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The safeguarding, preservation and valorisation of the cultural heritage has increasingly become associated with the process of making cultural heritage assets available online (“Towards an Integrated Approach”). The process of... more
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
The Phoenix is one of only a handful of British cinemas to have remained active for the past 100 years. This is the story of Oxford’s oldest continuously operating cinema, as told by its staff and customers. Featuring first-hand... more
Introductory. Advertising communication in general. Evolutionary stages. Diagram of flow. Some basic terms of mass media research. The media process in advertising. Definition of media deregulation. Commodity form. Quantitative terms of... more
This book gives an important place to the controversies surrounding the question of participation in the cultural and artistic fields. This debate gathers researchers who have developed through their work an original and documented point... more
This book gives an important place to the controversies surrounding the question of participation in the cultural and artistic fields. This debate gathers researchers who have developed through their work an original and documented point... more
"This text was published as a part of the special issue "Marx is Back" (edited by Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco) in the journal triple-C: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation (Vol. 10, No. 2, 2012, pp. 274-301). Abstract... more
This thesis, in the field of music composition and performance practice, presents the results of a practice-research project into performance validity and notational reliability in vigilant musical practice. From my initial inquiry into... more
In an examination of how witnessing autobiographical stories through a performance onstage affects audiences, this article considers the function of narrative in public space. Its key focus lies on exploring the concept of witnessing... more
La popularización del consumo de contenidos bajo demanda, impulsado por los grandes agentes globales como Netflix, Amazon o HBO, ha provocado una importante disrupción en los hábitos de consumo y ha intensificado el fenómeno de la... more
A través de la presente investigación se evalúa la implementación de la reforma curricular de la Facultad de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Universidad de La Sabana, a través del análisis de diferentes variables en el área de... more
This article argues for an expansion of existing studies on the meaning of metrics in digital environments by evaluating a methodology tested in a pilot study to analyse audience responses to metrics of social media profiles. The pilot... more
Resumen: El estudio caracteriza la ciencia escrita para clarificar los lenguajes y los públicos que despliega y establecer si tales audiencias apropian la ciencia por medio de lenguaje escrito. Se utilizó el método descriptivo que... more
In an update to my monograph Heritage Film Audiences: Period Films and Contemporary Audiences in the UK (Edinburgh University Press, 2011), this paper explores currently evolving forms of online audience behaviour and participatory fan... more
The years between 1928 and 1930, when Pirandello was living in Berlin, coincided with the translation into Italian of Evreinov's theoretical essays and with the first production of Brecht's Three Penny Opera. Nikolaj Evreinov (1879-1953),... more
How to cite this article: Neira, Elena; Clares-Gavilán, Judith; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi (2021). "New audience dimensions in streaming platforms: the second life of Money heist on Netflix as a case study". Profesional de la información, v.... more
Presentamos en este artículo los resultados de una investigación realizada en la Universidad de Salamanca desde el Observatorio de Contenidos Audiovisuales en el año 2014. El objetivo de este estudio es el de analizar los usos y consumos... more
This article investigates the development, purpose and value of co-creation in theatre. Through a qualitative analysis of a new work festival at West Yorkshire Playhouse, it explores the levers and barriers to participatory engagement and... more
The Greek mass media are being transformed towards the direction of an exaggerated promotion of the combination of info(rmation and enter)tainment, i.e. infotainment, with their audiences giving much larger importance to how things are... more
This article analyzes the nature of debate on “below the line” comment fields at the United Kingdom’s Guardian, and how, if at all, such debates are impacting journalism practice. The article combines a content analysis of 3,792 comments... more
Resumen Analizamos el estado del arte de los estudios de recepción, audiencias y consumo cultural en Venezuela durante el período 2000-2011. Examinamos enfoques teóricos sobre el campo de la recepción mediática y cultural, desde las... more
This research aims to portray the way young adult people interact with news and how their consumption is affected by advertising and personal data sharing. 'Digital News Report Spain 2018', a questionnaire on the consumption of... more
This article reflects on the consequences of digitization for multiplatform television/media production, the ways in which it affects textual expressions, and how this might have a bearing on changing audience roles. It takes its... more
El objeto de este capítulo es mostrar el grado de afectación del sector de las artes escénicas con respecto a la transición de la cultura analógica a la digital, tomando como referencia los teatros de titularidad pública en España.... more
Net-based public sphere researchers have examined online deliberation in numerous ways. However, most studies have focused exclusively on political discussion forums. This article moves beyond such spaces by analyzing political talk from... more
This research aims to portray the way young adult people interact with news and how their consumption is affected by advertising and personal data sharing. 'Digital News Report Spain 2018', a questionnaire on the consumption of... more
Galego Preséntase un percurso pola fulcral intervención de Roberto Vidal Bolaño no campo teatral galego desde os momentos refundacionais de comezos da década de setenta até a transición para o novo século, na multifacetada figura de... more
n the advent of societal issues surrounding minority groups, this paper investigates a significant such example in history (1992 Los Angeles Riots) to better understand how mainstream news media covered the story with regard to issues... more
Este trabajo representa una aproximación inicial a la presencia de la internet en una región de México. El estudio muestra la penetración de la red y los usos más recurrentes entre los internautas del estado de Jalisco. El fenómeno se... more
El periodismo se está replanteando debido a la transformación de los medios y al impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en cada una de las fases del proceso periodístico. Estos cambios también han impactado al periodismo deportivo. Por tales... more
With this chapter, I explore the social meanings of embodied ways of listening to North Indian classical music. I focus especially on still, silent listening, a mode of listening that has been neglected in scholarship in this context.... more
This article does three things. First, it briefly presents some relevant depictions of the (general) historian by past and present scholars, whilst also touching on the contested role of theory in historians’ practice. Second, it... more
It is news journalism that is commonly considered the practice that reports on the political and invites us to act as citizens. However, there are other media genres, forms and content that may provoke the citizen in us. They not only... more
¿Cómo entender la televisión pública? ¿Cómo aplicar esos conceptos a la televisión pública que se produce en Colombia?