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The Cost of Status Enhancement: Performance Effects of Individuals Status Mobility in Task Groups. (2012). Bendersky, Corinne ; Shah, Neha Parikh .
In: Organization Science.

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  1. Consequences of homophily: does social status similarity enhance project performance?. (2022). Xia, Jun ; Jiao, Jie ; Dong, Meichen.
    In: Asian Business & Management.

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  2. Positional enhancement in effort-based social comparisons. (2022). Nieboer, Jeroen.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  3. Effects of Organizational Embeddedness on Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: Roles of Perceived Status and Ethical Leadership. (2022). Park, Sang Hee ; Oh, Se-Hyung ; Lee, Jung Hyun.
    In: Journal of Business Ethics.

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  4. Competition-induced punishment of winners and losers: Who is the target?. (2016). Luetge, Christoph ; Jauernig, Johanna ; Uhl, Matthias.
    In: Journal of Economic Psychology.

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  5. Assimilation or Contrast? Status Inequality, Judgment of Product Quality, and Product Choices in Markets. (2015). Huang, Zhi ; Washington, Marvin .
    In: Organization Science.

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  6. Interpersonal Perceptions and the Emergence of Leadership Structures in Groups: A Network Perspective. (2015). Derue, Scott D ; Ashford, Susan J ; Nahrgang, Jennifer D.
    In: Organization Science.

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  7. Examining professionals’ identification in the workplace: The roles of organizational prestige, work-unit prestige, and professional status. (2014). Liu, Yan ; Loi, Raymond ; Lam, Long .
    In: Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

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  8. Paying It Forward vs. Rewarding Reputation: Mechanisms of Generalized Reciprocity. (2014). Baker, Wayne E ; Bulkley, Nathaniel .
    In: Organization Science.

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  9. Status Inertia and Member Replacement in Role-Differentiated Teams. (2014). Bunderson, Stuart J ; Sparrowe, Raymond T ; van der Vegt, Gerben S.
    In: Organization Science.

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  10. Language Matters: Status Loss and Achieved Status Distinctions in Global Organizations. (2013). Neeley, Tsedal B.
    In: Organization Science.

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  11. Introduction to the Special Issue: Bringing Status to the Table—Attaining, Maintaining, and Experiencing Status in Organizations and Markets. (2012). Chen, Ya-Ru ; Ridgeway, Cecilia L ; Podolny, Joel M ; Phillips, Damon J ; Peterson, Randall S.
    In: Organization Science.

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