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Showing posts with label adversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adversary. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Count Carl Von Bruno and the Black Castle from 'The Black Castle'

“Doctor, you're an expert on medical science. Isn't it true that the Ancient Romans were pain worshippers”

Carl Von Bruno 
F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 50
Karma: 40
Resources: Rm (30)
Popularity: 15/-5 (Among the courts of Europe/Amid his own subjects and enemies)

Count Von Bruno has displayed the following skills:
Knowledge: Ancient History
Knowledge: Nobility and Society
Knowledge: Africa (1700s)
Knowledge: European Politics
Knowledge: Philosophy
Knowledge: Engineering
Knowledge: Torture


None, Count Von Bruno is considered to be an above average man whose real abilities are his capabilities for cruelty. Von Bruno is capable of being extraordinarily cruel, his anger and cruelty being his most defining features. Von Bruno holds those who scarred him to be held accountable to him, and delights in his revenge and murderous plans. Von Bruno has several effects such as:
  • Henchmen: Von Bruno employs a variety of henchmen, criminals, thugs, torturers, and servants who carry out his plans and goals. At any one time, Von Bruno has 1-3 such individuals nearby, most which are unsavory sorts. Von Bruno will pay, hire, or extort assistance for carrying out his plans.
  • Devious Mind: Von Bruno can arrange situations in which his targets return to his castle or fall into his grasp, ranging from providing evidence of other wrong-doings or simply threatening to harm an innocent. Von Bruno is gifted, and may make an appropriate Reason FEAT when attempting to discover, coerce, or convince someone to play into his hands.
  • Maniacal Endurance: Von Bruno has the endurance of a madman, recovering from damage seemingly at a faster rate. Von Bruno can recover Endurance ranks as if he has the power Recovery when dealing with a hated opponent or target.
Von Bruno has contacts with other nobility in Europe, although few tend to deal with him due to his cruel nature.


  • Cruel Count Von Bruno is known for his cruelty, and it is an obvious if not openly commented trait. Von Bruno is at a -1cs to Psyche FEATs when presented with the opportunity to be merciless and cruel to avoid doing so.
  • Scarred Count Von Bruno is scarred and has lost the use of his eye due to the actions of the British during the war. Von Bruno is -1cs to social engagements when first encountered.
  • Reputation Von Bruno’s reputation precedes him, with many whispering about his activities and actions. Von Bruno cannot make a positive popularity check despite being well-known as his reputation has spread across Europe.
  • Vengeful Von Bruno is extraordinarily vengeful, willing to use anyone or anything to gain his vengeance, and turning against even his most loyal aides when it suits gaining revenge against an enemy. Von Bruno’s need for vengeance blinds him to everything, including danger, reducing his Intuition by -1cs when facing the object of his vengeance and -2cs when Von Bruno feels he’s about to have the moment of vengeance.  

The Black Castle is a fortress which has been further modified with secret passages leading to torture chambers, dropaway rooms into pits with either spikes or crocodiles, and narrow corridors which can disorient and misdirect individuals. Those trapped inside the Black Castle must make an Intuition FEAT -1cs while attempting to navigate its underground interiors. If the character fails, they encounter a deathtrap appropriate for the age. The castle’s mazes and dungeons are known to several servants and Count Bruno himself. 

The Gunslinger from 'Westworld' (1974)


 F: Gd (10)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: In (40)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 80
Karma: 32
Resources: N/A
Popularity: N/A

As a robot, the gunslinger has the talents appropriate to whatever role it is given. When all of the Delos Corporation theme parks went berserk, the Gunslinger was loaded with the following talents:

Quick Draw (+1 to Initiative)
Knowledge: West World area.
Knowledge: Culture of the West

Robotic Construct

The gunslinger is a robot, constructed by Delos Corporation and made to behave and act as human as possible in a specific role. The Gunslinger’s role is that of the ‘black hat’, or bad guy, a role that the Gunslinger has been locked in since the malfunction within the Delos Corporation’s theme parks. As a robot, the Gunslinger is immune to disease or toxins, but can be burned by acids and the like. The Robot’s construction allows it to take damage and remain operating. Normally, the Gunslinger’s stats are reduced when encountering guests, in order to allow them to be able to ‘best’ it. The Gunslinger’s stats under the reduction are as follows:

F: Typ (06)
A: Typ (06)
S: Typ (06)
E: Typ (06)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 24
Karma: 26

While in safe mode, the Gunslinger will lose fights and apparently be killed, recycled for the next day to repeat its process all over again. Once the errors begin in the theme park, the Gunslinger is no longer considered in safe mode, and has its full range of abilities appropriate for both its role and its construction.

The Gunslinger is constructed of a Gd (10) material and is considered to have some resistance to true damage at around Typ (06). The Gunslinger usually uses traditional optics, but has a full range of infra-red sensors which provide it with thermal imaging at Gd (10).

The Gunslinger will follow its program and pursue its ‘target’ with unexpected zeal, selecting the ‘dude’ which last bested it. As part of the system-wide error within Delos Corporation, the Gunslinger will ignore Delos Corporation protocols and will continue its pursuit until either destroyed or successful in killing its prey.

The Gunslinger is equipped with standard .45 pistols, six shots which do normal shooting damage. In the hands of the Gunslinger, the pistols add an additional +1 to initiative when the Gunslinger is facing down other robots in West World or when the Delos protocols are removed.

The Gunslinger has no contacts.


  • Robotic Construct The Gunslinger is a robot and as such, is limited by its programmed role. The Gunslinger has no originality and will follow the role in which it has been given to the letter. In addition, the Gunslinger cannot be reasoned with, its purpose is to provide the bad guy to the park’s visitors.
  • Limited Power Source Like all Delos constructs, the Gunslinger has a limited immediate power source, but has a backup system which operates in critical conditions. There is no stated time how long one of the Delos robots can operate, but it is assumed at least a day before requiring recharging.
  • The Delos Protocols Each Delos robot is programmed to serve human hosts and cannot harm them, ranging from the actual human-like robots to the animal constructs. All constructs in the Delos parks must follow the protocols, normally.
  • Delos infection At some point, a series of errors begin to happen within Roman World, spreading across the grids until all of the constructs and systems are in chaos. When this occurs, the robots are freed from the initial constraints and react differently, as all Delos protocols are effectively rendered void. In some cases, like the Gunslinger, the robots are locked into their roles and will pursue any activity associated with their roles.
  • Technology Limitation The Gunslinger is limited in its thermal vision to heat sources. As such, a greater heat source will ‘blind’ the Gunslinger and prevent it from detecting human body heat. The Gunslinger is considered to be at -2cs when attempting to discern human heat signatures if in the same area as a larger heat source. It should be noted however that if the Gunslinger can see normally, it will not use its thermal vision as a primary detection ability.
  • Unusual Looks During the events of the Delos crisis the gunslinger has its face burned away by acid. As such, the robotic nature of the Gunslinger is much more evident and it suffers a -1cs for concealment. The Gunslinger will not react to its appearance, as it is limited by programming.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Cigarette Smoking Man (CSM) from 'The X-Files'

'Extraordinary men are always most tempted by the most ordinary things.'

The Cigarette Smoking Man, The Smoking Man,

F: Ex (20)
A:Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)

Health: 56
Karma: 90
Popularity: 0* (See Below)
Resources: Gd (10) (Personal), Mn (75) (accessible)

The CSM has many, many skills in years of service to the government and the shadowy conspiracy
  • Military
  • Covert Operations
  • Bureaucracy
  • Firearms
  • Detective/Espionage
  • Crime*
  • Knowledge: Conspiracies
  • Knowledge: Literature
  • Knowledge: Philosophy
  • Knowledge: Pilot
  • Knowledge: Edged Weapons (knives)
  • Advanced Intelligence Gathering Methods
  • First Aid
  • Knowledge: Human Nature
  • Law Enforcement*

  • Indomitable Will: The CSM has a will which simply astounds: He cannot be intimidated, he cannot be swayed, and he can ignore certain things simply out of principal and his position within the conspiracies. For the purposes of the game, the CSM can substitute his Psyche score for any Psyche or Intuition effect FEAT he has to make. This does not mean the CSM can avoid damage or significant physical effects, it means simply that he cannot be affected, made afraid, or other game effects dealing with willpower or emotional control without having the ability to roll on the higher column. This ability explains how the CSM is able to effectively deal with various effects he's under. It is clearly stated by Chris Carter that the CSM is immune to fear of death in any way shape or form (cited from various sources). Even when facing his own death, the CSM seemed 'eh' about it.
  • Ghost in the Machine: Outside of a select few, there are no records of the CSM anywhere (which explains his popularity score). The Lone Gunmen were only able to produce a record they *thought* was accurate on the CSM, which was contradicted by evidence later on. The CSM has the authority to operate, but no one really knows who he is or what his purpose is.

At different points throughout his, the CSM has had unparalleled access and support from the Federal government and the conspiracies (specifically the Syndicate) within. The CSM has access at different points in the series to Mn (75) resources (The whole Federal level), and will always ensure the Buffalo Bills will never go to the Super Bowl and win.

  • Overconfident: The CSM is extraordinarily overconfident, which has been his failing at different points.
  • Enemies: The CSM has a multitude of enemies, ranging from Mulder and Scully to other high-connected members within the Syndicate.
  • Obsession: The CSM is seemingly obsessed with keeping all details of his life private, except when writing.
  • Obsession: Fox Mulder: The CSM is obsessed with Fox Mulder at different points due to a private connection.
  • Trademark: The CSM is usually seen smoking, specifically Morley cigarettes (Hence his name).

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Death from 'Final Destination'


Death is an invisible, relentless force that seeks revenge against those who evade its plans. Normally death is never felt nor is it encountered directly as entity or issue…but…. when those who are appointed to die through serious accidents or similar activities evade death (even unknowingly), death will become a remorseless force dedicated to rectifying the situation.

There are key situations with Death that occur to draw its ‘ire’:

Premonition: usually someone amid a large catastrophic accident has a psychic flash of the events that are about to transpire. These events follow a specific pattern and are usually most horrific. Victims of the events are shown to die in specific order – Either how they are arranged, proximity of themselves to the accident, or even the actual order of death with the last victim always being the person who had the premonition first.

Mechanically, the Judge has the players roll a Psyche FEAT secretly. These FEATS are arranged in order of success and rank. The highest actual roll followed by the highest rank determines the order in which Death had planned to take the characters. The person with the lowest roll has a flash/vision which lasts upwards of three minutes of a situation in which everyone dies…be it through natural or freak disaster. Should the character with the vision convince the people around him to leave or avoid the upcoming event, Death begins to ‘hunt’ the character along the established order.

Death Hunt: after 24 – 96 hours, Death begins to hunt the victims. No presence of Death is immediately detectable, save for perhaps a shadow or movement from the corner of the eye. Each victim must be aware of what is happening, but once aware they may make Intuition FEATS to spot situations in which Death may utilize or be encountered. Death will follow its list and attempt to set up situations which are gruesome and violent, murdering along that list until all victims that have ‘escaped’ it are dead. Death does not outwardly attack – instead what it does is create situations that will lead to fatal accidents by affecting the physical environment, unseen of course. Such things include opening a valve of compressed gas while working near flames, causing a lasik laser to malfunction, remove safeties from weapons, cause a freak garbage disposal accident, and weaken the restraints on parallel bars due a gymnastics event, and a sudden hit and run by a city bus among others. Each death is usually set up to be violent and extreme as revenge.

When Death moves on a character, the Judge makes a roll vs. Death against the character’s Endurance. If the Judge gains a success, the Judge waits for opportune moments to make the Character make a roll vs. Death against their Endurance Rank’s intensity with no Karma allowed. Should the character fail, they will encounter a situation which will be fairly normal, but immediately go into the dying process with the type of event being the manner of death (Slashing/Energy/Etc). The Judge is free to use whatever they wish to describe or enhance the scene.

The Rules of Death: Death must follow the rules as they are established – Although no one outside of a lone ME seems to know them immediately. Death must follow the order that was established in the accident, although Death is creative to interpret how to follow it. For instance, in the first Final Destination, Death followed the list according to seating arrangement. Should someone be able to ‘skip’ the order, Death skips them for a period of time. Another rule is that Death cannot take someone who is giving life, such as one with child. Death also does not kill those who are not ‘on the list’ (at least on the first few films). William Bludworth, owner of the Bludworth Mortuary seems to understand these rules and often cryptically offers the doomed victims the basics, but always informs them of the inevitability of death. It is fan-theorized that Bludworth is some sort of assistant to Death, but there is no proof of this.

As of the final film (and only the films…not the novel or anything else), there are no survivors still alive who have avoided Death. Perhaps that will change….

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Eugene Victor Tooms from The X-Files Episode 'Squeeze'

F: Ex (20)
A: In (40)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 100
Karma: 50
Popularity: 0 (Prior to being captured)/- 10
Resources: Pr (04)

Knowledge: Animal Control Operations
Law Enforcement: Local
Knowledge: Baltimore Area
Knowledge: Chimney Sweep
Knowledge: Human Anatomy
Knowledge: Quick Study

Mutant: Eugene Tooms is believed to be a mutant, whose unique mutations grant him a malleable body, increased reflexes, strength, and endurance, as well as having a low metabolic rate. Tooms's unique physiology grants him several abilities and powers:
  • Plasticity: Tooms has Pr (4) plasticity, allowing him to fit through small entrances and passages that would be impossible for a normal human. Tooms's bones seem to be very elastic, allowing Tooms to squeeze into areas much like a snake.
  • Lower Metabolic Rate: Tooms's metabolism is several times lower than a normal human, granting him an extended lifespan and possibly other abilities. As such, Tooms can enter a state of suspended animation for thirty (30) years at a time, emerging for short periods to gather resources and foodstuff.
  • Natural Predator: Tooms is a natural predator, having greater than normal senses at Gd(10). Tooms can detect prey in near darkness and by sound.
  • Natural Weaponry: Tooms can tear into a human body rather easily, able to do so within seconds to retrieve vital organs (specifically the liver). Tooms's attack is considered Ex (20) intensity.
  • Bile Production: Toomes excretes bile when preparing for hibernation, building a 'nest' of sorts in small, hard-to-reach area. Tooms's bile hardens to Gd (10) material strength within 1 - 10 rounds.

Tooms has no contacts

  • Prey Dependency: Tooms must have the iron-rich livers of humans in order to survive, and hunts with viciousness during his wake cycle. As such, Tooms will go to great lengths to acquire food'.
  • Known Serial Killer: After his capture in Squeeze, Tooms is revealed to be a known psychopath and probably serial killer, and has been publically identified as both. Tooms also follows certain serial killer behaviors, such as trophy collecting.
  • Enemies: Although Tooms is incredibly careful, Tooms has made enemies among law enforcement, including ultimately Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Accountant from 'Drive Angry'

'Satan is simply the warden of a very large prison. Quiet man actually, thoughtful and he's well read. And I happen to know the idea of sacrificing children in his honor annoys him greatly.'















The Accountant

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Am (50)
P: Am (50)

Health: 140
Karma: 110
Popularity: 0/-20 (In true occult circles)
Resources: Typ(06)/Cl1000 (In hell)

In theory, the Accountant has had unlimited time to hone his skills, but for the purposes of the write-up, the skills shown during Drive Angry include:

Mystic Origin*
Human Psychology
Knowledge: Hell's bureaucracy
Knowledge: Hell
Knowledge: The Damned
Knowledge: Ritual
Sharp Weapons
Thrown Weapons
Thrown Object*

Demonic Nature: The Accountant is the chief administrator/soul retriever for Hell as it is presented in the movie. Hell is represented as an immense prison, and as such, the Accountant is suggested to be the 'head guard', sent to retrieve the more difficult cases. As such, the Accountant's Earthly form is purely suggestive, as it is easily implied that he could be far stronger and/or physical if necessary. For the purposes of the write-up, the Accountant is very similar to an angel in The Prophecy series such as Gabriel, in that the following is similar:

  • The Accountant is completely immune to normal types of damage, such as toxins, disease, physical damage, energy damage, radiation, aging, and other aspects. In addition, the Accountant doesn't suffer stun effects from normal damage, but can be slammed and even incapacitated. The Accountant can be harmed by mystical means, and usually does not recover lost health when assaulted by such.
  • Omni-Knowledge: Hell's Business: The Accountant is completely aware of the prisoners who have escaped from Hell, although he does not seem to possess knowledge about specifics, thoughts, or purposes. The Accountant also has a running tab of when individuals will be arriving in hell, down to specific dates. The Accountant is considered to have this ability at Un (100).
  • Hypnotic Control: The Accountant can affect hypnotic control over groups and individuals with Rm (30) ability, gaining an additional +1cs for specific effects (such as using human nature among officers of the law to convince them he is a FBI agents).
  • Hell-Sense: The Accountant seems to have the ability to track individuals who have escaped hell or bound for it with Rm (30) ability. The sense works more like the power telelocation, in so far he has a general idea of where an escaped individual is going.
  • Sense Evil: The Accountant can determine a person's nature with a look with Mn (75) ability, and is able to determine how much a person is affected by good/evil.
  • The Coin: The Accountant carries a roman coin that he uses as a prop and can conform to specific items, such as an FBI ID or what have you. The origin of the coin is unknown, but it is suggested that it is either one of the coins used to pay Charon or one of the thirty pieces of silver paid to Judas. The other suggestion is that the coin is the method that the Accountant passes from Hell into Earth.
  • Mystic Sense: The Accountant can sense magic with Rm (30) ability

The Accountant is an employee and confidant of Satan.

Limitations to Authority: the Accountant is limited by the authority and scope of his role. The Accountant cannot for instance take direct action outside of the requisition of the escaped damned, unless assaulted or directly challenged. In addition, the Accountant will not seek to abuse his abilities simply to abuse them, it's against 'the rules'

Completely Dedicated: The Accountant is completely dedicated to his job, which is to maintain order and to retrieve escapees. The Accountant is not above adhering to the exact 'letter of the law', and is not mindless as to simply follow the pursuit of an enemy. The Accountant for instance allowed John Milton to save his granddaughter before being taken back to hell, but made it clear that he would be going back as soon as that was accomplished.

Loyal:The Accountant thinks highly of his boss, and is considered to be loyal.

The God-Killer

The God-Killer is a five barrel gun which was stolen by John Milton from the desk of Satan himself. The weapon is unlike anything seen before it is bone-handled and has only five bullets - It is never said how it can be reloaded, but it as assumed such can be done by higher (or lower) powers. Each bullet has the Latin phrase 'DEUS VELOX NEX' carved into it (God's swift death). During the movie, three shots are fired for certain - One at the Accountant (Which leaves a scar as it misses), one at a flunkie, and one at the main bad guy. A shot from the God-Killer has the following effects:
  • Total Destruction: The God Killer will completely destroy a being with ShZ ability. The target must immediately make a psyche FEAT against that intensity, may not use Karma, and must make a Red to resist its effect. The bullet bypasses normal defenses to rank, and completely eliminates the target through an explosion of mystical energy. Parts of the target may be left, but slight pieces.
  • The God-Killer cannot be fired easily by the living or even the Undead/Damned/Ascended. The God-Killer requires a Psyche of at least Ex (20) to fire. A Living person (Not dead/undead/etc) must have a Psyche of at least Am (50) to remain conscious, or be rendered unconscious for 1-10 rounds. A person with a Psyche below Typ (06) must make an Endurance FEAT or begin the dying process.