. In this paper we give conditions on G such... more
We examine the Johnson filtration of the (outer) automorphism group of a finitely generated group. In the case of a free group, we find a surprising result: the first Betti number of the second subgroup in the Johnson filtration is... more
If the centre of a group $G$ is trivial then so is the centre of its automorphism group. We study the structure of the centre of the automorphism group of a group $G$ when the centre of $G$ is a cyclic group. In particular, it is shown... more
A criterion for the existence of groups admitting autocommutator subgroups with cyclic outer automorphism group is given. Also the classification of those finite groups $G$ such that $K(G)\cong H$ if $H$ is a centerless finite group with... more
All optimal binary self-dual codes of length 42 which have an automorphism of order 3 are constructed. In this way we complete the classification of [42,21,8][42,21,8] SD codes having an automorphism of odd prime order.
The automorphism group of a group $G$ comes endowed with a natural filtration: an automorphism belongs to the $k$-th term of this ``Johnson filtration" if it has the same $k$-jet as the identity, with respect to the lower central series... more
We initiate the study of analogues of symmetric spaces for the family of finite dihedral groups. In particular, we investigate the structure of the automorphism group, characterize the involutions of the automorphism group, and determine... more
We compute the automorphism group of the q-enveloping algebra U_q(sl_4^+) of the nilpotent Lie algebra of strictly upper triangular matrices of size 4. The result obtained gives a positive answer to a conjecture of Andruskiewitsch and... more
We introduce a class of rings, namely the class of left or right $p$-nil rings, for which the adjoint groups behave regularly. Every $p$-ring is close to being left or right $p$-nil in the sense that it contains a large ideal belonging to... more
In this paper, we discuss special abelian subgroups of autocommutator group of a finite abelian group. Indeed, for a finite abelian group $A$, we determine when the equations $[X,\mathrm{Inv}(\mathrm{Aut}(X))]\cong A$,... more
We study absolute valued algebras with involution, as defined in Urbanik (1961). We prove that these algebras are finite-dimensional whenever they satisfy the identity (x, x 2, x) = 0, where (·, ·, ·) means associator. We show that, in... more
We introduce a class of rings, namely the class of left or right $p$-nil rings, for which the adjoint groups behave regularly. Every $p$-ring is close to being left or right $p$-nil in the sense that it contains a large ideal belonging to... more
For any set X and any variety 𝒱 of algebras, let 𝒜 = 𝒜𝒱(X) be the free algebra in 𝒱 with set X of free generators, and let... more
I will describe a relationship between the classical representation theory of a complex, semisimple Lie algebra \g and the resonance varieties R(V,K)\subset V^* attached to irreducible \g-modules V and submodules K\subset V\wedge... more