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My potager garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö, Resarö is situated in the inner part of the archipelago outside of Stockholm. Tyra´s Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination.
Tyra's Garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö situated in the inner part of the archipelago near the small town Vaxholm, outside Stockholm. Tyra's Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, my potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination. The climate in these parts is quite demanding as the northerly winds can be strong and cold. THIS BLOG 'Tyra's Garden' is not entirely a gardenblog it contains much more. About me: Enthusiastic amateur gardener and photographer from Vaxholm, Sweden. Designed and built my Greenhouse and Potager in Tyra's Garden 2003. Love the outdoor life, gardening and sailing especially. View my profile

Showing posts with label Lilium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilium. Show all posts


I'm Back...Armed with a Machete

After several weeks at sea I'm back on solid ground again. Back to my garden...but what a mess, a small disaster at the first glance. Armed with secateurs, machete, one mile of garden twine I'm ready to attac the 'garden'... jungle. I have had help from my friends with the watering ( a huge thank you to you! ) But as the weather has been wet-wet-wet watering has been easy, another problem accured of course the plants that I put on large tray for easy watering almost drawned instead. I will need to do some 'CPR' on those poor plant they are so pale and sad looking.

The last Lily of the season, a bit sad but it is the bitter truth. I chose this picture for  my August picture, it really stands there all alone in the border, stunning, bright and beautiful. All the other has already faded away into the long sleep of autumn.


  Det känns lite vemodigt att se årets sista lija, den står alldeles ensam i ack så vacker. Resten av liljorna har för länge sedan vissnat och förbereder sig för den långa sömnen

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Time for Sweet Kisses

This post, 'Time for Sweet Kisses' was originally uploaded and written by Tyra at the blog
Tyra's Garden


Spring - the time for Sweet Kisses!

Planting that is, plant the bulbs in well drained soil. Lilium ‘Sweet Kiss’ is an Asian hybrid and has beautiful soft reddish-pink flowers with a mellow yellow centre. Ideal for both pots and borders. These kisses bloom in July in my garden.
Height about 65 cm/ 26 inches

Nu är det vår och tid för ljuva kyssar.

Plantering alltså... Sweet Kisses planterar du nu på våren i väldränerad jord. Lilium ’Sweet Kiss’ har en härligt svags rosaröd blomma med mjukt gul mitt. Den blir cirka 65 cm hög och blommar i juli månad i min trädgård. Du kan även plantera dem i krukor och njuta av lite liljor på uteplatsen, trappen, bryggan eller kanske på balkongen. Som man bäddar får man ligga säjs det ellerhur? Så plantera lite tacksamma liljelökar nu så får du njuta av ljuva kyssar till sommaren.


Blooming Friday today and the first one in March! This is my contibrutions to the Blooming Friday Flower Power Parade, meet more participant here at Katarina.

XXX/ Tyra

I wish you all a lovely weekend - Don't be a stranger do write something.

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