A walk round with Ian, at times there were too many birds to get to grips with. Not sure how many whitethroats we had together in the Shrike Bushes, how many goldfinches at top of Barleyfield or goldcrests near the Paddocks.Not much going on at the pool, just 1 adult and two juvenile moorhens and a few small damselflies ( common blue and blue tailed ) but when we reached the top of the Barleyfield there was an explosion of small birds buzzing around, all common but all need going through just in case! Probably about 14 goldfinches scattered around the mid section and two different parties of goldcrest near the Paddocks, at least 3 including 2 juveniles in the firs near Smestow bridge and then 2 adults halfway along the Paddocks by the railway walk.
Grey Heron | 1 >> W over | Barleyfield |
Mallard | 1 brood | ♀+ 2 chks Meadow View, |
Moorhen | 1 brood | 1 + 2 juv Wetlands, |
Black Headed Gull | 21 ( 1 imm ) | Compton Field |
Lesser Black Backed Gull | odds over | mid section |
Stock Dove | 1 >> E to | Wetlands |
Swift | 10+ over | Barleyfield |
House Martin | 3+ over | Barleyfield |
Wren | 8 singing | mid section |
Dunnock | 6 singing | mid section |
Blackbird | 1 singing | The Paddock |
Song Thrush | 3 singing | mid section |
Whitethroat | 2 singing | Shrike Bushes |
Blackcap | 6 singing | mid section |
Chiffchaff | 4 singing | mid section |
Goldcrest | 5 | mid section |
Long Tailed Tit | 1 | Smestow Bridge |
Greenfinch | 3+ | Top Roses |
Goldfinch | 3 singing | mid section |
Bullfinch | 2 pair | Barleyfield |
Small Tortoiseshell | few | Barleyfield |
Large skipper | 1 | Barleyfield |
Comma | 2 | Barleyfield |
Speckled Wood | 1 | Station Paddock |
Meadow Brown | 3+ | Barleyfield |
Ringlet | plenty | Barleyfield |
Small White | 1 | Barleyfield |