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Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
"Good Will Hunting" is a cultural treatment of two Boston communities—working-class Irish-Catholic immigrants and their descendants; and the landed Protestant establishment—through the story of a boy-genius from a traditionally Irish... more
American prevailing perceptions of the Cold War serve current US national foreign policy process goals that emphasize the expansion of US global influence. The prevailing view in the American polity remains that the Soviet Union was an... more
A central pillar of contemporary conspiracy theories is the notion that all modern wars were secretely plotted and instigated by the Federal Reserve Bank. In these circles, the founding of the so called "Creature from Jekyll Island" in... more
In this chapter, I develop a pragmatic defense of critical patriotism, one that recognizes the many personal and social benefits of patriotic sentiment yet which is also infused with a passion for justice. Though the argument is pragmatic... more
Film & Making Other History studies the ideas informing the creation of a potential counterhegemonic cinema. With a special emphasis on the contributions of Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, the role of narrative in shaping history appears... more
Narodna povijest SAD-a doživjela je brojna izdanja i prijevode na mnoge svjetske jezike, izdane su inačice knjige u stripu, tekst je prilagođen najmlađim čitateljima, snimljeni su i dokumentarni filmovi po Zinnovom predlošku, a za... more
Dr Eqbal Ahmad's 'Selected Writings' (Columbia University Press) launched at Harvard University 2006, where I was privileged to be on the panel talking about Dr Ahmad and the causes he championed, with Noam Chomsky, Stuart Schaar,... more
Fredric Jameson and Linda Hutcheon both published contributions to postmodern theory and especially on cultural production and references to history within them. Fredric Jameson postulates a loss of historicity in the Postmodern and... more
American prevailing perceptions of the Cold War serve current US national foreign policy process goals that emphasize the expansion of US global influence. The prevailing view in the American polity remains that the Soviet Union was an... more
in Kairos 34, Avril/Mai 2018, pp. 10-11

La transition manque de visibilité…
Dos ejemplos de lo que sería la historia no oficial, que no quiere decir que no sea real, sería el documental de Oliver Stone “La historia oculta de los Estados Unidos” y el comic “Una historia popular del imperio americano”, adaptación... more
Chapter from "Agitation With a Smile: Howard Zinn's Legacies and the Future of Activism" (Routledge 2016, eds. Bird, Silver & Yesnowitz) Abstract: This article explores the political thought of American historian and political scientist... more
Paper was written for class during academic studies. First Paragraph: In his work A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn created a controversial narrative utilizing a historiographical approach that continues to challenge... more
A Personal, Historical, Anthropological, and Philosophical inquiry into the nature of Resistance and what constitutes it. Reading and reflecting upon myself, Howard Zinn, James C Scott, and Albert Camus.
A reaction piece to a portion of Howard Zinn's -A People's History of the United States.
This paper offers a critical on one of the article that he wrote entitled Speaking Truth to Power with Book. There are some points that I agree and disagree with Howard Zinn’s perspective in his writing, especially in his article entitled... more
Traducción del discurso de Howard Zinn contra la guerra de Vietnam. Boston Common, Boston, Massachusetts el 5 de mayo de 1971. Publicada en la revista "Huellas de los Estados Unidos. Estudios, Perspectivas y Debates desde América Latina"... more
Quand un film montre une photographie, une carte postale, une publicité, la réalité représentée fait alors l’objet d’une médiation seconde. L’effet recherché peut être de faciliter la réception de ce que l’œuvre première donne à percevoir... more
Falsità, omissioni, ma soprattutto fiumi di parole che mirano a mascherare una visione del mondo a tutto vantaggio del sistema capitalista globale. Ecco cosa i libri di testo insegnano ai nostri alunni\figli.
Over forty years ago, Howard Zinn identified the problem as not one of civil disobedience, but of civil "obedience". He confronted the problem of remaining obedient to laws and rules even "in the face of the face of poverty and starvation... more
"„Ludowa historia Stanów Zjednoczonych…” swoim zakresem obejmuje okres od udanej wyprawy Krzysztofa Kolumba do Ameryki. Wielka historia chwalebnego podboju nie jest jednak częścią tej narracji. Od początku znajdujemy się w innym ujęciu... more
"Imperialism is the factor in American policy, not just since 1898, but in fact long before it when we were expanding across this continent and taking away Indian lands in order to enlarge the territory of the United States. We have been... more