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For Paul Tillich, theology is always carried out, and meaning gained, within an existing social situation. Today this situation includes the crises of the whole eco-system.The situation is disorderly and overwhelming. In such an... more
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The Thesis is about how Paul Tillich's eschatological concept of God as the lord of time is build on Heidegger's original breakthrough through the 1920s
Paul Tillich (1886 –1965) was a thinker of international charisma and worldwide repute. His works provide important impulses for debates on theology, philosophy of religion and cultural theory. The series Tillich Research refl ects on... more
Undergraduate third year paper in Philosophy of Religion
This essay responds to Donald MacKinnon's influential critique of Till-ich in his 1975 essay " Tillich, Frege, Kittel: Some Reflections on a Dark Theme, " in which MacKinnon laments Tillich's " failure at the level of faith " on account... more
In this age of technology, globalization, and rapid change, we are faced with new situations that raise the universal question of what it means to be human in the face of our existential anxiety - anxiety that is rooted in our being and... more
There are certain thoughts - intimations - that will seem corny, or laughable, and therefore dismissed - and only seriously absorbed into the changing mind when felt, in the shelter of the quietly moving music of the soul. It is the... more
Στο κείμενο αυτό, διαπραγματευόμαστε μέσα από το έργο του Fernand Braudel, του Κώστα Παπαϊωάννου, του Paul Tillich, του Karl Polanyi αλλά και μέσω της συζήτησης για τη "Βάση και το Εποικοδόμημα" του Karl Marx, το πως γνωστοποιείται στον... more
This blueprint for a constructive public theology assumes that Christian theology already includes public discourse. Following David Tracy's delineation of three publics--church, academy, culture--further constructive work leads to a... more
It is often thought that Christianity keeps its adherents in a state of perpetual immaturity. As a sociological fact, this may be hard to argue against. Much that goes by the name Christianity looks quite near to what Ernest Becker... more
In 20th century Germany, theologian Paul Tillich witnessed the religious and political crises of his time, and he recognized the need for action at the appropriate time. Out of this rhetorical situation, he adopted the classical concept... more
The ground of being, being-itself, the Unconditioned, and the other descriptions Tillich uses to portray the existential meaning-reality of his highest principle, can all be brought to a resolution. For Tillich, the meaning-reality which... more
This project is a work of integrating the themes of ‘being’ and ‘doing’ in a constructive soteriology. This will be done by correlating Paul Tillich’s existentialist theology with Gustavo Gutiérrez’s liberation theology. Intersections... more
In this issue:  The Annual Meeting of the North American Paul Tillich Society in Baltimore and the New Officers of the Society  Call for Papers for the 2014 Meeting of the North American Paul Tillich Society and the American Academy... more
"This important new book by Thomas K. Johnson casts new light on the meaning of Romans 1. By treating the passage as a missions training manual, he draws out surprising new interpretations for evangelism and apologetics. Johnson shows how... more
The goal of a Christian, especially a regenerated Christian, in the 21st century is to tell the story of the various shapes that his religious position underwent with the hope that other unbelievers may follow his footsteps, that is, from... more
How do we continue to understand concrete religious symbols in the wake of de-constructionist theologies? This essay will integrate the work of Paul Tillich and Mark Taylor as a test case in imagining ways to answer this question. The... more
Im ersten Teil dieser Seminararbeit sollen grundlegende begriffliche und inhaltliche Klärungen zur Allversöhnung vorgenommen werden: Das Themenfeld wird also abgesteckt und der zu untersuchende Begriff definiert. Dann wird aufgezeigt, ob... more
A tanulmány a halálfélelemmel és halálszorongással kapcsolatos nyugati megközelítéseket és társadalmi attitűdöket tárgyalja az ókori mítosz korától a 20. századi egzisztencializmusig, a szerző doktori disszertációjának háttéranyagaként.
The paper argues that in its focus on finding positive outcomes, bereavement research has neglected or denigrated central phenomena in intense and long-term grief: sorrow and solace. Indeed sorrow is the defining characteristic of grief... more
This article examines the historical and constructive issues underlying Paul Tillich and Paul Ricoeur's muted response to each other's works and critically explores the possible space for productive conversation between them.
O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a obra Teologia da Cultura de Paul Tillich. O autor passa pelos temas centrais da obra, apresenta sua es-trutura e principais ideias, e sintetiza a opinião de Tillich ao discutir os elementos centrais... more
Para el contexto social de secularización y ateísmo que vivimos,y la inversion geográfica a la realidad de que el cristianismo hoy se encuentra en el hemisferio sur, es necesario reflexionar sobre la historia, la teología y buscar... more
This is a paper for those for whom prayer has become a problem. Part of growing up is learning how to work in this world. Work is the effort and skill put to the service of applying means to some end. Almost anything we do in life can be... more
This thesis argues that the 1996 novel Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace, offers to Unitarian Universalism a much-needed resource for reimagining the concepts of sin and salvation. By examining the novel in conversation with Paul... more
Pouvoir, sexe et climat. Biopolitique et création littéraire chez G. R. R. Martin, Avion, Éditions du Cénacle de France, 2017. (ISBN 978-2-916537-22-1)
This dissertation examines the relationship of ontology and soteriology - the classic problem of nature and grace. Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler have been chosen as the best representatives of the classical tradition of the... more