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The Allocation of Police. (2010). Benson, Bruce L..
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  1. Protest and property crime: political use of police resources and the deterrence of crime. (2018). Lee, Dongwon ; Kim, Iljoong ; Byeon, Jaewook.
    In: Public Choice.

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  2. Stirring up a hornets’ nest: Geographic distribution of crime. (2018). Galiani, Sebastian ; Torrens, Gustavo ; Cruz, Ivan Lopez.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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References cited by this document

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  27. The Personnel Economics of the State. (2015). Pande, Rohini ; Olken, Benjamin ; Finan, Frederico ; Benjamin, Angelababy.
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  28. Time to punishment: The effects of a shorter criminal procedure on crime rates. (2015). Dusek, Libor ; Duek, Libor .
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  29. Low Priority Laws and the Allocation of Police Resources. (2014). Ross, Amanda ; Walker, Anne .
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  30. Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency. (2012). Tominey, Emma ; Ratto, Marisa ; Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  31. Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency. (2012). Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon M. ; Ratto, Marisa ; Tominey, Emma.
    In: Economics Papers from University Paris Dauphine.

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  32. Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency. (2012). Tominey, Emma ; Ratto, Marisa ; Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  33. Civil asset forfeiture, equitable sharing, and policing for profit in the United States. (2011). Holcomb, Jefferson E. ; Kovandzic, Tomislav V. ; Williams, Marian R..
    In: Journal of Criminal Justice.

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  34. Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency. (2011). Tominey, Emma ; Ratto, Marisa ; Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon.
    In: The Centre for Market and Public Organisation.

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  35. The Allocation of Police. (2010). Benson, Bruce L..
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  36. Human resource management and productivity. (2010). van Reenen, John ; bloom, nicholas ; VanReenen, John .
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  37. Human Resource Management and Productivity. (2010). van Reenen, John ; bloom, nicholas ; VanReenen, John .
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  38. Red Ink in the Rearview Mirror: Local Fiscal Conditions and the Issuance of Traffic Tickets. (2009). Garrett, Thomas ; Wagner, Gary A..
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