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Showing posts with label watchers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watchers. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2024

California: 7.0 quake, aftershocks, tsunami

Will Japanese tsunami ever overtake San Francisco or New York? (

Live updates and coverage

Magnitude 7.0 earthquake hits Northern California, tsunami watch, strong aftershocks
(KTLA 5) Dec 5, 2024: Coastal Santa Cruz to Oregon in danger of tsunami. A spate of strong earthquakes struck near the Bay Area on Dec. 5, 2024. This video aired on the KTLA 5 Morning News on Dec. 5, 2024. KTLA 5 News: Keeping Southern Californians informed since 1947.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Practice: What is "mindfulness"?

High quality, handmade Himalayan craftsmanshp of gold-faced Buddha - Etsy

What is that? - I don't know. I just let it be.
The Buddha talked about mindfulness (watchfulness, wakefulness, vigilance, diligence, sati) as a human capacity. It is being aware of the present in a dispassionate, nonreactive, unentangled way.

How do we become entangled? We follow automatic habits (going through life on "automatic pilot" rather than actually living).
Love me. I'm cold and all alone and need a hug.
Our most pronounced habit is to crave and cling, to feed our greed and lust for pleasurable experiences. For example, rather than simply observing a beautiful thing, we want (and often do) reach for it, grasp it, hold onto it. This is attachment and clinging. When it fails to satisfy us, displeases, and disappoints, it becomes unlovable, unliked. And we fall into our second habit. Imagine a cute white lab mouse (or baby piglet) sniffling and looking for cuddles. We love it until we don't.

I've had with you, you dirty fat pig! Bacon!
We have the habit of experiencing fear, revulsion, annoyance, disliking unpleasant things and experiences. For example, rather than simply observing an ugly thing, we want (and often do) push it away, grab it and throw it away, resist it, beat it, destroy it (or, fearing it, we ourselves run away). Imagine a dirty rat, greasy and growling with shifty eyes.

Our most fundamental habit, which makes these other two or three (greed, hatred, and fear, fear being a kind of hate or "aversion"), is delusion, confusion, ignorance. It is not knowing, not understanding, not seeing things as they really are. One could say our whole experience is really a hallucination -- in the sense that we are rarely if ever looking at what's actually there, rarely being "mindful."

If we were being mindful, everything would be alright, acceptable, and we wouldn't abandon ourselves or the experience of the present moment.

Could we experience a pleasant sight, sound, scent, savor, (bodily) sensation, or simulation (mental thing) and simply let it be, radically accept it, not get entangled, involved, attached, not grasp or cling?

Mindful when walking, sitting, doing, viewing
If we could, that would be mindfulness.

Could we experience an unpleasant thing (internal or external) and simply let it be, radically accept it, allow it, not get entangled (by the habit of hate or fear), involved, not resist or run away, not deny or attempt to fix or destroy it? If we could, that would be mindfulness, seeing it just as it is and allowing it, letting it be whatever it is or wants to be without "fixing" it or making it be otherwise.

(This would mean fixing ourselves to be at ease with experience rather than trying to fix experience. If we could do this, then we would really be on our way to seeing things as they really are rather than constantly imagining them to be some way or other from our expectations, past experiences, fears, anticipations, neuroses, phobias, vulnerabilities...).

Could we experience a neither-pleasant-nor-unpleasant thing (external or internal) and simply let it be without being bored, trying to escape the discomfort or confusion, without trying to figure it out and be one way or another, without trying to replace it with a pleasant and "interesting" thing? If we could, that would be mindfulness -- simply seeing what really is (right here, right now) without projections, distortions, expectations, preferences, just simply letting it (this moment) be whatever it is. That is mindfulness.

So the silly and downright foolish definition or idea that "mindfulness is walking in nature with awareness" becomes clear. We are never walking in nature, not mindfully. We are usually enjoying the change of scenery, the natural beauty, the slower pace, the fresh air, the uncluttered vistas, the everything-pleasant, hating the bugs and mosquitoes, weather and inconveniences, and missing most of the scenery because we're not really paying attention to what's there just noticing what we notice and daydreaming the rest of the time. Rather than ever being "here" right now, we instead constantly abandon ourselves, leave ourselves in the lurch of unpleasant experience, run these wheels of habit and automaticity, fail to engage with the real or the now or the present moment.

We dream of the past, imagine the future, and abandon the present. The first makes us depressed. The second makes us anxious. And the third makes us unhappy because, well, there's an interesting saying that takes some getting use to:

"There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way." If we were happy by being present, everything would be happiness. If we only allow ourselves to be happy when everything is pleasant, boy, we're in for a bumpy ride in life. If we insist we be unhappy when meeting the unpleasant, we have a lot of suffering coming our way (because a lot of, maybe most, experience is going to be unpleasant or boring). That will be the painful, the dukkha (the imperfect, off-kilter, off-center) causing us a bumpy ride.

How now if instead of habitually reacting all the time, judging, jumping to conclusions, thinking we know, being sure we know, we were to look with fresh eyes? "Beginner's mind," a famous attribute of Zen in particular and mindful meditation in general, is far better than the boredom, restlessness, annoyance, confusion, and insanity called "monkey mind."

The Buddha always has a little smirk or gentle smile.
The problem is this. The antidote is instant. It is called mindfulness (sati) because in mindfulness there is no greed, hatred/fear, or delusion. There is just this, just this moment, whatever is in it. And it's okay. It's fine because we let it be. We allow it. We accept it. We radically accept and embrace it because it is and for no better reason. Now it may change. (It will change). But for the moment, this moment, whatever this moment, we LET (allow) IT (whatever) BE (is). Allow whatever is. And smile. It feels nice, and it doesn't need a reason.

Now, the Buddha in talking about sati did not leave it at that. In fact, it's hard to ever find a definition of sati. That should be clear and well understood, implicitly one supposes, because all of the emphasis is what to be mindful of. That the Buddha called catu satipatthana, the Fourfold Setting Up of Mindfulness to be exact or the Four Foundations of Mindfulness to be conventional.

Sure, mindfulness is best. One can never be too mind. It is good for all things, to just let them be and observe them calmly, dispassionately, objectively, unentangled. As a path to enlightenment, the Buddha spelled out FOUR things of which to be mindful, which are categories:
  1. body
  2. feeling
  3. mind
  4. mind-objects.
Buddhas teach mindfulness.
We will not be able to be mindful of any of them very well until we establish the habit of mindfulness, which runs against the stream of our other four habits (liking the beautiful, disliking the ugly, fearing the ugly, or being bored or confused by the neutral). Watch. Stay. Be here now. Don't abandon yourself or the present experience.

The Dharma (Teaching) of what it means to practice systematic mindfulness of those four foundations (which is the practice of vipassana, "insight meditation," "practicing to see things as they really are") is taught often enough at Buddhist retreats.

For now, just be mindful of all that is (right now), which is an ever-changing stream of things, always interesting if one investigates dispassionately.

There is much to see and much to learn, but not if we come at it with expectations and like we already know. A little beginner's mind goes a long way as does noble silence, not explaining, categorizing, conceptualizing, imagining, measuring, figuring, minding, or verbalizing. Just let it (this moment) be.
Dharma Buddhist Meditation (

Mindfulness in Mother Nature (exercise)

Mother Earth (Bhumi, Terra, Gaia), it may be said, is an enigmatic and magical source of wonder. From the delightful colors of the sunrise to the hypnotic light of a full moon, Mother Earth provides limitless beauty and awe.

However, she actually does a lot more than only creating spellbinding sights. She creates life-affirming experiences from connecting to her.

The seasons, for example, are opportunities for rebirth, growth, recreation, and rest. Here are some reasons we should communicate with Mother Earth:

Limitless abundance
We better start by getting out among the trees.
We may grow our vegetable and herb garden, gather fruit from orchards look to the Moon, charts of the stars, or the sun for guidance, select crystals or medicinal and entheogenic herbs for healing. Why? Mother Earth gives us everything we need.

When we are aware and appreciative, we look after what we have been given, and Mother Earth is no exception. In order to excite our gratitude, she gives us provisions and resources.

Limitless empowerment
The woodland devas are all around.
Our intuitive and psychic abilities are actually enhanced when we respect Mother Earth. This is because their natural home is grounded in her warm embrace. While we appreciate, we absorb healing energies and vibrations of various frequencies in line with her rhythms. In this way, Mother Earth is constantly sharing with us, divine powers of a goddess.

Joy and happiness on tap
Mother Nature is a powerful living goddess.
When we are in nature, we boost our feelgood energies, clear our minds, and become inspired to act and express ourselves creatively. Positively energized, we better focus our energies on bringing joy into our lives.

Mother Nature gives us many wonderful opportunities to connect to our psychic selves. Mindfully walking in nature makes us more conscious with improved sensory apparatuses and powers.

Mother Nature reminds us that we are part of everything around us, a web of life. We form a part of her. To bring that to life and give it concrete meaning, here is a walking meditation to connect ourselves with the world beneath our sensitive feet.

Dryads inhabit trees.
Every time we feel we need to harmonize and ground ourselves, simply find nature and perform this: 
  • As we start our walk, ask our Mother Nature for help to find the solution to any problem we are facing.
  • Focus on the breath and permit the senses to see, hear, and otherwise feel ourselves supported.
  • Remain aware that Mother Nature is simply the power in our stride, the air in our lungs, the beating of our heart.
  • Listen to the answers she gives, the solutions that will solve our problems and bring peace.
  • Stop. Close the eyes, place hands over heart, and thank her for everything she does.
We are part of Mother Earth, the essence of her love, the spark that ignites. Mother Earth loves us. Source: "How to Better Channel the Energies of Mother Nature and Make Them Work in Your Favor"

What is "mindfulness"?
What is that? - I don't know. I just let it be.
The Buddha talked about sati as a human capacity to be aware of the present in a dispassionate, nonreactive, untangled way. How do we become entangled? We follow automatic habits (going through life on "automatic pilot" rather than actually living). Our most pronounced habit is to... CONTINUED: Practice: What is "mindfulness"?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Don't tell Humans about Alien magic

Who are the dog men of ancient Egypt?

Ancient Aliens: Otherworldly Magic and Witchcraft from Outer Space

They gave Maria Orsic her oracular powers
(HISTORY) Oct. 26, 2023: Where did the origins of "magic" begin? Could it be that angelic (deva) and demonic (asura) light beings came to earth to give secrets to humanity that have served as a blessing and a curse in accordance with how we have used them? See more in this compilation from Ancient Aliens.
  • 00:00 Origins of magic explained
  • 04:59 Witchcraft from outer space
  • 09:57 Alien zombie resurrection
Do we look like apes to them? Met Maria yet?

Watch favorite episodes of Ancient Aliens on The HISTORY Channel website at #AncientAliens Subscribe for more from Ancient Aliens and other great The HISTORY Channel shows:

What is the Tree of Life, and what do extraterrestrials know about it or teach humans?
Who were the Anunnaki or other hybrid beings recognized by the ancient Egyptians?
Thousands of ceramic figurines were found in Mexico by a German resident.
They show impossible things, like ancient dinosaurs before they were known to science
There may be 12,000-15,000 of them in the great Acambaro Collection

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

InsightLA: Q&A: What about not-self?

QUESTION: We hear a lot about "not self" (anatta) in Buddhism. How do we incorporate this teaching into our meditation practice?

ANSWER: If one is practicing right-mindfulness (bare awareness free of clinging, thinking/judging, or identifying with, then one is already wisely applying the Dhamma to deal with all planes of existence. In all planes, there are Three Universal Characteristics of all phenomena. All things are impermanent (so it is wise not to cling), disappointing (so it is wise not to expect them to be able to satisfy or fulfill us), and impersonal (so it is wise not to identify with them).

Youngish adults sometimes ask best questions
In this way, we are meeting reality by simply observing it and not getting caught up in the narrative the mind conjures up about the world and anything going on in the present moment. Freed from this, we begin to be able to see things as they really are and respond accordingly. Otherwise, we react as we always have: attaching to the pleasant, becoming angry or fearful of the unpleasant, and getting confused or bored by the neutral.

Moreover, there comes a time, when we have mastered serenity practices (shamatha, samma-samadhi) and we take up insight practices (vipassana) in earnest. This is when we practice Dependent Origination to know-and-see the origin of all things currently arising. During this time, with an appropriate teacher like Pa Auk Sayadaw or one of his many authorized teachers, we "break down the compactness" and see the constituent nature of phenomena. And there is nothing more fundamental in this regard than the "self" (atta, atman).
Weekend retreats, Benedict Canyon, Beverly Hills
By analysis (segmentation), it is seen in its constituent parts (the Five Aggregates clung to as a self) and is then no longer clung to by the mind/heart.

By letting go in this way (naturally as a result of seeing how it really is), now no longer clinging but instead detaching, we arrive at the first stage of enlightenment with no effort to reject or push away.

This is known as stream entry (the first stage of enlightenment) what is impossible to see without a Buddha's great awakening: identifying and clinging to (or fearing and trying to annihilate) a "self" is the fundamental delusion.
  • Wait! If there is no "self," what is there? What is ALL this? (What is the "all" the Buddha is talking about in the "Fire Sermon" when he says, "All is burning"?) In a conventional sense, there is a self (atta, atman, an ego, a personality, him, her, that one over there, this one over here pointing at that one over there). That should not confuse or surprise anyone. What is shocking, upsetting, and unacceptable (mindboggling and impossible and crazy) is that, in an ultimate sense, there is "not a self (anatta)." Or a better way to say it is that, ALL that we think of as a "self" is not true of this self (that it is eternal, that it is bound for annihilation at death, that it is able to fulfill us or be satisfied, or that it is personal and us and can be identified with, or be under our control, and so on). Sometimes it is said that there is no "separate self," as if there were a self (our True Self, our Higher Self, that is all One and advaita, and this is very beautiful, but it goes askew because it is still identification with something. Maybe this view should be given a pass because wiser people cling to it so much and think they have found a solution to the radical and unacceptable thing the historical Buddha was saying. (Here's looking at you, Mahayanists): It is not that there is a self, and it is just not separate from everyone and/or everything else. It is that what the self is not separate from are the aggregates, the heaps, the khandha, the skandhas. The Heart Sutra says this very poetically, and everyone fails to understand except a bodhisattva like Avalokiteshvara every so often. The "self" is not separate from those ephemeral phenomena that are not a self: the illusion of self is arising (co-arising) upon those phenomena. Therefore, what there is, in a sense -- if there is ultimately no self and ALL things are impersonal -- are seven things: (1) Dependent Origination, (2) illusion (maya), and (3) the Five Aggregates clung to as a self. Or be more specific and increase the number of elements on this list: 1-12 causal links in Dependent Origination + illusion (ignorance, identification, clinging) + Five Aggregates (eight more things, half of them "form" and the other four "mind") = 23 things or keep going. There will not suddenly come into being a "self" within these, as the owner of these, or apart from these. Thinking about it too much is only stirring our defilements (not our defilements, obviously, but the ones being identified with). It is far better to practice calm and insight to know-and-see directly and thereby gain freedom. The Truth shall set one free. But the limitations of language keep acting as stumbling blocks to believing what need not be "believed." One approach and see for oneself. The Dharma is inviting, open to investigation, and the Buddha never asked for blind faith, just that people come see for themselves.
Without realizing the true nature of "self" (soul, ego, personality, a "being" that is in fact always becoming and never static), there is no breakthrough to noble knowledge-and-vision of things as they truly are and their transcendence.


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Uninformed? How mainstream media works

Novara Media, June 7, 2021; Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Why the mainstream media CAN’T tell the truth about Israel or Palestine | The Bastani Factor
AP fired Jewish journalist for sympathy to enemy
(Novara Media) Whether it's the filtering process of mainstream outlets or the "electric fence" approach of lobbying news organizations, the biggest casualty is truth. The Palestinian people constantly suffer with advantage given to Israel at every turn. Aaron Bastani explains the pro-Israel bias, self-censorship, and what editors (hounded my biased pro-Israel media watchdog groups) and why the truth is rarely uttered when it comes to covering Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Uninformed? That's the point of mainstream media
(Democracy Now!) Emily Wilder speaks out after right wing smears.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Dr. Robert Epstein SPIES on Google

Dr. Epstein (; Ashley WellsPfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Prof. Robert Epstein was live on The Jimmy Dore Show (YouTube), Wed. Sept. 13, 2023.
An academic named Dr. Robert Epstein (TWP – Tech Watch Project) decided to spy on Google Corporation to see what it was doing with its gathering of ephemeral event data (minute segments of our activity on Google, YouTube, Meta, and all its octopus arms of surveillance for the government and its own coffers as the wealthiest company that has ever existed in the history of the world (more than Apple, Tesla, SpaceX, Amazon, Warren Buffet's partners, the Carlyle Group, and all the others daily moving through our news feed as the "best and brightest" on the global capitalist front. Google used to have a simple mission, "Don't be evil," but that was far too hard to live up to, so it reversed the slogan and is doing a fine job living up to its mission. He is the only researcher in the world doing to Google what Google is doing to all of us: spying. He has therefore been able to demonstrably curb their "evil" behavior of manipulating search results and tipping elections, build a database about each of us for the government to use against us, and more. Research it. In the meantime, avoid using Google for searches -- and social media -- when much better alternatives exist like

(Daily Mail) Democrat Dr. E found Google drove votes to Hillary C.
Researcher Dr. Robert Epstein claims Google search result manipulation affected votes
(Daily Mail) Aug. 20, 2019: Pres. Trump claims Google "manipulated" up to 16 million votes in the 2016 election and cited research by an academic (Dr. Epstein, Ph.D.) who testified before the U.S. Congress. He was citing the conclusions of psychology Professor Robert Epstein, who testified last month [July 2019] that his research shows the number of votes that shifted, after conducting "dozens of controlled experiments." Trump said Google should be "sued" [but seems too cheap to sue them himself for the perceived voter election fraud he is claiming and continued to claim all the way to Jan. 6th].
  • Original article:
  • Original Video:
  • It was my turn, my election!
    [Well, what does it matter? We didn't want Trump to win anyway. [Many of us did not want Hillary Clinton either.] It matters because voters, not Big Tech companies like Google and Facebook/Meta, should be doing the electing without interference. Instead, candidates are selected and put into office by media corporations that are part of the military-industrial complex. Private corporations like Google are the "industrial" in that equation, and the merger of the state (public interest) and corporate power (private interest) is the very definition of "fascism," according to fascists like Mussolini of Italy and Hitler of Nazi Germany.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Why women flash breasts at Mardi Gras

Larissa Rzemienski (YourTango, 2/20/17); Ananda, Jen B., Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The truth about why women show their boobs at Mardi Gras
Throw beads, or don't look!
What comes to mind when thinking of Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday")? For some, it’s the traditional fare -- extravagant parade floats, exquisite masks, shiny beads. For most, it's women flashing their boobs, wild parties, and the craziness that is Bourbon Street.

Mardi Gras is a historical celebration that dates back thousands of years and was intended to be a Holy Week hedonistic celebration living it up on the day before 40 days of Lent (abstaining, sacrificing, giving up, letting go, and breaking bad habits).

Come, all ye sinners. Feel shame! Offend not the Lord. Pyre ashes, get your pyre ashes.
The male of the species, living in big cities, has no shame. Monkey see, money do (Seinfeld).
It's a time to fatten up before the now largely symbolic fasting. But the hedonism portrayed by the media is completely separate from the real purpose of the celebration.

Breast flashing is not considered to be a “real” tradition of Mardi Gras, except for mammals with cameras, but rather a phenomenon that surrounds the spring break mentality of the young people that hang out on Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

The festive parades throughout New Orleans and the South remain a more sacred old school religious celebration frequented by locals, while the wild celebrations occur only on Bourbon Street with thousands of tourists.

"Why?" is an interesting question. Have you considered the opposite question: "Why not?"?
So why exchange beads for exposing body parts intended only for infants? Why DO women flash their breasts at Mardi Gras?

The act of bearing one’s breasts at Mardi Gras dates back to the 1970s, but it drastically increased from 1987 to 1991. Many women attribute the flashing of their breasts to the mass consumption of alcohol [and other intoxicants].

They also report pleasure from violating the expected norms of society as a whole. One study found that 68 percent of men and 63 percent of women had at least 5 or 6 drinks per sitting while at Mardi Gras festivities.

About one-quarter of the men reported having at least 16 drinks per sitting. Whoa.

Casual sex
I'm cutting loose because it's Spring Break!!
The study also reported that 42 percent of men expect to have sex with somebody they meet at Mardi Gras. A third (33%) of all attendees surveyed did, in fact, have sex with someone that they had met at the festivities, and about 50% said at least a few of their friends did, too.

Perhaps we could compare the wild times at Mardi Gras to the activities that take place in Las Vegas. Clearly, there are some similarities between the two.

What happens on Bourbon St. does not necessarily stay on Bourbon St.
Max, we found them, we found them!
In actuality, the craziness is often photographed and videotaped. This can come back to haunt people. It’s widely known that media outlets reserve Bourbon Street balconies at least five years in advance to get the best shots.

One female flasher found out that video footage of her flashing her breasts showed up on a capitalist Girls Gone Wild video. No one asked her to sign a release.

She filed a court case after discovering that her images were on the cover of the DVD and X-rated footage of her within the video.

I love kids, not women's breasts.
Breast flashing and wild behaviors could also be attributed to the concept of mob mentality. With so little inhibition and such large crowds, a single person -- egged on by friends, bead throwers, and alcohol -- could feel her behavior is normal, that she won't necessarily be picked out of a crowd.

One can feel anonymous among a large half-naked crowd of strangers and, thus, be more prone to show the goods.

Some fall into the tourist trap
Another interesting fact is that many of the revelers are out of towners. Many of the partygoers tell interviewers that they are attending Mardi Gras to “escape” their daily lives.

They have the daily stresses of work or school and feel like they need to let off some steam by going to Mardi Gras and completely letting go of their inhibitions. It's a dopamine boost. More