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Cerobasis guestfalica, photographed by Brian Valentine.

Belongs within: Psocodea.

The Trogioidea is a group of small barklice with wings reduced or absent. The majority of living species are included in the subfamily Trogiinae with the South American genus Anomocopeus sometimes treated as a distinct family.

Characters (from Li 2002; translated using Mandarin Tools, all errors my own): Small size, wings (if present) not more than buds. Antennae with more than twenty segments, not annulated. Epicranial sutures complete or lateral arms absent; eyes large and not hairy, ocelli absent or three present, closely placed; lacinia tip not toothed or with only one large tooth, labial palp with four slender segments, terminal segment axe-shaped. Tarsus three-segmented, claw without preapical tooth.

    |--Archaeatropidae R02
    |--Anomocopeus Badonnel 1967 [Anomocopeidae] L02
    `--Trogiidae [Atropidae] SN08
         |--Empheriinae [Empheriidae] NL07
         `--Trogiinae NL07
              |--Myrmicodipnella Enderlein 1909 M93
              |    `--*M. aptera Enderlein 1909 M93
              |--Helminotrogia Li 2002 [=Heliminotrogia] L03
              |    `--*H. bipunctata Li 2002 [=H. bipuctata, H. bipunctatia] L03
              |--Phlebotrogia Li 2002 [=Philebotrogia, Phlebotrogius] L03
              |    `--*P. chinensis Li 2002 L03
              |--Trogium Illiger 1798 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
              |    |--*T. pulsatorium (Linnaeus 1758) SN08 (see below for synonymy) M93
              |    |--‘Troctes’ atropos R13
              |    `--‘Troctes’ divinatorius E07
              |--Lepinotus Heyden 1850 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
              |    |--*L. inquilinus Heyden 1850 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
              |    |--L. angolensis Badonnel 1955 B55
              |    |--L. huoni Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
              |    |--L. patruelis Pearman 1931 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
              |    |--L. reticulatus Enderlein 1905 SN08
              |    |--L. stoneae SN08
              |    |--L. tasmaniensis Hickman 1934 SN08
              |    `--L. vermicularis Lienhard 1996 L98
              `--Cerobasis Kolbe 1882 SN08 (see below for synonymy) M93
                   |  i. s.: C. albipes Lienhard 1996 L98
                   |         C. amorosa Lienhard 1995 L98
                   |         C. denticulata Lienhard 1996 L98
                   |         C. ericacea Baz 1993 [=C. ericaceus] L98
                   |         C. insularis Lienhard 1996 L98
                   |         C. longicornis Baz 1993 L98
                   |         C. nigra Lienhard 1996 L98
                   |         C. pineticola Baz 1991 L98
                   |         C. rosae Baz 1993 L98
                   |         C. socotrae Lienhard 1995 L98
                   |--Group I M93
                   |    |--C. guestfalica (Kolbe 1880) M93 (see below for synonymy)
                   |    |--C. alfredi Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
                   |    |--C. annulata (Hagen 1865) M93 (see below for synonymy)
                   |    |--C. canariensis (Enderlein 1910) M93, L98 (see below for synonymy)
                   |    |--C. lapidaria Badonnel 1955 M93, B55 [=C. lapidarius MG56]
                   |    |--C. maculiceps M93
                   |    |--C. maderensis Lienhard 1983 M93, L98
                   |    `--C. recta M93
                   `--Group II M93
                        |--C. caboverdensis Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
                        |--C. harteni Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
                        |--C. intermedia Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
                        |--C. lambda M93
                        |--C. papillata M93
                        `--C. treptica M93

Cerobasis Kolbe 1882 SN08 [incl. Albardia Kakobson in Jakobson & Bianchi 1904 (preoc.) L98, Hyperetes Kolbe 1880 (preoc.) M93, Myopsocnema Enderlein 1905 M93, Tichobia Kolbe 1882 M93, Zlinia Obr 1948 M93]

Cerobasis annulata (Hagen 1865) M93 [=Clothilla annulata NL07, Atropos annulata M93, *Myopsocnema annulata NL07; incl. Cerobasis bundyi Turner 1977 L98, *Zlinia multispinosa NL07, L98, Ce. multispinosa M93]

Cerobasis canariensis (Enderlein 1910) M93, L98 [=Myopsocnema canariensis L98; incl. C. anagaensis Baz 1993 L98, C. palmensis Baz 1993 L98]

Cerobasis guestfalica (Kolbe 1880) M93 [=*Hyperetes guestfalicus NL07; incl. *Tichobia alternans Kolbe 1882 NL07, M93, *Albardia alternans NL07, *Cerobasis muraria Kolbe 1882 SN08, M93, Hyperetes pinicola Kolbe 1881 M93, H. tessulatus Hagen 1883 M93]

Lepinotus Heyden 1850 SN08 [incl. Cuixa Navás 1927 M93, Heterolepinotus Obr 1948 M93, Paradoxenus Molshulsky 1852 M93, Paradoxides Motschulsky 1851 (preoc.) M93]

*Lepinotus inquilinus Heyden 1850 SN08 [=Clothilla inquilina M93, Atropos inquilina M93; incl. *Cuixa canaria Navás 1927 NL07, M93, A. distincta Kolbe 1888 M93, Clothilla distincta M93, Cl. picea Hagen 1861 M93, Atropos picea M93, Lepinotus piceus M93, *Paradoxides psocoides Motschulsky 1851 NL07, M93, *Paradoxenus psocoides NL07, Termes pulsatorium Scopoli 1763 non Linnaeus 1758 M93, Atropos sericea Kolbe 1883 M93, Lepinotus sericeus M93, Paradoxenus tubericola Hagen 1858 G74]

Lepinotus patruelis Pearman 1931 SN08 [incl. *Heterolepinotus quadrispinosus Obr 1948 NL07, G74, L. (Heterolepinotus) quadrispinosus NL07]

Trogium Illiger 1798 SN08 [=Troctes Burmeister 1839 B50; incl. Atropos Leach 1815 M93, Clothilla Westwood 1841 M93]

*Trogium pulsatorium (Linnaeus 1758) SN08 [=Termes pulsatorium SN08, Atropos pulsatoria M93, Clothilla pulsatoria M93, Hemerobius pulsatorius Fabricius 1775 M93, Psocus pulsatorius M93, Psylla pulsatoria Billburg 1820 M93, *Troctes pulsatorius B50; incl. Termes lignarium de Geer 1778 M93, *Atropos lignaria NL07, Clothilla ocelloria Weber 1906 M93, *C. studiosa Westwood 1841 NL07, M93]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.

[B50] Broadhead, E. 1950. A revision of the genus Liposcelis Motschulsky with notes on the position of this genus in the order Corrodentia and on the variability of ten Liposcelis species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 101 (10): 335–388, pls 1–3.

[E07] Enderlein, G. 1907. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den Umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905–1906 vol. 15. Corrodentia pt 2. Copeognatha. Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A. B.: Uppsala.

[G74] Günther, K. K. 1974. Staubläuse, Psocoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 61: 1–315.

[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.

[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.

[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[MG56] Mockford, E. L., & A. B. Gurney. 1956. A review of the psocids, or book-lice and bark-lice, of Texas (Psocoptera). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 46 (11): 353–368.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[R02] Rasnitsyn, A. P. 2002. Superorder Psocidea Leach, 1815. In: Rasnitsyn, A. P., & D. L. J. Quicke (eds) History of Insects pp. 125–133. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.

[R13] Reuter, O. M. 1913. Lebensgewohnheiten und Instinkte der Insekten bis zum Erwachen der sozialen Instinkte. R. Friedländer & Sohn: Berlin.

[SN08] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152.

Last updated: 22 August 2020.


Xanthocaecilius quillayute, photographed by Dann Thombs.

Belongs within: Caeciliusetae.
Contains: Enderleinella, Paracaecilius, Fuelleborniella, Coryphacini, Austrocaeciliini, Caecilius, Dypsocus.

The Caeciliusidae are a group of barklice with forewing veins bearing setae on the dorsal surface only. They are found living on vegetation, most commonly on living trees (New & Lienhard 2007).

Characters (from Mockford 1993): Inner clypeal shelf variable. Distal inner labral sensilla five to seven. Lacinial tip variable: broad and flat, broad and denticulate, slender and bicuspid, or slender and bilobed. Labral stylets present or absent. Maxillary palpus with mx4 shorter than mx2. Setae of forewings slanting distad, relatively short, usually in one rank except on costa. Setae on veins in distal half of forewing only on dorsal surface. Hindwing margin mostly ciliated except basal two-thirds of front margin. Spine of free margin of paraproct small or absent. Endophallus with median bulb, usually not divided on midline, ovipositor valvulae with v3 a sclerotic bulge from base of v2.

<==Caeciliusidae [Caeciliini]
    |--Aphyopsocus Smithers 1982 [Aphyopsocinae] SN08
    |    `--*A. prolixus Smithers 1982 SN08
    |--Paracaeciliinae SN08
    |    |--Enderleinella NL07
    |    `--Paracaecilius SN08
    |--Amphicaecilius Li 2002 [Amphicaeciliinae] L02
    |    |--*A. pulcherrimus Li 2002 L02
    |    |--A. daqingshanicus Li 2002 L02
    |    |--A. floribundus Li 2002 L02
    |    `--A. pulchellus Li 2002 L02
    |--Fuelleborniellinae [Fuellebornelliini] NL07
    |    |--Fuelleborniella S95
    |    `--Ypsiloneura B55
    |         |--Y. kirkpatricki B55
    |         `--Y. monostyla Badonnel 1955 B55
    `--Caeciliusinae [Dypsocinae] SN08
         |  i. s.: Disialacaecilia Li 2002 L02 [=Disiacaecilia L03, Disialacaecilius L03]
         |           `--*D. ningxiaensis Li 2002 L02
         |         Parvialacaecilia Li 2002 L02
         |           `--*P. hebeiensis Li 2002 L02 [=P. hedeiensis L03]
         |         Anoculaticaeca Li 1997 L03, L02 [=Anoculaticaecilius (l. c.) L03]
         |           `--*A. chuanshaanica Li 1997 L02, L03, L02 [=Anoculaticaecilius chuanshaanicus (l. c.) L03]
         |         Licaecilius Lienhard 2003 L03 [=Neocaecilius Li 2002 non Li 2000 L02]
         |           |--*L. triradiatus (Li 2002) [=*Neocaecilius triradiatus] L03
         |           `--L. mangshiensis (Li 2002) [=Neocaecilius mangshiensis] L03
         |         Bivalvicaecilia Li 2002 L02 [=Bivalvicaecilius L03]
         |           |--*B. longiansa Li 2002 L02
         |           `--B. abbreviata (Li 1993) [=Caecilius abbreviatus, Asiocaecilius abbreviatus] L02
         |         Phymocaecilius Li 2002 L02 [=Phtmocaecilius L03, Phymocaecilus L03, Phymocaeilius L03]
         |           |--*P. subulosus Li 2002 L02
         |           |--P. fortis (Li 1995) [=Caecilius fortis, Velenzuala forti] L02
         |           |--P. fuscifascus Li 2002 L02
         |           |--P. guizhouensis Li 2002 L02
         |           `--P. puniceifascus Li 2002 L02
         |--Coryphacini SN08
         |--Austrocaeciliini NL07
         |--Caeciliusini SN08
         |    |--Caecilius NL07
         |    `--Dypsocus NL07
         |--Bassocaeciliini SN08
         |    |--Bassocaecilius Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |    |    `--*B. rawlinsoni Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |    `--Clinocaecilius Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |         `--*C. edwardsi Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |--Epicaeciliini SN08
         |    |--Nothocaecilius Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |    |    `--*N. thomasi Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |    `--Tasmanocaecilius Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         |         `--*T. truchanasi Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
         `--Maoripsocini SN08
              |--*Maoripsocopsis sumatrensis Mockford 2000 NL07
              `--Maoripsocus Tillyard 1923 SN08
                   |--*M. semifuscatus Tillyard 1923 SN08
                   |--M. concavistigma (Schmidt & Thornton 1993) [=Caecilius concavistigma] SN08
                   |--M. hobartensis Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
                   |--M. juneae (Schmidt & Thornton 1993) [=Caecilius juneae] SN08
                   |--M. pedderi Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
                   |--M. spiralosus Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
                   |--M. tahunensis Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
                   |--M. wedgei Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
                   `--M. weindorferi Schmidt & New 2008 SN08

Caeciliusidae incertae sedis:
  Xanthocaecilius Mockford 1989 M93
    |--X. quillayute (Chapman 1930) [=Caecilius quillayute] M93
    `--X. sommermanae (Mockford 1955) [=Caecilius sommermanae] M93
  Orocaecilius Mockford 1999 L02
  Lacroixiella Badonnel 1943 L98
    `--*L. martini (Lacroix 1919) [=Caecilius martini] L98
  Eopsocites Hong 2002 H02
    `--*E. fushunensis Hong 2002 H02
  Stenopterites Hong 2002 H02
    |--*S. guchengziensis Hong 2002 H02
    `--S. longus Hong 2002 H02
  Fushunopsocus Hong 2002 H02
    `--*F. latus Hong 2002 H02
  Palaeopsocus Kolbe 1883 H02
  Ptenolasia Enderlei 1991 H02
  Liaoxipsocus Hong 1983 H02
    `--L. beipiaoensis (Hong 1983) L02
  Beipiaopsocus Hong 1983 H02
    `--B. divaricatus (Hong 1983) L02
  Huaxiapsocus Hong 1983 H02
    `--H. parvus (Hong 1983) L02
  Psocites Hong 1983 [incl. Parapsocus Hong 1983] H02
    `--P. pectinatus (Hong 1992) L02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.

[H02] Hong Y. 2002. Amber Insect of China. Beijing Scientific and Technological Publishing House.

[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.

[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.

[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[SN08] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152.

[S95] Smithers, C. N. 1995. Psocoptera (Insecta) of Christmas Island. Invertebrate Taxonomy 9: 529–561.

Last updated: 9 August 2020.


Archipsocus floridanus, photographed by Ben Van Allen.

Belongs within: Psocodea.
Contains: Psocetae, Homilopsocidea, Caeciliusetae, Epipsocetae.

The Psocomorpha are a major subgroup of the barklice characterised by the presence of non-annulated antennae and, in winged forms, a sclerotised pterostigma. The likely basalmost subgroup of the clade is the Archipsocidae, a predominantly tropical group with densely setose, usually leathery fore wings with largely obscure venation (New & Lienhard 2007).

Characters (from Yoshizawa 2002): Head usually with rounded vertex; antennae 13-segmented; flagellomeres never annulated; maxilla without stipito-galeal muscle; hypopharyngeal filaments fused for most of their length; labial palpus 1-segmented. Forewing with nodus and thickened pterostigma; nodulus hook-shaped, formed by truncated spines fused at their base; CuP ending together with A1 at wing margin. Apex of first axillary sclerite usually with minute proximal process. Subgenital plate lacking median sclerite.

<==Psocomorpha [Eupsocida, Psociformia]
    |  i. s.: Paramesopsocus Azar, Hajar et al. 2008 [Paramesopsocidae] AH08
    |           |--*P. lu Azar, Hajar et al. 2008 AH08
    |           `--P. adibi Azar, Hajar et al. 2008 AH08
    |--Archipsocidae [Archipsocetae, Archipsocoidea] Y02
    |    |--Pararchipsocinae NL07
    |    |    |--*Notarchipsocus macrurus [=Archipsocus macrurus] NL07
    |    |    |--Pseudarchipsocus Mockford 1974 NL07, M74
    |    |    |    `--*P. guajiro Mockford 1974 M74
    |    |    `--Pararchipsocus Y02
    |    |         |--*P. poblanus NL07
    |    |         `--P. pacificus Y02
    |    `--Archipsocinae NL07
    |         |--Archipsocopsis Badonnel 1948 NL07, M93
    |         |    |--*A. mendax (Badonnel 1948) NL07, B55 [=Archipsocus mendax NL07]
    |         |    |--A. fernandi (Pearman 1934) NL07
    |         |    |--A. frater (Mockford 1957) [=Archipsocus frater] M93
    |         |    |--A. inornata M93
    |         |    `--A. parvula (Mockford 1953) [=Archipsocus (Archipsocopsis) parvulus] M93
    |         `--Archipsocus Hagen 1882 L02
    |              |--*A. puber Hagen 1882 L02
    |              |--A. albofasciatus Badonnel 1949 B55
    |              |--A. alternatus Vaughan, Thornton & New 1989 NL07
    |              |--A. aneura Badonnel 1948 B55
    |              |--A. badonneli B86
    |              |--A. bicolor B55
    |              |--A. castrii B86
    |              |--A. floridanus Mockford 1953 M93
    |              |--A. fuscopalpus Badonnel 1955 B55
    |              |--A. ghesquierei Badonnel 1946 (see below for synonymy) B55
    |              |    |--A. g. ghesquierei B55
    |              |    `--A. g. longicornis Badonnel 1955 B55
    |              |--A. gurneyi Mockford 1953 M93
    |              |--A. machadoi Badonnel 1955 B55
    |              |--A. minutus Badonnel 1955 B55
    |              |--A. modestus B86
    |              |--A. nomas Gurney 1939 M93
    |              |--A. panama Gurney 1939 M74
    |              |--A. polytrichus Li 2002 L02
    |              |--A. recens Enderlein 1903 NL07
    |              `--A. sanurensis Thornton 1984 NL07
    `--+--+--Psocetae Y02
       |  `--+--Homilopsocidea Y02
       |     `--+--Caeciliusetae Y02
       |        `--Epipsocetae Y02
       `--Hemipsocidae [Hemipsocetae, Hemipsocoidea] Y02
            |--Anopistoscena Y02
            |--Cyclohemipsocus Li 2002 L02
            |    `--*C. chinensis Li 2002 L02
            |--Hemipsocus Selys-Longchamps 1872 L02
            |    |--*H. chloroticus (Hagen 1858) NL07 [=Psocus chloroticus NL07; incl. H. hyalinus Enderlein 1906 M93]
            |    |--H. africanus Enderlein 1907 NL07
            |    |--H. funebris Badonnel 1969 L02
            |    |--H. luridus Enderlein 1903 NL07 (see below for synonymy)
            |    |--H. maculatus New 1973 NL07
            |    |--H. maritiensis Turner 1976 L02
            |    |--H. massulatus Li 2002 L02
            |    |--H. parallelicus Li 1996 L02
            |    |--H. pretiosus Banks 1930 M93
            |    `--H. roseus (Hagen 1859) NL07
            `--Metahemipsocus Li 1995 L02 [=Metabemipsocus (l. c.) L03]
                 |--*M. longicornis Li 1995 L02
                 |--M. bellatulus Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. bicuspidatus Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. bimaculatus Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. cunestus Li 1996 L03, L02 [=M. cuneatus (l. c.) L03]
                 |--M. flabellatus Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. guangxiensis Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. interaus Li 1995 L02
                 |--M. longifurcus Li 2001 L03
                 |--M. octofarius Li 1999 L02
                 |--M. recurvicornis (Li 1992) [=Hemipsocus recurvicornis] L02
                 |--M. scitulus Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. spilopterus Li 1996 L02
                 |--M. tenuatus Li 1997 L02
                 |--M. triangularis Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. trimerus Li 2002 L02
                 |--M. vitellinus Li 2002 L02
                 `--M. yunnanicus Li 2002 L02

Archipsocus ghesquierei Badonnel 1946 [incl. A. ghesquierei var. albomaculatus Badonnel 1955, A. neens f. macropterus Badonnel 1946] B55

Hemipsocus luridus Enderlein 1903 NL07 [=H. chloroticus var. luridus S95, H. selysianus luridus S95; incl. H. selysianus Enderlein 1919 S95, H. luridus selysianus S95]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AH08] Azar, D., L. Hajar, C. Indary & A. Nel. 2008. Paramesopsocidae, a new Mesozoic psocid family (Insecta: Psocodea "Psocoptera": Psocomorpha). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N. S.) 44 (4): 459–470.

[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.

[B86] Badonnel, A. 1986. Psocoptères de Colombie (Insecta, Psocoptera). Spixiana 9 (2): 179–223.

[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.

[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.

[M74] Mockford, E. L. 1974. Records and descriptions of Cuban Psocoptera. Entomologica Americana 48 (2): 103–215.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[S95] Smithers, C. N. 1995. Psocoptera (Insecta) of Christmas Island. Invertebrate Taxonomy 9: 529–561.

[Y02] Yoshizawa, K. 2002. Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘Psocoptera’). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 371–400.

Last updated: 22 August 2020.


Nymph of Psilopsocus mimulus, from Smithers (1995).

Belongs within: Psocomorpha.
Contains: Lichenomiminae, Myopsocinae, Psocinae, Amphigerontiinae.

The Psocetae is a clade of bark or stone surface dwelling barklice that lack setae on the fore and hind wings (Yoshizawa 2002). The majority of members of the clade are divided between the families Psocidae and Myopsocidae, distinguished by the possession of two- and three-segmented tarsi, respectively (New & Lienhard 2007).

Characters (from Yoshizawa 2002): Medium to large in size, about 3–10 mm. Coloration variable, but usually whitish in ground colour and with dark brown markings. All bark or stone surface dwellers. Head with rounded vertex; postclypeus not strongly bulged; internal ridge of epistomal suture narrow; anteclypeus sclerotized; male eyes usually much larger than female’s; ocelli complete, not clustered on small tubercle; mandible short, outer margin smoothly rounded, posterolateral margin not hollowed; lacinial tip variable; galea flattened; labial palpus rounded. Prothorax less bulged dorsally. Pterothorax greatly bulged dorsally; median part of mesoscutellum pentagonal; mesothorax with narrow precoxal bridge and broad trochantin; membranous region of metaepisternum broad. Forewing often with dark brown markings; posteroproximal corner smoothly rounded; veins and wing margin glabrous; top of CuA1 usually connected with M except free in Psilopsocidae; A2 never present. Hindwing glabrous, posteroproximal corner smoothly rounded; Sc clear; Rs and M + Cu fused for long distance basally; Rs and M fused or connected by crossvein (some genera in Myopsocidae). Hind tarsus with row of broad ctenidia based setae (condition of this character in Psilopsocidae not examined or documented); tarsi 2- or 3-segmented; claws with preapical tooth; pulvillus broad or narrow (Psocidae). Abdomen without eversible vesicles ventrally. Male genitalia: paraproct with process on distal margin. Hypandrium usually with complex distal processes or lobes. Phallosome variable; internal valve present or absent; external valve often absent; endophallus lacking sclerotized portion. Female genitalia: paraproct with cylindrical distal projection. Subgenital plate with 1-lobed egg guide extending from ventral margin; apex of egg guide usually bearing setae. Gonapophyses complete and variable in structure; external valve internally expanded.

<==Psocetae [Psocoidea]
    |--Myopsocidae AH08
    |    |  i. s.: Nimbopsocus Smithers 2004 SN08
    |    |           |--*N. thorntoni Smithers 2004 SN08
    |    |           |--N. australis (Brauer 1865) [=Psocus australis, Myopsocus australis] SN08
    |    |           `--N. hickmani (Smithers 1964) [=Myopsocus hickmani] SN08
    |    |         Thorntonodes Lienhard 2004 NL07
    |    |           |--*T. lobatus (New & Thornton 1976) [=Lophopterygella lobata] NL07
    |    |           `--T. quadrituberculatus Lienhard 2004 NL07
    |    |         Mouldsia NL07
    |    |           |--*M. barbarae NL07
    |    |           |--M. inocellata (Smithers & Thornton 1974) NL07
    |    |           `--M. marmorata Smithers & Thornton 1979 NL07
    |    |--Lichenomiminae NL07
    |    `--Myopsocinae NL07
    `--+--Psilopsocus [Psilopsocidae] AH08
       |    |--*P. nigricornis Enderlein 1903 NL07
       |    |--P. malayanus New & Lee 1991 NL07
       |    |--P. manus Smithers & Thornton 1979 NL07
       |    |--P. marmoratus Smithers & Thornton 1973 NL07
       |    |--P. mimulus Y02
       |    |--P. nebulosus Mockford 1961 NL07
       |    `--P. pulchripennis Smithers & Thornton 1973 NL07
       `--Psocidae AH08
            |  i. s.: Barrowia Smithers 1984 GTM12, T13
            |           `--B. insularis Smithers 1984 T13
            |         Tanystigma Smithers 1983 SN08
            |           |--T. paulum group SN08
            |           |    |--*T. paulum [=Copostigma (Clematostigma) paulum] SN08
            |           |    |--T. edwardsi (New 1974) [=Clematostigma edwardsi] SN08
            |           |    |--T. elongatum SN08
            |           |    |--T. inglewoodense (New 1974) [=Clematostigma inglewoodense] SN08
            |           |    |--T. latimentulum SN08
            |           |    |--T. longitibia SN08
            |           |    |--T. striatifrons SN08
            |           |    `--T. tardipes (Edwards 1950) [=Clematostigma tardipes] SN08
            |           `--T. notiale group SN08
            |                |--T. bifurcatum SN08
            |                |--T. dubium SN08
            |                |--T. maddeni Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
            |                |--T. notiale SN08
            |                |--T. valvula SN08
            |                `--T. westae Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
            |--Psocinae NL07
            |--Amphigerontiinae NL07
            `--Thyrsophorinae [Thyrsophoridae] NL07
                 |--*Thyrsopsocopsis thorntoni Mockford 2004 NL07
                 |--Thyrsopsocus NL07
                 `--Thyrsophorus L98

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AH08] Azar, D., L. Hajar, C. Indary & A. Nel. 2008. Paramesopsocidae, a new Mesozoic psocid family (Insecta: Psocodea "Psocoptera": Psocomorpha). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N. S.) 44 (4): 459–470.

[GTM12] Gunawardene, N. R., C. K. Taylor & J. D. Majer. 2012. Revisiting the Psocoptera (Insecta) of Barrow Island, Western Australia. Australian Entomologist 39 (4): 253–260.

[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[SN08] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152.

[T13] Taylor, C. K. 2013. Annotated bibliography for Barrow Island terrestrial invertebrates. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 135–144.

[Y02] Yoshizawa, K. 2002. Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘Psocoptera’). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 371–400.

Last updated: 22 August 2020.


Thelebolus stercoreus, photographed by Jens H. Petersen.

Belongs within: Pezizomycotina.

The Thelebolaceae is a family of minute dung-inhabiting fungi.

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Stromata absent. Ascomata minute, more or less globose or pulvinate, at least initially cleistothecial, the excipulum hyaline, poorly developed, more or less glabrous. Interascal tissue poorly developed, composed of simple paraphyses. Asci more or less ellipsoidal, often multispored, more or less persistent, opening with a rather irregular vertical split. Ascospores usually small, hyaline, smooth or with ornamentation formed as an elaboration of an initially homogenous secondary wall layer. Anamorphs rarely encountered, where present hyphomycetous, Sporothrix-like.

Thelebolaceae [Thelebolales]
    |--Antarctomyces EB03
    |--Ascozonus woolhopensis EB03, E99
    |--Caccobius minusculus EB03, E99
    |--Coprobolus EB03
    |--Coprotiella EB03
    |--Coprotus EB03
    |--Dennisiopsis EB03
    |--Leptokalpion EB03
    |--Mycoarctium EB03
    |--Ochotrichobolus EB03
    |--Pseudascozonus EB03
    |--Ramgea EB03
    |--Thelebolus stercoreus [incl. Nectria myriospora, Chilonectria myriospora] RS99
    `--Trichobolus EB03

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.


Glonium circumserpens, photographed by Eric Boehm.

Belongs within: Dothideomycetes.

The Hysteriaceae are a family of fungi that are mostly saprobic on wood or bark, with some species lichenicolous (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Ascostromata perithecial, erumpent or superficial, often aggregated, elongated, sometimes branched, wider than tall, opening by a longitudinal split; peridium black, very thick-walled, composed of pseudoparenchymatous cells. Interascal tissue of narrow cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci cylindrical, fissitunicate, with a distinct ocular chamber. Ascospores hyaline to brown, variously septate, sometimes with a mucous sheath. Anamorphs varied.

Hysteriaceae [Hysteriales]
    |--Farlowiella EB03
    |--Gloniella EB03
    |--Gloniopsis EB03
    |--Hysterium EB03
    |--Hysterocarina EB03
    |--Hysteroglonium EB03
    |--Hysterographium EB03
    |--Hysteropatella EB03
    |--Pseudoscypha EB03
    `--Glonium EB03
         `--‘Melaspilea’ circumserpens E99

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.


Lachesilla pedicularia, photographed by Alby Oakshott.

Belongs within: Lachesilloidea.

Lachesilla is a speciose genus of barklice with very sparse and short ciliation on the forewing and a distally open phallosome in the males. The type species L. pedicularia is mostly associated with fallen vegetation, including dead grasses, and has a global distribution as a result of being transported with harvested grain crops (Mockford 1993).

Characters (from Mockford 1993): Ocelli present. In forewing, Rs fork stem only slightly curved; veins Cu1a free from M. Phallosome with base an apodeme or two separate apodemes; aedeagal arch absent, external parameres absent as such. Hypandrium usually bearing pair of lateral processes ('claspers'). Ovipositor valvulae: v3 usually rounded at apex, occasionally pointed but point never spinose.

<==Lachesilla Westwood 1840 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
    |--L. corona group M93
    |    |--L. corona Chapman 1930 M93
    |    `--L. dividiforceps M93
    |--L. texcocana group M93
    |    |--L. delta M93
    |    `--L. texcocana García Aldrete 1972 M93
    |--L. patzunensis group M93
    |    |--L. sulcata García Aldrete 1986 M93
    |    `--L. tapanatepeca M93
    |--L. centralis group M93
    |    |--L. centralis García Aldrete 1983 M93
    |    |--L. cintalapa García Aldrete 1983 M93
    |    `--L. perezi García Aldrete 1983 M93
    |--L. riegeli group M93
    |    |--L. riegeli Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. tropica García Aldrete 1982 M93
    |    `--L. ultima García Aldrete 1982 M93
    |--L. andra group M93
    |    |--L. andra Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. arnae Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. dona Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. kerzhneri M93
    |    |--L. kola Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. nubilis (Aaron 1886) [=Caecilius nubilis] M93
    |    |--L. nubiloides García Aldrete 1975 M93
    |    `--L. punctata (Banks 1905) [=Elipsocus punctatus] M93
    |--L. forcepeta group M93
    |    |--L. alpejia García Aldrete 1988 M93
    |    |--L. anna Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. bottimeri Mockford & Gurney 1956 M93
    |    |--L. chapmani Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    |--L. contraforcepeta Chapman 1930 M93
    |    |--L. denticulata García Aldrete 1988 M93
    |    |--L. forcepeta Chapman 1930 M93
    |    |--L. gracilis García Aldrete 1988 M93
    |    |--L. kathrynae Mockford & Gurney 1956 M93
    |    |--L. major Chapman 1930 [=L. forcepeta var. major] M93
    |    |--L. penta Sommerman 1946 M93
    |    `--L. sandersoni Mockford 1974 M74
    |--+--L. fuscipalpis Badonnel 1971 M93
    |  `--L. rufa group M93
    |       |--L. abiesicola M93
    |       |--L. arida Chapman 1930 M93
    |       |--L. broadheadi M93
    |       |--L. chiricahua García Aldrete 1990 M93
    |       |--L. cupressicola M93
    |       |--L. jeanae Sommerman 1946 M93
    |       |--L. nita Sommerman 1946 M93
    |       |--L. pinicola M93
    |       |--L. rufa (Walsh 1863) [=Psocus rufus, Caecilius rufus, Pterodela rufa; incl. C. impacatus Aaron 1886] M93
    |       |--L. turneri M93
    |       |--L. yakima Mockford & García Aldrete 1974 M93
    |       `--L. yuccalnicola M93
    `--L. pedicularia group L98
         |--*L. pedicularia (Linnaeus 1758) SN08 (see below for synonymy)
         |--L. aldretei Badonnel 1986 B86
         |--L. bernardi Badonnel 1938 M93, G74
         |--L. dimorpha Lienhard 1981 L98
         |--L. greeni (Pearman 1933) M93 [=Terracaecilius greeni M93; incl. L. greeni f. longipennis Roesler 1939 G74]
         |--L. meinanderi Lienhard 1998 L98
         |--L. merzi Lienhard 1989 L98
         |--L. pacifica Chapman 1930 [incl. L. silvicola Chapman 1930, L. telsa Sommerman 1946] M93
         |--L. pallida (Chapman 1930) M93 [=*Terracaecilius pallidus NL07]
         |--L. quercus (Kolbe 1880) L98 (see below for synonymy)
         |--L. rena Sommerman 1946 M93
         |--L. rossica Roesler 1953 L98
         |--L. sauteri Lienhard 1977 L98
         |--L. tanaidana Roesler 1953 L98
         |--L. tectorum Badonnel 1931 [incl. L. pilosa Badonnel 1966] L98
         `--+--L. aethiopica (Enderlein 1902) [=Pterodela pedicularia var. aethiopica] M93
            `--L. nuptialis M93

Lachesilla incertae sedis:
  L. anura B55
  L. brinchangensis New & Lee 1991 NL07
  L. buettikeri New 1979 L98
  L. cameruna B55
  L. chiapensis Garcia Aldrete 1974 L02
  L. cornisterna B86
  L. cornuta Badonnel 1948 B55
  L. crutifurca Li 2002 [=L. crutifurcus] L03
  L. dichodolichna (Li 2002) [=Dicrolachesillus dichodolichnus] L03
  L. fusca Badonnel 1949 B55
  L. gigantea B55
  L. graminicola Badonnel 1986 B86
  L. gridellii (Navás 1927) (n. d.) [=Caecilius gridellii] L98
  L. hirsuta Lienhard 2002 NL07
  L. intrans Li 1993 L03, L02 [=Dicrolachesillus intrans L03]
  L. juniperana Garcia Aldrete 1991 L02
  L. latinerva Badonnel 1955 B55
  L. micrura Badonnel 1955 B55
  L. monocera Li 2002 L02
  L. mucronata Badonnel 1946 B55
  L. muncunilli (Navás 1913) L98
  L. novemimaculata Li 1993 L03, L02 [=Dicrolachesillus novemimaculatus L03]
  L. pachyura Badonnel 1955 B55
  L. qianshanensis (Li 2002) [=*Dicrolachesillus qianshanensis] L03
  L. rhizophila Li 2002 L02
  L. sabinae Li 1993 L03, L02 [=Dicrolachesillus sabinae L03]
  L. septenaria Li 2002 L02
  L. wutaishanensis (Li 2002) [=Dicrolachesillus wutaishanensis] L03
  L. ximaensis Li 2002 L02

Nomen nudum: Lachesilla albertina García Aldrete in Mockford 1993 M93

Lachesilla Westwood 1840 SN08 [=Pterodela Kolbe 1880 L02; incl. Dicrolachesillus Li 2002 L03, Leptopsocus Reuter 1899 L02, Terracaecilius Chapman 1930 L02]

*Lachesilla pedicularia (Linnaeus 1758) SN08 [=Hemerobius pedicularius SN08, Caecilius pedicularius M93, C. (*Pterodela) pedicularia M93, NL07, Psocus pedicularius L02; incl. Hemerobius abdominalis Fabricius 1775 L02, Ps. abdominalis M93, Ps. binotatus Rambur 1842 M93, Pterodela pedicularia var. brevipennis Enderlein 1903 M93, Lachesilla pedicularia var. brevipennis G74, Ps. domesticus Burmeister 1839 M93, Ps. dubius Stephens 1836 M93, *Leptopsocus exiguus Reuter 1899 NL07, M93, Termes fatidicum Linnaeus 1758 L02, Atropos fatidicus L02, Hemerobius fatidicus M93, Hyperetes fatidicus L02, Lachesilla fatidica NL07, Lachesis fatidica L02, Psocus fatidicus M93, Hemerobius flavicans Linnaeus 1758 L98, Elipsocus flavicans L02, Psocus flavicans L95, Ps. geologus Walsh 1862 M93, Pterodela pedicularia ab. giardi Enderlein 1901 M93, P. gobiernoi Navás 1913 L98, Lachesilla limbata Enderlein 1924 M93, Ps. nigricans Stephens 1836 M93, Caecilius nigrotuberculatus Curran 1925 M93, Hemerobius pusillus Müller 1776 M93, Caecilius pusillus M93, Psocus pusillus M93, Ps. salicis Hagen 1861 M93, Caecilius salicis L02, Lachesilla stigmalis Navás 1932 M93]

Lachesilla quercus (Kolbe 1880) L98 [=Caecilius (Pterodela) quercus L02, Dicrolachesillus quercus L03; incl. Pterodela livida Enderlein 1903 L98, Lachesilla lavidia G74, L. (Pterodela) machi Navas 1936 L02, L. wittmeri New 1979 L02]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.

[B86] Badonnel, A. 1986. Psocoptères de Colombie (Insecta, Psocoptera). Spixiana 9 (2): 179–223.

[G74] Günther, K. K. 1974. Staubläuse, Psocoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 61: 1–315.

[L95] Latreille, P. A. 1795. Extrait d'un mémoire pour servir de suite à l'histoire des termès, ou fourmis blanches. Bulletin de la Société Philomatique, a ses Correspondans 41–42: 1–3.

[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 2. Science Press: Beijing.

[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.

[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.

[M74] Mockford, E. L. 1974. Records and descriptions of Cuban Psocoptera. Entomologica Americana 48 (2): 103–215.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[SN08] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152.

Last updated: 10 August 2020.


Anomopsocus amabilis, photographed by Diane Young.

Belongs within: Homilopsocidea.
Contains: Ectopsocus, Ectopsocopsis, Lachesilla.

The Lachesilloidea is a clade of barklice characterised by their bare hindwing margins and narrowed external valves on the gonapophyses (Yoshizawa 2002). An areola postica is present on the fore wing of Lachesillidae but absent in Ectopsocidae (New & Lienhard 2007).

Characters (from Yoshizawa 2002): Small in size, about 1.5–4 mm in length. Body generally pale brown to blackish-brown. Mostly collected from dead-foliage, ground litter, bird’s nests, and from bark. Head with rounded vertex; postclypeus less bulged; epistomal suture sometimes reduced, always without broad internal ridge; anteclypeus usually not sclerotized. Pre-episternum of prothorax elongate. Metaepimeron of Ectopsocidae with ball-shaped lobe laterally. Forewing hyaline, sometimes with blackish-brown markings; pterostigma usually shallow; areola postica, if present, usually free from M, absent in Ectopsocidae, and fused with M in some Lachesiliidae. Hindwing veins and margin glabrous; Rs and M + Cu fused for long distance basally; Rs and M fused (Lachesillidae) or connected by crossvein (Ectopsocidae). Tarsi 2- or 3-(Eolachesilla) segmented; claws with or without (Ectopsocidae) preapical tooth; pulvillus broad or narrow. Abdomen without eversible vesicles ventrally. Male genitalia: variable; clunium, epiproct, paraproct, and hypandrium often with various processes. Phallosome variable; endophallus usually with sclerites but absent in some genera of Lachesillidae. Female genitalia: subgenital plate with (Ectopsocidae and some genera of Lachesillidae) or without distal projection extended from dorsal margin. Dorsal and ventral valves of gonapophyses often reduced; external valve narrowed, bearing long setae.

    |--Ectopsocidae [Ectopsocinae] NL07
    |    |--Ectopsocus NL07
    |    |--Ectopsocopsis NL07
    |    |--Ectianoculus Li 1995 L02a
    |    |    `--*E. baishanzuicus Li 1995 L02a
    |    `--Estipulaceus Li 2002 [=Estippulaceae] L03
    |         |--*E. baidichengensis (Li 1997) L02b [=Ectopsocopsis baidichengensis L03, Ectopsocus baidichengensis L02a]
    |         |--E. biuncialis (Li 1995) [=Ectopsocus biuncialis] L02b
    |         |--E. crassiuncatus (Li 1997) [=Ectopsocopsis crassiuncatus] L02b
    |         |--E. daliensis Li 2002 L03
    |         |--E. longivalvus Li 2002 L02b
    |         |--E. mecophyllus Li 2002 L02b
    |         |--E. multiserratus Li 2002 L02b
    |         |--E. polyspilus Li 2002 L02b
    |         |--E. pseudosalpinx (Li 1993) [=Ectopsocus pseudosalpinx] L02b
    |         |--E. subulifolius Li 2002 L02b
    |         `--E. trimaculatus Li 2002 L02b
    `--Lachesillidae [Pterodelidae] NL07
         |  i. s.: Mesolachesilla Mockford 1986 L02b
         |--Cyclolachesillus Li 2002 [Cyclolachesillinae] L02b
         |    `--*C. ningxiaensis Li 2002 L02b
         |--Eolachesillinae NL07
         |    |--Eolachesilla Badonnel 1967 SN04 [Eolachesillini Y02]
         |    |    `--E. chilensis Y02
         |    `--Graphocaeciliini M93
         |         |--Anomopsocus Roesler 1940 (see below for synonymy) M93
         |         |    `--*A. amabilis (Walsh 1862) [=Psocus amabilis, Pseudopsocus amabilis, Amapsocus amabilis] M93
         |         |--Prolachesilla Mockford & Sullivan 1986 M93
         |         |    |--*P. mexicana M93
         |         |    `--P. terricola Mockford & Sullivan 1986 M93
         |         |--Nanolachesilla Mockford & Sullivan 1986 M93
         |         |    |--*N. hirundo Mockford & Sullivan 1986 M93
         |         |    |--N. chelata Mockford & Sullivan 1986 M93
         |         |    |--N. hirundoides M93
         |         |    `--N. nanciae Y02
         |         `--Graphocaecilius Enderlein 1900 SN04
         |              |--G. citramans M74
         |              |--G. enderleini B86
         |              |--G. incertus Badonnel 1986 B86
         |              |--G. interpretatus M74
         |              |--G. luridus M74
         |              |--G. normalis Mockford 1974 M74
         |              `--G. trypetoides M74
         `--Lachesillinae NL07
              |--Lachesilla NL07
              |--Nadleria Badonnel & Garcia Aldrete 1979 NL07, SN04
              |--Ceratolachesillus Li 2002 L02b
              |    `--*C. quinquecornus Li 2002 L02b [=C. quinquecornusus L03]
              |--Zangilachesilla Li 2002 L02b
              |    `--*Z. apterostigma Li 2002 L02b
              |--Homoeolachesilla Li 1995 L02b
              |    |--*H. tibetana Li 1995 L02b
              |    `--H. pinnulata Li 1995 L02b
              `--Zonolachesillus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--*Z. preductifascus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. ambipullus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. aterilineus Li 2002 [=Z. aterilienus] L03
                   |--Z. bicornis Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. crassibasius Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. exilicellus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. lomatomelus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. microplatyclatae (Li 1995) L03, L02b (see below for synonymy)
                   |--Z. oxyurus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. parvus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. platycladae (Li 1995) [=Lachesillus platycladae] L02b
                   |--Z. retimaculus Li 2002 L02b
                   |--Z. spadiceilabius Li 2002 L02b
                   `--Z. wenxianensis Li 2002 L02b

Anomopsocus Roesler 1940 [incl. Amapsocus Sommerman 1944, Antipsocus Roesler 1940, Pseudopsocus Chapman 1930 non Kolbe 1882; Antipsocinae] M93

Zonolachesillus microplatyclatae (Li 1995) L03, L02b [=Lachesillus microplatycladae L02b, Z. microplatycladae (l. c.) L03]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B86] Badonnel, A. 1986. Psocoptères de Colombie (Insecta, Psocoptera). Spixiana 9 (2): 179–223.

[L02a] Li F. 2002a. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.

[L02b] Li F. 2002b. Psocoptera of China vol. 2. Science Press: Beijing.

[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.

[M74] Mockford, E. L. 1974. Records and descriptions of Cuban Psocoptera. Entomologica Americana 48 (2): 103–215.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[SN04] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Systematics 18: 157–213.

[Y02] Yoshizawa, K. 2002. Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘Psocoptera’). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 371–400.

Last updated: 15 August 2020.


Pseudopsocus rostocki, photographed by David Jones.

Belongs within: Homilopsocidea.
Contains: Hemineura.

The Elipsocidae is a clade of barklice with hindwings (when present) lacking setae or having setae present on the margin only within the radial fork.

Characters (from Schmidt & New 2004): Labrum: pair of small styli present; distal inner surface with eleven sensilla (usually in two series), exceptionally fewer, anterior margin of outer surface with distinct row of four sensilla. Epistomal suture present, clypeal shelf usually broad, sometimes rudimentary or absent (Kilauella). Apex of lacinia with lateral tine larger than median, or truncate. Antenna: 13-segmented (fewer in Nepiomorpha and Sandrapsocus); flagellar segments strongly setose, setae of various lengths (both sexes), uniformly short (both sexes) or strongly dimorphic; distribution of placoid sensilla usually as two basally on f1, one at apices of f4, f6 and f10, latter two placoids with short or long slender filaments; apex of distal segment usually mucronate, sometimes rounded or slender, elongated (Reuterella); apex with rosette of four setae (except Nepiomorpha). Wing margins with minute scales (microvestiture) of various forms. Fore wing: with or without pattern; costa with two rows of setae between apex of pterostigma and wing apex (more in Pseudopsocus and Reuterella); posterior margin with single row of setae emerging from inner margin or centre of costa; basal veins with single or two ranks of setae; vein Cu2 usually setose; areola postica free, joined to vein M or absent (Nepiomorpha); veins Rs and M fused for a length, joined by a cross-vein or meet at a point; vein M usually three-branched. Hind wing: veins Rs and M fused for a length (cross-vein in Reuterella, variable in Pseudopsocus); vein Cu1 joining posterior margin at an acute angle, perpendicular or recurved; veins M+Cu and R basally separated, meet at point or fused for a length; setae absent or on margin only between radial fork, single row emerging from inner, centre or outer margin of costa. Tarsi 3- or sometimes 2-segmented, pulvillus of various forms. Subgenital plate: usually apically rounded, exceptionally with a short or long median lobe, transverse or tapering to a blunt apex; apical margin with one or two groups of setae, exceptionally absent; pair of large median or row of preapical setae; region between margin and preapical setae glabrous (except Nepiomorpha annulatus species-group); membrane usually present medially at apex; anteriorly diverging arms apically wide or narrow. Gonapophyses complete: ventral valve slender, elongated, exceptionally reduced; dorsal valve with divided apex, spine and fleshy lobe variously developed, from base apically enlarged or elongated; junction of dorsal and external valves posterior of base; external valve large (except Weddellopsocus), setose, marginal setae entire or absent dorsolaterally. Hypandrium: simple, transverse or laterally lobed; pair of strong median preapical setae present or absent; setae scattered or laterally developed. Phallosome: frame closed, variable in shape; aedeagus usually narrowing to blunt apex, sometimes flattened or membranous (Palistreptus); endophallic lobes spiculate (except Nepiomorpha and Palistreptus); radular sclerites exceptionally present. Polymorphism common, with the expression of neotenic features. Eggs laid in groups, covered with an encrustation.

    |  i. s.: Metelipsocus Li 2002 SN04
    |           `--*M. qinghaiensis Li 2002 L02
    |--Yuntapsocus Smithers 1997 [Yuntapsocinae] SN04
    |--Elipsocinae [Nepiomorphinae, Pseudopsocinae, Reuterellinae] SN04
    |    |  i. s.: Cretapsocus Vishniakova 1975 SN04
    |    |         Nothopsocus Badonnel 1967 SN04
    |    |           `--*N. oxyurus Badonnel 1967 SN04
    |    |--Sandrapsocus Smithers 1999 SN04
    |    `--+--Roesleria Badonnel 1963 SN04
    |       `--+--+--Hemineura SN04
    |          |  `--Cuneopalpus Badonnel 1943 SN04
    |          |       `--*C. cyanops (Rostock 1876) [=Elipsocus cyanops] M93
    |          `--+--+--Reuterella Enderlein 1903 SN04 [incl. Leptella Enderlein 1901 (preoc.) M93]
    |             |  |    `--*R. helvimacula (Enderlein 1901) (see below for synonymy) M93
    |             |  `--Pseudopsocus Kolbe 1882 SN04
    |             |       |--*P. rostocki Kolbe 1882 L02
    |             |       |--P. acarinatus Li 2002 L02
    |             |       `--P. carinatus Li 1995 L02
    |             `--+--Nepiomorpha Pearman 1936 SN04
    |                |    |--*N. crucifera M93
    |                |    |    |--N. c. crucifera B55
    |                |    |    `--N. c. angolensis Badonnel 1955 B55
    |                |    |--N. annulata Badonnel 1955 B55
    |                |    `--N. peripsocoides Mockford 1955 M93
    |                `--+--+--Ausysium Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
    |                   |  |    `--*A. joyceorum Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
    |                   |  `--Clinopsocus New 1972 SN04
    |                   |       |--*C. smithersi New 1972 SN04
    |                   |       `--C. phragmitellus (Smithers 1972) [=Nepiomorpha phragmitella] SN04
    |                   `--+--Psocophloea Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
    |                      |    `--*P. saharae Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
    |                      `--+--Paedomorpha Smithers 1964 SN04
    |                         |    `--P. gayi M83
    |                         `--Villopsocus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
    |                              `--*V. tasmaniensis Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
    `--Propsocinae [Propsocini] SN04
         |--+--+--Kilauella Enderlein 1913 SN04
         |  |  `--Palistreptus Enderlein 1920 SN04
         |  `--+--Antarctopsocus Badonnel 1947 SN04
         |     `--+--Pentacladus Enderlein 1906 SN04
         |        `--Propsocus McLachlan 1866 [incl. Tricladellus Enderlein 1909, Tricladus Enderlein 1906] SN04
         |             |--*P. pallipes M93
         |             `--P. pulchripennis (Perkins 1899) (see below for synonymy) M93
         `--+--Weddellopsocus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
            |    |--*W. valdiviensis (Blanchard 1851) [=Psocus valdiviensis] SN04
            |    |--W. avius (Smithers 1964) [=Spilopsocus avius] SN04
            |    |--W. carrilloi (Thornton & Lyall 1978) [=Drymopsocus carrilloi] SN04
            |    |--W. flavus (Thornton & Lyall 1978) [=Drymopsocus flavus] SN04
            |    `--W. griseus (New & Thornton 1981) [=Drymopsocus griseus] SN04
            `--+--Gondwanapsocus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
               |    `--*G. australis Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
               `--+--+--Diademadrilus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                  |  |    |--*D. annulatus (Smithers 1969) [=Spilopsocus annulatus] SN04
                  |  |    `--D. masseyi (New 1971) [=Spilopsocus masseyi] SN04
                  |  `--+--Onychophallus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                  |     |    `--*O. diemenensis Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                  |     `--Telmopsocus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                  |          `--*T. waldheimensis Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                  `--+--Spilopsocus Smithers 1963 SN04
                     |    |--*S. ruidus Smithers 1963 SN04
                     |    `--S. colliensis Smithers 1977 SN04
                     `--+--Prionotodrilus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                        |    |--*P. parvus (Smithers & Thornton 1975) [=Spilopsocus parvus] SN04
                        |    `--P. serratus (Schmidt & Thornton 1992) [=Spilopsocus serratus] SN04
                        `--Euryphallus Schmidt & New 2004 SN04
                             |--*E. stigmaticus (Tillyard 1923) [=Mesopsocus stigmaticus, Spilopsocus stigmaticus] SN04
                             |--E. badonneli (New & Thornton 1981) [=Nothopsocus badonneli] SN04
                             |--E. cinqueportsae (Thornton & New 1981) [=Nothopsocus cinqueportsae] SN04
                             |--E. cooki (Thornton & New 1981) [=Nothopsocus cooki] SN04
                             |--E. defoei (Thornton & New 1981) [=Nothopsocus defoei] SN04
                             |--E. selkirki (Thornton & New 1981) [=Nothopsocus selkirki] SN04
                             `--E. skottsbergi (Thornton & New 1981) [=Nothopsocus skottsbergi] SN04

Propsocus pulchripennis (Perkins 1899) [=Stenopsocus pulchripennis; incl. Tricladellus nitens var. brachypterus Edwards 1950, Myopsocus nitens Hickman 1934, T. nitens] M93

*Reuterella helvimacula (Enderlein 1901) [=Leptella helvimacula; incl. Caecilius corticis Pearman 1924] M93

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11-267.

[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.

[M83] Martin, N. A. 1983. Miscellaneous observations on a pasture fauna: An annotated species list. DSIR Entomology Division Report 3: 1-98.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[SN04] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Systematics 18: 157-213.