Belongs within: Obtectomera.
Contains: Nymphidiini.
The Riodinidae, metalmarks, are a group of butterflies that are most diverse in the Neotropical region.
Characters (from Braby 2000, as Riodininae): Male fore leg non-functional, less than half length of mid and hind legs, tarsus fused into single segment, rarely with claws; hind wing usually with basal vein along costal margin, tornus may be produced, lobed or dentate but rarely tailed; males rarely with sex-scales. Larva with prothorax bearing pair of vibratory papillae, metathorax bearing pair of dorsolateral eversible organs, pair of eversible nectary organs present on segment 8.
<==Riodinidae [Nemeobiidae]
|--Hamearinae [Nemeobiinae] J03
| |--Abisara J03
| |--Zemeros J03
| `--Hamearis lucina [=Nemeobius lucina] RD77
`--Riodininae HH02
| i. s.: Praetaxila Fruhstorfer 1914 B00
| `--P. segecia (Hewitson 1861) B00
| |--P. s. segecia B00
| |--P. s. punctaria (Fruhstorfer 1904) B00
| `--P. s. yaniya Fruhsorfer 1914 B00
| Styx [Styginae] B00
| `--S. infernalis Staudinger 1875 B00
| Semomesia capanea KP19
`--Nymphidiini HH02
Riodinidae incertae sedis:
Petrocerus catiena HH02
Callistium HH02
Emesis HH02
|--E. guttata [=Audre guttata] HH02
|--E. mandana (Cramer 1780) S55
`--E. xanthosa HH02
Calydna caieta HH02
Stalachtis HH02
Apodemia mormo HH02
|--A. m. mormo USDI77
`--A. m. langei USDI77
Polystichtis S55
|--P. emylius S55
| |--P. e. emylius S55
| `--P. e. crispinella Stichel 1911 S55
`--P. lasthenes FS54
|--P. l. lasthenes FS54
`--P. l. zeurippa Boisduval 1836 FS54
Calephelis virginiensis FS54
|--C. v. virginiensis FS54
`--C. v. laverna (Godman & Salvin 1886) FS54
Lymnas FS54
|--L. cephise (Ménétriés 1855) FS54
`--L. pixe (Boisduval 1910) FS54
Esthemopsis caeruleata (Godman & Salvin 1878) FS54
Mesosemia S55
|--M. jeziella S55
| |--M. j. jeziella S55
| `--M. j. thyestes Druce 1878 S55
`--M. judicialis Butler 1874 S55
Lyropteryx apollonia Westwood 1851 S55
Cyrenia martia Westwood 1851 S55
Ancyluris S55
|--A. aulestes S55
| |--A. a. aulestes S55
| `--A. a. eryxo (Saunders 1858) S55
`--A. inca GE05
Rhetus S55
|--R. arcius GE05
`--R. periander (Cramer 1777) S55
Caria S55
|--C. mantinea (Felder 1861) S55
`--C. trochilus S55
|--C. t. trochilus S55
`--C. t. arete (Felder 1861) S55
Baeotis nesaea S55
|--B. n. nesaea S55
`--B. n. bacaenita Schaus 1902 S55
Amarynthis meneria (see below for synonymy) S55
Peplia lamis [incl. P. lamis f. molpe (Hübner 1816)] S55
Helicopis GE05
|--H. acis R13
`--H. cupido GE05
Riodinella nympha GE05
Voltinia GE05
|--V. danforthi V-W04
|--V. dramba GE05
`--V. umbra V-W04
Euselasia GE05
Mesenopsis melanochlora GE05
Eurybiini HH02
|--Alesa amesis HH02
`--Eurybia S55
|--E. nicaea (Fabricius 1775) S55
`--E. patrona GE05
Amarynthis meneria [incl. A. meneria f. maecenas (Fabricius 1793), A. meneria f. micalia (Cramer 1776)] S55
*Type species of generic name indicated
[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 2. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).
[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75–87.
[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.
[HH02] Hall, J. P. W., & D. J. Harvey. 2002. Basal subtribes of the Nymphidiini (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae): phylogeny and myrmecophily. Cladistics 18: 539–569.
[J03] Jong, R. de. 2003. Are there butterflies with Gondwanan ancestry in the Australian region? Invertebrate Systematics 17: 143–156.
[KP19] Kawahara, A. Y., D. Plotkin, M. Espeland, K. Meusemann, E. F. A. Toussaint, A. Donath, F. Gimnich, P. B. Frandsen, A. Zwick, M. dos Reis, J. R. Barber, R. S. Peters, S. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Mayer, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Storer, J. E. Yack, B. Misof & J. W. Breinholt. 2019. Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (45): 22657–22663.
[R13] Reuter, O. M. 1913. Lebensgewohnheiten und Instinkte der Insekten bis zum Erwachen der sozialen Instinkte. R. Friedländer & Sohn: Berlin.
[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.
[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329–338.
[USDI77] United States Department of the Interior. 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants—republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420–36431.
[V-W04] Vane-Wright, D. 2004. Butterflies at that awkward age. Nature 428: 477–480.