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This challenging book contains fundamentals of elementary number theory as well as a huge number of solved problems and exercises. The authors, who are experienced mathematical olympiad teachers, have used numerous solved problems and... more
Crated on June, 2011. Problems are taken from IMO, IMO Shortlist/Longlist, and some other famous math competitions.
This is the demo version of my new number theory problem set which contains 307 problems from 2015 - 2016 mathematical competitions and olympiads around the world. If you want the original version, you can download it for a finite price... more
We give an elementary proof of Beal Conjecture. The paper is submitted to the journal Integers (august 2015). It is published at
After a life-long despiction for math, I have decided finally that I owe a debt of gratitude.
This study is realized to make individuals understand that irrational numbers are expressed by “infinite decimal numbers that do not repeat”. For this, a visual model proposal for the teaching of irrational numbers is presented. This... more
Bernoulli numbers which are ubiquitous in mathematics, typically appearing either as the Taylor coefficients of x/ tan x or else being very closed to this, as special values of the Riemann zeta function. But they also sometimes appear in... more
This is the ultimate proof that the Prime Numbers are not Random Numbers as famous Mathematicians believe and claim publicly through presentations you can find on U Tube Any pupil around the world and a wide public will understand the... more
Arithmetic functions have rather rich properties and very useful tool for both in number theory and algebra. Furthermore, they have many implementations in science such as computer science, cryptography, graph theory etc. The essential... more
This paper contains a new proof of Euler’s theorem, that the only non-trivial integral solution, (α, β), of α2 = β3 +1 is (±3, 2). This proof employs only the properties of the ring, Z, of integers without recourse to elliptic curves and... more
The Goldbach Conjecture remains one of the several unsolved mathematical problems today, along with the Twin Prime Conjecture. It is said to be one of the simplest mathematical problems to state yet the most difficult to prove. In this... more
This is intended to collect some of the important techniques in Diophantine analysis.
In this paper, we show that any proof of the Collatz 3n + 1 Conjecture must have an infinite number of lines; therefore, no formal proof is possible.
This paper brings numbers in such a way that both sides of the expressions are with same digits. One side is numbers with power, while other side just with numbers, such as, a^b+c^d +.. =ab +cd+..., etc. The the expressions studies are... more
This paper aims to illuminate the fundamental flaws of the basic theory of arithmetic. No further introduction needed.
The definition of “concatenation” in mathematics is, according to Wikipedia, “the joining of two numbers by their numerals. That is, the concatenation of 69 and 420 is 69420”. Though the method of concatenation is widely considered as a... more
In this research, a proof of Cramer's conjecture is proposed.
People these days know the Universe as a Whole, because not knowing the edge between This and That. Its secret is the secret of a forgotten body, the seventh in the series of multifaceted as Life, Seven. We know six of it now. But the... more
"Mathematicians have tried in vain to this day to discover some order in the sequence of prime numbers and we have reason to believe that it is a mystery into which the mind will never penetrate".
This is a book on Olympiad Number Theory. It takes a very conceptual approach on the theory and is filled with challenging solved examples and problems with hints. ---------- List of typos:... more
Apresentamos a relação entre os números cardinais e os ordinais transfinitos.
A short introduction to some connections between music and math. Polyrhythms may be analyzed using basic number theory concepts such as GCD and LCM. Tuning using only rational multiples of a fundamental frequency (just intonation) leads... more
In this brief note, we discuss a new sequence of numbers which can be derived from the Narayana triangle.
Đặc trưng của phương trình kiểu Pell và một số phương trình quy về phương trình kiểu Pell là có tập nghiệm biểu diễn được thông qua các dãy số. Vì vậy từ các phương trình Diophant này ta có thể tạo ra các bài toán dãy số nguyên, cũng như... more
This problem set was created on August, 2012. It contains problems of different levels in number theory and is a good source for practicing regional and international olympiads.
Cdo kush bie dakord qe π eshte nje nga numrat me te rendesishem ne matematike, kjo sepse π ka aq shume veti, sa qe kur ky numer shfaqet papritmas ne llogaritje, askush nuk duhet te surprizohet padrejtesisht. Per shembull, teorema e njohur... more
En el siguiente artículo se pretende dar una base tanto para los estudiantes de olimpiadas como para matemáticos aficionados que disfrutan de una buena lectura sobre la teoría elemental de números. Va desde resultados básicos de... more
Les nombres premiers sont les nombres speciaux pour les mathématiciens car on désire de comprendre les nombres, et la pièce élémentaire d'un nombre, est un nombre premier et il n'existe pas une formule explicite pour les determiner. Dans... more
This paper explicates the Riemann hypothesis and proves its validity. [The paper is published in a journal of number theory.]
This will help them who are preparing for Mathematics olympiad.From this .txt file you can choose a book name and search it for pdf ,most of them are available.
The purpose of this work is to create a mathematical formula that allows to generate Harshad numbers in base 10, that are positive integers (written in decimal form) divisible by the sum of their own digits.
Useful convergence accelerators for Heron's method for finding the square root of a natural number are devised from modular arithmetic.
Every even integer > 2 is the sum of  two prime numbers 
                                      & equivalent
Each odd integer > 5 is the sum of three prime numbers
“How can all of this be true all at the same time?” This will be the question you will be asking yourself once you discover the amazing inner world hiding behind numbers, as they reveal palindromes, two types of dual characteristics,... more
Shapes defined by the golden ratio have long been considered aesthetically pleasing in western cultures, reflecting nature's balance between symmetry and asymmetry. The ratio is still used frequently in art and design. The golden ratio is... more
Numerele naturale au fascinat dintotdeauna omenirea, ce le-a considerat, pe bună dreptate, ca fiind mai mult decât mijloace de a studia cantităţile, le-a considerat entităţi având o personalitate proprie. Mistica tuturor popoarelor abundă... more