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Devoid of a circumscribed landscape of its own postmodern fiction is rather fluid and unstable enhancing its exuberant and experimental nature, and a large segment of contemporary fiction is characterized by its attributes. Having entered... more
Utilitarian concerns increasingly drive machine ethics, particularly the few ethical discussions in learning analytics. Determining the most good for the most people is a responsible way forward, but perhaps not the most comprehensive,... more
It seems that every culture shares a figure who "tricks" and transgresses rules even if at the same time he is a "Cultural Hero". Based on a classification of some basic characteristics common to all "tricksters", and despite the fact... more
A re-reading of the Polyphemus episode in the Odyssey emphasizes the perfect homonymity between "non-identity" (mē tis) and "wisdom, craftiness, counsel" (mētis) in order to test the limits and expand the scope of Aristotle's discussion... more
What does the French playwright Jean Genet accomplish by rewriting the lengthy preface that he had prepared for his play Les Nègres? After discussing how the preface contextualizes the play, we consider for the first time the significance... more
Resumen. En el presente texto, a partir de lo planteado por Eduardo Nicol en su obra La agonía de Proteo, intentaremos hacer ver, en primer lugar, que el ser humano es un ente cuya forma de ser es proteica, es decir, multiforme; y, en... more
Вводится понятие бистабильного текста-по аналогии с понятием бистабильных изображений в когнитивной психологии. Бистабильные тексты-это тексты, которые могут одновременно прочитываться в двух или нескольких не пересекающихся смысловых... more
Response to David Getsy's 10 Theses on Queer Abstraction for the journal On_Culture.
Ambiguity is now widely seen by Western scholars as a defining feature of literature. Keats’s notion of negative capability, the creative potential of “being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact... more
Ovids Metamorphosen weisen ein ‚Heldenbild‘ auf, das sich radikal von ‚klassischen‘ antiken Epen wie Homers Odyssee oder Vergils Aeneis unterscheidet. An die Stelle des einen Helden tritt nun eine Polyphonie von Helden in ca. 250... more
A qualitative-quantitative study was conducted on students preparing for their Master's degree in English, linguistic and literary branch, at the Lebanese University, the deanship, to investigate the participants' perception of ambiguity... more
The article contains 36 linguistic problems, represented as multiple-choice questions, that were used at the Russkij Medvezhonok linguistic competition for school students. The problems deal with ambiguity at all levels of the language:... more
Tough one of the primary intentions of documentary consists in Representing Reality (Nichols 2001), the nature of factual audio-visual formats may not be equated with mimetic depictions of phenomenological 'reality' nor can they be... more
Setups and punchlines are the basic elements of stand-up comedy bits. Generally speaking, the setup puts forth a situation or an idea, on which the punchline provides a new, sometimes radically altered, perspective. Ideally, this twist or... more
This essay responds to Donald MacKinnon's influential critique of Till-ich in his 1975 essay " Tillich, Frege, Kittel: Some Reflections on a Dark Theme, " in which MacKinnon laments Tillich's " failure at the level of faith " on account... more
The starting point for the enormous career of the Future Skills concept is the insight that current concepts of higher education do not meet the urgent needs of our societies with convincing future concepts. Neither are they fit to help... more
Journalistic online article about the dual national "haafu" in Japan. There is a completely unenforced law that they have to choose one nationality at age 22. With Naomi Osaka turning 22, a policy better left ambiguous might be smoked out... more
Abstract: Flash fiction invites the reader to co-create the story themselves. We propose that a level of ambiguity in the flash fiction text is germane. In flash fiction, ambiguity is created through the brevity of the piece with the... more
An archaic dedication from Samos known as the Geneleos Group is considered by scholars to be one of the first family dedications in Greek art, or, to be more precise, the first archaeological record showing an elite family in form of life... more
2 Kgs 17:24–41 uses the phrase yere YHWH in two distinct ways and that the tension between the two different meanings of this phrase is an essential part of the narrative. This phrase can refer to cultic worship and also to exclusive... more
Resumen: El trabajo intenta demostrar que la ambigüedad en su sentido tradicional ha de diferenciarse de la vaguedad y de la omisión de información gramatical o léxica, tan frecuente en los titulares de prensa. Un análisis minucioso de... more
Niniejsza praca porusza językoznawcze zagadnienia wieloznaczności, które mogą sprawiać problemy natury komunikacyjnej, lecz są używane także celowo - do rozśmieszenia odbiorcy, wywołania kontrowersji bądź wprowadzenia go w konsternację.... more
This paper will compare and contrast elements of tonality and ambiguity discussed in Leonard Bernstein’s seminal 1973 Norton Lecture series The Unanswered Question, with examples from his Kaddish Symphony No. 3. I intend to demonstrate... more
Vagueness and ambiguity are key problems in theories of legal interpretation. The article first delimits vagueness and ambiguity and sets it into relation to related phenomena like the generality of legal expressions (1). Vagueness proves... more
Discussions of sexual ethics often focus on the wrong of treating another as a mere object instead of as a person worthy of respect. On this view, the task of sexual ethics becomes putting the other’s subjectivity above their status as... more
"Moby Dick" has such a hermetic atmosphere that Herman Melville expresses what he feels about the novel in his letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne: “I have written a wicked book and feel spotless as the lamb.” It seems ironic that Moby Dick... more
I analyze each of the major characters, especially in the ambiguity of them all. There is no clear tragic hero, as they can all be both heroic and tragic. However, one does exist and it is Rome herself. I then discuss the worldview that... more
Hochschulbildung befindet sich weltweit in einem dramatischen Umbruch. Stu- dienanfängerquoten von über 70 Prozent innerhalb der nächsten 15 Jahre in den Industrieländern sowie eine drastisch steigende Nachfrage in den Entwicklungs- und... more
The chapter provides analytical discourse regarding land policy ambiguities, tenure security and subsequent ethnic conflict in Kibale drawing on various existing literature that has been reviewed. While elements of ambiguities have been... more
Intentional ambiguities are frequently used as humor by many entertainment media to maintain its serious nuance. However, since they are ambiguous, most of the humor fails to be recognized by audience. Under this circumstance, the... more
This is a basic, brief introductory course to semantics and pragmatics linguistic sub-fields. It is primarily made for the students of the department of English studies at the University of Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco, who cannot attend... more
In the United States, extra-tribal adoption policies have typically been studied in relation to the enactment and enduring viability of the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act, which aims to prevent indigenous children from being removed from... more
This study concerns itself with examining the degree to which Live Projects can deliver learning experiences that enable architecture students to gain specific professional practice-ready skills and capabilities currently perceived to be... more