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Positional enhancement in effort-based social comparisons. (2022). Nieboer, Jeroen.
In: Discussion Papers.

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  62. Optimal pricing of a conspicuous product during a recession that freezes capital markets. (2010). Kort, Peter ; Caulkins, J P ; Hartl, R F ; Grass, D ; Feichtinger, G.
    In: Post-Print.

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  63. Limited Edition Products: When and When Not to Offer Them. (2009). Stock, Axel ; Balachander, Subramanian .
    In: Marketing Science.

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  64. —Trading Up: A Strategic Analysis of Reference Group Effects. (2008). Jain, Sanjay ; Amaldoss, Wilfred .
    In: Marketing Science.

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  65. Brand Value in Social Interaction. (2007). Kuksov, Dmitri .
    In: Management Science.

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