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Biblical scholars have long debated the identity of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. Most Christians identify the servant as Jesus and interpret Isaiah 53 as a description of Jesus’ unique, substitutionary death. However, Isaiah 40–55... more
Этот доклад – попытка найти простые универсальные слова, которые будят в человеке «ген гостеприимства». Именно так называет врожденную способность к обслуживанию мой первый шеф-ресторатор. Меня зовут Жанна Прашкевич, я начала карьеру в... more
This paper draws from an incident on a construction site when Xhosa workers organised a rite of passage for a fallen colleague. Probing into the history of the industrial, corporate workplace, an anthropological study of the 'Rites of... more
The relationship between Achan and Israel in Josh 7 has puzzled commentators for thousands of years. Achan sinned, yet the anger, judgment, and punishment of the Lord came upon the Israelites at large, and the result was the death of... more
In 1 Timothy 2:15 Paul makes a very perplexing statement to the effect that Eve will be saved through “the childbearing” if they exercise good judgment and remain in the Christian way. This statement has puzzled commentators for two... more
The purpose of this paper is twofold: to provide a sound exegesis of Psalm 44 and to discuss the implications of this exegesis for both biblical scholarship and for the Church. Of particular interest is the way in which the psalmists... more
The purpose of this paper is to show that sonship in the NT served as a metaphor for the OT concept of corporate solidarity. Part 1 explains the corporate anthropology of the OT authors and provides a definition of corporate solidarity.... more
Conferencia impartida por Sergio D. López a los alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Salamanca el 30 de octubre de 2018.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the corporate dimension of the NT presentation of the Spirit as a corrective to individualistic interpretations of the Spirit in the NT. The body of the paper consists of seven sections, covering... more
Sustainability paradox has become a debate of our time; adding to this predicament is sometimes the questionable behaviors of the corporations. This detrimental demeanor is counterproductive, as it for the entity so do for our common... more
This dissertation explores types and forms of political influence churches have in Africa. The study supplements the studies on church-state relations in Africa with a closer examination of the political significance of the social... more
Which research trends promise to make the anthropology of states and markets particularly interesting during the years to come? What do these trends tell us about the nature of economic anthropology at a time when more and more of our... more