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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Beast of Gévaudan from 'Brotherhood of the Wolf'

The Beast of Gévaudan

F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Ex (20)
E: Rm (30)
R: Pr (04)
I: Ex (20)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 100
Karma: 28
Resources: N/A
Popularity: -10/-20 (in Pre-Revolutionary France)


Beast of Extraordinary Size: The Beast is an exceptionally large lion, and as such, has greater strength, stamina, and durability than a normally sized creature. The Beast has the following attributes:
  • Tracking: The Beast can track with Rm (30) ability, and can determine specific scents or scents that are similar.
  • Stealth: The Beast has Gd (10) stealth
  • Increased Movement: Unlike others of its kind, the Beast may move up to 3 areas per round.

Enhancements: The Beast has been 'enhanced' through the applications of armor and 'fitted' pieces. The enhancements provide the following:
  • Body Armor: The Beast has Gd (10) physical protection due to metal/leather armor.
  • Enhanced Natural Weaponry: Claws: The Beast strikes with RM (30) edged damage, halving effective body armor due to the steel claws fitted over its own.


The Beast has none, as it an animal, but it is the enforcer of the Le Pacte des Loupes, or the Brotherhood of the Wolf.


Animal: The Beast is an animal, and as such, albeit a larger than normal version. As such, it is vulnerable to the same conditions that a normal animal of its species is.

Controlled: The Beast has been conditioned and trained to respond to commands and scents. The Beast will never make a Psyche FEAT to resist this commands, especially if given by the handler. The Beast however will respond to those who 'smell' similar, and will not seek to injure or harm such people.

Hideous: The Beast has been hideously scarred (on purpose), and suffers a -1cs reaction bonus. In addition, the Beast is always in a state of near rage due to its physical pain, and suffers a -1cs to reactions when it is - 75% of its health.

The Brotherhood of the Wolf: The Brotherhood of the Wolf is a secret society established by Father Henri Sardis and other well-connected nobles and gypsies from the Gévaudan region. The society is dedicated to forcing the French King to return to a more 'morale' path in service to the church. While strongly opposed by the church, the group continues to attempt to spread terror throughout the region through use of the Beast. While believed wiped out in the purge of 1764, it is unknown if it has been completely destroyed.

Doctor Samuel Loomis from 'Halloween' (Original)

Doctor Samuel Loomis


Doctor Samuel Loomis

F: Typ (6)
A: Typ (6)/Pr (4)
S: Typ (6)/Pr (4)
E: Gd (10)/Typ (6)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 28/20
Karma: 50
Popularity: 10/5 (In medical circles/to the general public)
Resources: Gd (10)


Dedicated to the point of obsession: Loomis has no powers, except his incredible will and desire to see Michael Myers destroyed. While not a power, Loomis has survived burns and terrible wounds that would incapacitate or at least slow down a normal person. Even after his last battle with Michael Myers, Loomis continues to fight to try to stop Myers, and although spiritually shatters, Loomis simply does not stop. For the purposes of game mechanics, Loomis may make a FEAT roll vs. Ex (20) intensity instead of a Psyche or Endurance FEAT when confronted with dire circumstances. This is to mirror Loomis's resolve. In addition, if Loomis is facing Michael Myers, Loomis gains a +1cs to all Reason, Intuition, and Psyche FEATS when dealing with his iconic foe. This effect does not negate nor grant resistances of any sort - It simply allows Loomis to continue when he should be stunned/dead/incapacitated.

Theoretically, Loomis had contacts within the medical field, and was at one considered a very well-respected member of the psychiatry community.

Smith Grove: Loomis has contacts with the hospital that incarcerated Michael Myers

Laurie Strode: If Laurie Strode is alive, Loomis may have contact with her.

Obsession: Simply put, Loomis is obsessed with stopping Michael Myers, recognizing the nature of evil in Myers. Loomis's obsession has often worked against him, and Loomis suffers a -1cs penalty when Myers is active in all social skills.

Infamous: Loomis's actions and obsession has also made him infamous in many circles, and many see him as 'damaged goods'

Decreased Physical attributes: Loomis suffers damage (and later a stroke) during his battles with Myers, hence the two sets of FASE stats. Loomis continues to suffer throughout the rest of the sequels, which is reflected in the first set of stats (around 'Halloween') and the second (around the 5th movie).

Daryl Dixon from 'The Walking Dead'

Daryl Dixon















Daryl Dixon

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 66
Karma: 36
Popularity: 5 (Among the Survivors)/-5 (Amid the remnants of Woodbury)
Resources: Pr (4)

Sharp Weapons
Knowledge: Survival
Knowledge: Post-Apocalypse Georgia
Knowledge: Walkers

Will to Live (or Lord loves a redneck): Like Rick Grimes and The Governor, Daryl has a desire to live that allows him to seemingly perform power-like effects, some of which seemingly are just dumb luck, while others are simply his unwillingness to break against the world of the living dead:

  • Dumb Luck: More than once Daryl has been saved by nothing short of dumb luck. In situations in which Daryl must make a Psyche or Endurance FEAT vs. death, walker bite, or traumatic injury (psychological or physical) Daryl may spend karma after the effect. Examples of this were during the search for Sophia, when Daryl was unconscious and regained consciousness just as walker attempted to bite him, which only succeeded in biting his boot. Several other instances throughout the series mirror this effect.
  • Resolve: Daryl has the ability to keep going even when faced with terrible trauma. Daryl can substitute his Endurance FEAT for his Psyche when situations present themselves, and can shake off stun effects with an Endurance FEAT. Mirrored most famously after he was injured from the fall during the search for Sophia and was shot in the same episode.
  • Iron Will: Goes without saying, that Daryl ignores damage and trauma with Gd (10) ability.
  • Fast Healer: Daryl regains Endurance ranks faster than a normal fellow survivor, allowing him to gain Endurance back as if he had a +1cs higher.

The Extended Atlanta Survivors, but specifically Rick Grimes and the remaining original group (Glenn, Carol, and Carl)

Devoted to his 'family': Daryl is devoted to his family, initially only to his brother Merle and then later the original Atlanta survivors. Daryl will place himself in danger if it means helping them, and refuses to give up even if the odds are against him (shown in the devotion to finding Merle in the ruins of Atlanta, the search for Sophia, and the search for Carol). When faced with choices between family and personal survival, Daryl will always choose family, or in most cases, what would be best for them.
Traumatic History: Daryl had a traumatic history which has been discussed in detail (and even shown in the video game featuring him). As such, Daryl has a hard time trusting anyone initially. When Daryl gives his trust, it is complete.

Daryl, like most of the survivors, uses whatever is at hand, but prefers two specific pieces of equipment: A Horton Scout HD 125 crossbow with modified scope and a Busse Team Gemini Knife, which has been him since the beginning.

Zombies from 'State of Decay'

Zombies from 'State of Decay'

Typical Zombie








F: Gd (10)
A: Pr (04)
S: Typ (06)
E: Gd (10)
R: Fe (02)
I: Gd (10)
P: Fe (02)

Health: 30
Karma: 14
Popularity: (In the SoD world) -50 (as a group, everyone hates them grinning smiley)
Resources: N/A




  • Undead State: SoD Zombies are similar to all other zombies, in that they are undead, incapable of being stunned, kill results (Except decapitation), toxins, poisons, or related attacks that can affect a normal, living human. SoD Zombies do not spread their contagion by bite, however, and they are not as slow or as limited as their counterparts in other zombie fictions.
  • Heightened Hearing: A SoD zombie has Gd (10) enhanced hearing, capable of hearing loud noises blocks away and determine the type as well as the direction. While the other senses are limited, SoD zombies are very perceptive of movement and sound, which can be used against them.
  • Horde: SoD Zombies can easily form larger packs or hordes, which consist of between 6 to 10 different groups. While the hordes can be dealt with and/or evaded, the hordes bolster the zombie's presence in an area, which in turn creates areas of 'infection'. 'Infected' are usually buildings or surrounding zones in which zombies have overrun the area and/or have at least 'screamer' zombie. The effect of an infection area is unique: It lowers the survivor psyche by -1cs until dealt with. The more hordes that appear, the greater effect and more infection zones.
  • Bursts of speed: Unlike shamblers of past zombie films, the SoD Zombies can run when agitated towards a target. The SoD Zombies can move 2 areas per round for a maximum of 4 areas before losing steam.

How to become a zombie?
Unlike regular zombie fiction, a simple bite won't turn a person, nor will catastrophic damage. Instead, the zombie animation process begins with the symptoms called 'The Black Fever'. The Black Fever's origin and source is unknown, but once an individual begins to show signs, they have between 1 - 3 days before they die. Within 1 - 5 combat rounds, the individual reanimates as a zombie, with the possibility of further enhancement occurring within 1 - 4 days. The contraction of the Black Fever seems random, as it affects different individuals of different backgrounds and abilities while ignoring ill or already bitten individuals.

Special Zombies

Either due to further 'deadvolution' or twists of fate, there are zombies that are 'different', and as such, present a greater threat. Let's meet some:

The Screamer

F: Pr (4)
A: Pr (04)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Fe (02)
I: Ex (20)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 18
Karma: 26

The Screamer possesses the following powers:
  • Standard SoD Zombie Attributes
  • 'Leadership': Hordes attract Screamers, either because the Screamer is already "chewed up'" or that they drive hordes. At rate, the Screamer is usually at the center of all infections and major areas of zombie activity. The Screamer is usually behind a wall of zombies, and usually heavily protected from some reason
  • The Scream: The real danger of the Scream is its piercing scream - A Rm (30) intensity stunning attack which can render most individuals prone for 1 - 2 rounds. The scream also has the added benefit of attracting all zombies within 1 - 3 areas, and granting them speed bonuses as if they are agitated. The Screamer can scream every two rounds, and if there are two, they can chain their screams accordingly.

Outside of the obvious reduction in attributes, the Screamer also no arms, and cannot manipulate any object or obstruction.

The Feral

F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Fe (02)
I: Rm (30)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 80
Karma: 36

Talents: None

The Feral is truly a monster, with the speed and ability to make it more than a match for the even seasoned survivor. The Feral is fast, relentless, and highly destructive in hand to hand combatant, and has the following abilities:
  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Tracking: Gd (10) ability to track opponents
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: The Feral has Gd (10) claws which halve effective body armor and can rend easily into human flesh
  • Feral Attack: The Feral is capable of bounding into an opponent, performing a one area charging attack requiring and immediate stun/slam check versus Ex (20) intensity. The Feral can perform an agility to land on top of the stunned opponent.

  • Solo Hunter: while the Feral can be encountered in groups of zombies, the Feral tends to be by itself, and incredibly rarely with other Feral.
  • Always Attacking: The Feral cannot stop itself from engaging a human, even if the odds are against it or it is wounded. The Feral immediately attacks, and cannot stop itself nor make any check to break away.

The Bloater (Also called The Rotter)

F: Pr (04)
A: Pr (04)
S: Fe (02)
E: Pr (04)
R: Fe (02)
I: Ex (20)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 14
Karma: 26

Talents: None

The danger of the bloater is that despite its slowness and obvious weakness, it remains one of the most dangerous and difficult zombies encountered. The Bloater has the following abilities:
  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Gas Bag: The Bloater's main ability is to close the distance between survivors and itself and then literally explode, releasing a Rm (30) intensity toxin which immediately works to weaken the survivor's FASE abilities for 1 - 10 rounds. The Bloater explodes with an area effect, creating a gas toxin that lingers for 1 - 6 rounds. Survivors caught in the explosion must make immediate Endurance FEATS or begin losing FASE (Which is easily recovered after the effects have worn off). Unfortunately, the survivor also loses Health scores related to the drop in FASE, and when surrounded by other zombies, it makes the Bloater incredibly dangerous. Even if the Bloater is picked off by a careful shot or trap, the toxic clouds are spawned for the appropriate time. On rare occasions, a Bloater can be successfully dispatched without exploding. This causes a chain reaction as the Bloater begins to swell until it explodes, which also releases the toxic cloud.

  • Obvious Appearance: As with all the special zombies, the Bloater has an obvious appearance
  • Self-Destructive: A bloater exists only to detonate itself, and as such, is extremely self-destructive.

The Big-Un (Juggernaut)

If the Feral is the most dangerous zombie for a single survivor to face, then the Big-Un is the zombie groups of survivor fear. The Big-Un is unstoppable, and is nicknamed 'The Juggernaut' for a reason....nothing slows it down, and few things stagger or stop it. To fight a Juggernaut one on one is suicide: They are the most phyiscally dangerous of the zombies, but they have major limitations to that strength and stamina.

F: Pr (04)
A: Pr (04)
S: Rm (30)
E: In (40)
R: Fe (02)
I: Pr (04)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 78
Karma: 10

Talents: None


  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Body Resistance: The Big-Un is extremely tough, capable of surviving a head-on collision with a extended cab truck driving at 100+ miles an hour with a build-up of more than 300 feet, with only being staggered, slightly. The Big-Un is considered to have Rm (30) body resistance, as it is the most physically powerful zombie on the block. The Big-Un has a greater vulnerability to area affects however, granting it only Gd (10) protection against physical.
  • Charge: unlike the Feral who deftly attacks to overwhelm, the Big-Un is a charge, capable of overturning vehicles and sending opponents flying. The Big-Un can charge up to two areas without slowing down, granting it +2cs to damage.
  • The Grab: The Big-Un can grab an opponent and will use what karma it has to perform a kill-result upon them, by literally pulling them apart. It's gruesome to see, and can be countered if other survivors can make successful bullseye attacks (Or resist the Big-Un's strength).

  • Obvious Appearance: As with all the special zombies, the Big-Un has an obvious appearance, a massive figure who can be spotted easily.
  • Outdoors Only: The Big-Un is so large it cannot navigate into buildings, and is only encountered in open areas. The Big-Un cannot navigate around objects, and suffers a -1cs to its agility to do so.

The SWAT/Army Zombie
The remnants of the area's SWAT teams (and later Army base), the SWAT/Army zombies are special zombies which have protective armor on as they turned, specifically Kevlar helmets and heavy impact armor. Although slightly different in appearance, the larger SWAT zombie is much more difficult to bring down than the slightly more agile Army zombie. Like the Screamer, these zombies are usually encountered amid groups, including large numbers of each other.

F: Gd (10)/Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)/Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)/Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Fe (02)
I: Gd (10)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 50/66
Karma: 20

Talents: None


  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Body Armor: Both the Army and SWAT zombies are clad in heavy Kevlar, including helmets, which make head-shots almost impossible. The body armor is of Ex (20) intensity. Both zombies are relatively physically powerful than the standard zombie, and as such, are not easily slammed by effects (Requiring Ex (20) or greater).

  • Obvious Appearance: As with all the special zombies, the SWAT and Army zombies are pretty easy to spot, even at a distance.
  • Slow moving: The SWAT and Army zombies do not have the same movement attributes as the standards, possibly due to some hampering of action from the body armor.

Nancy Archer from 'Attack of the 50' Woman' (1958)

Nancy Archer





















F: Pr (04)/Ex (20)
A: Typ (06)/Ex (20)
S: Pr (04)/Am (50)
E: Typ (06)/Am (50)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)/Typ (06)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 20/140
Karma: 22/18
Resources: Rm (30)
Popularity: 2 (in wealthy social circles), -5 (as the 50' woman)

Heir to Fortune*

Giantess: Nancy Archer has been exposed to unknown radiation/alien technology which has caused her to grow to 50' in height. Nancy's attributes and disposition have changed radically as she has grown, making her incredibly strong but incredibly mentally unstable. Nancy's new giantess form grants her the following:

  • Body Resistance: Nancy has gained In (40) Body Resistance against physical attacks and Rm (30) protection against energy attacks, except Electricity. Nancy's resistance to Electricity is merely Ex (20)
  • Enhanced Stats: Nancy's stats are broken down by two sets: The first set represents 'normal' Nancy, while the second set represents the 'giant' Nancy.
  • Area Attacks: Nancy can perform shock-wave attacks within a single area, and has one area reach due to her size.

Nancy had no real contacts, except her butler and familial connections. Nancy believed her husband Harry was her contact, but he actually wanted nothing to do with her.

Giantess: If Nancy is in her 'giantess' form, then she is permanently 50' tall. Nancy is permanently +2cs to hit due to her size, and suffers from Unusual Looks, being that she is a gigantic nearly nude woman (Although, strangely, she suffers no penalties for this the finger smiley)
Mentally Unstable: Nancy is mentally unstable, a condition which is made worse as she has become a giantess. Nancy suffers a -1cs to remain calm in tense situations, and must make checks to avoid becoming enraged.

Notes: See the original, avoid the remake.

Evan Rendell Jr. From 'Doctor Giggles'

Dr. Giggles













Evan Rendell Jr.

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 80
Karma: 70
Popularity: - 10 (Rendell is a known serial killer and his activities in his hometown of Moorehigh have been widely publicized).
Resources: Pr (04)

Sharp Weapons
Knowledge: Moorehigh Area
Unusual Weapon Experience: Medical Tools (Grants a +1cs bonus when using medical instruments or tools as weapons)
Hunting and Stalking
Knowledge: Hospital Procedures

Although Dr. Giggles has no real powers, he is a genius level intellect who is able to understand and grasp complex medical theory and practice, and is shown to be highly intelligent and capable. Although not expressly stated that his intelligence is any greater than genius, it is suggestive that his cunning combined with his knowledge makes him quite dangerous. Giggles iis shown to have greater than normal endurance, and a capacity for setting up elaborate deaths.

Dr. Giggles has no contacts or allies, as he tends to murder anyone who comes into his path, most originally.

Known Identity: everyone knows Evan Rendell Jr's identity, and are also aware of his history.
Wanted: Evan Rendell Jr. is a wanted murderer and criminal, and is actively being sought by law enforcement
Psychological Trademark: Laugh: Evan Rendell Jr. possesses a distinctive laugh that is both unconscious and present before, during, and after a murder, hence the nickname 'Dr. Giggles'

This town has a doctor and his name is Rendell
Stay away from his house cause he's the doctor from Hell.
He killed all his patients, every last one,
And cut out their hearts...purely for fun.
So if you're from Moorehigh and you get sick
Fall on your knees and pray you die quick.[/i]

Metaluna Mutant from 'This Island Earth' (1950)

Metaluna Mutant






















F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Rm (30)
E: Rm (30)
R: Pr (04)
I: Ex (20)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 90
Karma: 28
Resources: Pr (04)
Popularity: - 10 (To Metalunan survivors)


Mutational Physiology: Typical metaluna mutants have suffered from the damage done to their world due to the war with the Zagons. As such, the metaluna mutant has adapted to life amid the wreckage and destruction of their homeworld:

  • Armored Skin: The metaluna Mutant has an exoskeleton that provides Ex (20) protection against physical and Gd (10) protection against energy attacks.
  • Resist: Radiation: The Metaluna Mutant has an increased resistance to radiation, granting it Am (50) resistance to radiation.
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: The Metaluna Mutant has two pincer-like claws which allow it to grab and hold with +1cs. In addition, the Metaluna Mutant can do Ex (20) damage, halving body armor effectiveness.



Unusual Looks: The Metaluna Mutant suffers a -2cs reaction bonus due to its horrific nature
Violent: The Metaluna Mutant is violent and will lash out angrily at anyone in its path, requiring a Psyche FEAT not to attack/stalk opponents.

Morlocks from 'The Time Machine'

Typical Morlock














F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 60
Karma: 50
Popularity: 0*/- 50 (to the Eloi, who are fully aware of what the Morlocks are up to)
Resources: Pr (04) as Individuals, although they maintain and control upwards of Mn (75) materials and resources.

Group Tactics
Blunt Weapons


Adapted Physiology: Morlocks are adapted to their role in the dual nature of the future society encounted by the Time Traveler. Morlocks are eternally in darkness, and have adapted been adapted to the harder nature of supporting the Eloi. Morlocks have adapted the following abilities:

  • Darkvision: Morlocks are perfectly adapted to the darkness, and can see in nearly complete darkness wtih Ex (20) ability.
  • Resist: Cold: The Morlocks are covered in a fair degree of whitish hair, which grants them Gd (10) protection against temperatures.
  • Gang Rule: Morlocks are most effective in groups of 4 - 10. For each group of morlocks above 6, the group gains a beneficial bonus of +1cs to their fighting and agility, no health bonus. For every group of morlocks above 10, the group gains a +1cs to Intuition, reflecting on their ability to communally attack and coordinate actions.


Morlocks have no real 'contacts', but they are communal and could theoretically call upon their own kind for assistance.

Morlock Physiology: Morlocks suffer from many limitations due to their adapted physiology:
  • Unusual Looks: Morlocks are hideous, suffering a -2cs for reaction bonuses.
  • Light vulnerability: Morlocks suffer -2cs for actions taken in normal lighting conditions, and additionally suffer 10points per damage per round if exposed to light sources above Ex (20) ability
  • Predators: Morlocks are predators and require meat to survive, usually the Eloi, making them cannibals.

Notes: My take on morlocks are a combination of the original novel and the 1960 movie. There have been other excellent versions.

Andre Delambre from 'The Fly' (1958)

Doctor Andre Delambre















F: Typ (06)/Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)/Ex (20)
S: Typ (06)/Gd (10)
E: Gd (10)/ Rm (30)
R: Rm (30)/Gd (10)
I: Gd (10)/Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)/Pr (04)

Health: 32/70
Karma: 60/34
Popularity: 5 (In scientific circles)/-10 (Due to appearance)
Resources: Ex (20)

Electrical Engineering
Structural Engineering
Physical Engineering
Experimental Engineering

Dr. Delambre is a brilliant scientist who developed a means of teleportation. Unfortunately, a small housefly ended up within the machine, which combined the two beings into new configurations. The fly ended up with a tiny human head and arm, and Dr. Delambre ended up with a fly's head, arm, and brain. Delambre's statistics show the pre and post transformation aspects, with the following additional abilities:

  • Enhanced Vision: Dr.Delambre's head has been replaced by a fly's, and as such, gains Gd (10) enhanced vision, as well as circular vision.
  • Stealth: Despite his limited agility in his transformed state, Dr. Delambre has the ability to sneak up on individuals with Gd (10) ability
  • Horrific Visage: Dr. Delambre is hideous, and forces those who see him initial to make a Gd (10) intensity Psyche FEAT or be stunned for 1-4 rounds. The effect can only happen once.

Dr. Delambre's family is well-connected, and he can count on his wife Helene and brother Francois.

Humanoid Fly: Dr. Delambre cannot hide what he is, and must cover up with a hood and glove in order to do so. In addition, for each three days Dr. Delambre remains in his state, he loses -1cs Reason until reaching Fe (2). At such time, Dr. Delambre is ruled by his instincts, and will react accordingly. Dr. Delambre will seek to ensure this does not happen, and if reaching Pr (4), he will seek to end his life.

Alamo Joe from 'Werewolf' (1987)

Alamo Joe











Alamo Joe Rogan

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Typ (06)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 70
Karma: 56
Popularity: 0
Resources: Typ (06)

Knowledge: Bounty Hunting
Occult Lore*
Sharp Weapons
Knowledge: Southwestern United States
Knowledge: Bail Bondsman
First Aid

Indomitable Will: Alamo Joe isn't one to give up lightly, and he seems mostly non-reactionary to the situation he has found himself in. Most importantly, even when armed with the knowledge of what he is hunting and directly confronted with it, Joe doesn't seem to care or be affected by it. Joe can make an Ex (20) intensity power effect when confronted by situations that require a Psyche FEAT, such as horrific visages and/or the supernatural. While not necessarily a power, Joe seems to be adapted quite well.

Joe carries a variety of firearms, but favors a six-shot .357 Colt Python or older six-shooter pistols and rifles. Joe also is readily able to adapt to face the threat of Eric Cord, casting proper silver bullets accordingly.

Joe has contacts throughout the Southwestern United States including California within law enforcement, bail bondsmen, and associated groups. Joe is well-known throughout the community.

Dedicated to bring Eric Cord in:
Although it could be argued successfully that Joe is dedicated to stopping Eric Cord, the truth is simple: Joe is seeking to bring Eric Cord to justice. Although much like Philip Gerard in The Fugitive, Joe is not certain if Cord was responsible, Joe is dedicated to bringing him in.

Note: Lance LeGault was awesome as Joe. The show was awesome, and their take on werewolves was pretty cool...not to mention Chuck Connors as a bad guy!

The Tuunbaq from 'The Terror'

  The Tuunbaq represents the sort of remorseless, unstoppable evil that reminds me of the shark from Jaws with just the right amount of Lovecraft goodness that suggests that what you see is just what you perceive.

In essence, The Terror is about the doomed expedition of the Erebus and Terror, two real-life ships that were lost during the arctic exploration rush, and the fictitious events surrounding those two vessels. The Tuunbaq is a massive, monstrous creature that appears early and often as the ships are stuck in the ice, killing easily and disappearing into the ice. The Tuunbaq's appearance is described as a polar bear with a elongated neck (and the few pictures I found varied, hence no picture of it). I cannot describe how awesome the book is, and I strongly suggest people pick it up.

The Tuunbaq











F: Am (50)
A: Rm (30)
S: In (40)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Mn (75)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 170
Karma: 115
Resources: N/A
Popularity: 0*/-10/-20 (Normal popularity/ In occult circles/ In Inuit mystical circles)

Mystic Origin*


Inuit Soul Eater: The Tuunbaq is a Inuit demon, a devourer of souls (it is suggested in the book that its preference is human) and eater of flesh. The Tuunbaq is encountered as a large polar bear with an extended if not elongated neck, and seems impervious to damage. The FASERIP of the Tuunbaq represents the aspects of it in the mortal world at the time of its encounter with the crews of the Erebus and Terror. The Tuunbaq has shown the following attributes:

  • Invulnerability: The Tuunbaq is completely invulnerable to cold, disease, toxins, corrosives, and other forms of natural damage. While the Tuunbaq is shown to take damage, it either only does so when a maximum of Am (50) intensity damage has been done in a round. The Tuunbaq has not been shown of being able to be stunned or slammed, but it is possible and checks (especially for slam) should be made.
  • Immortality: Although the Tuunbaq is not expressly suggested to be supernatural (see the note at the end of the write-up), it is assumed that it is indeed an Inuit spirit, and as such, cannot be killed in conventional means.
  • Tracking: The Tuunbaq is capable of incredible feats of tracking, and does so with Rm (30) ability
  • Stealth: The Tuunbaq, despite its size, is incredibly stealth, capable of attacking and killing men who are on guard for it without ever raising a suspicion. As such, the Tuunbaq is considered to have Rm (30) stealth.
  • natural weaponry: Claws: The Tuunbaq's claws are shown in the novel to render reinforced wood, and can shred up to In (40) material strength. The Tuunbaq's claws halve effective resistances, invulnerability, and armor by half, as the Tuunbaq can easily pull a man apart in seconds without any effort.
  • Natural Weaponry: Bite: The Tuunbaq's bite treats like its claws, and does +1cs strength damage for the purposes of attack.
  • Soul Eater: If the Tuunbaq's mystical origins are to be believed, then the Tuunbaq is a soul eater. Those who suffer a kill result from the Tuunbaq must immediately make a Psyche FEAT vs. the Tuunbaq's psyche, regardless if a successful result vs. death is made. On a White FEAT, the Tuunbaq devours the soul of its victim up to -6cs, on a green result -4cs, Yellow result -2cs, Red result no psyche damage. For each successful 'soul attack', the Tuunbaq 'regenerates' Endurance ranks/Health. The attack, if successful, treats as a magical attack.


The Tuunbaq has no contacts, except for the sixam ieua, or spirit governors, who oversee the Tuunbaq.

Banishment: The Tuunbaq was supposedly banished by the Inuit Gods to the frozen north. For the purposes of consideration, it is suggested that the Tuunbaq cannot leave a specific geographic location of approximately 200 square miles, and may have additional restrictions.

Watched: The sixam ieua, or Spirit Governors are charged with watching the Tuunbaq and ensuring its captivity. The Tuunbaq cannot harm a sixam ieua, and the sixam ieua has some control over the Tuunbaq, although to be a sixam ieua requires a great sacrifice....

Pacified: The Tuunbaq can be pacified by the throat singing of a sixam ieua, rendering it as close to docile as it can be made.


This is more the novel version than the AMC 'The Terror' version. There is not much difference in scope - save the TV series I think overlooked the stealth options at times.

The Einwetok from 'Nomads' (1987)

The Einwetok

















F: Varies
A: Varies
S: Varies
E: Varies
R: Varies
I: Varies*
P: Varies
Health: Varies
Karma: Varies
Popularity: 0* (Although if recognized as what they are, it can run -5 for academics, -10 for mystics, and -20 for those knowledgeable about demonology/Inuit mythology).
Resources: Pr (4)

The Einwetok have a variety of skills, which is assumed to be because their group grows. The skills displayed or assumed to be possessed include the following:

Mystic Origin*
Most Fighting Skills, although rarely possessed by any one member.
Knowledge: Sites of Carnage
Knowledge: Violence in History
Knowledge: Inuit Lore
Knowledge: See Powers

Inuit Spirits of Violence: The Einwetok are Inuit spirits which dwell within the fringes of society, revel in violence and acts of carnage, and hunt down any who discover their true nature. While it is assumed that the Einwetok are simply fringe tricksters, they are vicious, capable predators who increase their numbers through what is assumed a psychic/physical attack which 'adds' to their tribe. The Einwetok have shown the following abilities:

  • Psychic Vampires: Unlike the traditional idea of the 'soul vampire' or something similar, the Einwetok seem to draw on fear and violence, converging on points where great acts of murder have occurred, and taunting innocent victims for the purposes of 'feeding'. The Einwetok draw on the energy of a place, which one assumes sustains them in place of food, rest, or healing. The Einwetok can draw energy from a place with Rm (30) ability, with no overt action necessary. The Einwetok mark a particular place with a 'shrine' for their own purposes.
  • Large Numbers: A typical Einwetok 'tribe' consists of between 8 and 20 members, each with their own ability FASERIP within the 'tribe', each member an Einwetok. Einwetok travel in these 'packs', usually through conventional means, and usually ignored by most of society. They Einwetok are not a collective - They are a group of violent spirits in human form with their own agendas and desires, but are bound by specific cultural and psychic needs, the more violent the action the better. It is why the Einwetok do not have a 'typical' set of stats - Members usually represent the gambit of humanity.
  • Predatory Senses: Einwetok seem to have some sort of enhanced senses, including the ability to determine specific 'presences' and scents with Ex (20) ability. Einwetok search out specific prey as a group, and when a specific individual is sought, they pursue that individual with RM (30) tracking ability.
  • Blending*: Not to be confused with the normal illusionary blending, this type of blending is more unique to an urban or society setting. Simply put, the Einwetok are ignored by most people, or are simply ignored by most society - overlooked as either homeless or violent gang members. It seems to be an actual powered effect, and the more members of the Einwetok present, the greater the presence is, which works at Ex (20) intensity level with an average group of 6 - 8.
  • Non-Detection: Along with the Einwetok's ability to be ignored by greater society, the Einwetok do not show up on conventional technological means. The Einwetok cannot be photographed or video-captured, they are simply not there. Mystical means or direct detection will reveal the Einwetok, but they cannot be recorded.
  • Einwetok Creation: Although not specifically stated, it is assumed that Jean-Charles Pommier becomes an Einwetok upon physical death. If this is the case, it would explain the various cultural members of the Einwetok, as members are 'added' to the collected tribe. If this is the case, then when a victim is selected, the Einwetok pursue that victim for between 3 -5 days. At the end of the time, the Einwetok physical kill the victim. Individuals who are near the victim upon their death can gain post-cognitive flashes and memories of the victim as they expire (assumed to be consumed/added to the Einwetok). Alternatively, as the Einwetok are simply spirits in human guises, they assume the guise of the most recent murder victim. For the purposes of mechanics, the Einwetok will target individuals who have either an Ex (20) Intuition or lower and/or a Ex (20) Psyche or lower.
  • Knowledge: Although not directly stated (but suggested in Director's Commentary), the Einwetok amass their knowledge from the human experience and through the possession/introduction/conversion/subversion/eating of their victims. As Einwetok are spirits of violence, it would safe to assume they are masters of it, but that is up to the GM as to their specific knowledge.

The Einwetok have contacts only with Einwetok.

The Einwetok have specific apparent limitations, some seemingly to do with how their specific groups work, which is fairly complex:
  • Attracted to places of violence: The Einwetok cannot help but be attracted to places of violence. This is how their are first identified and later discovered
  • Horrific visage: Although not really shown, it is assumed that the Einwetok look horrific in their 'real' spiritual forms, and suffer -2cs to all reactions.
  • True Nature: The Einwetok cannot hide what they truly are from anyone with the ability to see them, anyone who makes a successful Psyche FEAT (RM Intensity or higher), or their victims. The Einwetok will always be spotted by those who can see them.
  • Prey Specification: The Einwetok are clearly interesting in harassing/hunting those who know them. As such, the Einwetok will always pursue those individuals above all others.

Doctor Alexander Thorkel from 'Doctor Cyclops' (1940)

Doctor Alexander Thorkel


















Dr. Alexander Thorkel

F: Pr (04)
A: Typ (06)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Rm (30)
I: Gd (10)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 22
Karma: 60
Popularity: 0*
Resources: Rm (30)

Energy Research
Particle Physics
Knowledge: Current Scientific Trends
Knowledge: Famous Scientists
Knowledge: Home Area

Powers: None

Radiation Chamber: Thorkel has constructed a radiation chamber, which utilizes the natural and weird combinations of Radium and Uranium to shrink organic material. The chamber is large enough for about 6 - 8 people, which allows Thorkel to shrink his victims to 12''. The process for shrinking is over in 10 rounds, and once started, cannot be stopped through conventional means. Each victim must make an Endurance FEAT or be rendered unconscious vs. Am (50) intensity, a side-effect of the process. The victim will awaken within 1-10 rounds after the process has been completed. Penalties for being at a reduced size are listed within the advanced rules and are applied immediately.

Victims are not permanently shrunk, as the process is not completed. Victims will return to their normal sizes with 6 - 8 weeks, perhaps faster depending on additional options with no additional damage done. As Thorkel's device was incomplete prior to the events of the movie, any living creature shrunk prior to the film must make another Endurance FEAT vs. Death or begin the dying process. During and after the movie, Thorkel's device is completed, rendering it 'safe'.

Thorkel *may* still have some contacts within the scientific world prior to the film.

Thorkel is faced with several key limitations:
Arrogant: Thorkel is extremely arrogant, which grants a -1cs to any attempts to persuade or manipulate people. Thorkel believes himself superior intellectually, and that people are merely tools to be used.
Cold-Blooded Murderer: Thorkel is a cold-blooded murderer, and does not attempt to hide this fact nor does he feel remorse.
Nearly Blind: Thorkel is nearly blind, and requires thick glasses to see. Without his glasses, Thorkel is at a -4cs to any actions which requires visual perception, and his Intuition drops to Pr (04). In addition, Thorkel will not notice small details and perhaps miss essential clues or activities. During the movie, Thorkel looses a pair of glasses and has the remaining pair have a lens destroyed (Hence, he becomes a 'cyclops').

The Alien Horror from 'Horror Express' (1972)

The Alien Horror


























F: Various
A: Various
S: Various
E: Various
R: Mn (75)
I: Mn (75)
P: Mn (75)

Health: Various
Karma: 150
Resources: Variable*
Popularity: 0/-10 (Prior to encounter/Post Encounter)

The Alien Horror is able to absorb knowledge, memory, and skill from any creature it possesses or 'reads'. The Alien Horror has displayed the following skills, but it is assumed that it has access to a wider variety of knowledge and skill:
Knowledge: Alien Cultures
Knowledge: Human Prehistory
Knowledge: 19th Century nobility
Knowledge: 19th Century era culture

Alien Life-Form: The Alien Horror is a an energy-based life-form which was marooned on Earth about 20,000 years ago. Due to its unique nature, the Alien Horror cannot interact with the environment in its natural state: It must take a host in order to affect the majority of the physical world. Caught in the body of an early ancestor of modern man, the Alien Horror was frozen until inadvertently thawed in the early 20th century. The Alien Horror is assumed to have the follow abilities:

  • Energy State: The Alien Horror exists as a state of energy, and in its purest form, is immune to all physical types of damage and most standard energy forms.
  • Psionic 'Vampire': The Alien Horror can move freely from host to host, possessing them and draining their knowledge. As such, the Alien Horror is considered to have evolved with great psionic abilities. The Alien Horror can possess a host with Mn (75) ability, which also acts as Mind-Drain and Telepathy, as it devours the intellect of the host, killing them.
  • 'Zombie' Animation: Any victim drained by the Alien Horror can be 'raised' as a zombie-like servant, who is connected to the Alien Horror directly. The Alien Horror has been shown to be able to control upwards of 8 - 12 individuals at any given moment. The 'zombies' are not true undead in the traditional sense, and cannot be controlled through zombie control/undead control.
  • Total Memory: The Alien Horror retains all information it gains from hosts and victims, and can call upon that information easily with Mn (75) ability.
  • Linguistics: The Alien Horror can speak any language its hosts know, and maintainst these languages permanently.

The Alien Horror has no contacts

Limitations: Despite its nature and abilities, the Alien Horror has many limitations:
  • Host: The Alien Horror must have a host in order to affect things in the physical world. Once the Alien Horror has taken a host, the eyes of the affected drain completely of color, looking blank and white. In addition, when in low light, the primary host of the Alien Horror glows red, with the Alien Horror unable to hide or conceal this affect. Furthermore, should the host perish while the Alien Horror is inside of it, the Alien Horror must make a Psyche FEAT at -6cs, no Karma, in order to survive. Theoretically, the Alien Horror could jump to one of its minions, but as seen with the ending of the film, should the minions be destroyed, the Alien Horror cannot leave. Furthermore, the Alien Horror seems to have range in which it can affect a possession, usually line of sight or one area. The Alien Horror is also bound to its primary host's condition: For instance, the Alien Horror could not escape the initial host as it was frozen, thus conditions and powers like Suspended Animation could trap the Alien Horror indefinitely.
  • Bright Light: Either due to a weakness in its non-corporeal state or a side-effect of its possession, the Alien Host cannot leave or possess anyone while bathed in bright light. Furthermore, any activities are at a -2cs while bombarded by Bright Light of Ex (20) intensity or greater.

The Wing Gremlin from 'Twilight Zone'

'There's something on the wing...'

The Wing Gremlin





























The Gremlin

F: Rm (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 120
Karma: 70
Popularity: 0*
Resources: Fe (2)

None Displayed

Gremlin Physiology: The Gremlin has a unique physiology that allows it to exist at high altitudes and greater resistances to damage. The Gremlin has the following attributes:

  • Body Resistance: The Gremlin has Ex (20) resistance to damage and Gd (10) reistance to energy. Although the Gremlin in the series is being shown to be brought down by a .38 pistol, the short story and subsequent appearance in the movie shows it to be resistant to small arms fire.
  • Resist: temperatures: The Gremlin is assumed to have Ex (20) protection against temperatures and environmental extremes, as it is easily able to exist upwards of 20000 feet without issue.
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: The Gremlin has claws which do Rm (30) damage, halving effective body armor and material strengths.
  • Wall-Crawling: The Gremlin can crawl along surfaces with Rm (30) ability, able to remain upright and adhered without any issue.
  • 'Gliding': The Gremlin lives on the air currents at high altitudes, able to move with Am (50) ability and speed, capable of catching up to a DC-10 or 747 without any issue. The Gremlin needs to make an Agility FEAT check in order to land on a moving craft.


Hideous Appearance: The Gremlin has a hideous appearance, forcing a one round -1cs check when spotted.
Agent of Chaos: The Gremlin is obsessed with destroying aircraft, and is drawn to storms where it lies in wait and attacks passing craft, for no real reason. The Gremlin cannot be easily reasoned with, and chooses not to communicate.
Discovery: If the Gremlin is discovered or uncovered, the Gremlin will attempt to taunt the observer, requiring a Psyche FEAT to resist. If the Gremlin is in danger of being revealed to more than one person, it will leave immediately.

Diana 'Sugar' Hill from 'Sugar Hill' (1974)

Diana 'Sugar' Hill



















Diana 'Sugar Hill

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 46
Karma: 60
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: 0

Occult Lore*
Knowledge: Area
Knowledge: Rituals
Knowledge: Voodoo

Powers: Voodoo Priestess: Although not initially a voodine, Sugar makes a deal with Baron Samedi to gain power in exchange for her soul. Sugar is granted mystical powers, which allow her the following abilities:

  • Zombie Animation: Sugar can raise and control the dead with Rm (30) ability. Bodies must be prepared properly according to tradition in order the ritual to work, and Sugar must make a power FEAT in order to successfully raise someone initially. Later on, Sugar must simply make a FEAT check and requires no additional preparation.
  • Undead Control: Baron Samedi has granted Sugar the ability to control undead raised by himself or others with Rm (30) ability. Sugar simply needs to make a power FEAT in order to take control of the zombies in question.
  • Ritual Magic: Sugar has gained the abilities of an experienced voodoo priestess, and is considered to have sympathetic magic of Rm (30) ability.
  • Spiritual Connection: Sugar is connected to Baron Samedi due to the deal that they have made. As such, Sugar is 'protected' by Baron Samedi until such time that the specifics of the deal have been met (Sugar's soul in this case). In such cases, Baron Samedi is treated as an ENTITY PATRON of Sugar, and will act on her behalf.

Sugar has connections through her inherited club, The Haiti Club, and also has a connection with Baron Samedi.

Driven by Revenge: Sugar is driven to get revenge for her boyfriend, and will do whatever it takes in order to do so.
Pact with Baron Samedi: Sugar has promised her soul to Baron Samedi in a pact for power. As such, when her revenge is completed, Sugar's soul (or someone similar) is forfeit to the Baron. Sugar doesn't seem to be too bothered by this, as seen in the movie.

The Birds from 'The Birds'

The Birds

Game Effect:

The event which drove the birds into a killing frenzy is unknown, but whatever it is, it has united all forms of birds into attacking humanity with no care to themselves. The birds seem to communicate as a single flock: able to spot and coordinate with reach other with no care to individual or traditional flock safety. MSH Advanced Handbook lists a flock of ten birds as having the following attributes:

F: Gd (10) A: TY (06) S: FB (02) E: Ty (06) R: FB (2) I: Pr (04) P: Fb (2)
Health: 24 Karma: 8

With the increased numbers, the flock grows like an organic creature, increasing statistics for every +10 birds in the immediate area. A flock of birds is treated as its own entity, although it is not a group/hive mind or anything like that. The flock simply continues until such time that it is dispersed down to about 10, either by force or choice.

The flock, made up mostly of crows, gulls, sparrows, and other native birds add 10 Health for every 10 Birds within an area, while capable of doing 2 pts per hit with every attack. The larger 'flock' has the following attributes:

F: +1cs per every 20 birds
A: +2cs per every 20 birds
S: +1cs per every 50 birds*
E: +1cs for every 100 birds
R: +1cs for every 20 Birds
I: +1cs for every 20 Birds
P: +1cs for every 20 Birds

Each bird can individually fly 4 areas/round, hence the flock can move at 4 areas per round. Furthermore, the birds seem to communicate with each other, showing a greater than normal intelligence the more birds are present. The more birds in the flock, the greater danger the flock becomes, and with the endless supply of birds and the willingness to sacrifice large numbers to destroy and murder humanity, they can become a formidable enemy.

The birds will attack in upwards of 20 - 30 at a time, doing 2 pts per damage directly (edged) to an opponent. While not necessarily a problem at 2 pts at a time, the birds will also attempt to blind and/or overwhelm an opponent (as they did to Suzanne Pleshette). The Birds will also attempt to attack smaller, easier targets first, showing some degree of selective thinking. In essence, the flock will wear down opponents by overwhelming them, sacrificing numbers to break into hiding places or vehicles, and generally swarm around. The flock seems perfectly willing to wait for appropriate times to attack, as seen in the sequence at the elementary school, as well as the attack in Bodega Bay. At the same time, the reasoning and motives remain mysterious.

The Captain Trips superflu from 'The Stand'

Captain Trips (Project Blue)

The Project Blue virus, nicknamed Captain Trips, is a variation of the Spanish Influenza virus, weaponized as part of an army experiment. The Captain Trips virus is completely lethal to humanity with a .6% survivability rate. Death usually occurs within 1 - 3 days after the victim begins showing traditional (if not accelerated) flu symptoms. High fever, nausea, dehydration, and fatigue ensue, until the body simply begins to shut-down. Captain Trips remains capable of surviving in airborne environments for up to twelve hours, and is highly infectious from simply skin to skin contact.

.6% of the population is naturally immune to Captain Trips, and it is highly suggested (in the TV Mini-series at least) that most of the children born post-Trips are immune to the super virus. In the novel, it is not as clear that a natural immunity passes from parent to child, but it is suggested.

Game Mechanics
Upon exposure to the Captain Trips virus, a character must first make an percentile dice roll. A result of 99 - 100 naturally means the character is immune to the Captain Trips virus, as they are a member of the .6% population who are completely immune.

Once a character has come into contact with an infected person, they must make an immediate Endurance FEAT vs. Amazing (50) intensity. The FEAT roll determines the length of time between exposure and 1st stage of the virus and is used to determine how long a character has before they begin to show immediate symptoms of the virus:
  • White: Signs of infection begin within 3 rounds of exposure, character suffers an immediate -2cs to all Endurance FEATs until death.
  • Green: The character will begin to show signs anywhere between 10 - 15 hours
  • Yellow: The character will begin to show signs anywhere between 24 and 48 hours
  • Red: The character will show signs between 48 - 100 hours.

Once infection begins, the character must then make an additional Endurance FEAT vs. Am (50) intensity to determine the length of time between initial infection and death. The infection moves incredibly quickly, and those that cannot make the intensity FEAT will begin the dying process as if they had made a White Endurance FEAT.
  • White: The character will begin the dying process between 1 - 100 rounds of 1st state infection.
  • Green: The character will begin the dying process between 1 - 3 days of infection, and will be at a progressive penalty to Endurance checks (-2cs) as Captain Trips progresses.
  • Yellow: The character will begin the dying process within 3 -6 days of infection, and will suffer from a -1cs to all Endurance Feats.
  • Red: The character will begin the dying process between 6 - 10 days of contracting the infection. Character will not suffer additional penalties to their Endurance initially.

Characters with Resist: Disease
As Captain Trips has shown to be an adaptive virus which was specifically weaponized for its lethality, anyone with Resist: Disease will find their resistances at 50% effectiveness.

Surviving Captain Trips:

It is possible to survive Captain Trips amid a world of super-humans. Should a character have immunity to disease, they are simply not affected. In addition, any character with Mn (75) Endurance or better or greater than Am (50) Resistance to disease have greater resistances. In such cases, the roll made to see if natural immunity is decreased from 99 - 100 to 50 - 100. Should the character survive more than 12 days with the virus, they can begin to recover Endurance ranks as normal and regenerate damage. The side-effect is that such characters become 'carriers' of Captain Trips as it remains active in their systems. This is all speculation on my part, taken from notes about the book from the complete edition, the comic, and other sources.


This is my 'best stab' at the Captain Trips Virus, and perhaps up there with Cthulu on contention for my part. I tried to keep the idea of how it would affect super-humans, but again, that's speculation on my part. The lethality of the virus however is as close as I could make it, as it did effectively destroy mankind as it stood at that point.

Eugene Victor Tooms from The X-Files Episode 'Squeeze'

F: Ex (20)
A: In (40)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 100
Karma: 50
Popularity: 0 (Prior to being captured)/- 10
Resources: Pr (04)

Knowledge: Animal Control Operations
Law Enforcement: Local
Knowledge: Baltimore Area
Knowledge: Chimney Sweep
Knowledge: Human Anatomy
Knowledge: Quick Study

Mutant: Eugene Tooms is believed to be a mutant, whose unique mutations grant him a malleable body, increased reflexes, strength, and endurance, as well as having a low metabolic rate. Tooms's unique physiology grants him several abilities and powers:
  • Plasticity: Tooms has Pr (4) plasticity, allowing him to fit through small entrances and passages that would be impossible for a normal human. Tooms's bones seem to be very elastic, allowing Tooms to squeeze into areas much like a snake.
  • Lower Metabolic Rate: Tooms's metabolism is several times lower than a normal human, granting him an extended lifespan and possibly other abilities. As such, Tooms can enter a state of suspended animation for thirty (30) years at a time, emerging for short periods to gather resources and foodstuff.
  • Natural Predator: Tooms is a natural predator, having greater than normal senses at Gd(10). Tooms can detect prey in near darkness and by sound.
  • Natural Weaponry: Tooms can tear into a human body rather easily, able to do so within seconds to retrieve vital organs (specifically the liver). Tooms's attack is considered Ex (20) intensity.
  • Bile Production: Toomes excretes bile when preparing for hibernation, building a 'nest' of sorts in small, hard-to-reach area. Tooms's bile hardens to Gd (10) material strength within 1 - 10 rounds.

Tooms has no contacts

  • Prey Dependency: Tooms must have the iron-rich livers of humans in order to survive, and hunts with viciousness during his wake cycle. As such, Tooms will go to great lengths to acquire food'.
  • Known Serial Killer: After his capture in Squeeze, Tooms is revealed to be a known psychopath and probably serial killer, and has been publically identified as both. Tooms also follows certain serial killer behaviors, such as trophy collecting.
  • Enemies: Although Tooms is incredibly careful, Tooms has made enemies among law enforcement, including ultimately Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

Frank Brayker from 'Demon Knight' (1995)

Frank Brayker












F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Am* (50)

Health: 70
Karma: 76
Resources: Pr (04)
Popularity: 0

Occult Lore*
Sharp Weapons
Improvised Weapons
Knowledge: The Key
Knowledge: 20th Century History
Knowledge: Demonology

Bearer of the Key:
Frank Brayker was the most recent bearer of one of the seven keys of creation, and as such, has many benefits and abilities conveyed from it. The Key is a reliquary of sorts, containing the trace blood of Jesus as well as all of the other bearers from the time it was initially filled. The bearers of the key have the following abilities:

  • Incarnation Awareness: Although not truly incarnation awareness in the traditional sense, each bearer is shown the history of the key and all hands of those who the key has passed through. As such, each bearer leaves a degree of themselves (literally) within the key, and ultimately pass into the current bearer. This explains the Am (50) Psyche, as well as the Occult Lore skill, which is somewhat inherited.
  • True Sight: The Bearer of the Key has the ability to perceive creatures as they really are, as shown with Brayker and ultimately Jerilyne recognizing the Collectors. The Bearer is considered to have this ability at Ex (20)
  • Recovery: The Bearer can be wounded and even mortally injured, but they recover from most other wounds and damage far faster than a normal human being, with Ex (20) ability, allowing them to recover endurance ranks fairly quickly.
  • 'Immortality': The Bearer does not age while in possession of the key, and they will maintain their youth at the time that they received the key and became the Bearer until such time that it is ready to pass from their hands. Brayker was a veteran of World War One, receiving the Key during the height of the war. The Bearer is not 'truly' immortal, as they can be killed and are
  • Demonic Detection: The Bearer can always tell when a demon is present within three areas. The detection is only for demons, and it is assumed that it will not function for other types of mystical creatures.The Bearer can detect demons with Am (50) ability and up to three areas.

Frank Brayker has no real contacts

Bearer of the Key: Frank is the bearer of a powerful mystic artifact which is being sought by powerful demons. Frank cannot disguise who he is from them, and he is considered to not just have enemies, but is actively being pursued.
Limited Means: Frank is transient as he must continually be on the move.

The Key














The Key is a powerful artifact which is tied directly to the bearer. One of seven keys, the Key is the last key not obtained by the forces of darkness, who desire it above all else as it would allow them to plunge the universe into chaos and shadow. The Key radiates mystical power, allowing anyone with Gd (10) mystical detection to determine what it is. Anyone with true sight, postcognition or Danger Sense will need to make a Psyche FEAT vs. Ex (20) intensity due to mystical nature of the key. Those failing will be a penalty while in the presence of the key (An area effect, -2cs). The Key is made of simple materials (Brass more than likely fitted with tempered glass), but it is protected as if it is made of Cl1000 Material. The key cannot be destroyed in conventional means. The key is a potent artifact, with the following known properties:

  • Demon Warding: When blood is drawn out of the Key, it can be used to seal doorways, windows, and entrances with a Mn (75) level ward. Demons cannot cross the ward so long as the key is active. Humans and other beings can cross the wards without incident, although as seen, should the key cross its own wards they drop. It takes a few drops to seal a simple door, a great deal more in order to seal larger spaces.
  • Sanctification: The blood within the key is considered sanctified, and as such, remains in its liquid form and does Rm (30) damage to tainted or supernatural creatures based upon the opposing Psyche. Should a creature have greater than Am (50) Psyche, the damage increases, as seen in the differences between the possessed and summoned demons.
  • Bearer: The key chooses its bearer, which is usually done under certain conditions and signs. The Bearer is fully aware when they are entering a situation in which they could die or that the key must be passed.

The Key is limited to how much blood it contains. If the movie is correct, then the key can hold upwards of 6 quarts or more, depending. While the Key does not look like it can hold this amount, it seems capable of doing so. The Key must be 'recharged' through the complex ritual that extends between a new Bearer and the previous one (See Below)

Changing Bearers:
While anyone can hold the key, only one Bearer benefits from the additional abilities and immortality at a time. The Bearer is usually chosen by fate: Usually tied to specific signs and events, the old Bearer becomes aware that their time is limited. Once a current Bearer is mortally wounded, the chosen Bearer is told (and shown) the events surrounding the Key's creation. The new Bearer then drains the blood of the old Bearer into the key, recharging it. Upon the acceptance of the task, the Bearer gains the enhanced abilities and powers, and the old Bearer dies.

Tallahassee from 'Zombieland' (2009)


'Time to nutt up or shut up'















F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 76
Karma: 36
Popularity: 0
Resources: Pr (04)

Blunt Weapons
Sharp Weapons
Improvised Weapons
Knowledge: Zombies
Knowledge: Southern Culture
Knowledge: Tracking
Knowledge: Bill Murray Films
Knowledge: Survival
Twinkies Philosophy

Bad-Ass Zombie-Killer: Unlike other characters trapped in a zombie apocalypse, Tallahassee is the sort of figure that actually thrives in the environment, and you just know that he's not going to be bit, eaten, or caught without some sort of way out. Either through the fact that he has found his chosen calling or the fact of redneck luck, Tallahassee is without a doubt one of the greatest zombie killers that has ever graced film, TV, or books. Tallahassee has the following effects, which are not really powers:

  • Zombie-Enemy: Tallahassee is +1cs to attacking zombies with anything on hand, able to get bullseyes with green results. Tallahassee can kill non-sentient zombies with a Red FEAT, and will spend karma to do it. Tallahassee also is not affected by any of the psychological effects of zombies, such as moaning, appearance, etc.
  • Dumb Luck: Tallahassee has the same dumb luck ability that Daryl Dixon has, in that when the odds are against him, Tallahassee can spend karma after a dice roll, in zombie-related combat effects. In addition, Tallahassee has the ability to find resources in the nick of time, such as a truck full of guns and/or Bill Murray. If Tallahassee is without resources, he can make an Intuition check to spot something like the aforementioned gun-truck-depot.
  • No Biters: Tallahassee will either intentionally or unintentionally spend karma to prevent zombies from biting him, even if faced with insane groups.
  • Situational Awareness: When facing zombies (and only facing zombies), Tallahassee will intuitively aware the best ways in and out of a place, the best place for an ambush, and the best place for a last stand. This only works when facing zombies, as he was caught by a 12 year old girl by surprise.

Tallahassee has contacts with the other survivors - Columbus, Little Rock, and Wichita. 

Tallahassee would have been able to use him as a contact as well, probably.

Hatred of Zombies: Tallahassee really hates zombies, due to the loss of his son, and will take his aggression out on them in unique ways (Door to the head/banjo zombie are two really good examples). Tallahassee will not hesitate to plow through a group of zombies if given opportunity.
Loyalty: Although unwilling to admit it openly at first, Tallahassee is incredibly loyal to his fellow survivors, even going on the suicide-level mission to save Wichita and Little Rock.
Twinkies: Tallahassee is on a quest to get twinkies, and will almost endanger himself to do so:
There's a box of Twinkies in that grocery store. Not just any box of Twinkies, the last box of Twinkies that anyone will enjoy in the whole universe. Believe it or not, Twinkies have an expiration date. Some day very soon, Life's little Twinkie gauge is gonna go... empty.


Ghosts of the Titanic


















F: N/A
A: N/A
S: N/A
E: N/A
R: Rm (30)
I: Am (50)
P: Mn (75)

Health: 0* (See Below)
Karma: 155 (See Below)
Resources: N/A
Popularity: 0*

As the 'presence' of the collected deceased passengers have created an 'entity', it theoretically has access to the specific skills of each passenger and subsequent victim. This skills are often used only when the mass as a whole is active, and are only used when the whole is in action.

Gestalt Spiritual Mass: The spirits of the victims of the Titanic have become a united presence, determined to protect the tomb-like interior from any who seek to steal directly from the dead. The united spiritual energies of the ghosts include well over 2000 separate entities, who are all united in the defense of their final resting place. These spirits do not have form or mass individually, but as a whole can affect the living world. The presence has the following abilities:

  • Telepathy: The Presence can read the minds of all who are near the wreck with Am (50) ability, and use this knowledge to play upon the fears, doubts, and mistrust of all parties who seek to raid the interior of the ship. The victims must make a Psyche FEAT vs. RM (30) intensity to even notice that they are being 'read', although psychics, those with the ability to see spirits, or those who have encountered the 'presence' before can recognize it.
  • Image Solidification: The Presence can create constructs and creatures of solid mass and ability, ranging from full rooms aboard the doomed ship to giant squids and monstrous sharks. The 'Presence' can do this with Mn (75) ability, and can empower these constructs with appropriate FASE equal to the power rank and within the limits of a subject/victim's fear. Solid objects will not be 'alive' in the traditional sense, as their are only the manifestation of the 'Presence's' ability, and will not give off a 'scent' or any other normal sensory abilities until encountered (They will show up on Radar/Sonar, especially if the chosen victim is watching).
  • Environmental Control*: The Spirit 'Presence' can control the environment surrounding the wreck and the areas above it, including weather patterns, with Mn (75) ability. The 'Presence' even causes a non-season hurricane around the region in order to prevent the 'theft' of objects.
  • Theft Detection: The 'Presence' will know if objects are stolen from the interior of the ship, which is considered to be 'the resting place' of the dead. In essence, if any object or group of objects totaling over Ex (20) Resource value are removed, the 'Presence' will sense this, activate, and follow that person and affect the area around them to the limits of the 'range'. The 'Presence' will stop at nothing to not only punish those who would disturb the rest, but who would desecrate the resting place.
  • Spirit Storage*: The area is saturated with the spirits of the dead. Any who die in the region (Such as the ill-fated 1975 expedition) will join the dead in their restless vigil. Those who travel by Astral means or who perish while in the area must make opposed Psyche FEATs in order to escape the region, once it is active.

The Presence itself: The Presence has many limitations tied directly to its nature:
  • Geographically Tied: The 'Presence' is tied to the wreck of the Titanic itself, and cannot venture beyond 10 geographic square miles from wherever the ruins rest.
  • Inactive: The 'Presence' and the restless dead are not active usually. Only under the following conditions are they active: When someone who is seeking to rob the interior is present, when an escaped thief is in the area, and when other psychics are present. At other times, the collected spirits do not bother, hence why Ballard was not attacked. Artifacts outside the ship or in the debris field are not a concern to the collected spirits - It's the inner vaults that it cares about.
  • Vengeful: The spirits are very vengeful, and will attempt to reclaim any looted items but more importantly, anyone who has escaped the collected souls previously. The 'Presence' will target the majority of its wrath on specific individuals, and will attempt to draw them into situations in which they 'join' the rest of the dead.