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Showing posts with label Goldfinch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goldfinch. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 March 2016

A good tally this morning 31st March 16                 morning                mid section sunny & warm,  3-7°c,  1015 mb,  NW 5-N 7 mph

 A treecreeper in Hanging Grds ( lower western border ) means I've had TC in all three of Barleyfield's wooded borders in the last few weeks. Plenty of song in the warm sunshine, including eight singing chiffchaff and a singing nuthatch. But no sign of any blackcap today. Should be here before the weekend is over.                                                                                                                                       A walk around yesterday afternoon found nine singing blackbirds.

Buzzard 1 over Valley
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Green Woodpecker calls Tettenhall Ridge
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1♀ Annex Barleyfield
Wren 15 singing mid section
Dunnock 6 singing mid section
Robin 12 singing mid section
Blackbird 3 singing mid section
Song Thrush 5 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 9 ( 8 singing) mid section
Goldcrest pair + 1 mid section
Long Tailed Tit pair hanging Grds 
Coal Tit 1 singing Top Birches
Great Tit 3 singing mid section
Nuthatch 2 (1 singing) Annex Barleyfield
Treecreeper 1 Hanging Grds
Chaffinch 1 singing Station Paddock
Greenfinch 2 singing mid section
Goldfinch 2 Station Paddock
Bullfinch pair Hanging Grds

Friday, 18 March 2016

Thursday update

17th March 16                morning                mid section mostly cloudy, sunny by 11:00,  5-9°c,  1033 mb, ESE 6,

The male grey wagtail was on the towpath by Meadow View bridge but no sign of the female there or on the Smestow. A green woodpecker calling, not from Tettenhall Ridge as is normal but from somewhere near the Tennis Club or Wolves training pitches.Still three little grebe including the bird below Compton Lock, all in or very near summer plumage. A female sparrowhawk checking out the Barleyfield and adjoining playing field and the kingfisher seen by the weir were good to have, and the male pied wagtail on the grass east of the Wetlands still in splendid plumage. Singing coal tit at Meadow View finished a day that started in dull, cold conditions, in warm sunshine.

Little Grebe 1 s/p below Com Lock,  1 s/p Meccano Br,  1 nr s/p Sq Club,
Sparrowhawk 1♀ low over Barleyfield
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Kingfisher 1 Prefab Weir
Green Woodpecker calls Tennis Courts
Grey Wagtail 1♂ Meadow View
Pied Wagtail 1♂ Wetland Field
Wren 11 singing mid section
Dunnock 5 singing mid section
Robin 13 singing mid section
Song Thrush 1 singing Barleyfield
Mistle Thrush 1 singing Tennis Courts
Long Tailed Tit 2 pair mid section
Coal Tit 1 singing Meadow View
Great Tit 6 singing mid section
Goldfinch 3+ 2 Meadow View,  c Compton Rough,
Bullfinch 2 Barleyfield

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Singing in the sunshine

11th February 16,    morning            mid section mostly sunny,   2-7°c,  1004 mb,  S 4-SSW 4 mph

Plenty of bird song this morning in the sunshine, including a solitary stock dove in the old and defunct reedbed. Little grebe numbers seem to be falling off ( although I haven't checked the north end for a while ). Just three today, two winter plumaged birds by Meccano Bridge early on and on the return journey a w/p still at Meccano, a bird showing signs of summer plumage by the Tennis Courts and the other w/p bird now by Newbridge Wharf.

Little Grebe 3 S&W canal
Stock Dove 1 singing Graiseley Reedbed
Wren 3 singing mid section
Dunnock 3 singing mid section
Robin 17 singing mid section
Song Thrush 6 singing mid section
Long Tailed Tit 4+ Barleyfield
Great Tit 7 singing mid section
Greenfinch 3 Top Roses
Goldfinch 3 Shrike Bushes
Bullfinch 3♂ 3♀ Barleyfield
Playing catch up

sun 24th January 16    Pool Hall area dull & o/cast, 12-13°c,  1023mb SW 13 mph

A trip to Pool Hall and area with Ian was mostly quiet but did give us a good size flock of fieldfare, redwing and starling on fields between Perton Mill farm and the sewage works numbering at least 300 birds. They were eventually flushed by a predator which we couldn't find ( probably a high over flying  peregrine  as we would have seen anything else ). Pool Hall pool was poor with just 5 tufted duck and a few coot and moorhen. A single shoveler flying over fields was maybe heading to Pool Hall. Two lesser redpoll (a scarce species this year ) was found on Wightwick Fields. 

Grey Heron 3 SE fields
Mute Swan 1 flew E over Wightwick Fields
Canada Goose 1 Pool Hall
Mallard 2 over Smestow Fields
Shoveler 1 flew SW over Smestow Fields
Tufted Duck 3♂ 2♀ Pool Hall
Buzzard 2 Wightwick Fields
Moorhen 1 Pool Hall
Coot 2 Pool Hall
Black Headed Gull 14 Pool Hall
Wood Pigeon 100+ flock Eastern Fields
Robin song Pool Hall area
Fieldfare c100 Perton Mill Fields
Redwing c100 Perton Mill Fields
Long Tailed Tit 5+ Wightwick Fields
Starling 100+ Perton Mill Fields
Greenfinch 10+ Wightwick Fields
Goldfinch 2+ Wightwick Fields
Redpoll 2 Wightwick Fields

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Unseasonably mild weather temps bird song and flowers 

17th December 15          morning                mid section v/mild cloudy,  12-13°c,  1011 mb,  S 13 mph

  A barmy 12 degrees in a warm southerly breeze and it feels more like late autumn or early spring than mid winter. Which is probably the reason we have the same bird species day after day. We need some proper winter frost preferably with plenty of sunshine to move the birds around. The small finch flock flew around the Wetland site this morning but didn't settle, so I presume its the usual siskins with a few goldfinch. The usual three little grebe. A count of the mallard (19♂ 8♀) and moorhen (17 inc 3 imm) just to change my routine.

Little Grebe 3 S&W Canal
Mallard 19♂ 8♀  counted btw Compton Rd - Tettenhall Rd,
Buzzard 1 over Tettenhall Ridge
Moorhen 17 (inc 3 imm) counted btw Compton Rd - Tettenhall Rd,
Black Headed Gull 30 Compton Field
Lesser Black Backed Gull 1 Compton Field
Wren 2 singing Barleyfield
Robin 7 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 ( 1 singing) mid section
Great Tit 3 singing mid section
finch flock c25 flew around WL before leaving to NW, prob same as mon/tue ie SK & GO,
Chaffinch 1♀ Eddies Alders
Goldfinch prob few in with SK flock  WL,
Siskin prob making up most of flock c25 WL,

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Winter birds star on a very wintery day

21st November 15       morning              mid section sunny but very cold wind,  2°c,   1010 mb,   NW 19 mph,

Another by and large slow and quiet day was saved by a fieldfare in the Barleyfield Annex and a count of 6 siskin and about 8 goldfinch in the alders by the wetland pool which when they lifted off as usual proved to almost double that number.

Little Grebe 1 just N of Meadow View,   1 (dark ) Compton Lock,
Buzzard 1 over Wetlands
Moorhen 1 Wetlands
Robin 1 singing Meadow View
Fieldfare 1 Annex Barleyfield
Song Thrush 1 Hanging Grds X
Redwing 10+ Annex Barleyfield
Long Tailed Tit few mid section
Greenfinch 5 Annex Barleyfield
Goldfinch 2 over Wetlands,  8+ Eddies Alders,  ( mixed flock c20 (GO+SK) flew off,
Siskin 6+ Eddies Alders, ( mixed flock c20 (SK+GO) flew off,
Bullfinch 5 mid section

Monday, 9 November 2015

Winter visitors out of the gloom

9th November 15           morning              mid section gloomy,  11-12°c,  1017mb,   SSW 17 mph

A little grebe north of Tettenhall Rd to start the day and probably the same one had moved south later on return. Met Ian in the Paddocks. The Barleyfield produced ten or so fieldfare and a few redwing and a small group of finches in alders above Meccano Br proved to be goldfinch,chaffinch,bullfinch and three or four siskin. Otherwise very quiet in very gloomy and breezy conditions.

Little Grebe 1 (dark w/p ) Meadow View
Fieldfare c10 Barleyfield
Redwing 9+ Barleyfield
Chaffinch 1♀ Meccano Br
Goldfinch 1 Meccano Br
Siskin 3+ Meccano Br
Bullfinch 1♂ Meccano Br

Saturday, 31 October 2015

A winter fare

31st October 15          morning               mid section murky,   11-13°c,  1019mb,  SSE 9-7 mph

A good start with grey wagtail and 3 little grebe off Meadow View bridge and a few redwing over the Paddocks. Barleyfield was quiet until we got to the top where we had more redwing, greenfinch, goldfinch and a ♂ sparrowhawk, the sparrowhawk reappeared over the Wetlands  and we had a ♀ over the valley later. The Wetlands also held more goldfinch and chaffinch. A great spotted woodpecker (probably ♀) perched high in trees between Hanging Grds and the railway walk and the Barleyfield was done. The canal produced six immature moorhen, more than we have seen for a long time but 3 of them were just north of the Tettenhall Rd so not officially the mid section. Also at the feeders here by the moored boats we had a coal tit, loads of greenfinch and another great spotted woodpecker a male this time. A smart grey wagtail on the Smestow at the Prefab bridge brings at least 3 different individuals on the patch. Two here ( prefabs ) and another well marked bird on the Smestow by St Michael's school.

Little Grebe 3 ( 1 S + 2 N ) MV, later  2 Tennis Courts,  
Canada Goose c50 over Barleyfield in 3 groups
Sparrowhawk 1♂ over Top Roses,  again Wetlands,  1♀ over Valley,
Moorhen 6 imm (1 imm Prefab weir,  1 imm Meccano Br, 1 imm Meadow View, 3 imm Newbridge boats,).
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1♀ Hanging Grds,  1♂ Newbridge boats feeders,
Grey Wagtail 1 Meadow View,  1 v/bright Prefabs Smestow,
Wren 1 singing Lower Alders
Robin 7 singing mid section
Song Thrush 5+ mid section
Redwing c45 mid section
Coal Tit 1 Newbridge boats feeders
Chaffinch 2+ Wetlands, 2+ Newbridge boats feeders,
Greenfinch c10 Top Roses,  c10 Newbridge boats feeders,
Goldfinch 10+ Barleyfield
Bullfinch 2 Shrike Bushes

Monday, 26 October 2015

What a difference a few minutes make 

25th October 15         morning                 mid section partly sunny,  5-8°c,  1024mb,   S 3-6 mph

 The Paddocks was quiet and the Barleyfield seemed the same but I met Ian and was surprised to find he had had some decent stuff at the top of the Barleyfield. We headed back up top but all was quiet now. We had two of the grebes on canal by the Prefabs and both green and great spotted woodpeckers back towards Meadow View.  A stroll along the Smestow by St Michael.s sch produced a very smart winter plumaged grey wagtail.

Little Grebe 2 ( 1 s/p + 1 w/p )  Prefabs,
Green Woodpecker calls Station Paddock
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1♂ Meadow View
Grey Wagtail 1 Smestow Meadow
Wren 1 singing Graiseley Cnr
Robin 5 singing mid section
Long Tailed Tit few mid section
Greenfinch 3 Top Roses
Goldfinch 3 over Meccano Grds
Bullfinch calls Barleyfield

Thursday, 22 October 2015

The one that got away

22nd October 15              morning                mid section cloudy start, sunny later,  11-12°c,   1013mb,  WNW 14 mph

 Walking through the Paddocks a calling nuthatch caused me to look up to find a bird just dropping onto the top of a fir tree on the other side of the canal where it joined another bird ( ahh two nuthatch thought I, but no, the light was poor so only grey  silhouettes were visible but they were surely not nuthatch. The stubby bill put pay to that, so what were they? They looked quite big and acrobatic feeding on the small cones. I then found another lower down the tree where viewing conditions were a little better and this one was mostly green and eventually shown two light wing bars. After a few minutes all three flew a short distance to another tree and disappeared. I didn't relocate them again. So what were they??  Probably finches, but not green, not chaffinch, not common crossbill and too small for siskin.

Little Grebe 1 w/p Squash Club + 2 ( 1 s/p + 1 dark w/p )  Wolves Firs,
Sparrowhawk 1♀/imm The Paddock
Buzzard 1 over Barleyfield
Moorhen 2 imm S&W Canal
Robin 2 singing mid section
Nuthatch calls The Paddock
Chaffinch 1 Meccano Grds
Goldfinch c20 Meccano Grds
Bullfinch pair Meccano Grds
finch sp 3 Wolves Firs, looks big & bulky,mostly green,stubby bill,with 2 light wing bars (ie Chaffinch) feeding on small cones at top of fir tree,

Friday, 16 October 2015

A hard slog for little reward

16th October 15            morning               mid section dull & o/cast,   10-11 °c,   1024mb,   N 7-9 mph

Just one grebe, a summer plumaged bird with the mallards by the MS centre on arrival at the old Tettenhall Br, On the way back probably the same s/p bird was by Meccano bridge and another bird in winter plumage was just south of said bridge, A flock of about 40 redwing headed over Barleyfield to the northwest again, shortly after another 12 followed. Two calling nuthatch in the trees alongside the Smestow and behind the prefabs and a grey wagtail on the brook farther north by small Prefab bridge.

Little Grebe 2 (1s/p 1 w/p) S&W Canal
Mallard 21♂   10♀ S&W Canal
Moorhen 2 imm S&W Canal
Black Headed Gull 19 Compton Field
Lesser Black Backed Gull odds over mid section
Grey Wagtail 1 prefabs
Wren 2 singing mid section
Robin 13 singing mid section
Redwing c52 c40 + 12 flew NW over Barleyfield,
Mistle Thrush 1 Wolves Firs
Nuthatch 2 Prefabs
Jay 1 Hanging Grds
Goldfinch 2+ Barleyfield
Bullfinch calls Graiseley Cnr

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Reed Bunting  valley year tick for me

13th October 15            morning                mid section mostly cloudy,  5-11°c,   1025mb,  N 6-11 mph

Up until 2010 reed bunting was a regular breeding bird on the Barleyfield, indeed that year i'm sure  the pair had two successful broods. I still miss the repetitive song every spring when sitting on the seat at the top of the meadow. From there I could hear many singing birds in april including reed bunts and willow warbler, another species which didn't breed this summer for the first time.
A calling parakeet above the Paddocks, two chiffchaff still hanging on and still two little grebe by Meccano Br were other highlights.

Little Grebe 2 2 Meccano Br
Moorhen 1 Wetlands,  17 counted Compton Rd - Tettenhall Rd,
Ring Necked Parakeet calls The Paddock
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 >> E over Barleyfield
Wren 2 singing mid section
Robin 10 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 2 c Paddock,  1 in bullrushes  Wetlands,
Coal Tit 1 The Paddock
Jay 2 mid section
Greenfinch calls Annex Barleyfield
Goldfinch 4 Barleyfield
Bullfinch calls graiseley Cnr
Reed Bunting 1 Central Scrub
Speckled Wood 1 Prefabs

Monday, 12 October 2015

Meccano Gardens saw all the action today

12th October 15          morning               mid section

sunny,   4-11°c,   1021mb,   N 3-4 mph

A better day, with three quarters of the species seen today being at or near Meccano Grds. Chiffchaff and great spotted woodpecker the highlights but jay,goldfinch,chaffinch and bullfinch also. Two little grebe by the MS centre, a kingfisher ( dark one) below Compton Lock and another chiffchaff at the Wetland sallows.
A couple of late butterfly species in the warming sunshine rounded the day off.

Little Grebe 2 2 ( 1 s/p + 1 dark ) off  Meadow View
Buzzard 1 over Prefabs
Moorhen 2 ad Wetlands
Black Headed Gull 15 Compton Field
Kingfisher 1 (dark) below Compton Lock
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1♀ Meccano Grds
Robin 15 singing mid section
Chiffchaff 2 1 Meccano Grds,  1 Wetlands
Long Tailed Tit 10+ Meccano Grds
Jay 3 mid section
Chaffinch 5 Meccano Grds
Goldfinch 4 Meccano Grds
Bullfinch 5 Barleyfield
Red Admiral 1 Meadow View
Speckled Wood 1 Prefabs

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


6th October 15              morning                   mid section mostly cloudy,   13-16°c,   996mb,    E-SE 6 mph

Three sightings of chiffchaff in the Paddocks this morning was probably the same bird but two together in Meccano Grds makes three, then another in the Hanging Grds and later, it or another was found feeding and heading towards the Barleyfield crossings. So at least 4 and possibly more chiffchaff today, but no other warbler species present. 

Buzzard 1 over Tettenhall Ridge
Moorhen 1 imm Prefab weir,   1 imm Meccano Br,   1 imm Wolves Firs,
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 >> N over The Paddock
Grey Wagtail 1 flew W over top BF,  1 on Smestow Prefabs,
Wren 2 singing Barleyfield
Robin 17 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 Barleyfield
Chiffchaff 3 sighting, poss same bird Paddocks,  2 Meccano Grds,  1+ Hanging Grds,  later 1 HG moving twds crossings,
Long Tailed Tit c10 mid section
Nuthatch 1 The Paddock
Jay 6 sightings mid section
Goldfinch 1 Shrike Bushes

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Steady as you go

3rd October 15            morning             mid section low cloud,chilly,  7-8°c,   1017mb   SW 3-N 4 mph

A chiffchaff with the tit flock in the Paddocks was the only warbler of the day. Another kingfisher sighting again the same general area eventually flew north under the two Tettenhall Rd bridges and disappeared behind the moored boats at Newbridge boat yard. This was a female, it would be interesting to know the sex of the dark bird? The Barleyfield wasn't exactly jumping with birds but a steady stream gradually filled my notebook. Only one little grebe seen today and I saw it from Meadow View bridge, having just walked the towpath, I obviously missed it, Wonder how many more were hiding in the canal side vegetation.

Little Grebe 1 S&W Canal  near tennis club
Moorhen 2 imm 1 imm Prefab weir,  1 imm Meccano Br,
Stock Dove 4 >> SW over Wetlands
Kingfisher 1 S&W Canal near Squash Club
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 >> E over Barleyfield
Wren 1 Compton Rough
Robin 20 singing mid section
Song Thrush 2 Annex Barleyfield
Chiffchaff 1 The Paddock
Long Tailed Tit c6 The Paddock
Nuthatch calls Tennis Courts
Jay c4 Barleyfield
Goldfinch 9 Barleyfield
Bullfinch 2 mid section

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Migration continues 

24th September 15              morning                 mid section mostly sunny,  10-11°c,   1010mb,      SW 6-11 mph

Plenty of migrating warblers today with at least four chiffchaff in the Paddocks, at least 8 blackcap ( 1♂ Shrike Bushes, at least  3♂ + 3♀ in elder bushes near the Barleyfield crossing plus another female blackcap in the elder bushes further north towards the north west corner )
 and an unexpected whitethroat near the said crossings.Two raven flew over to the north east not long after Ian left ( hope he got them ). Top of Barleyfield from Squirrels Grave were two coal tit, maybe the forerunners of the predicted huge invasion from Scandinavia which also includes siskin.

Buzzard 1 over Hanging Grds
Moorhen 1 juv Prefab Weir
Black Headed Gull odds over mid section
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 >> S over The Paddock
Robin 13 singing mid section
Whitethroat 1 Hanging Grds
Blackcap 4♂ 4♀ Barleyfield
Chiffchaff 4+ The Paddock
Long Tailed Tit c6 The Paddock
Coal Tit 2 Barleyfield Annex
Jay 3 Barleyfield
Jackdaw odds over Barleyfield
Raven 2 >> NE over 2 flew NE calling over north-west BF,
Goldfinch 2 >> N over Hanging Grds
Bullfinch calls Hanging Grds

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Signs of the goldfinch flock increasing 

22nd September 15        morning               mid section low cloud occ drizzle,  10-11°c,  1001mb,   NW 7-10 mph

Firstly the squirrel has disappeared probably taken by a fox or badger.
My best flock of goldfinch this winter was over the Barleyfield top south west corner briefly before flying off towards the top eastern side. Otherwise very quiet with two male and two female blackcap popping up regularly throughout the Hanging Gardens. Four jay heading to the alder wood ( Lower Alders ) alongside the Wetlands and two calling chiffchaff the only other interest on the Barleyfield. Elsewhere 3 separate 1st winter moorhen along the canal.

Moorhen 3 1st wt S&W Canal
Black Headed Gull odds over Barleyfield
Robin 14 singing mid section
Blackcap 2♂ 2♀ Hanging Grds
Chiffchaff 2 calling Barleyfield
Jay 4 Barleyfield
Jackdaw odds over Barleyfield
Goldfinch c40 suddenly appeared over top SW cnr Barleyfield  before flying twds the SE of Barleyfield,

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Buzzards and warblers

17th September 15           morning              mid section sunny, increasingly cloudy,  8-13°c,  996mb,  W 4-7 mph

An immature buzzard over the north west Barleyfield is proof of successful breeding this year, the other two seen today were both adults still in various stages of moult. A good show of chiffchaff for this time of year with  whitethroat and blackcap in smaller numbers. We may not have them for much longer.

Buzzard 1 imm over Barleyfield Annex,   1 ad over Barleyfield,   1 tatty adult over Compton Rough,
Moorhen 1 imm Wetlands
Herring Gull 1 St Edmonds Sch
Swallow 10 >> SW over Barleyfield
Wren 1 singing Graiseley Cnr
Robin 12 singing mid section
Whitethroat 1 Hanging Grds
Blackcap 2 Barleyfield
Chiffchaff 6 4 together Paddocks
Long Tailed Tit few mid section
Nuthatch calls Meccano Br
Jay calls Top Roses
Greenfinch 3 Top Roses
Goldfinch 6 Meccano Grds
Bullfinch 2 Annex Barleyfield