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Showing posts with label Tubitelariae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tubitelariae. Show all posts


Venonia micarioides, copyright Angus Veitch.

Belongs within: Lycosidae.

Venonia is a genus of small, slender wolf spiders found in southeast Asia and Australasia that build small sheet-webs close to the ground (Yoo & Framenau 2006).

Characters (from Yoo & Framenau 2006): Coloration uniform, light brown to black, with posterodorsal white spot on abdomen; male pedipalp with strongly asymmetrical cymbium appearing apico-retrolaterally truncated, tegular apophysis membranous, embolic division reduced, pedipalp tibia rotated in relation to femur so that pedipalp bulbs are facing each other; epigyne with posterior central incision, lacking sclerotised plate.

<==Venonia Thorell 1894 YF06
    |--V. kokoda Lehtinen & Hippa 1979 YF06
    `--+--V. micarioides (Koch 1877) [=Aulonia micarioides, Artoria micarioides] YF06
       `--+--V. infundibulum Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
          |--V. kimjoopili Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
          |--V. nata Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
          |--V. sungahae Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
          |--V. vilkkii Lehtinen & Hippa 1979 YF06
          `--+--+--V. cinctipes (Simon 1898) [=Anomalomma cinctipes] YF06
             |  `--V. muju (Chrysanthus 1967) [=Anomalomma muju] YF06
             `--+--*V. coruscans Thorell 1894 YF06
                `--+--+--V. chaiwooi Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
                   |  `--V. joejim Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
                   `--+--V. micans (Simon 1898) [=Anomalomma micans; incl. V. gabrielae Barrion & Litsinger 1995] YF06
                      `--+--V. choiae Yoo & Framenau 2006 YF06
                         `--V. milla Lehtinen & Hippa 1979 YF06

*Type species of generic name indicated


[YF06] Yoo, J.-S., & V. W. Framenau. 2006. Systematics and biogeography of the sheet-web building wolf spider genus Venonia (Araneae: Lycosidae). Invertebrate Systematics 20: 675–712.


Evippa sp., copyright A. Nadolny.

Belongs within: Lycosidae.

Evippa is a genus of wolf spiders found from southern China to northern Africa. Male pedipalps of this genus have an embolus forming a slender functional conductor that projects beyond the tegular apophysis.

<==Evippa Simon 1882 [Evippinae] MGK03
    |--*E. arenaria (Audouin 1827) [=Lycosa arenaria] MGK03
    |--E. apsheronica Marusik, Guseinov & Koponen 2003 MGK03
    |--E. badchysica Šternbergs 1979 MGK03
    |--E. benevola (Pickard-Cambridge 1885) MGK03
    |--E. caucasica Marusik, Guseinov & Koponen 2003 MGK03
    |--E. concolor (Kroneberg 1875) [=Lycosa concolor] MGK03
    |--E. eltonica Dunin 1994 MGK03
    |--E. fujianensis Peng, Yin & Kim 1996 MGK03
    |--E. helanshangensis Peng, Yin & Kim 1996 MGK03
    |--E. jocquei Alderweireldt 1991 MGK03
    |--E. kronebergi Roewer 1955 (see below for synonymy) MGK03
    |--E. onager Simon 1895 MGK03
    |--E. praelongipes (Pickard-Cambridge 1870) MGK03
    |--E. schenkeli Šternbergs 1979 MGK03
    |--E. sjostedti Schenkel 1936 [incl. Xerolycosa brunneopicta Loksa 1965, E. potanini Schenkel 1963] MGK03
    |--E. sibirica Marusik 1995 MGK03
    `--E. turkmenica Šternbergs 1979 MGK03

Nomen nudum: Evippa beshkentica Andreeva 1976

Evippa kronebergi Roewer 1955 [=Lycosa aculeata Kroneberg 1875 non (Clerck 1757), Acantholycosa aculeata, Evippa aculeata, Pardosa aculeata]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[MGK03] Marusik, Yu. M., E. F. Guseinov & S. Koponen. 2003. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Azerbaijan. 2. Critical survey of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) found in the country with description of three new species and brief review of Palaearctic Evippa Simon, 1885. Arthropoda Selecta 12 (1): 47–65.


Venatrix lapidosa, copyright David Paul.

Belongs within: Lycosidae.

Venatrix is a genus of wolf spiders found in Australasia, usually characterised by the presence of two longitudinal light bands (or row of light spots) on the dark venter of the abdomen. Males have a tubercle on the outer edge of the fangs, and pedipalps with claw-like macrosetae on the tip of the cymbium (Framenau 2006).

<==Venatrix Roewer 1960 F06
    |--V. funesta (Koch 1847) [incl. Venator fuscus Hogg 1900, *Venatrix fusca] F06
    |--V. allopictiventris Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. amnicola Framenau 2006 F06
    |--V. archookoora Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. arenaris (Hogg 1905) F06
    |--V. australiensis Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. brisbanae (Koch 1878) [=Lycosa brisbanae, L. brisbanensis (l. c.), Pirata brisbanae] F06
    |--V. esposica Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. fontis Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. furcillata (Koch 1867) [=Lycosa furcillata, Allocosa furcillata] F06
    |--V. hickmani Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. konei (Berland 1924) (see below for synonymy) F06
    |--V. koori Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. kosciuskoensis (McKay 1974) [=Lycosa kosciuskoensis] F06
    |--V. lapidosa (McKay 1974) F06
    |--V. magkasalubonga (Barrion & Litsinger 1995) (see below for synonymy) F06
    |--V. mckayi Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. ornatula (Koch 1877) [=Lycosa ornatula, Allocosa ornatula; incl. V. forsteri Framenau & Vink 2001] F06
    |--V. palau Framenau 2006 F06
    |--V. penola Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. pictiventris (Koch 1877) F06 [=Lycosa pictiventris E07]
    |--V. pseudospeciosa Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. pullastra (Simon 1909) (see below for synonymy) F06
    |--V. roo Framenau & Vink 2001 F06
    |--V. speciosa (Koch 1877) F06
    |--V. summa (McKay 1974) [=Lycosa summa] F06
    `--V. tinfos Framenau 2006 F06

Venatrix konei (Berland 1924) [=Lycosa konei, Arctosa konei; incl. L. goyderi Hickman 1944, A. goyderi, Mustelicosa goyderi, Piratosa goyderi, Venatrix goyderi, Lycosa howensis McKay 1979] F06

Venatrix magkasalubonga (Barrion & Litsinger 1995) [=Pardosa magkasalubonga; incl. P. daniloi Barrion & Litsinger 1995, P. hawakana Barrion & Litsinger 1995, P. sacayi Barrion & Litsinger 1995] F06

Venatrix pullastra (Simon 1909) [=Lycosa pullastra, Hogna pullastra, L. pallustra (l. c.); incl. L. marcentior Simon 1909, Hogna marcentior, L. percauta Simon 1909, Allocosa percauta, L. propitia Simon 1909, A. propitia, L. segregis Simon 1909, Hogna segregis] F06

*Type species of generic name indicated


[E07] Elliott, M. G. 2007. Annotated catalogue of the Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) of Australia. Zootaxa 1428: 1–83.

[F06] Framenau, V. W. 2006. The wolf spider genus Venatrix Roewer: new species, synonymies and generic transfers (Araneae, Lycosidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 23 (2): 145–166.


Arctosa cinerea, copyright Fritz Geller-Grimm.

Belongs within: Lycosidae.

Arctosa is a genus of medium-sized to large wolf spiders commonly found in sandy habitats.

Characters (from Dondale & Redner 1983): Size medium to large (overall length, excluding legs, 4.5–16.0 mm). Carapace broad, rather low, approximately uniform in height between dorsal groove and posterior row of eyes, usually glabrous or nearly so, yellow, off-white, or mottled with gray, yellow, or brown. Anterior row of eyes straight or somewhat procurved or recurved, longer than, shorter than, or equal to middle row in length. Promargin of fang furrow with two or three teeth, retromargin with three teeth. Legs usually pale, robust, lightly scopulate, with dark rings ; tibia III with two dorsal macrosetae or with one plus a basal bristle, and with 1–3 retrolateral macrosetae; trochanters usually deeply notched at tip on ventral surface . Abdomen usually pale and mottled like carapace. Terminal apophysis of male palpus conspicuous, in two parts or in one part of two different shapes and degrees of sclerotization; embolus straight or curved, largely hidden by median apophysis in ventral view, with extensive pars pendula extending nearly to tip; median apophysis prominent, sclerotized, elongate, conspicuously grooved or excavated on distal or dorsal surface (and forming part of functional conductor); tegulum with retrolateral prominence bearing small soft area and often bearing small, transparent, cup-shaped process or prominent, sclerotized process, which also forms part of functional conductor. Epigynum of female usually with conspicuous atrium divided by median septum, without hood; copulatory openings located at sides of slender part of median septum; copulatory tubes slender to stout, rather short, often curved or sinuous, sometimes with conspicuous spermathecal organs at lateral margins; spermathecae bulbous in outline, without prominences.

<==Arctosa Koch 1847 MGK03
    |--*A. cinerea (Fabricius 1777) [=Trochosa cinerea] MGK03
    |--A. alpigena RKD02
    |--A. brauni (Strand 1916) [=Tarentula brauni] J98
    |--A. epiana (Berland 1938) [=Lycosa konei var. epiana, A. konei epiana] F06
    |--A. fulvolineata (Lucas 1846) PG08
    |--A. lacustris (Simon 1876) K55
    |--A. leopardus (Sundevall 1833) MGK03
    |--A. nyembeensis (Strand 1916) [=Tarentula nyembeensis] J98
    |--A. perita (Latreille 1799) MGK03
    |--A. stigmosa PY07
    |--A. subamylacea PY07
    `--A. tbilisiensis Mcheidze 1946 MGK03

*Type species of generic name indicated


Dondale, C. D., & J. H. Redner. 1983. Revision of the wolf spiders of the genus Arctosa C. L. Koch in North and Central America (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Arachnology 11: 1–30.

[F06] Framenau, V. W. 2006. The wolf spider genus Venatrix Roewer: new species, synonymies and generic transfers (Araneae, Lycosidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 23 (2): 145–166.

[J98] Jäger, P. 1998. Das Typenmaterial der Spinnentiere (Arachnida: Acari, Amblypygi, Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones, Scorpiones, Uropygi) aus dem Museum Wiesbaden. Jahrbuecher des Nassauischen Vereins fuer Naturkunde 119: 81–91.

[K55] Kraus, O. 1955. Spinnen von Korsika, Sardinien und Elba (Arach., Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 371–394.

[MGK03] Marusik, Yu. M., E. F. Guseinov & S. Koponen. 2003. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Azerbaijan. 2. Critical survey of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) found in the country with description of three new species and brief review of Palaearctic Evippa Simon, 1885. Arthropoda Selecta 12 (1): 47–65.

[PY07] Park, Y. C., J.-S. Yoo, M. P. Schwarz, N. Murphy & J.-P. Kim. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of east Asian wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) inferred from mitochondrial 12S ribosomal DNA. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100 (1): 1–8.

[PG08] Pétillon, J., & A. Garbutt. 2008. Success of managed realignment for the restoration of salt-marsh biodiversity: preliminary results on ground-active spiders. Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 388–393.

[RKD02] Relys, V., S. Koponen & D. Dapkus. 2002. Annual differences and species turnover in peat bog spider communities. Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 416–424.


Olios argelasius, copyright Ferran Turmo Gort.

Belongs within: Sparassidae.

The genus Olios has long been used for a poorly defined assemblage of smaller huntsman spiders; the description given below refers to a more restricted grouping, but many species of uncertain affinities remain in the genus (Jäger & Kunz 2005).

Characters (from Jäger & Kunz 2005): Eye field relatively wide, eyes subequal; chelicerae with one or two anterior teeth, three to six distinctly separated posterior teeth, anterior and posterior teeth of similar size, cheliceral furrow without denticles; male embolus with characteristic distal coil, the latter often with appendage at base, tegular apophysis often present; female epigyne usually with longitudinal slit, slit rarely absent with only small part of median septum visible in posterior half of epigyne, anterior part of internal duct system membranous or little sclerotised.

<==Olios Walckenaer 1837 JK05
    |--*O. argelasius (Walckenaer 1805) RJ08
    |--O. algerianus Lucas 1846 E12
    |--O. auricomus Simon 1880 JK05
    |--O. barbarus Lucas 1846 E12
    |--O. claviger (Pocock 1901) JK05
    |--O. fasciculatus Simon 1880 JK05
    |--O. feldmanni Strand 1915 J98
    |--O. guineibius Strand 1910 S10
    |--O. guttipes (Simon 1897) [=Sparassus (Vindullus) guttipes] RJ08
    |--O. javensis Doleschall 1857 D57
    |--O. lamarcki (Latreille 1806) [=Thomisus lamarcki] K92
    |--O. lunula Doleschall 1857 D57
    |--O. malagassus Strand 1907 JK05
    |--O. malayanus Doleschall 1857 D57
    |--O. mygalinus Doleschall 1857 D57
    |--O. nossibeensis Strand 1907 JK05
    |--O. oraniensis Lucas 1846 E12
    |--O. pusillus Simon 1880 JK05
    |--O. rufilatus (Pocock 1899) JK05
    |--O. similis (Pickard-Cambridge 1890) [=Vindullus similis, Sparassus similis] RJ08
    |--O. stictopus (Pocock 1898) [=Sparassus (Vindullus) stictopus] RJ08
    |--O. testaceus Doleschall 1859 D59
    |--O. werneri (Simon 1906) JK05
    `--O. zonatus Doleschall 1859 D59

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D57] Doleschall, C. L. 1857. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Arachniden van den Indischen Archipel. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, series 3, 3 (5–6): 399–434, pls 1–2.

[D59] Doleschall, C. L. 1859. Tweede Bijdrage tot de kennis der Arachniden van den Indischen Archipel. Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie [Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae] 5 (5): 1–60, pls 1-18.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[J98] Jäger, P. 1998. Das Typenmaterial der Spinnentiere (Arachnida: Acari, Amblypygi, Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones, Scorpiones, Uropygi) aus dem Museum Wiesbaden. Jahrbuecher des Nassauischen Vereins fuer Naturkunde 119: 81–91.

[JK05] Jäger, P., & D. Kunz. 2005. An illustrated key to genera of African huntsman spiders (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (2): 163–213.

[K92] Karsch, F. 1892. Arachniden von Ceylon und von Minikoy gesammelt von den Herren Doctoren P. und F. Sarasin. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 36 (2): 267–310.

[RJ08] Rheims, C. A., & P. Jäger. 2008. Revision of the Neotropical huntsman spider genus Vindullus Simon (Araneae, Sparassidae). Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 221–231.

[S10] Strand, E. 1910. Spinnentiere aus Neuguinea (Opiliones, Psechridae und Clubionidae) gesammelt von Dr. Schlaginhaufen. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königl. Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 13 (5): 1–16.


Pseudopoda sp., copyright SpiderYang.

Belongs within: Sparassidae.

Pseudopoda is a genus of huntsman spiders found at higher altitudes (above 1000 m) in southern Asia.

Characters (from Jäger 2000): Small to large, 5-27 mm. Colour yellow, yellow-brown or dark red-brown with dark pattern. Femora with spine patches. Abdomen dorsally usually with bright transverse band in posterior half, abdomen ventrally usually with dark patch in front of spinnerets. Male palp with membranous conductor, embolus broadened at least proximally, usually whole embolus broadened and flattened, tegulum as long as bulb, retrolateral tibial apophysis arising in a mesial or basal position. Female with epigynum with lateral lobes (and mostly copulatory ducts) rising distinctly beyond epigastric furrow posteriad and covering median septum.

<==Pseudopoda Jäger 2000 J08
    |--P. bibulba (Xu & Yin 2000) J08
    |--P. confusa Jäger, Pathoumthong & Vedel 2006 JPV06
    |--P. dao Jäger 2001 J08
    |--P. diversipunctata Jäger 2001 JPV06
    |--P. gemina Jäger, Pathoumthong & Vedel 2006 JPV06
    |--P. intermedia Jäger 2001 JPV06
    |--P. latembola Jäger 2001 JPV06
    |--P. lutea (Thorell 1895) JPV06
    |--P. marsupia (Wang 1991) JPV06
    |--P. martensi Jäger 2001 JPV06
    |--P. namkhan Jäger, Pathoumthong & Vedel 2006 JPV06
    |--P. parvipunctata Jäger 2001 J08
    |--P. prompta (Cambridge 1835) JPV06
    |--P. recta Jäger & Ono 2001 JPV06
    |--P. serrata Jäger & Ono 2001 JPV06
    |--P. shuqiangi Jäger & Vedel 2007 J08
    |--P. signata Jäger 2001 JPV06
    |--P. songi Jäger 2008 J08
    `--P. virgata (Fox 1936) JPV06

*Type species of generic name indicated


Jäger, P. 2000. Two new heteropodine genera from southern continental Asia (Araneae: Sparassidae). Acta Arachnologica 49 (1): 61–71.

[J08] Jäger, P. 2008. Sparassidae from China 5. Pseudopoda songi sp. n. from Yunnan Province (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae, Heteropodinae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (1): 45–48.

[JPV06] Jäger, P., B. Pathoumthong & V. Vedel. 2006. First record of the genus Pseudopoda Jäger 2000 in Laos with description of new species (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 86 (2): 219–228.


Banana spider Heteropoda venatoria, copyright Vaikoovery.

Belongs within: Sparassidae.

Heteropoda is a diverse genus of huntsman spiders found primarily in Asia and Australia, with a single cosmopolitan species H. venatoria.

Characters (from Jäger & Kunz 2005): Chelicerae with three anterior teeth, four posterior teeth, anterior and posterior teeth of similar size, cheliceral furrow with substantial number of denticles; male embolus running in flat semicircle with distal part resting in sheath-like conductor; female vulva with coils restricted to central part.

<==Heteropoda Latreille 1804 (see below for synonymy) J08
    |--*H. venatoria (Linnaeus 1767) JK05 [=Aranea venatoria R13; incl. A. regia Fab. 1793 R13, Heteropoda regia R13]
    |--H. altmannae Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. amphora Fox 1936 J08
    |--H. atriventris Chrysanthus 1965 J08
    |--H. belua Jäger 2005 J08
    |--H. boiei (Doleschall 1859) (see below for synonymy) J08
    |--‘Panaretus’ chelatus Strand 1910 [incl. P. c. var. vittichelis Strand 1910] S10
    |--H. christae Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. cooloola Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. crediton Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. dagmarae Jäger & Vedel 2005 J08
    |--H. davidbowie Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. distincta Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. duan Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. eluta Karsch 1892 K92
    |--H. ernstulrichi Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. erythra Chrysanthus 1965 J08
    |--H. fischeri Jäger 2005 J08
    |--H. goonaneman Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. graaflandi Strand 1907 J98
    |--H. helge Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. hermitis (Hogg 1914) T13
    |--H. hildebrandti Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. hillerae Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. hippie Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. hirsti Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. holzi Strand 1907 J98
    |--H. homstu Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. ignichelis (Simon 1880) [=Panaretus ignichelis] J08
    |--H. jacobii Strand 1910 S10
    |--H. jaegerorum Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. jasminae Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. javana (Simon 1880) [=Panaretus javanus] J08
    |--H. jugulans (Koch 1876) [=Sarotes jugulans] J08
    |--H. keyserlingi S10
    |--H. laai Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. laurae Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. listeri Pocock 1900 FT08
    |--H. loderstaedti Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. martinae Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. martusa Jäger 2000 J08
    |--H. maxima Jäger 2001 J08
    |--H. mecistopus Pocock 1898 J08
    |--H. meriani Jäger 2008 [=H. venatoria montana Merian 1911 non H. sumatrana var. montana Thorell 1890] J08
    |--H. mindiptanensis Chrysanthus 1965 J08
    |--H. montana Thorell 1890 [=H. sumatrana var. montana] J08
    |--H. monteithi Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. muscicapa Strand 1910 S10
    |--H. ninahagen Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. novaguineensis Strand 1910 S10
    |--H. onoi Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. pakawini Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. panaretiformis Strand 1906 J98
    |--H. parva Jäger 2000 J08
    |--H. pingtungensis Zhu & Tso 2006 J08
    |--H. planiceps (Pocock 1897) J08
    |--H. regalis (Roewer 1938) [=Pandercetes regalis] J08
    |--H. reinholdae Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. richlingi Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. robusta Fage 1924 J08
    |--H. rundle Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. schlaginhaufeni Strand 1910 S10
    |--H. schwalbachorum Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. silvatica Davies 1994 J08
    |--H. squamacea Wang 1990 [incl. H. bifurcata Wang et al. 2002] J08
    |--H. submaculata [incl. H. submaculata var. torricelliana Strand 1910] S10
    |--H. subtilis Karsch 1892 K92
    |--H. sumatrana Thorell 1890 J08
    |--H. tetrica Thorell 1897 J08
    |--H. thoracica (Koch 1845) [incl. Isopeda beccarii malangana Strand 1907] J98
    |--H. udolindenberg Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. uexkuelli Jäger 2008 J08
    |--H. umbrata Karsch 1892 K92
    |--H. variegata (Simon 1874) JK05
    |--H. willunga Davies 1994 J08
    `--H. zuviele Jäger 2008 J08

Heteropoda Latreille 1804 [incl. Adrastis Simon 1880, Panaretidius Simon 1906, Panaretus Simon 1880, Parhedrus Simon 1887, Torania Simon 1886] J08

Heteropoda boiei (Doleschall 1859) [=Sparassus boiei, Parhedrus boiei; incl. Adrastis atomaria Simon 1880, Heteropoda flavimana Simon 1880] J08

*Type species of generic name indicated


[FT08] Framenau, V. W., & M. L. Thomas. 2008. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean): identification and distribution. Records of the Western Australian Museum 25 (1): 45–85.

[J98] Jäger, P. 1998. Das Typenmaterial der Spinnentiere (Arachnida: Acari, Amblypygi, Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones, Scorpiones, Uropygi) aus dem Museum Wiesbaden. Jahrbuecher des Nassauischen Vereins fuer Naturkunde 119: 81–91.

[J08] Jäger, P. 2008. Revision of the huntsman spider genus Heteropoda Latreille 1804: species with exceptional male palpal conformations from southeast Asia and Australia (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae, Heteropodinae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (2): 239–310.

[JK05] Jäger, P., & D. Kunz. 2005. An illustrated key to genera of African huntsman spiders (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (2): 163–213.

[K92] Karsch, F. 1892. Arachniden von Ceylon und von Minikoy gesammelt von den Herren Doctoren P. und F. Sarasin. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 36 (2): 267–310.

[R13] Rainbow, W. J. 1913. Arachnida from the Solomon Islands. Records of the Australian Museum 10 (1): 1–16.

[S10] Strand, E. 1910. Spinnentiere aus Neuguinea (Opiliones, Psechridae und Clubionidae) gesammelt von Dr. Schlaginhaufen. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königl. Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden 13 (5): 1–16.

[T13] Taylor, C. K. 2013. Annotated bibliography for Barrow Island terrestrial invertebrates. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 135–144.


Female Thelcticopis severa, copyright Akio Tanikawa.

Belongs within: Sparassidae.

Thelcticopis is a genus of huntsman spiders found from southern Asia to Fiji. Females of the genus have an epigyne with a somewhat heart-shaped median septum bearing a tongue-like posterior structure pointing in the direction of the epigastric furrow, and two lateral hooks on the posterior margin of the epigyne pointing to the median line (Jäger 2005).

<==Thelcticopis Karsch 1884 [incl. Mardonia Thorell 1897, Seramba Thorell 1887] J05
    |--*T. severa Koch 1875 J05
    |--T. bifasciatus (Thorell 1891) [=Seramba bifasciata] J05
    |--T. fasciatus (Thorell 1897) [=Seramba fasciata] J05
    |--T. humilithorax (Simon 1910) [=Seramba humilithorax] J05
    |--T. pennatus (Simon 1901) [=Seramba pennata] J05
    |--T. pestai (Reimoser 1939) [=Seramba pestai] J05
    |--T. pictus (Thorell 1887) [=*Seramba picta] J05
    |--T. quadrimunitus (Strand 1911) [=Seramba quadrimunita] J05
    |--T. sagittatus (Hogg 1915) [=Seramba sagittata] J05
    |--T. salomonum (Strand 1913) [=Seramba salomonum] J05
    |--T. scaurus (Simon 1910) [=Seramba scaura] J05
    `--T. truculentus Karsch 1884 [=Seramba truculenta] J05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[J05] Jäger, P. 2005. Seramba Thorell 1887 is a synonym of Thelcticopis Karsch 1884 (Arachnida, Araneae, Sparassidae, Sparianthinae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (1): 57–59.


Giant house spider Tegenaria atrica, copyright No escape.

Belongs within: Amaurobioidea.

Tegenaria, the house spiders, is a cosmopolitan genus of spiders that build funnel-shaped webs. Members of this genus have plumose hairs on the body and eight eyes in two straight to moderately procurved rows.

Tegenaria Latreille 1804 MG03
    |--T. africana Lucas 1846 E12
    |--T. agrestis (Walckenaer 1802) BS02
    |--T. antipodiana White 1849 W49
    |--T. atrica K55
    |--T. derhami CM07
    |--T. dolomedes Doleschall 1859 D59
    |--T. domestica (Clerck 1757) BS02 [incl. Coelotes amygdaliformis Zhu & Wang 1991 WJ07]
    |--T. femoralis Simon 1873 K55
    |--T. ferruginea K55
    |--T. gigantea V09
    |--T. longipalpis Lucas 1846 E12
    |--T. nemorosa CM07
    |--T. ochracea Doleschall 1859 D59
    |--T. pagana Koch 1841 K55
    |--T. parietina (Fourcroy 1875) K55
    |--T. picta Simon 1870 VPB11
    |--T. saeva K55
    |--T. silvestris Koch 1872 S02
    `--T. soriculata Simon 1873 K55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BS02] Baird, C. R., & R. L. Stoltz. 2002. Range expansion of the hobo spider, Tegenaria agrestis, in the northwestern United States (Araneae, Agelenidae). Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 201-204.

[CM07] Cokendolpher, J. C., & P. G. Mitov. 2007. Natural enemies. In Harvestmen: The Biology of Opiliones (R. Pinto-da-Rocha, G. Machado & G. Giribet, eds) pp. 339-373. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[D59] Doleschall, C. L. 1859. Tweede Bijdrage tot de kennis der Arachniden van den Indischen Archipel. Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie [Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae] 5 (5): 1-60, plates 1-18.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[K55] Kraus, O. 1955. Spinnen von Korsika, Sardinien und Elba (Arach., Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 371-394.

[MG03] Marusik, Yu. M., & E. F. Guseinov. 2003. Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Azerbaijan. 1. New family and genus records. Arthropoda Selecta 12 (1): 29-46.

[S02] Selden, P. A. 2002. Missing links between Argyroneta and Cybaeidae revealed by fossil spiders. Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 189-200.

[VPB11] Varet, M., J. Pétillon & F. Burel. 2011. Comparative responses of spider and carabid beetle assemblages along an urban-rural boundary gradient. Journal of Arachnology 39 (2): 236-243.

[V09] Verdcourt, B. (ed.) 2009. Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. XXVI. Miscellaneous records. Kew Bulletin 64 (1): 183-194.

[WJ07] Wang, X., & P. Jäger. 2007. A revision of some spiders of the subfamily Coelotinae F. O. Pickard-Cambridge 1898 from China: transfers, synonymies, and new species (Arachnida, Araneae, Amaurobiidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 87 (1): 23-49.

[W49] White, A. 1849. Descriptions of apparently new species of Aptera from New Zealand. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 17: 3-6 (reprinted 1850. Annals & Magazine of Natural History series 2, 5: 50-53).