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Dans la vie de tous les jours, nous interagissons avec notre environnement grâce a nos sens. Plusieurs situations de la vie impliquent en effet l’exploitation de plusieurs sens. Par exemple, lors de la lecture d’un livre, nous pouvons,... more
English Abstract: The study of non-canonical Maṣāḥif and readings of the Quran is now necessary for knowing not only the collection of the Quran but also the history of the formation of readings and syntactic opinions around them, and in... more
Music education in Spain is suffering different setbacks since the figure of the specialist in the university was lost, added to the modifications of the Wert Law, which left freedom to the different autonomous communities so that they... more
Since the so-called Hopf-type amplifier has become an established element in the modeling of the mammalian hearing organ, it also gets attention in the design of nonlinear amplifiers for technical applications. Due to its pure sinusoidal... more
INTRODUÇÃO: A melatonina, reconhecida por sua influência na regulação do sono, desperta crescente interesse devido às suas propriedades antioxidantes. Embora ainda em estudo, sugere-se que essa substância possa desempenhar um papel... more
Au cours des dernières années, de nombreuses études de la perception ont utilisé l'écoute d'un signal de parole comme tâche pour étudier l'attention sélective en audition. Dans les tâches d'écoute de voix concurrentes,... more
An observer's inference that multimodal signals originate from a common underlying source facilitates cross-modal binding. This 'unity assumption' causes asynchronous auditory and visual speech streams to seem simultaneous... more
On definit le cadre contextuel actuel de la reconnaissance de l'identite de la personne a travers sa voix, on esquisse les concepts de base methodologiques et de nature informatique. On tente ensuite une investigation des sources de... more
El objetivo de este artículo es la formación de criterio a favor de la música como ámbito de educación. Dentro del sistema educativo actual distinguimos tres ámbitos relacionados con la educación musical que no siempre se han... more
The Yucatec Maya language has a highly complex deictic system with interesting typological differences that in addition to demonstratives and locative adverbs also includes ostensive evidentials and modal adverbs. Given that deictic words... more
Forty-four Western-enculturated musicians completed two studies. The first group was asked to judge the relative sadness of forty-four familiar Western instruments. An independent group was asked to assess a number of acoustical... more
This article seeks to unveil quantitative relations between the patterns of movement recurrence of a group of expert clarinetists and expressive sonic manipulations they employ during their performances. The main hypothesis is that the... more
Attention is a hypothetical mechanism in the service of perception that facilitates the processing of relevant information and inhibits the processing of irrelevant information. Prediction is a hypothetical mechanism in the service of... more
Taxonomy of philosophical theories of Sound: proximal theories; medial theories; distal theories. A distal theory: The Located Event Theory (LET) of sound – Understanding sound and the cognition of sounding objects; ontology of sound... more
Taxonomy of philosophical theories of Sound: proximal theories; medial theories; distal theories. A distal theory: The Located Event Theory (LET) of sound. Understanding sound and the cognition of sounding objects; ontology of sound... more
Misophonia is a neurobehavioral syndrome phenotypically characterized by heightened autonomic nervous system arousal and negative emotional reactivity (e. g., irritation, anger, anxiety) in response to a decreased tolerance for specific... more