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Showing posts with label Marvel Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel Character. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Nocturne from 'Marvel - The Lost Generation'


















F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Rm (30)
E: In (40)
R: Ex (20)
I: In (40)
P: In (40)

Health: 120
Karma: 100
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: -20 in own era


  • Occult Lore
  • Chemistry
  • Robotics
  • Guns
  • Alchemy
  • Medicine
  • Martial arts: A
  • Crime*

Nocturne was a vampire, who through the use of science and the Alchemical formulas of Diablo was able to shed some of his curse. As such, Nocturne had the following powers:

  • Hypnotism: Requiring eye contact, Ex (20) ability
  • Flight: Like Baron Blood, Nocturne's ability to change into a bat was lost, allowing him to fly with Ex (20) ability
  • Body Transformation: Fog: Nocturne could transform his body into fog with Rm (30) ability
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: Rm (30) ability
  •   Natural Weaponry: Fants: Rm (30) ability

Nocturne also used a combination of science and technology in various alchemical mixtures. Among these mixtures was the ability to create a series of homocule soldiers.

F: Gd (10) A: Gd (10) S: Ex (20) E: Ex (20) R: fe (2) I Pr (4) P: Pr (4)
H: 60 K: 10

The Yellow Claw
Various Criminal organizations and groups


  • Vampire: Early in Nocturne's career, he was very careful to hide his vampiric state, go so far as using a specific weapon to cover his feeding. Until many years after his debut, Nocturne suffered from the traditional vampire limitations. Shortly after his discovery of the sleeping Diablo did Nocturne overcome these limitations.
  • Hunted: The First Line: Nocturne was considered to be the most dangerous villain of his day, and as such, was pursued relentlessly.
  • Enemy: The Black Fox: Nocturne's worst enemy was the Black Fox, who swore to kill him one day for the role Nocturne played in the death of the Black Fox's only love.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Mako from 'Marvel - The Lost Generation'














No other name known

F: In (40)
A: Ex (20)
S: In (40)
E: Rm (30)
R: Typ (6)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 130
Karma: 56
Resources: Typical (due to government)
Popularity: 15 in own era.


Underwater Combat
Knowledge: Atlantean Culture

Altered Clone: Mako has the following attributes

  • Body Resistance: Ex (20) protection from physical attacks, Gd (10) protection from Energy.
  • Resist: Cold: Ex (20) protection vs. cold
  • Water Breathing
  • Water Freedom
  • Hyper Swimming: Rm (30)
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: Mako could rend with her claws, doing Rm (30) damage and halving body armor.
  • Natural Weaponry: Teeth: Mako's bite did Rm (30) damage.
  • Beserker - Ex (20)

The First Line

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Gadfly from 'Marvel - The Lost Generation'














Ruth McCrae

F: Ex (20)
A: Am (50)
S: Ex (20)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 120
Karma: 60
Popularity: -10 In own era
Resources: Typ (6)

Knowledge: Hero/Villain

Danger Sense: In (40)
Hyper Leaping: Gd (10)
Wall Crawling: Ex (20)
Hyper Speed: Ex (20)

Captain Hip: Father
Sunshine: Mother
The First Line: Loose affiliation

Unusual Looks: Gadfly had slightly pale-purplish skin and white pupiless eyes
Secret ID: No one knew that Gadfly was Ruth McCrae
Criminal Record: Gadfly had a criminal record, nothing serious, just enough to be considered wanted.
Secret: In love with the Black Fox: Gadfly was secretly in love with the Black Fox, and had deduced his identity, adopting the identity of Gadfly to have him notice her.

Reflex from 'Marvel - The Lost Generation'













F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Typ (6)
E: Ex (20)
R: Typ (6)
I: Gd (10)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 66
Karma: 26
Resources: Gd (10)
Popularity: 15 as member of the First Line

Knowledge: Super Heroes/Villains

Reflection Field: Reflex possessed a reflection field which would redirect attacks or kinetic energy back at their attacker. Reflex seemed only to be able to affect physical attacks, as energy attacks were only lessened in intensity rather than reflected. Reflex possessed this field at In (40) intensity.

The First Line

Secret ID

Reflex was an abrasive member of the First Line, who along with the majority of the group died during the abortive Skrull invasion.

Sunshine from 'Marvel - The Lost Generation'












Autumn MacRae

F: Typ (6)
A: Typ (6)
S: Typ (6)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (6)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 28
Karma: 36
Resources: Typ (6)
Popularity: 5 in own era


Emotion Control: In (40).

Captain Hip (Husband)
Gadfly (Daughter)
The First Line


  • Secret ID: Sunshine's identity was secret
  • Distrustful of Authorities: Both Captain Hip and Sunshine were completely distrustful of The Man, occasionally bringing them into conflict with other members of the First Line

Yeti from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'


















Real Name Unknown
F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Am (50)
E: Am (50)
R: Pr (4)
I: Rm (30)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 150
Karma: 44
Popularity: 10 in own era
Resources: Pr (4)


Body armor: Rm (30) protection vs. physical and cold, Gd (10) protection from energy.
Recovery: Ex (20) recovery
Natural Weaponry: Claws: Rm (30) edged damage, Yeti can halve the body armor rank in half up to his claw's damage.

Unnamed Skrull contact: Yeti was so enamored with her that he left the final battle with the First Line with the dead Skrull's body.
The First Line

Unusual Looks: Yeti is a monstrous looking figure
Beserker: Yeti regresses to an almost feral state, reducing his intellect further to Fe (2). For Yeti to come out of this state, he will need to make a yellow FEAT at Fe (2).


Yeti's background and history are a thing of debate. Either Yeti is a member of a species of Yeti, first encountered by the Silver Surfer, or he is an Inhuman. Regardless, Yeti was a loyal member of the First Line until he was seduced by a Skrull infiltration expert. While not betraying the team, Yeti left the final battle after his 'love' was killed, taking her body with him as he retreated. Yeti reappeared in an issue of X-Men: The Hidden years, but sadly as of this write-up, I've not read it.

Monday, August 31, 2020

The Living Mummy from Marvel Comics

The Living Mummy





















 F Rm 30
A Pr 04
S Rm 30
E Mn 75
R Typ 06
I Typ 06
P Rm 30
Health: 139
Karma: 42
Resources: Sh 0 (0)
Popularity: -5/0

Mystic Origin*
Ancient History
Ancient Culture
Weapon Set: Egyptian
Weapon Set: African
Religion: Egyptian

Undead: N’Kantu is undead, being converted into a mummy from life still possessing his own mind and Ba. As such, his state grants him specific attributes:

  • Immortality: Unless N’Kantu’s missing Kanopic jars are found and broken, N’Kantu is virtually Immortal.
  • Body Resistance: N’Kantu is granted a greater degree of physical resistance at Rm (30) vs. Physical/Energy
  • Invulnerability: N’Kantu is invulnerable to Toxins, Disease, and normal temperatures
  • Self Sustenance: N’Kantu no longer needs to eat, breathe, or sleep.
  • Fear Generation: N’Kantu’s visage is horrifying to behold, and requires a green Psyche FEAT at Gd (10) upon first seeing him.
  • Immunity: Stun: The Living Mummy cannot be stunned.

The Living Mummy has no real contacts.

Due to the special chemicals that have preserved N’Kantu, Fire and Heat do an additional +1cs damage to him. If dropped below 0 Health, N’Kantu becomes Inert until such time as the chemicals restore themselves.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Gambit, the mutant thief (A Pre-2000 Write-up)

F RM (30)
A IN (40)
S GD (10)
E IN (40)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 120
Karma: 70
Resources: Typ (6)
Popularity: 0

Thief*, Crime, Acrobatics, Tumbling, MA: A,
MA: C, Blunt Weapons, Trivia: X-Men
Protocols, Trivia: Marauder Protocols, Trivia:
Thieves Guild Protocols

Kinetic Charge: Gambit is capable of embuing non-organic materials with kinetic energy, causing them to explode with great force. Gambit can imbue items up to Mn (75) ability, limited by the size of the object and the limits of Gambit’s endurance. Gambit can control the charge in an object, and has developed the following Power Stunt:
  • Card Toss: Gambit can toss a charged card with IN (40) Kinetic charge up to one area.
Regeneration*: Gambit apparently is capable of healing from grievous wounds with Gd (10) ability Latent Psionic: Gambit has latent psionic abilities, which include:
  • Psi- Screen: Am (50)
  • Emotion Control: Gd (10)
Collapsible Staff: Am (50) Mat Str, Rm (30) Blunt Damage. Gambit can focus his Kinetic Charge through his staff without Damaging for impact effect.

X-Men (High), Rogue (High), Courier (Mid)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

George Batroc - Batroc the Leaper

Batroc the Leaper



























Georges Batroc

F: In (40)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 100
Karma: 50
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: - 10/0

Martial Arts A, B, C, D,E, Multi-Lingual, Military, Survival, Crime, Detective/Espionage, Knowledge: AIM, Knowledge: Hydra, Knowledge: Mercenaries around the world, Guns, Acrobatics, Tumbling

Martial Supremacy B: Batroc is the undisputed master of the French form of kickboxing known as Savate, and as such, can do some amazing things (He jump-kicked Mr. Hyde twice...first time no effect, second time, he kicked him unconscious). As such, Batroc is considered to have Ex (20) Martial Supremacy.

Body Armor: Batroc wears a costume which is made of flexible body armor, similar in scope to what SHIELD agents wear providing Ex (20) protection vs. Physical and Gd (10) protection vs. energy, toxins, etc. In addition, Batroc's goggles grant him Gd (10) protection against vision based attacks.

Combat Sense: Batroc's years as a mercenary and skilled combatant have given him the ability to react to danger, granting him Ex (20) combat sense.

Batroc's Brigade, Captain America (ironically), AIM, Mercenaries around the world, and apparently Wolverine.

Code vs. Killing: Innocents: Batroc may be a mercenary, but he's not in it to hurt innocent people. Batroc will willingly give up his plans if innocents are in danger, and will work with authorities to stop those who might harm innocents.

Lady-killer: Batroc has a thing for the ladies in a big way, and they've been his downfall in the past.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tigra from Marvel Comics






















Greer Grant-Nelson

F: Rm (30)
A: In (40)
S: Rm (30)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 140
Karma: 70
Resources: Good (10)
Popularity: 20

Tigra possesses many talents based on her time as the Cat, her time as a solo hero, and her time with the Avengers. As such, Tigra possesses the following abilities:
• Law-Enforcement: Tigra is a graduate of the Chicago Police Academy, and has served as a patrolwoman
• Acrobatics
• Tumbling
• Knowledge: Avengers Protocols
• Knowledge: Superhuman Heroes and Villains
• Knowledge: Chicago area
• Detective/Espionage
• Knowledge: Circuses
• Instructor*

Legendary Warrior of the Cat People: As the Cat, Greer was genetically re-engineered granting her superhuman abilities. When mortally wounded, the Cat People took Greer and mystically transformed her into one of them, making her the incarnation of their legendary warrior. As such, Greer gained her new appearance and a variety of new powers. These powers were further augmented when she underwent another ritual as a member of the West Coast Avengers. Greer’s powers have shifted again as she’s found peace with her feral nature, and grant her the following abilities:
Superhuman Senses: Greer’s senses have been enhanced through both her genetic restructuring and the rituals that made her Tigra. Greer possesses Mn (75) superhuman senses, allowing her several powers and abilities which include:

  • Tracking: In (40) ability to track individuals over distance.
  • Heighted Senses: Smell, Sight, Hearing, Taste: Mn (75)
  • Night Vision: Greer can see in near perfect darkness
  • Combat Sense: Greer’s Senses allow her to react to danger with greater ability.
  •  Empathy: Greer can determine emotional responses based on sensory input, allowing her to gauge a person’s emotional state, whether they are lying, etc. with Rm (30) ability.
Tiger Nature: Greer shares many characteristics with tigers, ranging from orange and black fur to a tail. Greer’s nature allows her several advantages that are based around her animalistic nature:
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: Tigra’s claws are made of Gd (10) material, capable of halving effective Body Armor and material strengths and doing Gd (10) damage.
  • Natural Weaponry: Fangs: Tigra’s fangs allow her to do Gd (10) biting damage.
  • Movement: Tigra can run up to three areas per round with a simple Endurance FEAT without resting, as well as push herself to move up to four areas per round with a green Endurance Feat.
  • Leaping: Tigra is considered to have Gd (10) hyper-leaping, which allows her to Pounce onto opponents or groups of opponents as a charge-like action with a simple Agility FEAT.
  • Climbing: Tigra has the ability to scale surfaces and objects with Gd (10) Hyper-Climbing.
  • Stealth: Tigra possesses the ability to sneak with Gd (10) Ability, capable of even sneaking up on Kraven the Hunter as well as others.
  • Tail: Tigra possesses a tail which allows her to maintain her balance and perform complex feats of acrobatics. Tigra’s tail is not prehensile, but grants her an additional +1cs to Agility FEATs to maintain her balance or in addition to her acrobatic skill.
  • Resist: Cold: Tigra is covered in natural fur, as well as the ability to maintain her body heat for long lengths of time. Tigra is considered to have Gd (10) resistance to cold, which in addition makes her Endurance FEATs at Am (50) to resist environmental effects like frostbite and/or freezing.
  •  Physiological Differences: Tigra is far more resistant to diseases and toxins, possessing Gd (10) resistance to both due to her transformation into the Cat. In addition, Tigra’s physiology is similar to a Tigers: She requires a great deal of protein to maintain a healthy diet, reacts as a large cat to stimulus, and gives birth in two months rather than nine.
Cat’s Head Pendant: Tigra has often employed a tiger’s head pendant which depending on the writer, would either allow her to appear normal or allow her to change back to human. For the purposes of this write-up, it is considered to grant her the ability to appear as her new human self as if under an Ex (20) mystical illusion.

Greer has many contacts within the Superhuman and Law Enforcement community, including:
The Avengers
The Defenders
Red Wolf
The Initiative
Avengers Academy
Hank ‘Henry’ Pym
Moon Knight
Werewolf by Night Jack Russell
Dr. Tuomolo and the Cat People

  • Unusual Looks: Greer is definitely not human, possessing orange and black fur, a tale, and claws. Greer also does little to hide this fact, doing so only occasionally when the situation warrants it.
  • Bestial Nature: Greer shares many instinctual characteristics with Big cats: the need to hunt, the need to feed, reactions to stimulus, and the like. While Greer has greater control over her animal nature, it has been present several times in the past. Greer must make a Psyche FEAT in order to maintain control over herself in such circumstances.
  • Public Identity: Greer does not hide her dual identity anymore.
  • Enemies: Kraven, The Hood
  • Dependent: William Nelson - Greer had a son with the skrull posing as Dr. Henry Pym, and while the child ages faster than normal, William is still a toddler.