Flower of the month of May - Tulipa
Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day & Blooming Friday
Outside the potager I have tulips, both old faithful friends and new acquaintances, these are new, I think they are very cute. Especially from above. I did save the label with the name but I cannot find it right now...silly girl.
same tulips...with the wood behind.
May is full of all the gorgeous fruit tree flowers this is from my Blackthorn (topiary)
When I was out earlier tonight it was actually snowing white petals from the cherry blossoms.
To see more GBBD posts or to join in this month please visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens. It is also Blooming Friday! This is my contribrutions to the Blooming Friday Flower Power Parade, meet more participant here at Katarina. Roses and Stuff.
Well this is all from me - I wish you all a lovely weekend with a lot of gardening!
это царь Петр - This is Czar Peter. (Czaar Peter)
Tulipa greigii 'Czar Peter'. This gorgeous tulip is named after an emperor,
Young Peter - wikipedia
Пётр Алексеéевич Ромáнов, Peter I the Great, Pyotr Alexeyevich Romanov.
Born in 1672 in Moscow Pyotr was the son of to Alexis I of Russia and his second wife Nataliya Kyrillovna Naryshkina, within the walls of the Kremlin. Tsar Alexei died in 1676 and Peter just 10 year old becomes Tsar Peter.
Peter the Great carried out a policy of Westernization and expansion that transformed the Tsardom of Russia into the 3-billion acre Russian Empire, a major European power. He is cited as one of the greatest rulers in the 17th century, ranking alongside Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Empire and Louis XIV of France. (read more…Wikipedia)
Typical for these botanical tulips, Tulipa greigii are that the blooms are large, up to 12cm. The stems are fairly low compared to other varieties, often bright multi coloured blooms and the leaves are sometimes striped or spotted. What’s more is that the Tulipa greigii an early bloomer, they flower in early March – April and that I really appreciate. The bloom open widely in sunshine and look huge compared to its height and closes in shade or at nighttime.
'Cape Cod', 'Red Riding Hood', 'Toronto', 'Casa Grande', 'Chopin', 'Pinocchio', 'Rod Verlinden' and 'Czar Peter' are all examples of tulips of the specie Tulipa greigii.
Here we have Tulipa greigii 'Chopin' in the gravel!
more Tulips in the gravel and other tulip posts.
The species Tulipa greigii got its name from S.A.Greig.
The Tulipa greigii was discovered in Tashkent in (Uzbekistan) the region Turkestan by a German named P.L. Graeber. Described by the horticulturalist and botanist Eduard von Regel in 1877. He named it after S.A. Greig, a botanist in St. Petersburg, at that time the president of the Russian Imperial Horticultural Society.
Namnet Czar Peter från Tsar Peter den store av Ryssland, artnamnet Tulipa greigii fick blomman av Eduard von Regel som gav den namnet efter en botanist S.A Greig som arbetade för the Russian Imperial Horticultural Society i St. Petersburg. Blomman hittades ’först’ i Tashkent nuvarande Uzbekistan av en tysk vid namn P.L. Graeber.
Typiskt för dessa botaniska tulpaner, Tulipa greigii är att blomman är förhållandevis till skaftet stor (upp till 12cm), skaftet som är ganska kort jämfört med andra arter, ofta klara flera färgade blommor och bladen är ibland antingen randiga eller fläckiga. Vad mer är att Tulipa greigii blommar tidigt, början av mars - april och det uppskattar jag verkligen. De stora blommorna öppnar sig i full utsträckning i solsken och sluter sig i skugga och till kvällen. Tulipa greigii 'Czar Peter' tillhör Liliaceae familjen.
Helen, the patient gardener said in her comment - Are these tulips in flower in your garden now?! Surely not!
No, unfortunately not, nothing and I mean nothing grows in my garden now. It is completely covered with a few inches of snow and it is freeeezing cold. My poor greenhouse is like a big icebox and the only roses that I got there are the roses of ice on the glass of the windows. I have got a pretty picture of ice roses in this post from 2007