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Amidst the expected, punning advertisements for data companies lining the drive into San Francisco, one passes a lone cultural billboard depicting Klimt’s The Virgin (1913). The image advertises Klimt & Rodin: An Artistic Encounter at the... more
Desde los inicios de la aparición de obras de escultura, en la historia de la humanidad, el paradigma fue la representación de la realidad. A lo largo de los siglos sufrió muy escasas modificaciones tanto en las técnicas como en los... more
A Brief Insight on Post-Impressionism Culture and Its Correspondence to Freud
The balance in an artistic creation between opposing forces of originality and reproduction, between the unique work of art of an artist and the foundry produced versions, has long been regarded as a crucial problem. More than a... more
Les préoccupations de Rodin, Brancusi et Hesse concernant le renouvellement de l’œuvre par le biais de la répétition, apparaissent comme des tentatives de conciliation de l’immobilité et du mouvement. Ce texte montre que la forme répétée... more
A book published on the occasion of the exhibition:
"What a Joy to be a Sculptor!"
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, 17.3.-11.9.2022
Análisis histórico-artístico sobre esta escultura en bronce realizada por Claudel en 1895.
This article discusses the ways in which Auguste Rodin came to associate the poetical universes of the Divine Comedy and Les Fleurs du Mal. It concentrates par- ticularly on the original edition that the bibliophile Paul Gallimard... more
Il Nobel per la medicina mette di fronte la mente umana e l’ambiente intellettuale viennese fra 1889 e 1914, tracciando un ritratto stimolante dell’intensa simbiosi che si viene a determinare. Le prime tracce della possibilità di... more
Lecture for the inauguration of the "Medardo Rosso" exhibition at the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, UK on 13 July 1994, organised by Robert Hopper at the Henry Moore Lecture Theatre, Leeds City Art Gallery. The lecture introduces... more
Ecourile simboliste în sculptura româneascã, desi efemere, au reusit sã zdruncine conceptia academicã încã dominantã la începutul secolului XX si sã promoveze o esteticã a intimitãtii si a sentimentului. Spre deosebire de tãrile vecine,... more
Attraverso alcuni documenti inediti conservati presso gli archivi della Biennale di Venezia (ASAC) e del Museo Rodin di Parigi, il testo arricchisce le conoscenze già acquisite sulla partecipazione del celebre scultore francese alle prime... more
Fin-de-siècle Prague, a provincial capital city in the Habsburg empire, was a site of Czech-German nationality conflict. In 1902 it was also home to the largest exhibition of Auguste Rodin's art outside France during his life. Due to the... more
Musée Rodin, Paris, 9-10 novembre 2017 Pour le Centanaire de la mort d'Auguste Rodin, le second volet de "Rodin - L'Onde de choc" est l'occasion de poursuivre les réflexions et les échanges qui ont animé le colloque organisé au Grand... more
Auguste Rodin, segundo hijo de un modesto funcionario de la prefectura de policía, nació en París el 14 de noviembre de 1840. Sus padres se preocuparon de cuidar atentamente la edu­ cación religiosa y de guiar los estudios de sus hijos,... more
This comprehensive article surveys the appearance of and interest in Dante and his works in French art of the nineteenth century.
A Mímica Corporal proposta e exercitada pelo francês Étienne Decroux [1898-1991] foi profundamente marcada pelo contato, pela troca e mesmo pelo embate estético e ideológico com outras manifestações artísticas, como a dança (especialmente... more
Exhibition catalogue (Pistoia, Palazzo Fabroni, 16 Sept. 2017 - 7 Jan. 2018; Venice, Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, 27 Jan. - 1 May 2018). Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale, 2017
At its height in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Japonisme had a tremendous impact on Western art. In this publication, author Ricard Bru approaches the cultural phenomenon of Japonisme from an innovative standpoint. He... more
Using a series of Rodin's drawings after Michelangelo's Medici Chapel as a springboard, this chapter discusses Rodin's identification with Michelangelo in light of the Florentine sculptor's shifting reputation in the 1870s. I argue that... more
Die Untersuchung setzt sich zum Ziel, Rilkes Kunstansichten in seinen Monographien, Aufsätzen, Tagebüchern und Briefen zu rekonstruieren. Der Gegenstand der Analyse sind die frühen Tagebücher und die Kunstmonographien Worpswede und... more
This book is a unique and comprehensive illustrated dictionary of French Art Nouveau Ceramics. A census conducted in 1901 indicated the existence of some 209 producers of pottery in France, employing a total of around 5,800 full-time... more
En 1878, "Le Sommeil" de Courbet est exposé publiquement pour la première fois, à l'occasion de la rétrospective organisée en hommage au peintre franc-comtois, mort l'année précédente. Terminée en 1866, le tableau était jusqu'alors resté... more
Today we are going to introduce and so to speak to taste Dante’s Commedia. The poem opens with a poet, also named Dante, who finds himself lost in a wood. The ghost of the ancient Latin poet Vergil appears, and offers to guide him on... more
Through an original and extraordinarily fruitful reading of the Hegelian conception of negativity, Catherine Malabou developed the concept of plasticity which she keeps working on as one of her cardinal concepts even to this day. Engaging... more
Exhibition catalogue (Pistoia, Palazzo Fabroni, 16 Sept. 2017 - 7 Jan. 2018; Venice, Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, 27 Jan. - 1 May 2018). Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale, 2017
Today, in addition to the Om sign or the image of Ganesha, the image of the dancing Shiva is one of the best-known Hindu symbols in the world: the Nataraja is not only omnipresent in museums; his image adorns holy cards, posters, holiday... more
This article examines Auguste Rodin's interpretation of Inferno 5 through drawings and sculpture created for his monumental illustration of the Commedia known as the Gates of Hell.
Además de Josep Llimona, Miquel Blay o Eusebi Arnau, durante el Modernismo existió una amplia nómina de escultores que esperan ser estudiados con la profundidad que se merecen. Damià Pradell constituye un ejemplo claro. Figura... more
Dominik Brabant Rodin-Lektüren Deutungen und Debatten von der Moderne zur Postmoderne DOI: English Summary Interpreting Rodin Debates and Discussions from Modernity to Postmodernity With the works of Auguste... more
"This dense treatise by philosopher DeLay (Before God) puts scripture in conversation with classic works of art to address fundamental questions of faith and existence. 'Existence assumes the form of faith, for it becomes a task of... more
Le Livre des enfants Antonia S. Byatt (Auteur), Laurence Petit (Traduction), Pascal Bataillard (Traduction) Broché: 689 pages Editeur : Flammarion (11 janvier 2012) Collection : LITTERATURE ETR Langue : Français ISBN-10: 2081232316... more
Review of Journey in Sensuality – Anna Halprin and Rodin Documentary dance film produced and directed by Ruedi Gerber Dance that pushes sensual temporal boundaries and sculpture that pushes formal permanent boundaries have had a solid... more
Venedik treninde, altı kişilik kompartımanda yolculuk yapıyoruz. Pencere kenarında iki yaşlı kadın ve genç bir çift ile birlikteyiz. Sıdıka’yla biraz sohbet ettikten so nra, o kitap okumaya ben de Milano’ya geldiğim gün aldığım... more
This paper examines the importance of Marcel Duchamp's La Machine Célibataire (The Bachelor Machine) on Art and Technology in the 20th and 21st centuries.