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Here we investigate associations between complex auditory and complex taste stimuli. A novel piece of music was composed and recorded in four different styles of musical articula-tion to reflect the four basic tastes groups (sweet, sour,... more
La lettura critica si propone di analizzare il libro Di Bona e Santarcangelo Il suono. L’esperienza uditiva e i suoi oggetti, mettendone in luce i particolari aspetti di unicità, sistematicità e completezza. Prima introduzione in lingua... more
The theme of sight plays a central role throughout the book of Acts. While some scholars have identified this theme, especially with respect to visions, they typically overlook the intersection of sight and audition. This article argues... more
تبدأ مرحلة الفحص الميداني بانتقال الفاحص لمعاينة مركز نشاط الممول على الطبيعة ويختلف هنا مركز نشاط الممول حسب الحالة التي تحت الفاحص و نوع المعلومات التي يمكن للفاحص الحصول عليها . وقد تتكرر هذه الزيارات للتعرف على أنواع النشاط لمختلفة... more
Aun teniendo en cuenta la mínima presencia de la educación musical en la etapa de primaria, la audición es uno de los contenidos fundamentales en ella, ya que, prácticamente, todos los ámbitos y apartados que integran el currículo del... more
This is a book about the metaphysics of perception and discusses touch, audition, and vision. Though primarily concerned with the nature of perception, it draws heavily from the history of philosophy of perception, and connects the... moreán/sobre-aparato-auditivo-y-alteraciones/3sktw3ldc86j2/165 The vestibular system is responsible to feedback sensing motion of the head while keeping stability of images on the fovea of the... more
This paper analyses Asia Extreme’s strategies to internationalise and adapt Japanese films for a Western audience through two case studies: Audition and Battle Royale.
Los siguientes capítulos ofrecen la verdadera magnitud de la tarea desarrollada, la dimensión real del esfuerzo realizado para preparar cada conferencia de divulgación vinculada al concierto programado. Tenemos en las siguientes... more
We hear sounds, and their sources, and their audible qualities. Sounds and their sources are essentially dynamic entities, not wholly present at any given moment, but unfolding through their temporal interval. Sounds and their sources,... more
Following Berkeley, contemporary philosophers of perception typically endorse the view that the only immediate objects of hearing are sounds. In this case, we hear things only in virtue of hearing the sounds that they make. This paper... more
Already the first correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes in 1643 inaugurated the discourse of the mind-body-distinction, which until today remains as one of the unresolved problems in modern epistemology.... more
New World monkeys are a diverse primate group and a model for understanding hearing in mammals. However, comparable audiograms do not exist for the larger monkeys, making it difficult to test the hypothesized relationship between... more
Building on the notational principles of C. S. Peirce’s graphical logic, Pietarinen has tried to develop a propositional logic unfolding in the medium of sound. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this project serves as a concrete test of... more
in William Forde Thompson (ed.), Music in the Social and Behavioural Sciences: An Encyclopaedia (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2014), 339-341
I defend and develop a traditional view in the metaphysics of sound, The Wave Theory of Sound. According The Wave Theory, as developed herein, sounds are not patterned disturbances so much as their propagation. And the propagation of a... more The dynamic changes in natural sounds’ temporal structures convey important event-relevant information. However, prominent researchers have previously expressed concern that... more
A widespread view among philosophers and scientists is that recorded sounds and assisted hearing differ fundamentally from natural sounds and direct hearing. It is commonly claimed, for example, that the sounds we hear over the phone are... more
Bookmyface has many partnerships with Training Institutes, Production house. In this era of where at each and every moment the Film Industry needs bright talents to be in Hindi Serial, Film, short film, web series, advertisement, banners,... more
In this paper I argue that empty space can be an object of auditory perception. This position contrasts with that of Nudds, who explicitly denies that empty space can be heard, as well as the generally held view that the only things that... more
In their article, Schergill et al present evidence that auditory hallucinations might be related to a lack of awareness that inner speech has been generated. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, they compared voxels during... more
Understanding NAPs for educational purposes. In the paper it is featured the process of audition in order to connect it to the neural and cognition response.
Sarah M Haigh; David J Heeger; Laurie Heller; Akshat Gupta; Ilan Dinstein; Nancy J Minshew; Marlene Behrmann. Previous research has suggested that autism is associated with abnormalities in sensory and attentional processing. Here, we... more
The dynamic changes in natural sounds’ temporal structures convey important event-relevant information. However, prominent researchers have previously expressed concern that non-speech auditory perception research disproportionately uses... more
Duration reproduction with sensory feedback delay: