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Introduction to Archaeology: SPRING 2023 Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 Lecture 17: How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Notes and images compiled by Gregory Mumford (© 2023) Contents: 8. How did they make use of tools? Technology. 1. Introduction: Survival of the evidence: Are they artifacts at all? Interpreting the evidence: ethnographic analogy 5 8 11 13 2. Unaltered materials: stone. Extraction: mines and quarries How was stone transported? How were stones worked and fitted Stone tool manufacture Identifying the function of stone tools: microwear Identifying function: further experiments Assessing the technology of Stone Age art 16 18 25 32 38 57 69 73 3. Other unaltered materials: Bone, antler, shell, and leather Wood Plant and animal fibres 81 82 94 117 Contents: 8. How did they make use of tools? Technology. 4. Synthetic materials: Firing and pyrotechnology Pottery Faience and glass 122 123 128 141 5. Archaeometallurgy: Non-ferrous materials : copper technology evolution Alloying Casting Silver, lead, and platinum: Fine metalwork Plating Iron and steel: 144 145 152 154 162 166 169 172 6. Summary: 178 7. Case Study-1: Pharaonic stone working. 8. Case Study-2: Pharaonic metallurgy. 9. Case Study-3: Early Bronze Technology EH, EC, EM Instructor tips for lectures, etc.: (1). Attend class regularly (& listen) … → Many clarifications, tips, announcements, reinforcement & reviews of materials/concepts. (2). Take notes on lectures, etc. … → The act of writing down notes, even with most course materials and instructions online, serves as an invaluable aid to one focusing on a class topic and retaining information better. (3). Complete the required textbook readings, and/or review the ppt., prior to the specific class day … → This will provide greater clarity and comprehension of the material, and will enable asking focused questions where something may be less clear (in the textbook or lecture). (4). Ask questions during the class if you are confused/wish more data → The class is an ideal place to ask for more clarity or further information not contained in the textbook, ppt., and/or lecture (If nobody asks questions, the lecture proceeds …). (5). Complete optional materials: → Additional reinforcement, studying & bonus? Renfrew and Bahn 2019 (8th. Ed.) Chapter 8: How did they make use of tools? Technology. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.1. Introduction: • Humanity = often defined by tool-making abilities. Progression: Stone →AE → Fe → computers This chapter assesses: • How artifacts = made & used Different approaches: a. Archaeological b. Scientific analysis c. Ethnographic d. Experimental • Each artifact’s manufacturing process & application = best understood by closest modern manufacturer & user of a similar technology & item → Industrial archaeology. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.1. Introduction: • Humanity = often defined by tool-making abilities. Progression: Stone →AE → Fe → computers This chapter assesses: • How artifacts = made & used Different approaches: a. Archaeological b. Scientific analysis c. Ethnographic (ethnoarchaeology) d. Experimental • Each artifact’s manufacturing process & application = best understood by closest modern manufacturer & user of a similar technology & item → Industrial archaeology. Dr. H. L. Gates Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.2. Survival of the evidence: • Biased preservation may affect the surviving artifacts/technology • E.g., Palaeolithic: - Stone tools survive mostly - Few wood & bone items survive - Except wet, cold, & dry sites, sometimes imprints, hollows, soil discolorations, etc. • E.g., A “pseudomorph” (hollow) at a Middle Paleolithic site in NE Spain (Abru Romani) → yielded a hollow from a pointed wooden Ukraine: stick (1 m long) ca. 50,000 BP. Palaeolithic • Some ancient depictions = tools: Gontsy E.g., Boomerangs in Australia mammoth bone hut • Other evidence from: E.g., Sword-cuts; pick marks; etc. site Medieval fish basket Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.2. Survival of the evidence: • Biased preservation may affect the surviving artifacts/technology • E.g., Paleolithic: - Stone tools survive mostly - Few wood & bone items survive - Except wet, cold, & dry sites, sometimes imprints, hollows, soil discolorations, etc. • E.g., A “pseudomorph” (hollow) at a Middle Paleolithic site in NE Spain (Abru Romani) → yielded a hollow from a pointed wooden stick (1 m long) ca. 50,000 BP. • Some ancient depictions = tools: E.g., Boomerangs in Australia • Other (indirect) evidence from: E.g., Sword-cuts; pick marks; etc. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.2. Survival of the evidence: • Biased preservation may affect the surviving artifacts/technology • E.g., Paleolithic: - Stone tools survive mostly - Few wood & bone items survive - Except wet, cold, & dry sites, sometimes imprints, hollows, soil discolorations, etc. Roman period chisel • E.g., A “pseudomorph” (hollow) at a Middle Paleolithic site in NE Spain (Abru Romani) → yielded a hollow from a pointed wooden Pointed chisel marks and stick (1 m long) ca. 50,000 BP. impressions on white marble • Some ancient depictions = tools: E.g., Boomerangs in Australia • Other (indirect) evidence from: E.g., Sword-cuts; pick marks; etc. Incised grooves from blade/edge Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.3. Are they artifacts at all? • Archaeologists need to determine whether each item found = purposefully made/used? OR = by-product of manufacture? - Paleolithic flakes = less obvious! - “Eoliths” human-made vs. natural. Analysis of stone tool production → revealed “bulb of percussion” = left on “human-made tools” - Nature leaves irregular scars, fracturing (heat; frost; falls) → Eoliths = NATURAL. - Earliest tools = harder to discern from natural items (see context) - Now know some animals use tools (e.g., Chimpanzees) → no longer defines humanity (isolated finds =?) Pedra Furada rock shelter (NE Brazil): Controversial pebble “tool” dating back to 30,000 BP vs. 15,000 BP for New World. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.3. Are they artifacts at all? • Archaeologists need to determine whether each item found = purposefully Rock fall made/used? OR = by-product of manufacture? → - Paleolithic “flakes”flakes = less obvious! - “Eoliths” human-made vs. natural. (like “tools”) Analysis of stone tool production → revealed “bulb of percussion” left on “human-made tools” - Nature leaves irregular scars and fracturing (heat; frost; falls) → Eoliths = NATURAL. - Earliest tools = harder to discern from natural items (see context) - We now know some animals use tools (e.g.,chimpanzees) → tools no longer Chimpanzee tool use define humanity (isolated finds =?) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.4. Interpreting the evidence: Using ethnographic analogy: • Careful use of ethnography & ethnoarchaeology aids in assessing ancient technologies: - Generally people use readiest materials for daily, ordinary work (e.g., transitory tools). - Many people expend time & labour on long-term tools (e.g., hardier, quality tools) • Rel. % of artifacts = various meanings: - Abundant items may = cheap items - Uncommon items may = valuable • Assessing meaning: - 16th Cent. AD Tairona Indian pendants = polished stone → may = decorative? - Kogi Indian descendants now use them Relative value: as rattles/tinklers in dances!Material access -Same use? Versus ChangedTool use? complexity Common items • Experimental archaeology: prod. & use Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.4. Interpreting the evidence: Kogi Indians Using ethnographic analogy: • Careful use of ethnography & ethnoarchaeology aids in assessing ancient technologies: Pre-Columbian - gen. people use readiest materials Tairona Indian for daily, ordinary work. Necklace with - gen. people expend time & labor on long-term tools. greenstone beads & frog pendant • Rel.% of artifacts = various meanings: - Abundant items may = cheap items - Uncommon items may = valuable • Assessing meaning: - 16th Cent. AD Tairona Indian pendants = polished stone → may = decorative? - Kogi Indian descendants now use them differently(?), as rattles/tinklers in dances! Elsewhere: Same use versus changed use? • Experimental archaeology: prod. & use Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 1.4. Interpreting the evidence: Using ethnographic analogy: • Careful use of ethnography & ethnoarchaeology aids in assessing ancient technologies: - gen. people use readiest materials for daily, ordinary work. - gen. people expend time & labor on long-term tools. • Rel.% of artifacts = various meanings: - Abundant items may = cheap items - Uncommon items may = valuable E.g., Early Iron Age ceramic project • Assessing meaning: - 16th Cent. AD Tairona Indian pendants = polished stone → may = decorative? - Kogi Indian descendants now use them as rattles/tinklers in dances! The Duyfken sailing near Fremantle (1999). Early Neolithic wood technology -Same use? Versus Changed use? (Austria): stone axe to fell trees • Experimental archaeology: =prod. & use TECHNOLOGY: unaltered materials a. STONE Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.1. Unaltered Materials: Stone. • Most common artifacts surviving from ca. 3.3 million → 14,000 BP = stone. Lake Turkana, Kenya: 2.2. Extraction: mines & quarries. Australopithecus afarensis or • Stone from surface, streambeds, etc. Kenyanthropus platyops tool use • Also mines & quarries. N. Europe Neolithic flint mines: - Open cast & shaft mining following desired seams: Recent: 3.3 million-year-old stone tools - Rijckholt region has 60 mine shafts found, predating early humans … 10-16 m deep with side galleries. - Region may have had 5000? Shafts producing 153 million axeheads. - Shaft shored up by plaited branches. - Rope traces for raising nodule loads. - 15,000 axes used in cutting galleries. ?- Mine → produced 2.5 million axe heads. - 5 axes per cubic metre of chalk. - Some heating to fracture rock face. TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Extraction techniques (mines & quarries) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.1. Unaltered Materials: Stone. • Most common artifacts surviving from ca. 2.5 million → 14,000 BP = stone. 2.2. Extraction: mines & quarries. • Stone from surface, streambeds, etc. • Stone also from mines & quarries. N. Europe Neolithic flint mines: - Open cast & shaft mining following desired seams: - Rijckholt region has 60 mine shafts 10-16 m deep with side galleries. - Region may have had 5,000+? shafts producing 153 million axeheads. - Shaft shored up by plaited branches. - Rope traces for raising nodule loads. - 15,000 axes used in cutting galleries. - Mine produced 2.5 million axe heads. - 5 axes per cubic metre of chalk. - Some heating to fracture rock face. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Quarries: • Study abandoned/unfinished items: - Easter Island statue quarry: Shape drawn → fully carved statues Experiments: 6 carvers produced a 5 metre high statue in one year. - Aswan granite quarry (Egypt): A 42 metre long obelisk (1,168 tons) Dolerite balls → 5 mm depth per hour = takes 400 workers 15 months (Dyn.18, Thutmose III, ca. 1450 BC) Easter Island moai / statue production “Walking” to site (part of ritual) - Rumiqolqa quarry in Peru (Inca): Hard stone hammers used to shape 250 blocks found in a 100 m long pit. More to the moai than previously thought Various theories regarding transport … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Quarries: • Study abandoned/unfinished items: - Easter Island statue quarry: Shape drawn → fully carved statues Experiments: 6 carvers produced a 5 metre high statue in one year. - Aswan granite quarry (Egypt): A 42 metre long obelisk (1,168 tons) Dolerite balls → 5 mm depth per hour = takes 400 workers 15 months (may date: Dyn.18, Thutmose III, ca. 1450 BC) - Rumiqolqa quarry in Peru (Inca): Hard stone hammers used to shape 250 blocks found in a 100 m long pit. STONE QUARRIES Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Quarries: • Study abandoned/unfinished items: - Easter Island statue quarry: Shape drawn → fully carved statues Experiments: 6 carvers produced a 5 metre high statue in one year. - Aswan granite quarry (Egypt): A 42 metre long obelisk (1,168 tons) Dolerite balls → 5 mm depth per hour = takes 400 workers 15 months (Dyn.18, Thutmose III, ca. 1450 BC) Inca stone quarrying - Rumiqolqa quarry in Peru (Inca): Hard stone hammers used to shape 250 blocks found in a 100 m long pit. TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Transportation techniques (from mines & quarries) and installation … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.3. How was stone transported? • Sufficient evidence may remain to answer such questions: - Kachiqhata granite quarry (Inca) has slides & ramps. - Wear pattern study reveals drag marks on one face of blocks. - Dragging details remain unknown - Elsewhere: 140 ton block req. 2,400 men - BUT ramp = 8 metres wide → needs experimentation. - Egypt: Dyn.12, 7-m high statue of Djehutihotep: 58-60 tons with 90 men!/? - Experiments in transport & placement → 10 persons in 3 days raised stones of several tons using fat lubricant. - Stonehenge; Easter Island (8 tons); Grand Menhir Brise (32 tons -20 men) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.3. How was stone transported? • Sufficient evidence may remain to answer such questions: - Kachiqhata granite quarry (Inca) has slides & ramps. - Wear pattern study reveals drag marks on one face of blocks. - Dragging details remain unknown - 140 ton block req. 2400 men - BUT ramp = 8 metres wide → needs experimentation. - Egypt: Dyn.12, 7-m high statue of Djehutihotep: 58-60 tons with 90 men!/? - Experiments in transport & placement → 10 persons in 3 days raised stones of several tons using fat lubricant. - Stonehenge; Easter Island (8 tons); Grand Menhir Brise (32 tons -20 men) Dyn.12: Deir el-Bersheh Tomb of nomarch Djehutyhotep • Private statuary and the relative status and power of some nomarchs in relation to the king. • Only evidence = actually this illustration (otherwise = circumstantial evid.) • Approximately 58 ton statue moved by 172 men (is the drawing realistic?) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.3. How was stone transported? • Sufficient evidence may remain to answer such questions: - Kachiqhata granite quarry (Inca) has slides & ramps. - Wear pattern study reveals drag marks on one face of blocks. - Dragging details remain unknown - 140 ton block req. 2400 men - BUT ramp = 8 metres wide → needs experimentation. - Egypt: Dyn.12, 7-m high statue of Easter Island: statue attached keel Djehutihotep: 58-60still tons with 90via men!/? - Experiments in transport & placement → 10 persons in 3 days raised stones of several tons using fat lubricant. - E.g., Stonehenge; Easter Island (8 tons); Grand Menhir Brise (32 tons -20 men) 8 ton Topknot installed. Experimental Archaeology: - Hypothetical techniques for erecting the trilithons and capping them with lintels (at Stonehenge). - Multiple options exist(!) Stonehenge Hypothetical technique Experimental archaeology: Transporting a 3-ton blue stone from Wales TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Working and fitting (design & production process) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.4. How were stones worked & fitted? Protzen’s experiments reveal var. ways to duplicate Inca stonework (Peru). - Hammering & dressing stone blocks, shaping one face in 20 min. - Preparing bedding for upper course block-by-block - 90 minutes to obtain a good fit. Haselberger found architect’s drawings in 4th Cent. BC Apollo Temple (Didyma). - Full sized & scaled down incised plans - Other temples with similar plans AD 120 Roman Pantheon: - Part of its plan found incised in paving beside Mausoleum of Augustus. Egyptian architect’s plans of Tomb of Ramesses IV (12th cent BC) on papyrus: - Including placement of interior shrines. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.4. How were stones worked & fitted? Protzen’s experiments reveal var. ways to duplicate Inca stonework3-d (Peru). view: - Hammering & dressing stone Apollo blocks, shaping one face in 20 min. Temple, - Preparing bedding for upper course Didyma block-by-block - 90 minutes to obtain a good fit. Haselberger found architect’s drawings in 4th Cent. BC Apollo Temple (Didyma). - Full sized & scaled down incised plans - Other temples with similar plans AD 120 Roman Pantheon: - Part of its plan found incised in paving Plan view: beside Mausoleum of Augustus. Apollo Egyptian architect’s plans of Tomb of Temple, Ramesses IV (12th cent BC) on papyrus: Didyma - Including placement of interior shrines. Apollo Temple, Didyma Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.4. How were stones worked & fitted? Protzen’s experiments reveal var. ways to duplicate Inca stonework (Peru). - Hammering & dressing stone blocks, shaping one face in 20 min. - Preparing bedding for upper course block-by-block - 90 minutes to obtain a good fit. Haselberger found architect’s drawings in 4th Cent. BC Apollo Temple (Didyma). - Full sized & scaled down incised plans - Other temples with similar plans Roman Pantheon AD 120 Roman Pantheon: - Part of its plan found incised in paving beside Mausoleum of Augustus. Egyptian architect’s plans of Tomb of Ramesses IV (12th cent BC) on papyrus: - Including placement of interior shrines. Mausoleum of Augustus Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.4. How were stones worked & fitted? Protzen’s experiments reveal ways to duplicate Inca stonework (Peru). - Hammering & dressing stone blocks, shaping one face in 20 min. - Preparing bedding for upper course block-by-block - 90 minutes to obtain a good fit. Haselberger found architect’s drawings in 4th Cent. BC Apollo Temple (Didyma). - Full sized & scaled down incised plans - Other temples with similar plans AD 120 Roman Pantheon: - Part of its plan found incised in paving beside Mausoleum of Augustus. Egyptian architect’s plan of the Tomb of Ramesses IV (12th cent BC) on papyrus: - Including placement of interior shrines. Designing the royal tomb (Ramesside example). Ancient Egyptian plan of R. IV’s tomb (on papyrus) TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Stone tool manufacture process … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5. Stone tool manufacture. a. Flake off exterior nodule →obtain desired core/interior shape: b. Primary flakes bear surface/cortex c. Trim interior flakes (fine-tuning) d. Remove var. tiny flakes (retouch) Evolution of stone tools: a. Oldowan choppers & flakes Break → sharp edges (5 cm edge) b. Acheulian handaxe bifacial flaking (20 cm worth of blade edge) c. Levallois technique (100,000 BP): Preparing core → standard flake (100 cm worth of blade edge) d. Upper Paleolithic (35,000 BP) Hammer + punch → many parallel sided blanks → scrapers, burins, borers (minimized wastage) (300-1200 cm worth of blade edge) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5. Stone tool manufacture. a. Flake off exterior nodule → obtain desired core shape: b. Primary flakes bear surface/cortex c. Trim interior flakes (fine-tuning) d. Remove var. tiny flakes (retouch) Evolution of stone tools: a. Oldowan choppers & flakes Break → sharp edges (5 cm edge) b. Acheulian handaxe bifacial flaking (20 cm worth of blade edge) c. Levallois technique (100,000 BP): Preparing core → standard flake (100 cm worth of blade edge) d. Upper Paleolithic (35,000 BP) Hammer + punch → many parallel sided blanks → scrapers, burins, borers (minimized wastage) (300-1200 cm worth of blade edge) Evolution of stone tool technology Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. e. Mesolithic (10,000 BP): → microlithics dominate assemblage (= tiny blades used in composite tools) Manufacturing process: - Ideally study all waste materials in one spot & anc. Flint knapping areas. - Taku (Japan): cluster of 40 sites beside stone source (ca. 15,000-10,000 BP). Each site facilitated a diff. stage in the manufacturing process. - Most finished artifacts are found away from stone sources. - Different sites → different tool types. E.g., Hunting camp vs. settlement - Hafting traces 80,000 BP+ (Germany). - Modern Australian Aborigines are still producing stone tools. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. e. Mesolithic (10,000 BP): Oldowan through Mesolithic: → Maximizing microlithics investment dominate assemblage i.e., (labour / effort (tiny blades used in to composite tools)… / time) in relation final product Manufacturing process: - Ideally study all waste materials in one spot & ancient flint knapping areas. - Taku (Japan): cluster of 40 sites beside stone source (ca. 15,000-10,000 BP). Each site facilitated a diff. stage in the manufacturing process. - Most finished artifacts are found away from stone sources. - Different sites → different tool types. E.g., Hunting camp vs. settlement - Hafting traces 80,000 BP+ (Germany). - Modern Australian Aborigines are still producing stone tools. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. e. Mesolithic (10,000 BP): → microlithics dominate assemblage (tiny blades used in composite tools) Manufacturing process: - Ideally study all waste materials in one spot & anc. Flint knapping areas. - Taku (Japan): cluster of 40 sites beside stone source (ca. 15,000-10,000 BP). Each site facilitated a diff. stage in the manufacturing process. - Most finished artifacts are found away from stone sources. - Different sites → different tool types. E.g., Hunting camp vs. settlement - Hafting traces 80,000 BP+ (Germany). - Modern Australian Aborigines are still producing stone tools. = study resource! replica Egypt MK industry: Making flint blades. • Materials (flint etc.) • Skilled flint-knapper (apprenticeship) • Market & usage: butcher, hunter, various industries, home (still using flints in Roman per) TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Working and fitting (design & production process) i. Replication (experiment) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5.a. Stone tool replication. • Making duplicate copies of ancient stone tools using past technology to assess probable prod.-processes: - Requires many years of practice E.g., Francois Bordes. - N. Toth produced full tool range for Koobi Fora, Kenya (2-1.5 mill. BP): Hammerstones, choppers, scrapers flakes → believes flakes = main tool (former belief core = objective) - D. Crabtree discovered one technique to produce N. American folsom points (11,000-10,000 BP) 17th Cent. AD Spanish text on Aztecs - G. Frison experimented with replica clovis points in hunting: he could penetrate elephant hide from 20 m. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5.a. Stone tool replication. • Making duplicate copies of ancient stone tools using past technology to assess prob. prod.-processes: - Requires many years of practice E.g., Francois Bordes. - N. Toth produced full tool range for Koobi Fora, Kenya (2-1.5 mill. BP): Hammerstones, choppers, scrapers flakes → believes flakes = main tool (former belief that core = objective) - D. Crabtree discovered one technique to produce N. American folsom points (11,000-10,000 BP) 17th Cent. AD Spanish text on Aztecs - G. Frison experimented with replica clovis points in hunting: he could penetrate elephant hide from 20 m. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5.a. Stone tool replication. • Making duplicate copies of ancient stone tools using past technology to assess prob. prod.-processes: - Requires many years of practice E.g., Francois Bordes. - N. Toth produced full tool range for Koobi Fora, Kenya (2-1.5 mill. BP): Hammerstones, choppers, scrapers flakes → believes flakes = main tool Crabtree (former belief core = objective) -D. Crabtree discovered one technique to produce N.American folsom points (11,000-10,000 BP) 17th Cent. AD Spanish text on ‘Aztecs’ - G. Frison experimented with replica ‘Aztecs’ = various cultural groups clovis points in hunting: he could … penetrate elephant hide from 20 m. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5.a. Stone tool replication. • Making duplicate copies of ancient stone tools using past technology to assess prob. prod.-processes: - Requires many years of practice E.g., Francois Bordes. - N. Toth produced full tool range for Koobi Fora, Kenya (2-1.5 mill. BP): Hammerstones, choppers, scrapers flakes → believes flakes = main tool (former belief core = objective) - D. Crabtree discovered one technique to produce N. American folsom points (11,000-10,000 BP) 17th Cent. AD Spanish text on Aztecs - G. Frison experimented with replica clovis points in hunting: he could penetrate elephant hide from 20 m. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Flints heated: - Heating Florida cherts → pinkish colour at 240C/464F → lustrous at 350-400 C/662-752F (= shiny surface). 20-40% > compressive strength 45% < in breakage resistance. Augmenting flint points by heat • Electron Spin resonance (ESR) and Thermoluminescence (TL): - Reveals defects in lithics E.g., Heated flint has a signature Heating chert enables the chert Heated chert production of largerHeated flakes via pressure flaking. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Flints heated: - Heating Florida cherts → pinkish colour at 240C/464F → lustrous at 350-400 C/662-752F (= shiny surface). 20-40% > compressive strength 45% < in breakage resistance. • Heating up chert in quarry • Electron Spin resonance (ESR) and Thermoluminescence (TL): - Reveals defects in lithics E.g., Heated flint has a signature: Heating chert enables the production of larger flakes via pressure flaking. TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Working and fitting (design & production process) ii. Refitting (backtracking) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5.b. Refitting of stone tools. • Initiated in 1880 by F.C.J. Spurrell • Reactivated by A. Leroi-Gourhan → Refitting tools/flakes from debitage: E.g., Late Upper Paleolithic tool originally part of a stone reduced into 124 pieces (some blades = 30 cm) • Refitting enables accurate reconstr. of flint-knapping process, activity patterns, & dispersal at prod.-site. • BUT, conjoined pieces are also dispersed in other ways(!). • Tool function interpretation = aided by ethnographic observation. • Experimenting in use can reveal its possible to probable applications. • Some tools=multipurpose: A-handaxe • Function also revealed by microwear Separate activity areas at Rekem: Conjoining pieces from tools: - What does the dispersal of conjoined pieces of tools being worked suggest? (a). Multiple stages in lithic production; (b). The raw material and in-progress tool = going through different work stations (& different specialists?) (c). A production line &/or diff stages? E.g., Re-fitted stone flakes … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.5.b. Refitting of stone tools. • Initiated in 1880 by F.C.J. Spurrell • Reactivated by A. Leroi-Gourhan → Refitting tools/flakes from debitage: E.g., Late Upper Paleolithic tool originally part of a stone reduced into 124 pieces (some blades 30 cm) • Refitting enables accurate reconstr. of flint-knapping process, activity patterns, & dispersal at prod.-site. • BUT, conjoined pieces are also dispersed in otherhunting ways. kit Aborigine • Tool function interpretation = aided by ethnographic observation. • Experimenting in use can reveal its possible to probable applications. • Some tools=multipurpose: A-handaxe • Function also revealed by microwear Acheulian handaxe TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Identifying function … TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Identifying function(s): i. Microwear analysis … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.6. Identifying the function of stone tools: microwear studies. • Late 1800s: microwear analysis began • 1957: S. Semenov launched microwear He found wear traces on all stone types i.e., = Striations & polish marks • R. Tringham assessed micro-flaking caused through usage. • L. Keeley: scanning electron microscope applied to improve microwear studies. • Experimental archaeology correlated wear marks with diff. usages: 6 types 1. on wood 2. on bone 3. on hide 4. on meat 5. on antler 6. on non-woody plants ALSO traces of piercing, cutting, scraping. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.6. Identifying the function of Edge damage: stone tools: microwear studies. • Late 1800s: microwear analysis began • 1957: S. Semenov launched microwear Found wear traces on all stone types i.e., Striations & polish marks • R. Tringham assessed micro-flaking caused through usage. • L. Keeley: scanning electron microscope applied to improve microwear studies. • Experimental archaeology correlated wear marks with diff. usages: 6 types 1. on wood 2. on bone 3. on hide 4. on meat 5. on antler 6. on non-woody plants ALSO traces of piercing, cutting, scraping. Attested via microflaking visible along edge Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.6. Identifying the function of stone tools: microwear studies. • Late 1800s: microwear analysis Scraper began • 1957: S. Semenov launched microwear microFound wear traces on all stone types wear: i.e., Striations & polish marks via use • R. Tringham assessed micro-flaking on hides caused through usage. • L. Keeley: scanning electron microscope (SEM) applied to improve microwear studies. • Experimental archaeology correlated wear marks with diff. usages: 6Electron types 1. on wood micro2. on bone scope: 3. on hide High-res 4. on meat image 5. on antler of wear 6. on non-woody plants in molar ALSO traces of piercing, cutting, (gorilla) scraping. Electron microscope Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.6. Identifying the function of stone tools: microwear studies. • Late 1800s: microwear analysis began Motza: • 1957: S. Semenov launched microwear Tranchet Found wear traces on all stone types axe with i.e., Striations & polish marks wear from • R. Tringham assessed micro-flaking woodcaused through usage. working • L. Keeley: scanning electron microscope applied to improve microwear studies. Distal end of unifacial endscraper: Heavy wear from use on a dry hide • Experimental archaeology correlated wear marks with diff. usages: 6 types … 1. on wood 2. on bone 3. on hide 4. on meat 5. on antler 6. on non-woody plants ALSO traces of piercing, cutting, scraping. Natural flint with no wear Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Microwear studies (cont.’): - E.g., Lower Paleolithic S. England: Tools used on meat, wood, hide, bone … Side-scrapers applied to hides → wear - E.g., Boomplaas Cave (S. Africa): Stone adzes used in woodworking. - E.g., S. Okazaki studied the density & direction of striations on stone tools: Obsidian yielded no polish. Diff. striations for cutting vs. scraping. - E.g., Rekem (Belgium): Tools & waste often concentrate around hearths. Sometimes cores move between hearths → diff. manufacturing (burins) Microdebitage: - Wet-sieving → assessing minute debris from flint knapping (under 1 mm). - Locating stone-working areas. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Microwear studies (cont.’): - E.g., Lower Paleolithic S. England: Tools stone used onadzes meat, wood, hide, bone E.g., with hafts Side-scrapers applied to hides - E.g., Boomplaas Cave (S. Africa): Stone adzes used in woodworking. - E.g., S. Okazaki studied the density & direction of striations on stone tools: Obsidian yielded no polish. Diff. striations for cutting vs. scraping. - E.g., Rekem (Belgium): Tools & waste often concentrate around hearths. Sometimes cores move between hearths → diff. manufacturing (burins) Microdebitage: - Wet-sieving → assessing minute debris from flint knapping (under 1 mm). Polynesian stone adze - Locating stone-working areas. SEE Marilyn Shoberg, Microwear Analyst, Texas Archeological Research Laboratory Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Microwear studies (cont.’): - E.g., Lower Paleolithic S. England: Tools used on meat, wood, hide, bone Side-scrapers applied to hides - E.g., Boomplaas Cave (S. Africa): Stone adzes used in woodworking. - E.g., S. Okazaki studied the density & direction of striations on stone tools: Obsidian yielded no polish. Different striations for cutting vs. scraping. SEE - E.g., Rekem (Belgium): Tools & wasteMarilyn Shoberg often concentrate around hearths. Sometimes cores move between hearths → diff. manufacturing (burins) Microdebitage: - Wet-sieving → assessing minute debris from flint knapping (under 1 mm). - Locating stone-working areas. hide scraper Mission San Bernardo: chipped-stone Gault clovis: polish & striations from meat cutting Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Microwear studies (cont.’): - E.g., Lower Paleolithic S. England: J. B. White: Tools used on meat, wood, hide, bone Side-scrapers applied to hides - E.g., Boomplaas Cave (S. Africa): Stone adzes used in woodworking. - E.g., S. Okazaki studied the density & direction of striations on stone tools: Obsidian yielded no polish. Diff. striations for cutting vs. scraping. - E.g., Rekem (Belgium): Tools & waste often concentrate around hearths. Sometimes cores move between hearths → diff. manufacturing (burins) Microdebitage: - Wet-sieving → assessing minute debris from flint knapping (under 1 mm). - Locating stone-working areas. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Microwear studies (cont.’): - E.g., Lower Paleolithic S. England: Tools used on meat, wood, hide, bone Side-scrapers applied to hides - E.g., Boomplaas Cave (S. Africa): Stone adzes used in woodworking. - E.g., S. Okazaki studied the density & direction of striations on stone tools: Obsidian yielded no polish. Diff. striations for cutting vs. scraping. - E.g., Rekem (Belgium): Tools & waste oftenmicro concentrate around hearths. Flint debitage (plus smaller bits) Sometimes cores1-2 move Scale approx.: cmbetween large pieces hearths → diff. manufacturing (burins) Micro-debitage: - Wet-sieving → assessing minute debris from flint knapping (under 1 mm). *Flotation! Core processing: debitage production - Locating stone-working areas. TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Identifying function(s): ii. Other analysis … experiments Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.7. Identifying function: further Experiments with stone tools. • Replicating & experimenting with stone tools aids in interpretation: E.g., axes; sickle blades; projectiles - Initially, Lower Paleolithic handaxes = believed to be multi-purpose. BUT → a professional butcher applied Acheulian handaxe very efficiently to a deer carcass. - Upper Paleolithic stone “lamps” were analyzed revealing 24% = definite lamps. Experiments with replicas left similar residues (trying all fuel types). Modern Eskimo lamps = similar. - E. Haury examined tiny beads from pueblos in Arizona: 1 10-m necklace produced 15,000 beads (2 mm diam). Replication → 15 minutes per bead = 480 workdays value. Experiment with Acheulian handaxe Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.7. Identifying function: further Experiments with stone tools. • Replicating & experimenting Eskimo stone lamp:with 1800-1850 stone tools aids in interpretation: E.g., axes; sickle blades; projectiles - Initially, Lower Paleolithic handaxes = believed to be multi-purpose. → A professional butcher applied a handaxe efficiently to a deer carcass. - Upper Paleolithic stone “lamps” were analyzed revealing 24% = definite lamps. Experiments with replicas left similar residues (i.e., trying all fuel types). Modern Eskimo/Inuit lamps = similar. - E. Haury examined tiny beads from pueblos in Arizona: 1 10-m necklace produced 15,000 beads (2 mm diam). Replication → 15 minutes per bead = 480 workdays value. Replica lamp experiment Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.7. Identifying function: further Experiments with stone tools. • Replicating & experimenting with stone tools aids in interpretation: E.g., axes; sickle blades; projectiles - Initially, Lower Paleolithic handaxes = believed to be multi-purpose. → A professional butcher applied a handaxe efficiently to a deer carcass. - Upper Paleolithic stone “lamps” were analyzed revealing 24% = definite lamps. Experiments with replicas left similar residues (trying all fuel types). Modern Eskimo lamps = similar. - E. Haury examined tiny beads from pueblos in Arizona: a 10-m necklace produced 15,000 beads (2 mm diam). Replication → 15 minutes per bead = 480 workdays’ value. SW (Pueblos) drilled turquoise beads TECHNOLOGY: a. STONE Identifying technology of Stone Age art: Using diverse studies Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.8. Assessing the technology of Stone Age art: • Analyzing Stone Age paintings & pigments: - Black = manganese dioxide = charcoal - Red = Iron oxide • Binder = Talc or gypsum = Animal fat = Plant oil • Detecting different layers & other ocher pigments & impurities: Infrared film (seeing through red). • Replicating compositions to determine time expended: 1 hour for a simple frieze 32 hours for Spotted Horse frieze (probably completed in four stages) Lascaux cave painting Pigments used in Cave Paintings Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.8. Assessing the technology of Stone Age art: • Analyzing Stone Age paintings & pigments: - Black = manganese dioxide = charcoal - Red = Iron oxide • Binder = Talc or gypsum = Animal fat = Plant oil • Detecting different layers & other ochre pigments & impurities: Infrared film (seeing through red). • Replicating compositions to determine time expended: 1 hour for a simple frieze 32 hours for Spotted Horse frieze (probably completed in four stages) Ancient through modern art analyses Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 2.8. Assessing the technology of Stone Age art: • Analyzing Stone Age paintings & pigments: - Black = manganese dioxide = charcoal - Red = Iron oxide • Binder = Talc or gypsum = Animal fat = Plant oil • Detecting different layers & other Replication assessment: ocher pigments & impurities: - Professional artist = 32 hours Infrared film (seeing through red). • Replicating compositions to determine time expended: 1 hour for a simple frieze 32 hours for Spotted Horse frieze (probably completed in four stages) Michel Lorblanchet replicating frieze from Pech Merle Cave (France) Replicating various past art compositions: i.e., To understand better how they were likely produced, time spent, etc. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Analyzing engraved Stone Age art: - Binocular microscope: Reveals the stone tool types, tool sizes, sequence of application, & techniques. - E.g., La Marche Cave (France): Viewing silicone imprint of engraved art shows a harness = added later to horse head. • Replicas and various analyses reveal the sequence of production in engraving. • Scanning now allows direct analysis of delicate surfaces (without harm). Binocular microscope Generic image Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Analyzing engraved Stone Age art: - Binocular microscope: reveals the stone tool types, tool sizes, sequence of application, & techniques. - E.g., La Marche Cave (France): Viewing silicone imprint of engraved art shows a harness = added later to horse head. Generic image of stages In art • Replicas and various analyses → reveal the sequence of production in engraving. • Scanning now allows direct analysis of delicate surfaces (without harm). Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Analyzing engraved Stone Age art: - Binocular microscope: reveals the stone tool types, tool sizes, sequence of application, & techniques. - E.g., La Marche Cave (France): Viewing silicone imprint of engraved art shows a harness = added later to horse head. macro-X-ray fluorescence scanning • Replicas and various analyses reveal the sequence of production in engraving. Scanning artwork of all types •Laser scanning engraved art: → High precision recording / replica → No damage to original surface • • Scanning now allows direct analysis of delicate surfaces (without harm). X-ray scanning beneath art TECHNOLOGY: unaltered materials b. BONE, ANTLER, SHELL Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3. Other Unaltered Materials: 3.1. bone, antler, shell & leather. • “Self-explanatory origin” of materials • Now analyzing production method and function. • Need to confirm whether they are natural or human-made implements. • BUT, even unmodified items can be used as tools (need wear analysis). E.g., Different bones used in butchery at North American Bison kill sites. • Shell “perforations” may be natural, depending on perforation location, but = still often used for necklaces. • Replicating perforation techniques: a. Scratching; b. Sawing; c. Grinding (gouging & hammering = problematic) • Rely on context for final Dismembered sheep bone withdetermination cut marks Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3. Other Unaltered Materials: 3.1. bone, antler, shell & leather. • Self-explanatory origin of materials • Now analyzing production method and function. • Need to confirm whether they are natural or human-made implements. • BUT, even unmodified items can be used as tools (need wear analysis). E.g., Different bones used in butchery at North American Bison killshell sites.perf. Experimental archaeology: • Shell “perforations” may be natural, depending on perforation location, BUT = still often used for necklaces. • Replicating perforation techniques: a. Scratching; b. Sawing; c. Grinding (gouging & hammering = problematic) • Rely on context for final determination TECHNOLOGY: b. Bone, antler, shell, leather i. Deducing manufacture process … Ethnography, etc. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.1.a. Deducing techniques of manufacture. - Occasionally prod.-techniques = clear: - AD 950 at Kasteelberg (S. Africa): Bone tool production area using eland & hartebeest foot bones (metapodials): a. Hammer & punch removing bone ends b. Grooving bone shaft c. Grinding & polishing shaft → splinters d. Stones shaping splinters (much waste) e. Grinding & polishing projectile points. = like modern Kalahari Bushmen points - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) & experimental archaeology reveals production processes for bone tools. → Different tools leave detectable marks similar to Prehistoric tools → Also detecting polishing. Southwest Africa: Khoisan tribes Eland Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.1.a. Deducing techniques of manufacture. - Occasionally prod.-techniques = clear: - AD 950 at Kasteelberg (S. Africa): Bone tool production area using eland & hartebeest foot bones (metapodials): a. Hammer & punch removing bone ends b. Grooving bone shaft c. Grinding & polishing shaft → splinters d. Stones shaping splinters (much waste) e. Grinding & polishing projectile points. = like modern Kalahari Bushmen points - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) & experimental archaeology reveals production processes for bone tools. → Different tools leave detectable marks similar to Prehistoric tools → Also detecting polishing. E.g., Deer metapodials Eland Hartebeest Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.1.a. Deducing techniques of manufacture. - Occasionally prod.-techniques = clear: - AD 950 at Kasteelberg (S. Africa): Bone tool production area using eland & hartebeest foot bones (metapodials): a. Hammer & punch removing bone ends b. Grooving bone shaft c. Grinding & polishing shaft → splinters d. Stones shaping splinters (much waste) e. Grinding & polishing projectile points. = like modern Kalahari Bushmen points - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) & experimental archaeology reveals production processes for bone tools. → Different tools leave detectable marks similar to Prehistoric tools → Also detecting polishing. TECHNOLOGY: b. Bone, antler, shell, leather ii. Deducing function(s) of tools … Experiment & wear patterns Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.1.b. Deducing function. - Using experimental archaeology & wear pattern analyses: E.g., European Upper Paleolithic: - Debated function of perforated antler batons. a. Ethnography suggests arrow shaft straighteners b. 40+ theories: tent pegs → harness! - Andre Glory studied wear patterns → rope/thong abrasions (reduced poss.) - He suggested antlers = sling handles E.g., 9000 BP Mugharet El-Wad Israel - Wear analysis and experimentation on perforated deer shoulder-blades → supports idea of wooden shaft straightener. Hunkpapa 1870: Arrow shaft straightener Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.1.b. Deducing function. - Using experimental archaeology & wear pattern analyses: E.g., European Upper Paleolithic: - Debated function of perforated antler batons. Deer shaft a. Ethnography suggests arrow shoulder straighteners blades b. 40+ theories: tent pegs → harness! - Andre Glory studied wear patterns → rope/thong abrasions (reduced poss.) - He suggested antlers = sling handles E.g., 9000 BP Mugharet El-Wad Israel - Wear analysis and experimentation on perforated deer shoulder-blades → supports idea of wooden arrow shaft straightener. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Deducing function (cont.’): - Experimenting with replicas - E.g., Using projectile points against animal carcasses indicated that tiny barbed points = toggle harpoons. - E.g., Replica & use of Irish Bronze Age shield revealed leather = superior to metal shields after hardening by hot water & beeswax. - Leather absorbs & deflects blows - Metal shields = cut to shreds. - Suggests that bronze shields were ceremonial & ritual offerings. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Deducing function (cont.’): - Experimenting with replicas - E.g., Using projectile points against Replica animal carcasses indicated that tiny Celtic barbed points = toggle harpoons. - leather shield E.g., Replica & use of Irish Bronze Age shield revealed leather shield = superior to metal shields after hardening by hot water & beeswax. - Leather absorbs & deflects blows - Metal shields = cut to shreds. - Suggests that bronze shields → = ceremonial & ritual offerings. Celtic ceremonial shield Ornate Celtic shields & function: 2019: Paula Ware and other Archaeologists found an Iron Age chariot burial of a 46+ year old Celtic warrior (in Yorkshire,U.K.) accompanied by weapons, provisions, and his horses. The presence of a sword? puncture hole, and repair work, on an elaborate, “ornamental” metal shield (in early La Tene style: 320174 BC) revealed that such shields were used in battle sometimes, and contradicted earlier notions that ornate metal shields had been restricted to status items for ritual offerings and ceremonial usage. See also Melanie Giles, University of Manchester. SPECIAL THANKS to one of my students who brought this discovery to my attention during the Spring 2021 offering of this course (Anth.106: Introduction to Archaeology) TECHNOLOGY: unaltered materials c. WOOD & VEG-MATERIALS Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Stone axe 3.2. Wood: usage. • Wood is a major material used for tools, but = generally not preserved. • Preserved pieces reveal marks from different shaping tools, versus natural marks (e.g., beaver teeth). • Analysis of beaver teeth marks →shows some “anc. lumber” = actually natural. • Special conditions, such as dry sites, preserve wood farming tools, Beavers furniture, weaponry, etc. (e.g., Egypt). at work E.g., Rakes, hoes, grain scoops, sickles, chairs, boxes, bows, staves, chariots, coffins, shrines, statues, etc. • Depictions of such tools may reveal their function & techniques of use. • Beaver Models also in analysis teethaid marks Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.2. Wood: • Wood is a major material used for tools, but = generally not preserved. Farming • Preserved pieces reveal marks from hoe from different shaping tools versus Ancient natural marks (e.g., beaver teeth). Egypt • Analysis of beaver teeth marks → shown some anc. lumber = natural. • Special conditions, such as dry sites, preserve wood farming tools, furniture, weaponry, etc. (e.g., Egypt). E.g., Rakes, hoes, grain scoops, sickles, chairs, boxes, bows, staves, chariots, coffins, shrines, statues, etc. • Depictions of such tools may reveal their function & techniques of use. • Models also aid in analysis • Texts may discuss such things too(!) Dyns.17-18 virtually intact tombs: Daily life items placed in burials: Furniture in Ancient Egypt: • Furniture appears in many tombs, reflecting an important funerary item. • The wealthiest burials included items of furniture. • Poor burials sometimes included a simple headrest. • The main items consisted of furniture for sleeping on and sitting on: i.e., 1+ chairs/seats, a bed, headrest • The individual pieces of furniture varied in form, materials, & decoration depending upon the burial owner’s wealth/status. E.g., Ornate gilded and inlaid furniture E.g., Simple stools. Daily life furniture from a NK tomb/burial Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Waterlogged sites produce the best assemblage of wooden items: - E.g., 6000-3500 BC Somerset: Wood working techniques = studied in trackways: Stone axes: dish-shaped marks Bronze axes: stepped, sharper cuts Each axe: leaves its own signature E.g., 10 axes made 1 trackway. - Other items preserved: Tree trunk coffins Mortuary structures Bridges Waterfront docks/quays Housing Vehicles (various types) Etc. Experimental Archaeology: Assessing how the trackway = made: Woodworking … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Waterlogged sites produce the best assemblage of wooden items: - E.g., 6000-3500 BC Somerset: Wood working techniques studied in trackways. Stone axes: dish-shaped marks Bronze axes: stepped, sharper cuts Each axe: leaves its own signature E.g., 10 axes made 1 trackway. - Other items preserved: Tree trunk coffins Mortuary structures Bridges Waterfront docks/quays Housing Vehicles (various types) Etc. Cambridgeshire: Bronze Age wheel Pre-Columbian model from Veracruzl: revealing knowledge of wheel -- alebeit not used in vehicles until post 1492 AD … TECHNOLOGY: c. Wood & vegetative materials i. Investigating watercraft (boats; rafts+) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.2.a. Investigating watercraft. • Wood has been used for most watercraft (prior to 1800s). • = a specialized field of study. • E.g., Underwater archaeology: 1960s: 4th cent. BC Greek ship near Kyrenia, Cyprus. Hull planking: mortise-&-tenons. • E.g., 14th cent. BC shipwreck near Ulu Burun (Kas, Turkey). Bass found similar construction. • Ship specialist J.R. Steffy uses 1/10th scale replicas of all planking & excav. plans → refit anc. Hulls. • Hag Ahmed Youssef spent 14 yrs rebuilding Khufu’s dismantled ship (4,500 years old; Dyn.4, Egypt). Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.2.a. Investigating watercraft. • Wood has been used for most watercraft (prior to 1800s). • Specialized field of study. • E.g., Underwater archaeology: 1960s: 4th cent. BC Greek ship near Kyrena, Cyprus. Hull planking: mortise-&-tenons. • E.g., 14th cent. BC shipwreck near Ulu Burun (Kas, Turkey). Bass found similar construction. • Ship specialist J.R. Steffy uses 1/10th scale replicas of all planking & excav. plans → refit anc.Mortise Hulls. and • Hag Ahmed Youssef spenttenon 14 yrs rebuilding Khufu’s dismantled ship construction (4,500 years old; Dyn.4, Egypt). Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.2.a. Investigating watercraft. • Wood has been used for most Steffy’s son(prior to 1800s). watercraft • Specialized field of study. • E.g., Underwater archaeology: 1960s: 4th cent. BC Greek ship near Kyrena, Cyprus. Hull planking: mortise-&-tenons. • E.g., 14th cent. BC shipwreck near Ulu Burun (Kas, Turkey). Bass found similar construction. • Ship specialist J.R. Steffy used 1/10th scale replicas of all planking & excav. plans → refit anc. hulls. • Hag Ahmed Youssef spent 14 yrs rebuilding Khufu’s dismantled ship (4,500 years old; Dyn.4, Egypt). J. R. Steffy Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.2.a. Investigating watercraft. • Wood has been used for most Khufu watercraft (prior to 1800s). • Specialized field of study. boat pit • E.g., Underwater archaeology: 1960s: 4th cent. BC Greek ship near Kyrena, Cyprus. Hull planking: mortise-&-tenons. • E.g., 14th cent. BC shipwreck near Ulu Burun (Kas, Turkey). Bass found similar construction. • Ship specialist J.R. Steffy uses 1/10th scale replicas of all planking & excav. plans → refit anc. Hulls. • Hag Ahmed Youssef spent 14 yrs rebuilding Khufu’s dismantled ship (4,500 years old; Dyn.4, Egypt). Khufu boat model Khufu’s ship: ca.4,500 yrs. BP Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Assessing sailing capabilities: → building scale replicas for testing on rivers / at sea. • E.g., 1984-1986 Viking knarr/cargo ship built & sailed around world. • E.g., 1987: J.F. Coates & J.S. Morrison built a Greek trireme revealing much data on its possible construction & usage. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. • Assessing sailing capabilities: → building scale replicas for testing on rivers / at sea. • E.g., 1984-1986 Viking knarr/cargo ship built & sailed around world. • E.g., 1987: J. F. Coates & J. S. Morrison built a Greek trireme revealing much data on its possible construction & usage. TECHNOLOGY: c. Wood & vegetative materials Plant & animal fibers: Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3. Plant & animal fibers: • Such materials are normally not preserved. • They do appear in exceptional conditions: in wet & dry sites. E.g., baskets, cordage, etc. • Waterlogged sites: - 10th Cent. AD Viking York (UK) - Extensive data on var. industries. - Dyestuffs: madder root, woad, & greenweed residues. - Confirmed by analyzing textiles. - Vikings preferred reds (vesus British Romans love of purples). -E.g., Animal fibers = wool &Bronze silk. Age Cambridgeshire: site → excellent preservation - wet Vegetable fibers = flax (linen) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3. Plant & animal fibers: • SuchYork materials are waterlogged normally Viking (Jorvik): site not preserved. • They do appear in exceptional conditions: wet & dry sites. E.g., baskets, cordage, etc. • Waterlogged sites: - 10th Cent. AD Viking York (UK) - Extensive data on var. industries. - Dyestuffs: madder root, woad, & greenweed residues. - Confirmed by analyzing textiles. - Vikings preferred reds (versus British Romans’ love of purples). - Animal fibers = wool & silk. - Vegetable fibers = flax (linen) TECHNOLOGY: c. Wood & vegetative materials Plant & animal fibers: i. Analyzing textiles … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3.a. Analyzing textiles: • Investigating prod.-techniques materials Pre-Columbian New World: - E.g., Moche pottery (Peru): Depictions of weaving factories - Weaving tools (looms, etc.) found in Peruvian desert. - Peruvian textiles: 3000 BC cotton textiles produced animal fibres (e.g., camelids) 190 different colour tones in dyes S. Broadbent: weaving techniques - E.g., Ancient Egypt: Looms & textiles (Kahun/Lahun) - Model weaving workshops (Dyn.11) - Illustrated workshops (var. periods) - Dyes from wool (red; blue; etc.) - Textiles (flax → linen = popular) Ancient Peruvian textiles Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3.a. Analyzing textiles: • Investigating prod.-techniques materials Pre-Columbian New World: - E.g., Moche pottery (Peru): Depictions of weaving factories - Weaving tools (looms, etc.) found in Peruvian desert. - Peruvian textiles: 3000 BC cotton textiles produced Animal fibers (camelids) 190 diff. color tones in dyes S. Broadbent: weaving techniques - E.g., Ancient Egypt: Looms & textiles (Kahun/Lahun) - Model weaving workshops (Dyn.11) - Illustrated workshops (var. periods) - Dyes from wool (red; blue; etc.) - Textiles (flax → linen = popular) Dyns.17-18 virtually intact tombs: Daily life items placed in burials: Other personal items: • Various personal items occur in tombs. • Staves and sandals tend to indicate mid-high status, but are quite common. Staves/staff: - In or on male and female coffins - Reflect social status; role in afterlife? - Usually have a forked or lotiform head Sandals: - Very common. - Rare in poorest tombs (middle class) Clothes/linen: - Mainly tunics, dresses, loin-cloths. - Only appears in a few tombs from various social backgrounds. - Possibly much linen had been robbed. - Some tombs had large quantities. TECHNOLOGY: c. Wood & vegetative materials Plant & animal fibers: ii. Microwear analysis … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3.b. Microwear analysis of fibers: • Damage & wear appears variously in textiles of different types: - Tearing versus long-term wear - Cutting = quite distinct • Analyzing garment/textile use: - New items placed in tomb - Worn items placed in tomb - Discarding old item (e.g., midden) - Loss of relatively new item (street) - Reuse of other items (e.g., sailcloth as linen bandages for mummies). Other traces: - Impressions left by fabrics in baked clay, bitumen on mummies, human bone, etc. Tutankhamun embalming cache Sem-priest outfit Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3.b. Microwear analysis of fibers: • Damage & wear appears variously in textiles of different types: - Tearing versus long-term wear - Cutting = quite distinct Analyzing garment/textile use (cont): - New items placed in tomb - Worn items placed in tomb - Discarding old item (midden) - Loss of relatively new item (street) Tutankhamun: - Reuse of other items (e.g., sailcloth New linen bandages as linen bandages for mummies). Other traces: - Impressions left by fabrics in baked clay, bitumen on mummies, human bone, etc. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 3.3.b. Microwear analysis of fibers: Plant fibre impressions from Dolní Věstonice • Damage & wear appears variously in textiles of different types: - Tearing versus long-term wear - Cutting = quite distinct • Analyzing garment/textile use: - New items placed in tomb - Worn items placed in tomb - Discarding old item (midden) - Loss of relatively new item (street) - Reuse of other items (e.g., sailcloth) as linen bandages for mummies. Other traces: - Impressions left by fabrics in baked clay, bitumen on mummies, human bone, etc. Arabia: Woven reed pattern (in bitumen) TECHNOLOGY: synthetic materials d. ANCIENT PYROTECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY: d. Firing & pyrotechnology i. Pyrotechnology & its applications: Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4. Synthetic Materials: Swartkrans Cave: Burnt bone 4.1. Firing & pyrotechnology: • Many ancient Industries relied on fire/heating applications. • Earliest known use of fire occurs ca. 1.5 million BP (Swartkrans Cave) *ca. 1+ million BP Wonderwerk Cave Wonderwerk Cave: cooking Traces of “human-controlled fire” Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4. Synthetic Materials: 4.1. Firing & pyrotechnology: • Many anc. Industries relied on fire/heating applications. Firehardened • Earliest known use of fire occurs wood spear ca. 1.5 million BP (Swartkrans Cave) • Prehistoric applications of fire: - Cooked food (e.g., meat) - Heat-worked flint - Fire-hardened wood - Baked clay figurines (26,000 BP in Czech Republic: 500-800C (832-1472F)) Fire for warmth, cooking, etc. • Neolithic (10,000 BP) and later (NE): - Parching grain (aiding threshing) - Baking bread (fuel chamber → bread) - Pots in fire→kilns 1000-1200C (1832-2192F) - 1083C (1981F) = copper’s melting point - 800-1100C (1472-2012F) Iron smelting - 1540C (2804F) = cast iron (China 500 BC) Open fire; grilling / spitting Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4. Synthetic Materials: Replica: Neolithic bread baking 4.1. Firing & pyrotechnology: • Many anc. Industries relied on Neolithic grain parching (Avgi, Kastoria) fire/heating applications. • Earliest known use of fire occurs ca. 1.5 million BP (Swartkrans Cave) • Prehistoric applications of fire: - Cooked food (e.g., meat) - Heat-worked flint - Fire-hardened wood - Baked clay figurines (26,000 BP in Czech Republic: 500-800C (832-1472F) • Neolithic (10,000 BP) and later (NE): - Parching grain (aiding threshing) - Baking bread (fuel chamber → bread) - Pots in fire→kilns 1000-1200C (1832-2192F) - 1083C (1981F) = copper’s melting point - 800-1100C (1472-2012F) Iron smelting - 1540C (2804F) = cast iron (China 500 BC) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Smelting iron (bloom) 4. Synthetic Materials: 4.1. Firing & pyrotechnology: • Many anc. Industries relied on fire/heating applications. • Earliest known use of fire occurs ca. 1.5 million BP (Swartkrans Cave) • Prehistoric applications of fire: - Cooked food (e.g., meat) - Heat-worked flint - Fire-hardened wood - Baked clay figurines (26,000 BP in Czech Republic: 500-800C (832-1472F) • Neolithic (10,000 BP) and later (NE): Replicating smelting - Parching graincopper (aiding threshing) - Baking bread (fuel chamber → bread) - Pots in fire→kilns 1000-1200C (1832-2192F) - 1,083 C (1981F) = copper’s melting point - 800-1100 C (1472-2012F) Iron smelting - 1,540 C (2804F) = cast iron(China 500 BC) TECHNOLOGY: d. Firing & pyrotechnology ii. Pottery: - Temper Manufacture Firing Ethnography Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2. Pottery: • Paleolithic lifestyle was not conducive to carrying pottery: Nomads cannot carry as much • More settled Neolithic lifestyle witnessed the development of pottery. • Pottery fabrics reveal: - Data on clay sources - Data on clay components - Pottery production techniques - Pottery firing temperatures E.g., Open fire firing of handmade Neolithic pottery and Bronze Age (in Europe) Neolithic Europe: handmade Beaker pottery Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2. Pottery: • Paleolithic not Various types oflifestyle Beaker was pottery/culture: conducive to carrying pottery. • More settled Neolithic lifestyle witnessed the development of pottery. • • • Pottery fabrics reveal: - Data on clay sources - Data on clay components - Pottery production techniques - Pottery firing temperatures Video clip: Beaker firing (beakerfolk amesbury archer) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.a. Pot tempers: Temper: - Inclusions in clay → providing strength against breakage and shrinkage in kilns. - Usually consisting of crushed shell, rock & potsherds [grog]; sand; grass; straw; sponge frags. Qualities of temper: - Crushed burnt shell enables the pot to resist heat better - Fine sand is also quite good for heat resistance. - Finer grained temper creates the best strength in pottery. E.g., Crushed potsherds = added to clay as temper → stronger pottery vessel. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2012 (6th ed.): 2019 ( 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.a. Pot tempers: Temper: - Inclusions in clay providing strength against breakage and shrinkage in kilns. - Usually consisting of crushed shell, rock & potsherds [grog]; sand; grass; straw; sponge frags. Qualities of temper: - Crushed burnt shell enables the pot to resist heat better - Fine sand is also quite good for heat resistance. - Finer grained temper creates the best strength in pottery. Sandtempered pottery Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.b. How were pots made? • Initially pottery vessels = made by building up the body using coils or slabs → smoothed into walls. • Also pressed-pottery (bowl made in hollow or over a small mound). • 3400 BC Mesopotamia introduces slow wheel/turntable-made pottery • Wheel-made pottery normally displays parallel ridges • The distinctness and regularity of these ridges also depends upon the nature of the potter’s wheel (i.e., slow; fast; kick-wheel). • Hand-made pottery reveals irregular finger marks, or paddlesmoothing. Hump-moulded pottery bowl E.g., basin wall built by slabs … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.b. How were pots made? • Initially pottery vessels = made by building up the body Slow usingturn-wheel coils or slabs → smoothed into walls. • Also pressed-pottery (bowl made in hollow or over a small mound). • - 3,400 BC Mesopotamia introduces slow wheel/turntable-made pottery • Wheel-made pottery normally displays parallel ridges • The distinctness and regularity of these ridges also depends upon the nature of the potter’s wheel i.e., slow wheel; fast wheel; kick-wheel ... Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.b. How were pots made? • Initially pottery vessels = made by building up the body using coils or slabs → smoothed into walls. • Also pressed-pottery (bowl made in hollow or over a small mound). • Faster kick wheel - 3400 BC Mesopotamia introduces slow wheel/turntable-made pottery • Wheel-made pottery normally displays parallel ridges • The distinctness and regularity of these ridges also depends upon the nature of the potter’s wheel i.e., slow wheel; fast wheel; kick-wheel ... Uniform, parallel ridges = wheel Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.b. How were pots made? • Initially pottery vessels = made by building up the body using coils or slabs → smoothed into walls. • Also pressed-pottery (bowl made in hollow or over a small mound). • 3400 BC Mesopotamia introduces slow wheel/turntable-made pottery • Wheel-made pottery normally displays parallel ridges • The distinctness and regularity of these ridges also depends upon the nature of the potter’s wheel Handmade = NO parallel ridging (i.e., slow;pottery: fast; kick-wheel). • Hand-made pottery reveals irregular finger marks, or paddle-smoothing. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.c. How were pots fired? • Kilns/firing of pottery: - 900 C (1652 F)+ → vitrifies/gazes surface of pot. - High temperatures → complete oxidization of pottery: Uniform color & organic materials = completely burnt out. - Low temperatures or short firing: core is dark (grey/black) - Open firing: → surface discolorations e.g., grey core (blotchy appearance). - Re-heating pottery vessels to detect e.g., solid red core their original firing temperature (i.e., the point of change). e.g., kilns Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.c. How were pots fired? • Kilns/firing of pottery: Open-fire - 900C (1652F)+ → vitrifies/gazes fired pottery surface of pot. - High temperatures → complete oxidization of pottery: Uniform color & organic materials = completely burnt out. - Low temperatures or short firing: core is dark (grey/black) - Open firing: → surface discolorations (blotchy appearance). - Re-heating pottery vessels to detect their original firing temperature (i.e., the point of change). Raise firing until uniform = same heat Test sherds: heated to diff. degrees… Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.d. Evidence from ethnography: • D. Lathrap studied Shipibo-Conibo Indians in Upper Amazon (E. Peru). • First millennium AD: techniques =still in use. • Most females = potters producing pots for their household (cooking; storage). • Clays & some temper = local • Some imported temper & pigments • Pottery = coil-built mostly in dry season (May-October). Ethnographic studies should be done in the region/area of study, and can help understand some aspects of past pottery production (Caution!). Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.2.d. Evidence from ethnography: • D. Lathrap studied Shipibo-Conibo Indians in Upper Amazon (E. Peru). • First millennium AD techniques still in use. • Most females = potters producing pots for their household (cooking; storage). • Clays & some temper = local • Some imported temper & pigments • Pottery = coil-built mostly in dry Don’t use(May-October). totally different regions … season Ethnographic studies should be done in the region/area of study, and can help understand some aspects of past pottery production (Caution!). TECHNOLOGY: d. Firing & pyrotechnology iii. Faience and glass: Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.3. Faience and glass: • Vitreous/glassy materials appeared later (at “end” of Prehistory: N.East). Pre-Glass / Faience: • Powdered quartz / silica (sand) • Late Predynastic (pre-3000 BC)+ Egypt had beads and pendants. • Later some faience tiles & vessels • Composition reveals source (NAA) Glass: Activation Analysis (NAA) lab. Neutron • Melting sand (silica) & cooling: glass • Ca. 2500 BC in Mesopotamia • Late Bronze Age (Dyn.18 Egypt) • Glass made round clay core; moulds. • Silica melts at 1723C (3133F) • Adding soda/potash → 850C (1562F) = poor quality glass. • Best: 75% silica; 15% soda; 10% lime • Glass blowing 50 BC+ (Romans) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 4.3. Faience and glass: • Vitreous/glassy materials appeared later (at “end” of Prehistory: N.East). Pre-Glass / Faience: • Powdered quartz / silica (sand) • Late Predynastic (pre-3000 BC)+ Egypt had beads and pendants. • Later some faience tiles & vessels • Composition reveals source (NAA) Glass: • Melting sand (silica) & cooling: glass • Ca. 2500 BC in Mesopotamia • > Late Bronze Age (Dyn.18 Egypt) • Glass made round clay core; moulds. • Silica melts at 1,723 C (3,133 F) • Adding soda/potash → 850C (1562F) = poor quality glass. • Best: 75% silica; 15% soda; 10% lime • Glass blowing 50 BC+ (Romans) TECHNOLOGY: synthetic materials e. ARCHAEOMETALLURGY … TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: i. Non-ferrous Materials, esp. Cu - Technology … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5. Archaeometallurgy: 5.1. Non-ferrous materials: • Copper = most important metal in antiquity; copper + tin → bronze. • Gold & silver = high value metals • Lead; tin & antimony (additives). Copper technology evolution: 1.Shaping native copper (nuggets): Hammering, cutting, polishing, etc. 2.Annealing native copper: Heating & hammering Cassiterite tin ore (hammering only → brittle metal) 3.Smelting oxide & carbonate ores: Silver 4. Melting & casting copper: ore Open mould → two-piece moulds 5.Alloying copper with tin →bronze 6. Smelting from sulphide ores More complex. Native / raw copper 7. E.g., Lost-wax (“cire perdue”) process Gold nugget Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5. Archaeometallurgy: 5.1. Non-ferrous materials: • Copper = most important metal in antiquity; copper + tin → bronze. • Gold & silver = high value metals • Lead; tin & antimony (additives). Copper technology evolution: 1.Shaping native copper (nuggets): Hammering, cutting, polishing, etc. 2.Annealing native copper: Heating & hammering (hammering only → brittle metal) 3.Smelting oxide & carbonate ores: 4. Melting & casting copper: Open mould → two-piece moulds 5.Alloying copper with tin →bronze 6. Smelting from sulphide ores More complex. 7. Lost-wax (“cire perdue”) process Lost wax Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Melting points: • Lead: 327C (620F) • Lead from ores: 800C (1472F) • Copper: 1,083C (1981F) • Silver: 960C (1760F) • Gold: 1,063C (1945F) Composition of metals: • Laboratory detection methods • Trace element analysis • Optical emission spectrometry (OES) • Atomic absorption spectrometry • X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Metallo-graphic examination: • Microscopic view of an item’s structure • May answer whether it is coldhammered, annealed, cast, etc. Bronze Age copper furnace Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Melting points: • Lead: 327C (620F) • Lead from ores: 800C (1472F) • Copper: 1083C (1981F) • Silver: 960C (1760F) • Gold: 1063C (1945F) Composition of metals: determining by • Laboratory detection methods • Trace element analysis • Optical emission spectrometry (OES) • Atomic absorption spectrometry • X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Metallo-graphic examination: • Microscopic view of Microan item’s structure • May answer whetherphotograph it is coldhammered, annealed, cast, etc. of bronze nail … Trace element analysis on pottery from Oaxaca Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Melting points: • Lead: 327C (620F) • Lead from ores: 800C (1472F) • Copper: 1083C (1981F) • Silver: 960C (1760F) • Gold: 1063C (1945F) Composition of metals: • Laboratory detection methods • Trace element analysis • Optical emission spectrometry (OES) • Atomic absorption spectrometry • X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Metallo-graphic examination: • Microscopic view of an item’s structure • May answer whether it is coldhammered, annealed, cast, etc. TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: ii. Non-ferrous Materials, esp. Cu - Alloying … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.2. Alloying: • Alloying = major advances in metallurgy: - Copper + tin (*10%) = bronze - Copper + arsenic (*10%) = bronze → Bronze is harder & less brittle = excellent for weaponry. - Can have naturally occurring arsenical copper (= like bronze) Ca. 3,000 – 1,600 BC: -25% - 33% of all metal in Mesopotamia = arsenical copper TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: ii. Non-ferrous Materials, esp. Cu - Casting … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.3. Casting: • Atifacts often reveal data on casting technology (mould marks) E.g., surface traces of casting = sometimes left. • Cire perdue (lost wax technique) a. Item detail modelling in wax b. Item coated in clay → baked c. Wax escapes through hole(s) d. Metal cast through one hole (air hole(s) needed). e. Mould broken open f. Mould marks removed • Evidence: - Some texts detail it - Casting casings left - Study of item cast. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.3. Casting: • Atifacts often reveal data on casting technology (mould marks) E.g., surface traces of casting = sometimes left. • Cire perdue (lost wax technique) a. Item detail modelling in wax b. Item coated in clay → baked c. Wax escapes through hole(s) d. Metal cast through one hole (air hole(s) needed). e. Mould broken open f. Mould marks removed • Evidence: - Some texts detail it - Casting casings left - Study of item cast. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Casting cont.’: • Hammering & annealing sometimes yield similar results to casting. • Unfinished items sometimes are incompletely cast. • May have vertical line from the seam between the two mould halves. Moulds: • Usually of stone • Sometimes have an air-escape hole (reduce/remove bubbling) Slags: • Identify type of slag (copper; iron) • Test for sulphur (i.e., sulphur ore) • Crucible slag = higher % copper Smelting furnaces: • By-products: ingots, slag, moulds, crucible frags., broken castings, scrap metal, tuyeres (furnace pipe-nozzles) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Casting cont.’: • Hammering & annealing sometimes yield similar results to casting. • Unfinished items sometimes are incompletely cast. • May have vertical line from the seam between the two mould halves. Moulds (for casting): • Usually of stone • Sometimes have an air-escape hole (reduce/remove bubbling) Slags: • Identify type of slag (copper; iron) • Test for sulphur (i.e., sulphur ore) • Crucible slag = higher % copper Smelting furnaces: • By-products: ingots, slag, moulds, crucible frags., broken castings, scrap metal, tuyeres (furnace pipe-nozzles) Pouring molten metal into the mould Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Casting cont.’: • Hammering & annealing sometimes yield similar results to casting. • Unfinished items sometimes are incompletely cast. • May have vertical line from the seam between the two mould halves. Moulds: • Usually of stone • Sometimes have an air-escape hole Bronze Age: Copper slag (reduce/remove bubbling) Experiment: Iron slag … Slags (… from casting): • Identify type of slag (copper; iron) • Test for sulphur (i.e., sulphur ore) • Crucible slag = higher % copper Smelting furnaces: • By-products: ingots, slag, moulds, crucible frags., broken castings, scrap metal, tuyeres (furnace pipe-nozzles) slag Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Casting cont.’: Ox-hide ingot • Hammering & annealing sometimes yield similar results to casting. • Unfinished items sometimes are incompletely cast. • May have vertical line from the seam between the two mould halves. Moulds: • Usually of stone • Sometimes have an air-escape hole (reduce/remove bubbling) Slags: • Identify type of slag (copper; iron) • Test for sulphur (i.e., sulphur ore) • Crucible slag = higher % copper Smelting furnaces: • By-products: ingots, slag, moulds, crucible frags., broken castings, scrap metal, tuyeres (furnace pipe-nozzles) TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: iii. Silver, lead & platinum … Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.4. Silver, lead & platinum: Lead: - 327 C (620 F) = lead smelting point - Easily manipulated - Some figurines, clamps, - BUT = too soft for most uses - Often found near silver mines. Silver: - 1000-1100C (1832-2077F) smelting - Cupellation = oxidizing lead to litharge → to extract silver. - Litharge = removed or enters hearth - Silver/gold = left separated Platinum: - 1800C of platinum Lead seal(3277F) usage =smelting AD earlypoint 1300s - 1724 nd th - 2 Cent 4BCcent. smelting in Ecuador AD lead coffin - 16th Cent AD used in Europe - 1870s smelting platinum in Europe Carolingian Lead figurines 8th – 10th Centuries AD (France) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.4. Silver, lead & platinum: Lead: - 327C (620F) = lead smelting point late 13th cent. BC: - Easily manipulated Tutankhamun’s silver - Some figurines, clamps, trumpet - BUT = too soft for most uses - Often found near silver mines. Silver tetradrachm Nerva AD 97-98 Silver: - 1,000 – 1,100 C (1832-2077 F) smelting - Cupellation = oxidizing lead to litharge → to extract silver. - Litharge = removed or enters hearth - Silver/gold = left separated Platinum: 3IP (10th - 1800C (3277F) smelting point cent of platinum BC): nd - 2 Cent BC smelting in Ecuador solid silver th - 16 Cent AD used in Europe coffin - 1870s smelting platinum in Europe (Tanis) Silver bowl, Gudestrup, Denmark 100 BC – AD 1 Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.4. Silver, lead & platinum: Lead: La Tolita - 327C (620F) = lead smelting point (Ecuador): - Easily manipulated - Some figurines, clamps, Masks with platinum - BUT = too soft for most uses within them … - Often found near silver mines. Silver: - 1000-1100C (1832-2077F) smelting - Cupellation = oxidizing lead to litharge → to extract silver. - Litharge = removed or enters hearth Platinum eyes - Silver/gold = left separated Platinum: - 1,800 C (3277 F) smelting point of platinum - 2nd Cent BC smelting in Ecuador (!) - 16th Cent AD used in Europe - 1870s smelting platinum in Europe Gold mask: platinum eyes La Tolita 5th Cent. BC (or later!!!) TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: iv. Fine metalwork & working Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.5. Fine metalwork: 1500 BC+ (LB Age) → broad range of metal-working techniques in the Mediterranean – Near East. a. Sheet metal working b. Stamping c. Engraving d. Repousse work (relief) e. Filigree (wire & soldering open work) 3rd mill. BC+ f. Granulation (attached to background) Etruscan 1300 BC • Ethnographic research in N. Africa & Middle East where traditional metallurgical techniques survive. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.5. Fine metalwork: • 1500 BC+ (LB Age) → broad range of metal-working techniques in the Mediterranean – Near East. a. Sheet metal working b. Stamping c. Engraving d. Repousse work (relief) e. Filigree (wire & soldering open work) 3rd mill. BC+ f. Granulation (attached North Africa: traditional metalworking. to background) • Ethnographic research in N. Africa & Middle East where traditional metallurgical techniques survive. • Other fine metal working Adagez, Niger TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: v. Metal plating (joining techniques) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.6. Plating: • Plating joins metals together by various means • E.g., Peruvians evidently used a form of electrochemical plating to join valuable metals in early centuries AD (early Moche) • Apparently heat had been used to join gold to copper surfaces on some figurines, masks, & ornaments. • It is superficially similar to modern electroplating. • BUT, an aqueous solution of minerals and salts indigenous to Peru had apparently been boiled (5 min at 650-800C) to enable bonding between the surfaces. • Otherwise, electroplating appears in late Medieval/Renaissance Europe. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.6. Plating: • Plating joins metals together by various means • E.g., Peruvians evidently used a form of electrochemical plating to join valuable metals in early centuries AD (early Moche) • Apparently heat had been used to join gold to copper surfaces on some figurines, masks, & ornaments. • It is superficially similar to modern electroplating. 1853 AD electroplated medallion • BUT, an aqueous solution of minerals and salts indigenous to Peru had apparently been boiled (5 min at 650-800C) to enable bonding between the surfaces. • Otherwise, electroplating appears in late Medieval/Renaissance Europe. TECHNOLOGY: d. Archaeometallurgy: v. Iron and steel Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.7. Iron and steel: Iron becomes popular in Near East ca. 1000 BC+ It is absent in Americas prior to Columbus (nb: *Meteoric iron in Arctic). Meteoric iron occurs naturally and is known early throughout Near East. Iron = harder to reduce than copper, but begins at 800C (1472F), with a melting temperature at 1540C (2804F) Many minerals need to be extracted from iron ores (by slagging): Late 13th cent. BC: Tutankhamun’s Iron working areas: iron dagger 1. Bowl furnaces (brick-lined pits): Bellows increase temperatures. 2. Forging iron at smithy site Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 5.7. Iron and steel: Jamestown iron smelting • Iron becomes popular in Near East ca. 1000 BC • It is absent in Americas prior to Columbus. • Meteoric iron occurs naturally and is known early throughout Near East. • Iron = harder to reduce than copper, but begins at 800C (1472F), with a melting temperature at 1540C (2804F) • Many minerals need to be extracted Sub-Saharan Africa iron working from iron ores (by slagging): Iron Age Africa … Iron working areas: 1. Bowl furnaces (brick-lined pits): Bellows increase temperatures. 2. Forging iron at smithy site Fitchburg iron furnace BaFipa natural draft furnace (Tanzania) The Haya (Tanzania) AD 1 – 500 (via C14 dating of charcoal) Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Cast iron: • A more complex furnace installation is required. • Some examples appear in 6th cent BC Greece • Cast iron = a brittle alloy of iron • It has a lower melting point • It has 1.5% - 5% carbon content Steel: E.g., cast iron •Buddha Steel is iron with 0.3% - 1.2% carbon statues • It is easily worked • It hardens with cooling • True steel appears in the Roman period. • Carburizing → made a similar product. Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. Cast iron: • A more complex furnace installation is required. • Some examples appear in 6th cent BC Greece • Cast iron = a brittle alloy of iron • It has a lower melting point • It has 1.5% - 5% carbon content Steel: • Steel is iron with 0.3% - 1.2% carbon • It is easily worked • It hardens with cooling • “True steel” appears in the Roman period. • Carburizing → made a similar product. Damascus steel SUMMARY: Introduction to Archaeology: Renfrew & Bahn 2019 (8th ed.): chp.8 8. How Did They Make Use of Tools? Technology. 6. Summary: • Archaeologists can recover and extrapolate much information on ancient technology by excavation, analysis in laboratories, ethnographic data, and experimenting (e.g., reconstructing items, events, etc.). • The archaeological context and ethnography may suggest the function(s) of an artifact, while microwear analysis reveals likely past usage(s). • Microwear analysis relies on running experiments to see what usages leave specific traces on a given tool type and material. • Ethnographic studies are still invaluable for living crafts persons using similar technologies for comparing known living technologies with past similar ones. • Such ethnographic studies help mainly in assessing how ancient technologies MAY have functioned, using similar items, materials, and contexts. • The absence of more definite information from past textual-pictorial records leaves archaeologists with having to reconstruct a range of possibilities to probabilities using a broad range of evidence: excavation, analysis, ethnography, and experimentation. CASE STUDY-1: PHARAONIC TECHNOLOGY: i.e., Ancient Egypt stone-working -Blocks arrive at site roughly hewn -Smoothed in location prior to addition of each wall course. -Column and wall exteriors smoothed & inscribed after construction. - Ramps and scaffolding of solid mudbrick are used to raise blocks (see Karnak Temple for in-situ mudbrick ramp). Old Kingdom: Producing rock-cut statuary Techniques in Painting, Relief work, & Statuary: Wall-face: • Plaster uneven surface with mud and a fine gypsum plaster wash. Walls & Statuary: • Preparation of wall-face or block using guide-lines / squared grids. - Square = proportional to a fist - Usually for major figures. • Initial outline of figure in red • Correction of master artist in black Statuary: • Cut excess stone away from the outlined figure (5-6 planes). Equipment: • Hammers, copper chisels, drills, and saws (with sand abrasive) OK: Deshasheh mallet MK industry: Making flint blades. • materials (flint etc.) • Skilled flint-knapper (apprenticeship) • Market: butcher, hunter, various industries, home. CASE STUDY-2: PHARAONIC TECHNOLOGY: i.e., Ancient Egypt metal-working NEGEV: Southern Arabah Gulf of Aqaba (Elat): Site 582:Ramesses III rock-text near well at Borot Roded. TIMNA Site 212 Copper mine. • Sophisticated shaft-and-gallery mining system. -some Chalcolithic - Early Bronze Age activity -mostly Ramesside activity. • shafts up to 35+ m deep cutting through various rock formations (conglomerates, etc.) • Copper ores in cupriferous white sandstone. • Galleries 70 cm wide x 1 m high –can broaden. • New Kingdom pottery and stone & metal tools. ventilation system above galleries. TIMNA Site 2 Area D-K: Egyptian copper smelting site • Two Egyptian Dyn.19 scarabs Note Area B: • A 10 x 7.5 m installation for reducing Acacia wood into charcoal for smelting fuel. • Adjacent furnace → Cu pellets (melted in small crucibles) • Small workshop (5 x 4 m) for crushing copper bearing ore. FUEL Dicotyledons: -Broad-leafed flowering plants providing hard-wood lumbers. Acacia species (Leguminosae-Mimosoidaea) -Characteristically flat-topped trees -Yellow/white flowers; fruit = pods -Occurs in hot deserts Wood-type: -Heartwood = red, hard and durable -In antiquity, acacia charcoal = used for smelting. Flowering twig of acacia & pod TIMNA Site 2 Area D-K Casting workshop Large stonelined storage pit for ores Workshop & living quarters Small oven Storage pits Working+storage complex: Courtyard: -Smelting charge prepared here, -Ore store pits. -Stone-paved platform for crushing Cu ore. -Many crushing & grinding tools & crushed Cu ore. Casting workshop -smelting furnaces -much wood ash -charcoal dust -copper pellets -copper slag -slagged crucible fragments. -large storage pit Timna Site 2 Area C: Copper-smelting furnace. Two smelting furnaces (Fu 3-4) • Smelting hearth: hole in ground -45 cm diameter -40 cm deep -Lined with thick clay → dome -Slag adhering to walls -Slag-tapping pit in front of furnace (stone lining) -Tapping hole in furnace side. -Clay tube opposite tapping hole (= for tuyere) New Kingdom: Copper smelting at Timna explained via NK art: TT39 Puyemra: metal-working. TT100 Rekhmire: metal-working. Handling crucible using wood strips Handling crucible using wood strips E.g., Moulds for axe blades • Open casting. Metal-working: • Smelting copper, gold, etc. • Casting ingots or finished products • Cooling molten metal using water Hammering out sheets Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. CASE STUDY-3: EARLY BRONZE TECHNOLOGY: i.e., Helladic, Cycladic & Minoan Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Minoan gold bee-pendant from Chrysolakkos cemetery at Mallia. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic, Keros-Syros culture, ca.2,700 – 2,200 BCE Jewelry: Silver torque and silver bracelets from Antiparos. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic, Keros-Syros culture, ca. 2,700 – 2,200 BCE: Copper wood-working tools from Naxos: axes, adzes, and various chisels. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Obsidian core & 4 blades from Antiparos, ca. 3,000 – 2,000 BCE. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic Grotta-Pelos culture Ca. 3,200 – 2,800 BCE. Pottery vessel: • Collared jar from Antiparos. • Vertically incised herring-bone design around lower body. • Horizontal band of herringbone design around lower part of neck. Footed example Flat-based example Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic, Keros-Syros culture (ca. 2,700 – 2,200 BCE): Conical pottery cups, from Chalandriani on island of Syros. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic period: entryway to a marble quarry at Paros. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic period: Grotta-Pelos culture: marble kandila-beaker type vases; Antiparos culture: marble kandila-beaker type vases (from Antiparos). Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Different types of Early Cycladic marble figurines: Top row: Grotta-Pelos culture 3,200 – 2,800 BCE - Plastiras - Louros Middle row: Keros-Syros culture 2,700 – 2,500 BCE - Kapsala - Spedos - Dokathismata - Chalandri Bottom row: Phylakopi culture Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic period: Grotta-Pelos culture. ca.3,200 - 2,800 BC Marble figurines from Antiparos. Sculpted & violin-shaped figures Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic, Plastiras culture, ca. 3,000 – 2,800 BCE (a). Grave D Kapros cemetery, Amorgos (b). Figure from MMA. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic period: Grotta-Pelos culture spanning into Keros-Syros culture: Ca. 2800 – 2600 BCE Marble seated harpist figure (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic, Spedos-type marble female figurines ca.2,700 – 2,500 BC. NOTE: Huge example = 140 cm in length Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic period: Late Spedos-culture Ca. 2,600 – 2,400 BCE. Marble female figurines; 1 = pregnant. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic Dokathismata-type marble figure ca. 2,500 – 2,300 BC Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic Drawing of Goulandris-like male marble figurines (now lost). 2,400 – 2,200 BCE Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic period, late Spedos-culture, ca. 2,600 – 2,400 BCE: FUNCTION: Marble pregnant female designed to recline on back. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Early Cycladic, Keros-Syros culture 2,800 – 2,200 BC: Model ship in lead, narrow prow; flat stern; from Island of Naxos. Early Bronze Age: Early Helladic / Early Cycladic / Early Minoan. Seals & seal impressions in clay: i.e., Marks of authority/ownership impressed into wet clay. E.g., Lead seal from Tsoungiza dating to EH IIA. E.g., Clay impressions from seals from Level III at Lerna (in the “House of Tiles”), with some geometric designs, dating to EH II. Early Helladic IIA lead seal from Tsoungiza