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What is the sovereign consumer that occupies such a central role in organizational discourse whose satisfaction has become an organizational imperative? Our research draws from extended fieldwork in the world of commercial ethnography.... more
At the end of 2010 the British Museum unveiled the final artefact in their exhibition ‘A History of the World in 100 Objects’: a portable solar powered lamp designed for and sold to people living without access to mains electricity in... more
O projecto de investigação parte de um estudo maior intitulado COPP-LAB: Circulações de Polícias em Portugal, África Lusófona e Brasil, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), actualmente em curso (até 2015) e... more
Social anthropology has some claims to have discovered ethnography as a method and certainly to be the only discipline to put it unequivocally at the centre of its research activity. More and more it has begun to apply that method to the... more
Antropologia organizacji jest subdyscypliną sytuującą się na dwóch pograniczach: nauk o zarządzaniu i antropologii oraz antropologii akademickiej i antropologii stosowanej. Z jednej strony uprawiają ją przedstawiciele nauk o zarządzaniu,... more
Ethnographic fieldwork as a key anthropological method has been successfully applied to organisations, and this working paper argues that it can also be used profitably for the structured ‘arenas’ unfolding between organisations, in this... more
In the ethnographically and critically conceived study the core topics derive from the author’s examination of discourse on local tourism around the year 2000 in Tolmin, a town in W Slovenia of approximately 3.500 inhabitants, with as... more
The success of UNESCO’s 1972 World Heritage Convention has made an entry into the World Heritage List a coveted distinction for tourism, nationbuilding and economic development. This article traces the evolution of the treaty from... more
In the more than two decades since the first international climate negotiations, many thinkers and actors have identified a divisive rift between ambitious language and binding agreements, between expertise and activism, information and... more
We examine the role of business parties in business markets: why do B2B companies spend such large amounts of money to sponsor events meant for public consumption, such as sporting events, when most of their activity involves selling to... more
This chapter provides an ethnograpic account of the UN Security Council. The analysis is inspired by Marc Galanter’s argument about the advantages of the “repeat players.” (1974. “Why the ‘Haves’ Come Out Ahead”). Whereas the permanent... more
Aufbauend auf der Beobachtung, dass die postfordistische Arbeitswelt und deren arbeitende Subjekte durch ästhetisierte Kreativitätsdispositive gekennzeichnet sind (siehe dazu Boltanski/Chiapello 2007 [1999]; Reckwitz 2012 [1995]),... more
This book examines a new type of state formation evoked by the rise of transnational rule, what Schia calls franchised states. Turning the UN into a field site and drawing on an anthropological fieldwork of the UN organization, he... more
How do small states behave once they have a seat at the table? In this article, I describe how one small state—Norway—operated when it was a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2001–02. From my anthropological... more
This is a reprint appearing in the ES&P Special Issue "Into the Fray. Strategic Perspectives on Biodiversity Sciences and Politics" edited by Aleksandar Rankovic, Audrey Coreau, Yann Laurans, Laurent Mermet, Sébastien Treyer. The rest of... more
This paper looks at the way in which the flexibilization of the Mexican economy has been accompanied by neoliberalism as its mode of regulation, and the importance that macroeconomic changes have had for indigenous weavers in the Mexican... more
This paper discusses a research project in which social scientists were involved both as analysts and supporters during a pilot with a new wireless nursing call system. The case thus exemplifies an attempt to participate in developing... more
While organizational identity can be a powerful tool for mobilizing and directing organizational members, the authors’ findings demonstrate that it can also constrain the process of foreign market adaptation. Drawing from extensive... more
Volume on the post-academic life of anthropology edited by Jeremy MacClancy
The book sets out the major social scientific approaches to the study of Special Operations Forces (SOF). The increased presence and unprecedented expansion for SOF is largely a result of the ‘new’ kinds of conflicts that have emerged in... more
Celem pracy jest antropologiczna (etnologiczna) prezentacja tzw. neopogańskiego nacjonalizmu w skali mikro, czyli w ograniczeniu do jednej tylko grupy społecznej występującej na terenach Polski. Przedmiotem mojego zainteresowania stał się... more
This chapter draws on empirical data from an in-depth case study of a UK mutual life insurance company given the pseudonym Pensco. 1 The company was undergoing a period of transformation: in their own terms, they were evolving out of a... more
This chapter draws from the findings of research conducted from 2008 to 2010 by a group composed of five postgraduate students in political sciences whom I supervised. The aim of the research was to produce an ethnographic study of the... more
This dissertation is based on anthropological fieldwork conducted in three London based ICT companies. I explore the complex issue of gender and culture in regards to under representation of women in the ICT industry. I discuss the... more
If institutions are "the more enduring features of social life" (Giddens, The Constitution of Society, 1984), then how do they come into being? What kinds of collective practices and intersubjective aspirations bring them about, and how... more
What does a science of environmental conservation look like? Though we often see it as a contemporary problem, engineering the interface of science and decision-making bodies has been a question since the founding of ecology. This study... more
This article contributes to understanding the material culture of contemporary political practice, especially in a context of large sociopolitical inequality, by focusing on the spatiality and materiality of political brokerage. Its... more
Herstructurering van achterstandswijken is in volle gang. Er wordt gerenoveerd, gesloopt en nieuw gebouwd. Wat de jongeren die in deze herstructureringswijken wonen hiervan vinden, blijft onderbelicht. Hoe vinden zij het om in de wijk te... more