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Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency. (2012). Tominey, Emma ; Ratto, Marisa ; Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon.
In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  1. Deviant Behavior in a Moderated-Mediation Framework of Incentives, Organizational Justice Perception, and Reward Expectancy. (2019). Baruch, Yehuda ; Shoaib, Shandana.
    In: Journal of Business Ethics.

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  2. Pay for performance in the inpatient sector: A review of 34 P4P programs in 14 OECD countries. (2016). Schreyögg, Jonas ; Milstein, Ricarda ; Schreyoegg, Jonas .
    In: Health Policy.

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  3. Evaluation of frauds in public sector. (2014). Girnas, Lukas ; Ius, Jonas Mackevia.
    In: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues.

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  4. Gaming and Strategic Opacity in Incentive Provision. (2014). Meyer, Margaret ; Holden, Richard ; Ederer, Florian.
    In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers.

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  5. Gaming and Strategic Opacity in Incentive Provision. (2014). Meyer, Margaret ; Holden, Richard ; Ederer, Florian.
    In: Levine's Working Paper Archive.

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  6. Gaming and Strategic Ambiguity in Incentive Provision. (2013). Meyer, Margaret ; Holden, Richard ; Ederer, Florian.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  7. Gaming and Strategic Ambiguity in Incentive Provision. (2013). Meyer, Margaret ; Holden, Richard ; Ederer, Florian.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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