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My potager garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö, Resarö is situated in the inner part of the archipelago outside of Stockholm. Tyra´s Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination.
Tyra's Garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö situated in the inner part of the archipelago near the small town Vaxholm, outside Stockholm. Tyra's Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, my potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination. The climate in these parts is quite demanding as the northerly winds can be strong and cold. THIS BLOG 'Tyra's Garden' is not entirely a gardenblog it contains much more. About me: Enthusiastic amateur gardener and photographer from Vaxholm, Sweden. Designed and built my Greenhouse and Potager in Tyra's Garden 2003. Love the outdoor life, gardening and sailing especially. View my profile

Showing posts with label Läkeväxter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Läkeväxter. Show all posts


Here comes the Sun - Tussilago farfara

This post, 'Here comes the sun - Tussilago farfara' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog Tyra's Garden
In yesterdays post I wrote about LOVE an ABC post in the Greenhouse and to go with it I had a great song from the Beatles 'All you need is love' and today another one came to my mind 'Here comes the sun'. This small messenger that tells us that the spring is here and it looks just like a perfect sun to me. About YESTERDAY why not take that one as well..
or should I LET IT BE? I just love that one, one of the best.

COLTSFOOT Tussilago farfara

Coltsfoot is a perennial herbaceous plant that spreads by seeds and rhizomes. Tussilago is often found in colonies of dozens of plants. The flowers, which superficially resemble dandelions, appear in early spring before dandelions appear. The leaves, which resemble a colt's foot in cross section, do not appear usually until after the seeds are set. Thus, the flowers appear on stems with no apparent leaves, and the later appearing leaves then wither and die during the season without seeming to set flowers. The plant is typically between 10 - 30 cm in height. From wikipedia.

Tussilago - kärt barn har många namn säjs det.

Den här lilla godingen hittade jag på väg hem från jobbet i lördags, en enda liten tussilago men oj vad glad jag blev! Vårens budbärande.

'Den tidigast blommande svenska örten; då går tjälen ur marken, snön smälter i skuggan, isen lossnar på floderna, grodan kväker i kärren, trasten sjunger i skogen, orren spelar på ljungen och ärlan bebådar Floras ankomst.' Carl von Linne'

Hästhov, hosthäva, hostört, lungbota, brösttobak, tandvärksbota, läkeblad, tjälablomma, majblomma, lerblad, hin ondes blomma, hin ondes rova, farfarsblad, farfarsblad, fålafötter, skråp, mjölblad, surblad, skarvagräs, hästhuvud, tussilon

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