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Draft with an introductory study of Josep Gifreda i Morros (1891-1980), a Catalan chemical engineer, medical doctor, esotericist, astrologer and alchemist, who assembled one of the most important esoteric libraries of his time.
Part of a major section of the historical context volumes of the book that look at the history of Christian art especially for its portrayals of Jesus and Mary Magdalene that dare openly to flout the dogma. This passage looks at a... more
In het artikel ‘Jan Van den Bergh’ door Jan Bernard wordt de eeuwenoude kunst van het maken van wandkleden besproken. Bernard biedt een historische context, waarin hij uitlegt dat wandkleden een belangrijke decoratieve rol vervulden... more
L'exposition et le Parc de sculptures - Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, Suisse, 2016
In this paper, the question is this one: how do we describe a human being? It starts from the assumption that no discipline is really concerned with this question and that it is up to existential anthropology to deal with it. On the one... more
Called 'Mandala For Malta in Grey', the exhibition includes 41 mandalas, which are the prayers, and 38 oil and tempera works. The artist calls these latter pieces the foundations on which his philosophical structure rests. In Sanskrit,... more
Imaginarien der Kraft, Bd. VII Edited by: Frank Fehrenbach, Laura Isengard, Gerd Micheluzzi, and Cornelia Zumbusch Contributions by: Dennis Borghardt, Robert Jütte, Anatol Heller, Adrian Renner, K. Lee Chichester, Ksenia Fedorova, Gerd... more
< s o ro jm u llic k @ g m a il.c o m > d id h is d o cto ra l stu d ies on T heology o f E d u c a tio n in the M u ltic u ltu ra l a n d P lu rire lig io u s C o n te x t o f In d ia (2006). H e has rich experiences o f m ore than tw o... more
Une étude sur les socles vides et vidés par l'histoire et la politique, dans l'art public et l'art urbain
The purpose of this study was to determine whether changes had occurred in the work satisfaction of nursing services after the establishment of private initiative in health care due to the deregulation program currently conducted by the... more
Salivary gland tumours (SGT&#39;S) are uncommon. The minor glands are dispersed throughout the upper aerodigestive submucosa including the lip. To present two case reports of salivary gland tumour of the upper lip and highlight its... more
Miradas que sobreviven al tiempo y al espacio. Las fotógrafas en el cine
Membrane, dialogue, lance – Bakhtin/Venter In this article the short story “Die enigste” (&quot;The only one&quot;) from the collection Oop toe (Open closed) (1990) by De Waal Venter is read in dialogue with Mikhail Bakhtin’s essay... more
Kalleya thrived on directly subverting modernist principles and schools of art against these very same principles and schools. Using a Dadaist anti-ideology to sustain divinity and sacredness in art, the Duchamp 'chance' and 'choice'... more
This publication includes the proceedings of a conference convened by Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci [University of Malta] in 2018. The contributors included Sophie Biass-Fabiani from the Musee Rodin, Paris, Joseph Paul Cassar from the... more
În universul artistic al lui Constantin Brâncuși, tradiția și modernitatea se întrepătrund într-o armonie perfectă, dând naștere unui limbaj sculptural unic și atemporal. Maestrul își alimentează creativitatea din două surse fundamentale:... more
We propose here an interview with the anthropologist David Le Breton on his latest book Des visages, une anthropologie (2022) to deepen into the ambivalence of the face, which represents the enigma of our relationship to otherness, its... more
Resum : Entre el 1911 i el 1914 el poeta nicaraguenc Ruben Dario dirigi la revista Mundial Magazine que troba en la figura del modernista Pompeu Gener el vincle entre la intel·lectualitatcatalana i hispanoamericana. Gener, a traves de la... more
Contemporary dance seeks access to the museum and thus to the domain of visual arts. Conversely, in the second half of the twentieth century, the visual arts were generalized into a pure activity in a defined field of action. Following a... more
RESUMO Este texto apresenta reflexões sobre a pesquisa performativa realizada pelo Duo Mimexe, em 2018, nos EUA, na relação com a Mímica Corporal. A experiência integrou o convívio, no modo laboratorial, com Thomas Leabhart, Leonard Pitt,... more
O presente trabalho é uma reflexão acerca da proposta criativade Étienne Decroux, por meio da arte Mímica Corporal Dramática, na relação com o pensamento intercultural. Esta análise encontra apoio inicial na noção do teatro como um... more
Reproduire l'art au temps de Rodin, Journée d'étude [sur place ou en ligne] Sous la direction d'Emmanuel Pernoud, professeur émérite d'histoire de l'art contemporain, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Véronique Mattiussi, chef du... more
El pintor Miquel Villà, promocionat pel marxant d’art Joan Merli va esdevenir un dels pilars de la seva organització artística creada el 1930. La pintura de Villà, adscrita al realisme pictòric i diferent a la resta, no va ser entesa pel... more
Étude d'histoire de l'art pour un sujet singulier et particulièrement inscrit dans son siècle, traité au regard d'apports littéraire, philosophique, psychologique et psychanalytique. Mémoire de fin d'étude de Master 2 d'histoire de l'art... more
Célèbre en Autriche pour son salon au sein duquel elle accueillait les plus grands artistes et intellectuels de son temps – Gustav Klimt, Gustav Mahler, Stefan Zweig –, Berta Zuckerkandl fut elle-même une critique d'art majeure qui a... more
Pierre Lorenzi (1879-1943), héritier d’une famille toscane de mouleurs statuaires établie en 1871 à Paris, rue Racine dans le 6e arrondissement, donna une ampleur considérable à l’atelier familial, fournisseur des particuliers, des... more
Numéro 92 de la revue Histoire de l'art, coordonné avec Matthieu Lett. Rédactrice en chef : Dominique de Font-Réaulx
El éxito y la magna repercusión que acapararon en América figuras como Huntington, Sorolla o Zuloaga, han llegado a eclipsar la presencia de otros artistas y agentes de carreras menos altilocuentes, pero que sin embargo nos proporcionan... more
Intervento tenuto all'interno del seminario dottorale "Dialoghi sulla scultura italiana dell'ottocento (1815-1915)" del 14-15 settembre 2023. Seminario svolto presso il dipartimento Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli... more