A very windy day and as would be expected little happening in the trees and bushes, just the odd sighting of dunnock, wren and blue tit but little else apart from bigger things like corvids and gulls. Only two little grebe this morning the summery one in its usual location near the weir, and over the canal the calls of numerous goldfinches from the Compton Rough roosting bushes, but not seen. The other grebe a standard winter plumage bird near the Tennis Courts.
The headline refers to proposed houses to be built on the old tree nursery site (the WEC).
Little Grebe | 1 (w/p) Tennis Courts, 1 (s/p) Prefab weir, | |
Black Headed Gull | 27 | Compton Field |
Goldfinch | calls Compton Rough roost bushes, |